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M D Willcox  D B Drucker 《Microbios》1989,59(238):19-29
Seven strains of Streptococcus oralis were found to possess surface structures. Four strains possessed long fimbriae which ranged in length from 266-366 nm, while the remaining three strains possessed shorter peritrichously distributed fibrils which ranged in length from 80-197 nm. The fibrillar strains were morphologically similar to strains of Streptococcus sanguis I and II and Streptococcus mitis. No strain of S. oralis produced tufts of fibrils like certain strains of S. sanguis I. Strains of Streptococcus milleri produced peritrichously distributed fimbriae which were morphologically dissimilar to the fimbriae produced by S. oralis strains. S. oralis strains were moderately to highly hydrophobic, but hydrophobicity could not be related to adhesion parameters or type or length or density of surface structures. Furthermore, there appeared to be no correlation between type of surface structures and adhesion parameters. Two of the three fibrillar strains of S. oralis and the peritrichously fibrillar strains of S. sanguis, together with one strain of S. milleri, were able to co-aggregate with actinomycetes.  相似文献   
This study was designed to study the effects of stage of microspore development and culture medium on androgenic response in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Anthers of various developmental stages were cultured for 7 days, then fixed and observed cytologically. Three sets of media, involving different basal media, growth regulators, sucrose levels and glutamine concentrations, were tested. In all experiments, the stage of development of the microspores at the time of culture was highly significant. The early uninucleate microspores stage was identified as producing the highest anther response rating. The effect of media was nonsignificant in all experiments. However, the stepwise modification of the media through the course of the study resulted in an almost 8 x increase in anther response rating. Numerically, the best media tested was N6 basal medium with 1 mg 1-1 NAA, 0.1 mg 1-1 BA, 5.5% sucrose, and 3.5 g 1-1 glutamine. While no haploids were obtained, four-nucleate cells were observed, indicating the potential in peanuts for an androgenic reponse.  相似文献   
An evolutive study of the "case-control" type was carried out in an endemic area of Chagas' disease in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using two cross-section evaluations with an interval of ten years between them (1974-1984). Patients were paired for sex and age. In the first cross-section study 264 pairs one with a positive serology and the other with a negative serology for T. cruzi antibodies were included. In the second evaluation, ten years later, 235 patients among those with previous positive serology and 216 with negative serology were located, but only 110 pairs could be recomposed and reexamined (clinical examination, ECG and Rx of the heart and esophagus). The incidence of chagasic cardiopathy in the cases with positive serology but previously assymptomatic was 38.3% during the ten year period. On the other hand there was a deterioration in 24% of the patients with chagasic cardiopathy since the first examination. Considering all clinical forms of the disease in 34.5% of the patients the clinical situation deteriorated, in 57.3% there was no change and in 8.2% the situation improved. The general mortality in the period was 23% in the chagasic group and 10.6% in the control group, but the lethality by cardiopathy was 17% in chagasic group and only 23.3% in the control group. The mortality was twice as high in males than in females, mainly in the age group from 30 to 59 years.  相似文献   
The cytosolic supernatant of bovine corpus luteum contains two proteins which bind progesterone specifically. Bovine luteal cytosol was fractionated on hydroxylapatite and the peaks of protein obtained subjected to equilibrium dialysis against progesterone. Progesterone-binding activities (Ka approx. 10(6) 1/mol) was eluted at 40 mM (Binding Protein 1) and 100 mM phosphate (Binding Protein 2). They sedimented differently (3.95 and 4.65, respectively) on sucrose gradients. In contrast to Binding Protein 1, Binding Protein 2 bound R5020 better than progesterone on sucrose gradients. Purification of the binding activity eluted by 40 mM phosphate from the hydroxylapatite column showed that it resided in a single protein (molecular weight 65,000 daltons). The function of these proteins is presently unknown, but they may participate in the biosynthesis and/or secretion of progesterone from bovine luteal cells.  相似文献   
Archaeobotanical results based on a limited number of samples from three aceramic sites dating from 9800 to 7800 B.P., which are under excavation in the valley of the Middle Euphrates, are discussed. The finds are presented simply by presence, and are compared to the contemporary vegetation and finds from similar sites. Carbonised plant remains recovered by flotation from levels dated to between 9800 and 9200 B.P. (Dja'de and Jerf al Ahmar) indicate that wild cereals (einkorn wheat, rye and barley) and pulses (lentils, pea and bitter vetch) were exploited. Other plants such as wild grasses, Pistacia, wild almond and oak, suggest that the local vegetation provided a rich diversity of resources. A study of possible weed taxa is being carried out in order to see whether this assemblage could be used to identify the cultivation of morphologically wild cereals for this period. Ninth millennium B.P. levels at Halula see the appearance of domestic crops such as emmer, naked wheat and barley, but wild-type cereals persist. The cultivars appear to have been introduced from elsewhere and later ninth millennium B.P. species include olive and flax. Ash, vine, maple, plane, alder and elm from the gallery forest, wild rye, wild einkorn, deciduous oak, wild almond, Pistacia, and Pyrus, from the hinterland, indicate cooler conditions.  相似文献   
The total (bound plus free) concentrations of progesterone, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and cortisol were determined in the plasma of sows at three stages during pregnancy and more intensively from 5 days pre-partum to 5 days post-partum. The free fractions of progesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and cortisol were measured in the same samples by a rate dialysis method. Up to day 110 of gestation, the amounts of free hormone in plasma did not fluctuate independently of their total concentrations. During farrowing, the total and free concentrations of progesterone and cortisol varied independently of each other, whereas total and free oestradiol-17 beta declined simultaneously. The initiation of parturition was associated with a decrease in circulating total progesterone, and was accentuated by a decrease in the free fraction (P less than 0.005) so that its active free concentration was only 20% of its day 1 pre-partum value. Total and free cortisol concentrations rose rapidly during labour so that at 12-18 h after birth of the first piglet 30% of that cortisol in maternal plasma was free hormone.  相似文献   
The stage of pollen development at the time of anther culture is an important factor in the production of haploids. The objectives of the current study were to develop a staining procedure for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L., ssp. hypogaea) microspores, to describe and document the stages of microsporogenesis in peanut, and to confirm a previous report concerning correlations of peanut floral bud shape with stage of microspore development. A staining procedure using propionic carmine provided adequate staining of pollen mother cells, microspores, and pollen. Pollen mother cells and microspores could easily be differentiated by their size and cell wall structure. Plants grown in a controlled environment were found to have highly synchronized microspore development, both within an anther and among anthers contained in the same bud. In addition, floral bud shape was confirmed as a reliable indicator of anther stage in peanuts.  相似文献   
Although Blm and Top3α are known to form a minimal dissolvasome that can uniquely undo a double Holliday junction structure, the details of the mechanism remain unknown. It was originally suggested that Blm acts first to create a hemicatenane structure from branch migration of the junctions, followed by Top3α performing strand passage to decatenate the interlocking single strands. Recent evidence suggests that Top3α may also be important for assisting in the migration of the junctions. Using a mismatch-dHJ substrate (MM-DHJS) and eukaryotic Top1 (in place of Top3α), we show that the presence of a topoisomerase is required for Blm to substantially migrate a topologically constrained Holliday junction. When investigated by electron microscopy, these migrated structures did not resemble a hemicatenane. However, when Blm is together with Top3α, the dissolution reaction is processive with no pausing at a partially migrated structure. Potential mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
The naturally transformable Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae has two single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) proteins, designated SsbA and SsbB. The SsbA protein is similar in size to the well characterized SSB protein from Escherichia coli (SsbEc). The SsbB protein, in contrast, is a smaller protein that is specifically induced during natural transformation and has no counterpart in E. coli. In this report, the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding properties of the SsbA and SsbB proteins were examined and compared with those of the SsbEc protein. The ssDNA binding characteristics of the SsbA protein were similar to those of the SsbEc protein in every ssDNA binding assay used in this study. The SsbB protein differed from the SsbA and SsbEc proteins, however, both in its binding to short homopolymeric dT(n) oligomers (as judged by polyacrylamide gel-shift assays) and in its binding to the longer naturally occurring X and M13 ssDNAs (as judged by agarose gel-shift assays and electron microscopic analysis). The results indicate that an individual SsbB protein binds to ssDNA with an affinity that is similar or higher than that of the SsbA and SsbEc proteins. However, the manner in which multiple SsbB proteins assemble onto a ssDNA molecule differs from that observed with the SsbA and SsbEc proteins. These results represent the first analysis of paralogous SSB proteins from any bacterial species and provide a foundation for further investigations into the biological roles of these proteins.  相似文献   
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