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Practically all animals must find food while avoiding predators.An individual's perception of predation risk may depend on manyfactors, such as distance to refuge and group size, but it isunclear whether individuals respond to different factors ina similar manner. We tested whether flocks of foraging starlingsresponded in the same way to an increased perception of predationrisk by assessing three factors: (1) neighbor distances, (2)habitat obstruction, and (3) recent exposure to a predator.We found that in all three scenarios of increased risk, starlingsreduced their interscan intervals (food-searching bouts), whichincreased the frequency of their vigilance periods. We thenexamined how one of these factors, habitat obstruction, affectedescape speed by simulating an attack with a model predator.Starlings were slower to respond in visually obstructed habitats(long grass swards) and slower when they had their head downin obstructed habitats than when they had their head down inopen habitats. In addition, reaction times were quicker whenstarlings could employ their peripheral fields of vision. Ourresults demonstrate that different sources of increased riskcan generate similar behavioral responses within a species.The degree of visibility in the physical and social environmentaffects both the actual and perceived risk of predation.  相似文献   
Development of mouse embryos cryopreserved by vitrification   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Eight-cell mouse embryos were cryopreserved by vitrification in a concentrated solution of dimethylsulphoxide, acetamide, propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol. This solution (designated VS1) does not crystallize when cooled to subzero temperatures but instead forms a glassy transparent solid. Embryos were exposed in three steps to a stock VS1 solution or a saline solution containing 90% of the cryoprotectants in the stock VS1 (90% VS1) and then the suspensions were vitrified by rapid cooling in liquid nitrogen. Of 568 embryos vitrified in 90% VS1, 80% developed in vitro and 98 normal fetuses or young (17% of the total) were produced after transfer to pseudopregnant recipients. By contrast, 22% of 153 embryos vitrified in the stock VS1 developed in vitro, but only one normal fetus was obtained after transfer. These results demonstrate that normal fetuses and young can be produced from embryos cryopreserved by the simple and rapid method of vitrification.  相似文献   
Characteristics and epitope mapping of a cloned human autoantigen La   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The La (SS-B) polypeptide is a ribonucleoprotein against which high titer antinuclear antibodies (ANA) react in the human autoimmune disease primary Sj?gren's syndrome. To identify the autoepitopes with which the ANA anti-La (anti-SS-B) reacts, we isolated a 1.4-kb cDNA clone for La from a lambda gt10 library made from a human Burkitt's cell line. This clone contained an open reading frame of 1065 bp, encoding a 40.1-kDa polypeptide that corresponded to the carboxyl-terminal end of the La protein. The predicted polypeptide sequence of the recombinant protein was highly charged and unrelated to any previously published sequence. We also compared this clone to a previously published cDNA sequence for La and demonstrated significant differences, particularly that the open reading frame in our cDNA continued for 926 additional bases 3' to a putative termination codon in the previously reported sequence. The recombinant La protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and tested for reactivity with 200 sera containing ANA of various specificities. Only the sera containing anti-La antibodies reacted with the cloned La. By expressing subclones of the La cDNA as fusion proteins with beta-galactosidase, we have localized at least one epitope for the binding of anti-La antibodies to the carboxyl-terminal 103 amino acids of the La protein. No anti-La binding could be demonstrated to the region of the La protein that had previously been predicted to contain an autoepitope for the binding of anti-La (SS-B) antibodies. Studies of cloned autoepitopes could provide important clues to the role ANA play in disease and lead to targeted intervention in the treatment of primary Sj?gren's syndrome.  相似文献   
The distribution of immunoglobulin allotypes of the Gm and Km systems was examined in 51 patients with antinuclear antibodies (ANA), which reacted with two saline-extractable non-DNA nuclear antigens, anti-La (SS-B) and anti-RNP, which characterize certain multisystem autoimmune diseases. Forty-six percent of the 26 patients with anti-La were positive for the Km(1) allotype compared with 14% of the 35 with anti-RNP and 16% of 1204 of healthy subjects (corrected P value < 0.005). The high frequencies of the Km(1) allotype (46%), female sex (100%), and the HLA-B8, DR3 phenotype (> 90%) in patients with anti-La are indicative of a substantial inherited predisposition to the development or expression of this autoantibody. The strong association between the Km(1) allotype and the anti-La response may be due to linkage disequilibrium between genes coding for the constant region of immunoglobulin kappa light chains and genes coding for the variable regions of kappa light chains which confer antibody specificity for the special configuration of the ribonucleoprotein known as La.  相似文献   
Pea leaves were illuminated in air containing 150 or 1000p.p.m. of 14CO2 for various times. Alternatively, segments of wheat leaves were supplied with [3-14C]serine for 40 min in the light in air with 145, 326 or 944p.p.m. of 12CO2. Sucrose was extracted from the leaf material, hydrolysed with invertase, and 14C in the pairs of carbon atoms C-3+C-4, C-2+C-5 and C-1+C-6 in the glucose moiety was measured. The results obtained after metabolism of 14CO2 were consistent with the operation of the photosynthetic carbon-reduction cycle; the effects of CO2 concentration on distribution of 14C in the carbon chain of glucose after metabolism of [3-14C]serine is more easily explained by metabolism through the glycollate pathway than by the carbon-reduction cycle.  相似文献   
Cerebral Synaptic Transmission During Anoxia Is Protected by Creatine   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Synaptic transmission in cerebral tissue fails very rapidly in the absence of oxygen; the metabolic basis for this is not known. We report here that the transmission failure in the guinea pig hippocampal slice can be delayed threefold by exposing the tissue to extracellular creatine (Cr) for 3 h. The improved survival is associated with an increase of tissue phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration. These data argue that the metabolic basis for synaptic transmission failure is a fall in tissue ATP concentrations. They also indicate a way to protect brain tissue against anoxic damage.  相似文献   
Abstract: Hippocampal slices were prepared under three conditions: (1) in medium containing glucose and oxygen at 4°C; (2) as in (1), but at 37°C; (3) in medium devoid of glucose and oxygen at 37°C. The rates of recovery to roughly steady-state levels and through 8 h of incubation were monitored for energy metabolite levels and related parameters. In vitro stable values are compared with in situ hippocampal levels. Regardless of the conditions under which slices were prepared, metabolite levels required up to 3 h to stabilize, and these levels were maintained or improved through 8 h of incubation. Further, the maximal concentrations of metabolites were independent of the conditions of slice preparation. Total adenylates and total creatine levels reached 55% of those in vivo. Lactate decreased from the decapitation-induced high levels, but stabilized at concentrations about twice those in rapidly frozen brain. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP exhibited peak levels at 30 min of incubation, and cyclic GMP remained elevated for 3 h. Although all three methods of slice preparation resulted in similar metabolite profiles on incubation, the initial decreases in high energy phosphates were delayed by chilling. Most striking, the slices prepared in the absence of glucose and oxygen exhibited much smaller orthodromic evoked potentials in the dentate gyrus. The presence of glucose and oxygen during preparation of the slices appears to be critical to the electrophysiological response of the tissue.  相似文献   
Abstract: High doses of methamphetamine (METH) produce a long-term depletion in striatal tissue dopamine content. The mechanism mediating this toxicity has been associated with increased concentrations of dopamine and glutamate and altered energy metabolism. In vivo microdialysis was used to assess and alter the metabolic environment of the brain during high doses of METH. METH significantly increased extracellular concentrations of lactate in striatum and prefrontal cortex. This increase was significantly greater in striatum and coincided with the greater vulnerability of this brain region to the toxic effects of METH. To examine the effect of supplementing energy metabolism on METH-induced dopamine content depletions, the striatum was perfused directly with decylubiquinone or nicotinamide to enhance the energetic capacity of the tissue during or after a neurotoxic dosing regimen of METH. When decylubiquinone or nicotinamide was perfused into striatum during the administration of METH, there was no significant effect on METH-induced striatal dopamine efflux, glutamate efflux, or the long-term dopamine depletions measured 7 days later. However, a delayed perfusion with decylubiquinone or nicotinamide for 6 h beginning immediately after the last METH injection attenuated the METH-induced striatal dopamine depletions measured 1 week later. These results support the hypothesis that the compromised metabolic state produced by METH administration predisposes dopamine terminals to the neurotoxic effects of glutamate, dopamine, and/or free radicals.  相似文献   
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