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It was our goal to determine the location of the intermediate chain within the complex of cytoplasmic dynein by immunoelectron microscopy. To do so we generated two monoclonal antibodies (m74-1 and m74-2) specific for the intermediate chain. Both antibodies recognised the intermediate chain by sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis immunoblot and ELISA assays of native and denatured proteins. When sucrose density gradient-purified cytoplasmic dynein from bovine brain was incubated with the gold-conjugated monoclonal antibodies, m74-1 and m74-2, and examined by negative staining, the gold label was found opposite the globular heads at the base of the V-shaped stalk of the motor complex. The labelling of the intermediate chain is the first mapping of a component within cytoplasmic dynein. The identification of the intermediate chain at the base of the complex supports a possible docking function of the intermediate chain.  相似文献   
Structure and hydrodynamic properties of plectin molecules   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Plectin is a cytoskeletal, high molecular weight protein of widespread and abundant occurrence in cultured cells and tissues. To study its molecular structure, the protein was purified from rat glioma C6 cells and subjected to chemical and biophysical analyses. Plectin's polypeptide chains have an apparent molecular weight of 300,000, as shown by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide electrophoresis. Cross-linking of non-denatured plectin in solution with dimethyl suberimidate and electrophoretic analyses on sodium dodecyl sulfate/agarose gels revealed that the predominant soluble plectin species was a molecule of 1200 X 10(3) Mr consisting of four 300 X 10(3) Mr polypeptide chains. Hydrodynamic properties of plectin in solution were obtained by sedimentation velocity centrifugation and high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis yielding a sedimentation coefficient of 10 S and a Stokes radius of 27 nm. The high f/fmin ratio of 4.0 indicated a very elongated shape of plectin molecules and an axial ratio of about 50. Shadowing and negative staining electron microscopy of plectin molecules revealed multiple domains: a rigid rod of 184 nm in length and 2 nm in diameter, and two globular heads of 9 nm diameter at each end of the rod. Circular dichroism spectra suggested a composition of 30% alpha-helix, 9% beta-structure and 61% random coil or aperiodic structure. The rod-like shape, the alpha-helix content as well as the thermal transition within a midpoint of 45 degrees C and the transition enthalpy (168 kJ/mol) of secondary structure suggested a double-stranded, alpha-helical coiled coil rod domain. Based on the available data, we favor a model of native plectin as a dumb-bell-like association of four 300 X 10(3) Mr polypeptide chains. Electron microscopy and turbidity measurements showed that plectin molecules self-associate into various oligomeric states in solutions of nearly physiological ionic strength. These interactions apparently involved the globular end domains of the molecule. Given its rigidity and elongated shape, and its tendency towards self-association, plectin may well be an interlinking element of the cytoskeleton that may also form a network of its own.  相似文献   
G. Wiche 《Protoplasma》1988,145(2-3):I-I
As an intermediate filament (IF)-based cytolinker protein, plectin plays a key role in the maintenance of cellular cytoarchitecture and serves at the same time as a scaffolding platform for signaling cascades. Consisting of six structural repeats (R1-6) and harboring binding sites for different IF proteins and proteins involved in signaling, the plectin C-terminal domain is of strategic functional importance. Depending on the species, it contains at least 13 cysteines, 4 of which reside in the R5 domain. To investigate the structural and biological functions of R5 cysteines, we used cysteine-to-serine mutagenesis and spectroscopic, biochemical, and functional analyses. Urea-induced unfolding experiments indicated that wild-type R5 in the oxidized, disulfide bond-mediated conformation was more stable than its cysteine-free mutant derivative. The binding affinity of R5 for vimentin was significantly higher, however, when the protein was in the reduced, more relaxed conformation. Of the four R5 cysteines, one (Cys4) was particularly reactive as reflected by its ability to form disulfide bridges with R5 Cys1 and to serve as a target for nitrosylation in vitro. Using immortalized endothelial cell cultures from mice, we show that endogenous plectin is nitrosylated in vivo, and we found that NO donor-induced IF collapse proceeds dramatically faster in plectin-deficient compared with wild-type cells. Our data suggest an antagonistic role of plectin in nitrosylation (oxidative stress)-mediated alterations of IF cytoarchitecture and a possible role of R5 Cys4 as a regulatory switch.  相似文献   
Plectin is a cytoskeletal protein of >500 kDa that forms dumbbell-shaped homodimers comprising a central parallel alpha-helical coiled coil rod domain flanked by globular domains, thus providing a molecular backbone ideally suited to mediate the protein's interactions with an array of other cytoskeletal elements. Plectin self-associates and interacts with actin and intermediate filament cytoskeleton networks at opposite ends, and it binds at both ends to the hemidesmosomal transmembrane protein integrin beta-4, and likely to other junctional proteins. The central coiled coil rod domain can form bridges over long stretches and serves as a flexible linker between the structurally diverse N-terminal domain and the highly conserved C-terminal domain. Plectin is also a target of p34cdc2 kinase that regulates its dissociation from intermediate filaments during mitosis.  相似文献   
The distribution of plectin in the cytoplasm of Rat1 and glioma C6 cells was examined using a combination of double and triple immunofluorescence microscopy and interference reflection microscopy. In cells examined shortly after subcultivation (less than 48 h), filamentous networks of plectin structures, resembling and partially colocalizing with vimentin filaments, were observed as reported in previous studies. In cells kept attached to the substrate without growth for periods of 72 h to 8 days (stationary cultures), thick fibrillary plectin structures were observed. These structures were located at the end of actin filament bundles and showed co-distribution with adhesion plaques (focal contacts), vinculin, and vimentin. Only relatively large adhesion plaques (dash-like contacts) were decorated by antibodies to plectin, smaller dot-like contacts at the cell edges remained undecorated. Moreover, in stationary Rat1 cells plectin structures were found to be predominantly colocalized with actin stress fibers. However, after treatment of such cells with colcemid, plectin's distribution changed dramatically. The protein was no longer associated with actin structures, but was distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm. After a similar treatment with cytochalasin B, plectin's association with stress fibers again was completely abolished, although stress fibers were still present. The association of plectin with focal contact-associated intermediate filaments was demonstrated also by immunogold electron microscopy of quick-frozen, deep-etched replicas of rat embryo fibroblasts. These data confirm previous reports suggesting a relationship between intermediate filaments on the one hand, and actin stress fibers and their associated plasma membrane junctional complexes, on the other. Furthermore, the data establish plectin as a novel component of focal contact complexes and suggest that plectin plays a role as mediator between intermediate filaments and actin filaments.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - Rare earth elements (REEs) and normalized REE patterns determined in plant and soil samples represent powerful tools to trace biogeochemical processes during weathering, soil...  相似文献   
Agonist-induced translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes is mediated by receptors for the activated form of the kinase, shuttling it from one intracellular site to another and enhancing its catalytic activity. It is however unknown whether the receptors themselves are anchored to certain intracellular structures prior to their engagement with PKC. We show here sequestering of receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) to the cytoskeleton through the cytoskeletal linker protein plectin during the initial stages of cell adhesion. We found that upon PKC activation, RACK1 was released from the cytoskeleton and transferred to the detergent-soluble cell compartment, where it formed an inducible triple complex with one of the PKC isozymes, PKCdelta, and with plectin. In plectin-deficient cells the cytoskeleton-associated RACK1 fraction was reduced, and the protein was found predominantly at sites to which it normally translocated upon PKC activation. Concomitantly, dislocation of PKCdelta and elevated enzymatic activity were observed in these cells. PKCdelta was also more rapidly degraded, likely due to its overactivation. We propose a previously unrecognized function of plectin as cytoskeletal regulator of PKC signaling, and possibly other signaling events, through sequestration of the scaffolding protein RACK1.  相似文献   
Microwave (MW) fixation has been suggested as a method to rapidly immobilize cellular dynamics for fine structural studies in the electron microscope. To show its suitability for studies on cell monolayers, one has to apply MW fixation systematically in correlation with samples on the light microscopy level. Examples for MW fixation of cell monolayers, however, are still rare. MW-accelerated fixation for relatively long periods of time (1-2 min) has been reported without showing its suitability at the fine structural level. Here, we provide a rapid MW fixation protocol for cell monolayers on a subminute time scale. The impact of the MW-accelerated glutaraldehyde fixation on temperature-sensitive cytoskeletal components such as microtubules was evaluated. For testing the effectiveness of MW-assisted primary fixation, saponin treatment of the monolayers was included. Simultaneous MW-accelerated fixation and extraction by saponin was necessary to achieve a gradual improvement in visualization of cytoskeletal aspects in association with cell junctions, mitochondria, and centrioles. To establish a valuable routine program for fine structural studies of resin-embedded cell models on substrata, a protocol combining MW fixation with automatic processing in a tissue processor is provided.  相似文献   
Plectin, a large and widely expressed cytolinker protein, is composed of several subdomains that harbor binding sites for a variety of different interaction partners. A canonical actin-binding domain (ABD) comprising two calponin homology domains (CH1 and CH2) is located in proximity to its amino terminus. However, the ABD of plectin is unique among actin-binding proteins as it is expressed in the form of distinct, plectin isoform-specific versions. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of two distinct crystalline forms of one of its ABD versions (pleABD/2alpha) from mouse, to a resolution of 1.95 and 2.0 A. Comparison of pleABD/2alpha with the ABDs of fimbrin and utrophin revealed structural similarity between plectin and fimbrin, although the proteins share only low sequence identity. In fact, pleABD/2alpha has been found to have the same compact fold as the human plectin ABD and the fimbrin ABD, differing from the open conformation described for the ABDs of utrophin and dystrophin. Plectin harbors a specific binding site for intermediate filaments of various types within its carboxy-terminal R5 repeat domain. Our experiments revealed an additional vimentin-binding site of plectin, residing within the CH1 subdomain of its ABD. We show that vimentin binds to this site via the amino-terminal part of its rod domain. This additional amino-terminal intermediate filament protein binding site of plectin may have a function in intermediate filament dynamics and assembly, rather than in linking and stabilizing intermediate filament networks.  相似文献   
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