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Determination was made of the proportion of selected by-products (acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, methanol, propanol, isobutanol, 2-methyl-butanol, 3-methyl-butanol) of batch and continuous ethanol fermentation carried out with the use of yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae, strain 0–11, cells immobilized by adsorption on selected carriers (foamed polystyrene, bone shot, beech wood chips, porous glass) as well as by entrapping in calcium alginate and calcium pectinate gel.  相似文献   
Rat-liver mitochondria were incubated with [14C]palmitate in the presence of L-malate, fluorocitrate, and L-carnitine. The specific activities of acetyl groups incorporated into citrate, ketone bodies and acetyl-L-carnitine were measured. During state-4 oxidation of [1--14C]palmitate the specific activity of the acetyl-CoA pool was 1.3-times higher than that of the average acetyl group of palmitate, indicating an incomplete breakdown of the palmitate molecule. Accumulation of carnitine esters was observed in this condition. The acyl moieties of carnitine esters formed during the state-4 oxidation of [U-14C]palmitate or [16(-14)C]palmitate were analysed by radioactive gas-chromatography. Substantial amounts of beta-oxidation intermediates were found. The accumulation of carnitine esters of C6-C14 intermediates can quantitatively explain the high specific activity of the acetyl-CoA pool during the state-4 oxidation of [1(-14)C] palmitate. The localization and control of beta-oxidation are discussed.  相似文献   
Transferrins, found in invertebrates and vertebrates, form a physiologically important family of proteins playing a major role in iron acquisition and transport, defense against microbial pathogens, growth and differentiation. These proteins are bilobal in structure and each lobe is composed of two domains divided by a cleft harboring an iron atom. Vertebrate transferrins comprise of serotransferrins, lactoferrins and ovotransferrins. In mammals serotransferrins transport iron in physiological fluids and deliver it to cells, while lactoferrins scavenge iron, limiting its availability to invading microbes. In oviparous vertebrates there is only one transferrin gene, expressed either in the liver to be delivered to physiological fluids as serotransferrin, or in the oviduct with a final localization in egg white as ovotransferrin. Being products of one gene sero- and ovotransferrin are identical at the amino-acid sequence level but with different, cell specific glycosylation patterns. Our knowledge of the mechanisms of transferrin iron binding and release is based on sequence and structural data obtained for human serotransferrin and hen and duck ovotransferrins. No sequence information about other ovotransferrins was available until our recent publication of turkey, ostrich, and red-eared turtle (TtrF) ovotransferrin mRNA sequences [Ciuraszkiewicz, J., Olczak, M., Watorek, W., 2006. Isolation, cloning and sequencing of transferrins from red-eared turtle, African ostrich and turkey. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143 B, 301-310]. In the present paper, ten new reptilian mRNA transferrin sequences obtained from the Nile crocodile (NtrF), bearded dragon (BtrF), Cuban brown anole (AtrF), veiled and Mediterranean chameleons (VtrF and KtrF), sand lizard (StrF), leopard gecko (LtrF), Burmese python (PtrF), African house snake (HtrF), and grass snake (GtrF) are presented and analyzed. Nile crocodile and red-eared turtle transferrins have a disulphide bridge pattern identical to known bird homologues. A partially different disulphide bridge pattern was found in the Squamata (snakes and lizards). The possibility of a unique interdomain disulphide bridge was predicted for LtrF. Differences were found in iron-binding centers from those of previously known transferrins. Substitutions were found in the iron-chelating residues of StrF and TtrF and in the synergistic anion-binding residues of NtrF. In snakes, the transferrin (PtrF, HtrF and GtrF) N-lobe "dilysine trigger" occurring in all other known transferrins was not found, which indicates a different mechanism of iron release.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Patients, who had an upper aerodigestive tract malignancy, have a high incidence of succeeding tumor development. This has been attributed to the role of "field cancerization" in carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was analysis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the regions frequently lost during the course of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC), especially at early stages, which could answer the clinicians' question, if LOH analysis has any "predictive" value in relation to tumor occurrence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-five larynx cancer patients were examined for loss of heterozygosity on 3p, 7q, 8p, 9p and 18q chromosomal arms with the use of 12 microsatellite markers. The material from a single patient consisted of blood, tumor, safe margin and one or two clinically unchanged mucosal samples. During follow up, the material from brush specimens (14 patients) as well as laryngeal swabs (4 patients) was also examined. RESULTS: The highest frequency of LOH was detected for marker D3S1234 in tumor tissues (29%). Analysis of margin samples (b) revealed low LOH frequencies (2-5%) and complete retention of heterozygosity for markers: D3S1234, D7S486, D8S261, D8S264, D9S171 and D18S46. Similarly, for normal appearing mucosa from upper part of larynx (c) frequencies of LOH were low (2-6%), with the complete retention of heterozygosity for markers: D3S1284, D3S1304, D3S1234, D8S264 and D9S1870. We did not detect any LOH in the material of normal appearing mucosa from tracheostoma region (d). During follow up, LOH was detected for eight markers, with the highest incidence for markers D18S46 (six cases), D7S486 (four cases) and D3S1300 (three cases). CONCLUSIONS: The data, obtained during this investigation, did not reveal the predictive value of LOH with respect to local relapse occurrence in laryngeal cancer patients. However, time of follow up did not reach 5 years, so that further clinical monitoring should be conducted.  相似文献   
Genotyping of multilocus gene families, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), may be challenging because of problems with assigning alleles to loci and copy number variation among individuals. Simultaneous amplification and genotyping of multiple loci may be necessary, and in such cases, next-generation deep amplicon sequencing offers a great promise as a genotyping method of choice. Here, we describe jMHC, a computer program developed for analysing and assisting in the visualization of deep amplicon sequencing data. Software operates on FASTA files; therefore, output from any sequencing technology may be used. jMHC was designed specifically for MHC studies but it may be useful for analysing amplicons derived from other multigene families or for genotyping other polymorphic systems. The program is written in Java with user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) and can be run on Microsoft Windows, Linux OS and Mac OS.  相似文献   
This study was planned to evaluate structural damages in adsorbed vaccines affected by freezing using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis of the elements. Randomly selected 42 vials of eight different types of WHO pre-qualified adsorbed freeze-sensitive vaccines from 10 manufacturers were included in the study. Vaccines were kept at 5 °C. Selected numbers of vials from each type were then exposed to ?25 °C for 24 h periods. All samples were evaluated for their structure using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray analysis of the elements and precipitation time. Scanning electron microscopy of vaccines affected by freezing showed either smooth or rough surfaced conglomerates associated with phosphate content of the precipitate. These vaccines precipitated 2–15 times faster compared to non-frozen samples. Non-frozen samples showed uniform flocculent structure either dense or dispersed. X-ray analysis of precipitates in frozen samples confirmed that the precipitate is mainly aluminium clutters. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the lattice structure of bonds between adsorbent and the antigen is broken and aluminium forms conglomerates that grow in size and weight. The precipitation time of vaccines affected by freezing is 4.5 times faster on average compared to non-frozen samples. These facts form the basis of the "shake test".  相似文献   
Tobacco smoke, recognized as a major etiological factor for cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract, represents an abundant source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are believed to play a significant role in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. An additional source of ROS in tissues exposed to tobacco smoke may be metabolic oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). To investigate the relationships between oxidative DNA lesions and aromatic DNA adducts, six modified DNA bases 5-hydroxyuracil, 5-hydroxycytosine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine, 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine and 4,6-diamino-5-formamidopyrimidine and the total level of PAH-related DNA adducts were measured in cancerous and the surrounding normal larynx tissues (68 subjects), using gas chromatography/isotope-dilution mass spectroscopy with selected ion monitoring and the 32 P-postlabeling-HPLC assay, respectively. The levels of oxidative DNA lesions in cancerous and adjacent tissue were comparable; the differences between the two types of tissue were significant only for 5-hydroxypyrimidines (slightly higher levels were observed in the adjacent tissue). Comparable levels of DNA lesions in cancerous and the surrounding normal tissues observed in the larynx tumors support a field cancerization theory. The surrounding tissues may still be recognized as normal by histological criteria. However, molecular alterations resulting from the chronic tobacco smoke exposure, which equally affects larynx epithelia, may lead to multiple premalignant lesions. Thus, a demonstration of similar levels of DNA damage in cancerous and the adjacent tissue could explain a frequent formation of secondary tumors in the larynx and the frequent recurrence in this type of cancer. A weak, but distinct effect of tumor grading and metastatic status was observed in both kinds of tissue in the case of 5-hydroxyuracil, 5-hydroxycytosine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine. This effect was displayed as a gradual shift in the data distribution toward high values from G1 through G2-G3 and from non-metastatic to metastatic tumors. Since the levels of oxidative DNA base modifications tended to increase with the tumor aggressiveness, we postulate that the oxidative DNA lesions increase genetic instability and thus contribute to tumor progression in laryngeal cancer. No associations between aromatic adduct levels and oxidative DNA lesions were present, suggesting that the metabolism of PAH does not contribute significantly to the oxidative stress in larynx tissues, remaining the tobacco smoke ROS as a major source of oxidative DNA damage in the exposed tissue.  相似文献   
Tetrachloro-o-benzoquinone (TCoBQ) and tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone (TCpBQ) were studied as inhibitors of jack bean urease in 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 1 mM EDTA, 25°C. The mechanisms of inhibition were evaluated by analysis of the progress curves obtained with two procedures: the reaction initiated by addition of the enzyme and the reaction initiated by addition of the substrate after preincubation of the enzyme with the inhibitor. The obtained results were characteristic of slow-binding inhibition. The effects of different inhibitor concentrations on the initial and steady-state velocities obeyed the relationships of two-step enzyme-inhibitor interaction, qualified as mechanism B. It was found that TCoBQ and TCpBQ are strong urease inhibitors. TCpBQ is more effective than TCoBQ with the overall inhibition constant of Ki* = 4.5 × 10? 7 mM. The respective inhibition constant of TCoBQ was equal to: Ki* = 2.4 × 10? 6 mM. The protective experiment proved that the urease active site is involved in the tetrachlorobenzoquinone inhibition process. High effectiveness of thiol protectors against inhibition by TCoBQ and TCpBQ indicates the strategic role of the active site sulfhydryl group in the blocking process. The stability of the complexes: urease-TCoBQ and urease-TCpBQ was tested in two ways: by dilution or addition of dithiothreitol. No recovery of urease activity bound in the urease-inhibitor complexes proves that the complexes are stable and strong.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to analyse the genetic variability and phylogenetic analysis of six strains of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), including four Czech strains (CAMPV-351, CAMPV-561, CAMPV-562, CAMPV-558) and two French strains (Fr-1, Fr-2), on the basis of a fragment of the VP60 capsid structural protein-coding gene N-terminal region. The results of our own studies were compared to 26 RHDV strains obtained from GenBank. The analysis of the genetic variability of six RHDV strains indicated that the CAMPV-561 strain is the most genetically variable. Less variable were the Fr-1 and Fr-2 strains, while the least variable was CAMPV-351. In turn, the genetic distance among the six analysed strains and 26 strains obtained from GenBank was the greatest for CAMPV-351 and Whn/China [11.3 % according to the observed divergence (OD) method and 12.2 % according to the maximum likelihood (ML) method], while it was the lowest for CAMPV-351 and FRG (0.8 % in both the OD and ML methods). In turn, the scale of the genetic distances among the six analysed strains and five RHDVa strains (99-05, NY-01, Whn/China, Triptis, Iowa2000) ranged from 9.3–10.3 % in the OD method to 10.3–13.7 % in the ML method. The image of phylogenetic dependencies generated for the strains analysed and those obtained from GenBank revealed their distribution to be in five genetic groups (G1–G5), whereas the analysed strains were included in genetic groups 2 and 3.  相似文献   
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