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Mangrove forests are characterized by distinctive tree-height gradientsthat reflect complex spatial, within-stand differences in environmentalfactors,including nutrient dynamics, salinity, and tidal inundation, across narrowgradients. To determine patterns of nutrient limitation and the effects ofnutrient availability on plant growth and within-stand nutrient dynamics, weused a factorial experiment with three nutrient treatment levels (control, N,P)and three zones along a tree-height gradient (fringe, transition, dwarf) onoffshore islands in Belize. Transects were laid out perpendicular to theshoreline across a mangrove forest from a fringe stand along the seaward edge,through a stand of intermediate height, into a dwarf stand in the interior ofthe island. At three sites, three trees were fertilized per zone for 2yr. Although there was spatial variability in response, growth byR. mangle was generally nitrogen (N) -limited in thefringe zone;phosphorus (P) -limited in the dwarf zone; and, N- and/or P-limited in thetransition zone. Phosphorus-resorption efficiency decreased in all three zones,and N-resorption efficiency increased in the dwarf zone in response to Penrichment. The addition of N had no effect on either P or N resorptionefficiencies. Belowground decomposition was increased by P enrichment in allzones, whereas N enrichment had no effect. This study demonstrated thatessential nutrients are not uniformly distributed within mangrove ecosystems;that soil fertility can switch from conditions of N to P limitation acrossnarrow ecotonal gradients; and, that not all ecological processes respondsimilarly to, or are limited by, the same nutrient.  相似文献   
Vegetative dormancy, that is the temporary absence of aboveground growth for ≥ 1 year, is paradoxical, because plants cannot photosynthesise or flower during dormant periods. We test ecological and evolutionary hypotheses for its widespread persistence. We show that dormancy has evolved numerous times. Most species displaying dormancy exhibit life‐history costs of sprouting, and of dormancy. Short‐lived and mycoheterotrophic species have higher proportions of dormant plants than long‐lived species and species with other nutritional modes. Foliage loss is associated with higher future dormancy levels, suggesting that carbon limitation promotes dormancy. Maximum dormancy duration is shorter under higher precipitation and at higher latitudes, the latter suggesting an important role for competition or herbivory. Study length affects estimates of some demographic parameters. Our results identify life historical and environmental drivers of dormancy. We also highlight the evolutionary importance of the little understood costs of sprouting and growth, latitudinal stress gradients and mixed nutritional modes.  相似文献   
Invasive species are one of most significant factors in human-influenced global change. Management actions that prevent the spread and impacts of invasive species require knowledge of their ecological and genetic characteristics. The genetic characteristics of the invasive wine raspberry, Rubus phoenicolasius Maxim. (Rosaceae) and the native sawtooth blackberry, Rubus argutus Link, were examined in two forest habitats on the Maryland Coastal Plain. Using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers we quantified the genetic diversity of both species. We analyzed genetic diversity using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and found less genetic diversity in the invasive species, R. phoenicolasius, with variation between sites was 0.418 between sites and 0.075 within sites as compared to the native, R. argutus, where the variation between sites was 1.538 and 0.370 within sites. The lower genetic diversity in the invasive may be due to a history of limited introductions or frequent self-fertilization and clonal reproduction.  相似文献   
1 We used isozyme variation to examine the genet structure of Uvularia perfoliata patches in gap and closed canopy habitats in a temperate deciduous forest in Maryland, USA.
2 A large patch in a gap habitat was composed of a small number of widely spread genets with many ramets, and a large number of genets with more restricted distribution and few ramets. Genets with many ramets were patchily distributed at a metre scale. Analysis of genet structure on a scale of square centimetres, however, revealed that the genets were highly intermingled with no clear boundaries between them. The presence at both scales of sampling of many genets with unique multilocus genotypes indicated continuing genet recruitment within the population.
3 In the closed canopy habitat, the patches examined were each composed of a single unique multilocus genotype, suggesting that each had developed by asexual propagation following the establishment of a single genet.
4 The clonal structure of U. perfoliata patches in both gap and closed canopy habitats therefore appears to depend on recruitment patterns of genets. Populations in closed canopy habitats are characterized by a 'waiting' strategy, in which asexual ramet production maintains populations until genet recruitment by seed production can occur under the more optimal conditions associated with canopy gaps. Extended sampling suggests that the genetic diversity of U. perfoliata populations is primarily controlled by the disturbance regime of the forest canopy.  相似文献   
Otitis media is a prominent disease among children. Previous literature indicates that otitis media is a polymicrobial disease, with Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Alloiococcus otitidis and Moraxella catarrhalis being the most commonly associated bacterial pathogens. Recent literature suggests that introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines has had an effect on the etiology of otitis media. Using a multiplex PCR procedure, we sought to investigate the presence of the aforementioned bacterial pathogens in middle ear fluid collected from children undergoing routine tympanostomy tube placement at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center during the period between January 2011 and March 2014. In purulent effusions, one or more bacterial organisms were detected in ~90% of samples. Most often the presence of H. influenzae alone was detected in purulent effusions (32%; 10 of 31). In non-purulent effusions, the most prevalent organism detected was A. otitidis (26%; 63 of 245). Half of the non-purulent effusions had none of these otopathogens detected. In purulent and non-purulent effusions, the overall presence of S. pneumoniae was lower (19%; 6 of 31, and 4%; 9 of 245, respectively) than that of the other pathogens being identified. The ratio of the percentage of each otopathogen identified in purulent vs. non-purulent effusions was >1 for the classic otopathogens but not for A. otitidis.  相似文献   
Alterations to ecosystem nitrogen (N) cycling by introduced plant species may increase the invasibility of habitat providing a positive feedback for the introduced species to become invasive. Spatial patterns of foliar and soil δ15N ratios reflect variation in rates and process of N‐cycling across invaded landscapes and provide insight into N‐source uptake and utilization strategies of invasive plant species. To evaluate invasion‐associated changes in soil and foliar δ15N at different scales: regional (among different sites), local (between north‐ and south‐facing aspect at the same site), and microsite (within populations in the same community), we measured foliar and soil δ15 N, animal faeces cover (as a proxy for grazing intensity) and N2‐fixing species cover from inside to outside Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme)‐invaded lightly grazed pastoral communities in Central Otago, southern South Island, New Zealand. Mean thyme foliar δ15N were near‐zero across the invaded landscape, and did not change across the advancing edge of invasion or with aspect. There was no evidence that associations with N2‐fixing species provide a potential N source. Soil δ15N was lower inside of thyme compared to at the edge or outside of thyme and was varied between aspects at some sites. Animal faeces cover as a proxy for grazing intensity explained only 23% of this observed variation of soil δ15N. Thyme invasion may result in lowered soil δ15N reflecting alterations to N dynamics. Associated invasion‐related impacts of animal grazing may also impact soil δ15N. Further studies are required to distinguish the underlying mechanism responsible for the observed patterns of foliar and soil δ15N values across thyme‐invaded Central Otago landscapes.  相似文献   
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