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Studies on the assembly of apo B-100-containing lipoproteins in HepG2 cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The relationship between apoB-100 and the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been studied by a combination of pulse-chase methodology and subcellular fractionation. HepG2 cells were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine for 3 min and chased with cold methionine for periods between 0 and 20 min. ApoB-100 and albumin, present in the membrane as well as in the luminal content of the ER vesicles, were isolated after each chase period. The results indicated that apoB-100 was cotranslationally bound to the membrane of the ER, and from this membrane-bound form, was transferred to the lumen after a delay of 10-15 min. Albumin was, as could be expected for a typical secretory protein, cotranslationally sequestered in the lumen of the ER. Apo-B-100-containing lipoproteins present in the microsomal lumen were analyzed by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose gradient. ApoB-100 occurred on rounded particles in three density regions: (i) d 1.1065-1.170 g/ml (Fraction I), (ii) d 1.011-1.045 g/ml (Fraction II), and (iii) d less than 1.011 g/ml (Fraction III). Fraction I, isolated from cells cultured in the absence of oleic acid, contained a homogenous population of particles with a mean diameter of approximately 200 A. Fraction I isolated from cells cultured in the presence of oleic acid was slightly more heterogeneous and had a mean diameter of approximately 250 A. Fractions II and III had mean diameters of 300 and 500 A, respectively. Cholesterol esters and triacylglycerol were the quantitatively dominating lipid constituents of all three fractions. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that Fraction I contained the newly assembled lipoproteins. With increasing chase time, the apoB-100 radioactivity was redistributed from Fraction I to Fractions II and III, indicating that Fraction I is converted into Fractions II and III during the intracellular transfer. Particles corresponding to Fractions II and III were by far the most abundant lipoproteins found in the medium. The results presented support the possibility of a sequential assembly of apoB-100-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   
The presence of nitric oxide (NO) in the exhaled air of humans and of anaesthetized rabbits and guinea pigs was demonstrated by chemiluminescence, diazotization and mass spectrometry. This NO is endogenously produced in the lung by an NO synthase, since its generation in guinea pigs and rabbits was inhibited by N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, inhibitors of this enzyme. The effect of the inhibitors was reversed by the precursor of NO synthesis, L-arginine. Since NO is produced by normal vascular endothelium for the physiological regulation of blood flow and pressure and also by activated macrophages to contribute to non-specific immunity, our experiments suggest that NO may play both vascular regulatory and host defence roles in pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   
Pulse-chase studies combined with subcellular fractionation indicated that LpB 100 (i.e. the apoprotein B (apoB) 100 containing lipoproteins) was released to the lumen of the secretory pathway in a subcellular fraction enriched in smooth vesicles, and referred to as SMF (the smooth membrane fraction). The migration of SMF during gradient ultracentrifugation as well as kinetic studies indicated that the fraction was derived from a pre-Golgi compartment, probably the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Only small amounts of LpB 100 could be detected during these pulse-chase experiments in the subcellular fractions derived from the rough endoplasmatic reticulum (RER). SMF contained the major amount of the diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity present in the ER, while the major amount of membrane bound apoB 100 was present in the RER. Pulse-chase studies of the intracellular transfer of apoB 100 demonstrated the formation of a large membrane-bound preassembly pool in the ER, while no significant amount of apoB 100 radioactivity was present in the membrane of the Golgi apparatus. The maximal radioactivity of LpB 100, recovered from the ER or the Golgi lumen, was small compared with the radioactivity recovered from the ER membrane, indicating that the assembled LpB 100 rapidly leaves the cells. This in turn indicates that the rate-limiting step in the secretion of apoB 100 was the transfer of the protein from the ER membrane to the LpB 100 in the lumen. A portion of the intracellular pool of apoB 100 was not secreted but underwent posttranslational degradation.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine whether cells in G(0) phase are functionally distinct from those in G(1) with regard to their ability to respond to the inducers of DNA synthesis and to retard the cell cycle traverse of the G(2) component after fusion. Synchronized populations of HeLa cells in G(1) and human diploid fibroblasts in G(1) and G(0) phases were separately fused using UV-inactivated Sendai virus with HeLa cells prelabeled with [(3)H]ThdR and synchronized in S or G(2) phases. The kinetics of initiation of DNA synthesis in the nuclei of G(0) and G(1) cells residing in G(0)/S and G(1)/S dikaryons, respectively, were studied as a function of time after fusion. In the G(0)/G(2) and G(1)/G(2) fusions, the rate of entry into mitosis of the heterophasic binucleate cells was monitored in the presence of Colcemid. The effects of protein synthesis inhibition in the G(1) cells, and the UV irradiation of G(0) cells before fusion, on the rate of entry of the G(2) component into mitosis were also studied. The results of this study indicate that DNA synthesis can be induced in G(0)nuclei after fusion between G(0)- and S-phase cells, but G(0) nuclei are much slower than G(1) nuclei in responding to the inducers of DNA synthesis because the chromatin of G(0) cells is more condensed than it is in G(1) cells. A more interesting observation resulting from this study is that G(0) cells is more condensed than it is in G(1) cells. A more interesting observation resulting from this study is that G(0) cells differ from G(1) cells with regard to their effects on the cell cycle progression of the G(2) nucleus into mitosis. This difference between G(0) and G(1) cells appears to depend on certain factors, probably nonhistone proteins, present in G(1) cells but absent in G(0) cells. These factors can be induced in G(0) cells by UV irradiation and inhibited in G(1) cells by cycloheximide treatment.  相似文献   
Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris), which nest solitarily as well as in colonies, offer an opportunity to assess within one species the relative advantages of clumping versus spacing out. An experiment with artificial, egg-baited nests showed that predation in the absence of fieldfares was higher on clumped than on scattered nests. In another experiment, we tested whether artificial nests run a higher risk of predation near solitary fieldfare pairs than near fieldfare colonies. Nest predation was higher near solitary fieldfare pairs than outside and inside fieldfare colonies. The risk probably was higher outside than inside colonies. Communal antipredator attacks is the likely cause of reduced predation near colonies. Even solitary fieldfare pairs confer some degree of protection, because predation was lower at artificial nests near solitary fieldfare pairs than at nests without neighbouring fieldfares.  相似文献   
The evolution of host range drives diversification in phytophagous insects, and understanding the female oviposition choices is pivotal for understanding host specialization. One controversial mechanism for female host choice is Hopkins’ host selection principle, where females are predicted to increase their preference for the host species they were feeding upon as larvae. A recent hypothesis posits that such larval imprinting is especially adaptive in combination with anticipatory transgenerational acclimation, so that females both allocate and adapt their offspring to their future host. We study the butterfly Pieris rapae, for which previous evidence suggests that females prefer to oviposit on host individuals of similar nitrogen content as the plant they were feeding upon as larvae, and where the offspring show higher performance on the mother's host type. We test the hypothesis that larval experience and anticipatory transgenerational effects influence female host plant acceptance (no‐choice) and preference (choice) of two host plant species (Barbarea vulgaris and Berteroa incana) of varying nitrogen content. We then test the offspring performance on these hosts. We found no evidence of larval imprinting affecting female decision‐making during oviposition, but that an adult female experience of egg laying in no‐choice trials on the less‐preferred host Be. incana slightly increased the P. rapae propensity to oviposit on Be. incana in subsequent choice trials. We found no transgenerational effects on female host acceptance or preference, but negative transgenerational effects on larval performance, because the offspring of P. rapae females that had developed on Be. incana as larvae grew slower on both hosts, and especially on Be. incana. Our results suggest that among host species, preferences are guided by hard‐wired preference hierarchies linked to species‐specific host traits and less affected by larval experience or transgenerational effects, which may be more important for females evaluating different host individuals of the same species.  相似文献   
Species interacting in varied ecological conditions often evolve in different directions in different local populations. The butterflies of the cryptic Leptidea complex are sympatrically distributed in different combinations across their Eurasian range. Interestingly, the same species is a habitat generalist in some regions and a habitat specialist in others, where a sibling species has the habitat generalist role. Previous studies suggest that this geographically variable niche divergence is generated by local processes in different contact zones. By varying the absolute and relative densities of Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea juvernica in large outdoor cages, we show that female mating success is unaffected by conspecific density, but strongly negatively affected by the density of the other species. Whereas 80% of the females mated when a conspecific couple was alone in a cage, less than 10% mated when the single couple shared the cage with five pairs of the other species. The heterospecific courtships can thus affect the population fitness, and for the species in the local minority, the suitability of a habitat is likely to depend on the presence or absence of the locally interacting species. If the local relative abundance of the different species depends on the colonization order, priority effects might determine the ecological roles of interacting species in this system.  相似文献   
Vitamin D is well known for its regulatory role in calcium and phosphate homeostasis, but its role in muscle mass and strength during growth remains inconclusive. We explored the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) with muscle development in girls from 11 to 18-years old. Whole body lean tissue mass (LMWB), appendicular lean mass (aLM), muscle cross-sectional area at the lower leg (mCSA), maximal voluntary contraction of elbow flexors (MVCelbow) and knee extensors (MVCknee) were assessed in 217 girls aged 10–13 years (at baseline), 215 in 2-year and 226 in 7.5-year follow-up. Serum concentration of 25(OH)D and intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) were analyzed retrospectively and girls were categorized according to their 25(OH)D levels (consistently insufficient 25(OH)D GLL <50 nmol/l and consistently sufficient GHH >50 nmol/l from baseline to 7-year follow-up). We found that 25(OH)D level declined until menarche (p<0.05) while LMWB, aLM, mCSA, MVCelbow and MVCknee continued to increase (p<0.001 for all) post menarche. At pre-menarche, the GLL (n = 34) had higher LMWB and aLM than the GHH (n = 21, p<0.05), while post-menarche the GHH (n = 15) had a greater catch-up gain in LMWB (p = 0.004), aLM (p = 0.001) and mCSA (p = 0.027) compared to the GLL (n = 65) over the first 2-year period. At the age of 18, no differences in muscle mass/strength between the low (n = 151) and high (n = 77) levels of 25(OH)D groups were found. This finding was independent of vitamin D receptor genotype and other confounders. In conclusion, our results showed that levels of 25(OH)D have no significant negative influence on the development of muscle mass and strength during pubertal growth both with longitudinal and cross-sectional comparison. On the contrary, our results suggest that the temporary negative association between 25(OH)D and muscle mass arises as a consequence of fast growth prior to menarche, and this negative association is diminished through catch-up growth after menarche.  相似文献   
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