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The ability of some ant species (including Camponotus spp.) to forage on vertebrate urine to extract urea may extend their niche in competitive and strongly nitrogen‐limited environments. We examined the preference of Camponotus terebrans, a sand‐dwelling ant widespread in southern Australia, for baits including urine, and the duration of their foraging on those baits. We baited ants with liquid stains of urine (human and kangaroo), urea in water (2.5%. 3.5%, 7.0%, 10.0%) and sucrose in water (20% and 40%) poured directly on the ground, as well as hard baits in plots drawn on sandy soil (Kangaroo Island, South Australia). We counted individuals of this mostly nocturnal species to determine their attraction to different baits for one month. We checked plant growth on the plots after nine and 13 months. Ants collected insects and meat; they foraged for at least 29 days on stains. Ants were most numerous on 10% urea, followed by 7% urea, 3.5% urea, urine (which contains ~2.5% urea) and 2.5% urea, 40% sucrose and 20% sucrose; sucrose was less attractive to them than equimolar urea bait. Ants were attracted to human, kangaroo, and unidentified urines, and they collected bird guano. Baits and ant foraging did not affect plant recruitment in plots. We observed incidentally Camponotus consobrinus foraging on urine, which may be a common resource for this genus at the site. The remarkable ability of C. terebrans to extract nitrogen from dry sand over weeks explains partly its success on sandy soils. Foraging on urine may be an important strategy to address nitrogen limitation on sandy soils and exploit commensally niches in which hosts are kangaroos, wallabies and other vertebrates. The understanding of plant–vertebrate interactions must factor in the role of ants as commensal organisms. Such ants could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from urine.  相似文献   
The substrate specificity of the ileal and the hepatic Na(+)/bile acid cotransporters was determined using brush border membrane vesicles and CHO cell lines permanently expressing the Na(+)/bile acid cotransporters from rabbit ileum or rabbit liver. The hepatic transporter showed a remarkably broad specificity for interaction with cholephilic compounds in contrast to the ileal system. The anion transport inhibitor diisothiocyanostilbene disulfonate (DIDS) is a strong inhibitor of the hepatic Na(+)/bile acid cotransporter, but does not show any affinity to its ileal counterpart. Inhibition studies and uptake measurements with about 40 different bile acid analogues differing in the number, position, and stereochemistry of the hydroxyl groups at the steroid nucleus resulted in clear structure;-activity relationships for the ileal and hepatic bile acid transporters. The affinity to the ileal and hepatic Na(+)/bile acid cotransport systems and the uptake rates by cell lines expressing those transporters as well as rabbit ileal brush border membrane vesicles is primarily determined by the substituents on the steroid nucleus. Two hydroxy groups at position 3, 7, or 12 are optimal whereas the presence of three hydroxy groups decreased affinity. Vicinal hydroxy groups at positions 6 and 7 or a shift of the 7-hydroxy group to the 6-position significantly decreased the affinity to the ileal transporter in contrast to the hepatic system. 6-Hydroxylated bile acid derivatives are preferred substrates of the hepatic Na(+)/bile acid cotransporter. Surprisingly, the 3alpha-hydroxy group being present in all natural bile acids is not essential for high affinity interaction with the ileal and the hepatic bile acid transporter. The 3alpha-hydroxy group seems to be necessary for optimal transport of a bile acid across the hepatocyte canalicular membrane. A modification of bile acids at the 3-position therefore conserves the bile acid character thus determining the 3-position of bile acids as the ideal position for drug targeting strategies using bile acid transport pathways.  相似文献   

The relationship between humans, wildlife and disease transmission can be complex and context-dependent, and disease dynamics may be determined by idiosyncratic species. Therefore, an outstanding question is how general is the finding that species with faster life histories are more probable hosts of zoonoses. Ecological knowledge on species, jointly with public health data, can provide relevant information on species that should be targeted for epidemiological surveillance or management. We investigated whether mammal species traits can be good indicators of zoonotic reservoir status in an intensified agricultural region of Argentina. We find support for a relationship between reservoir status and the pace of life syndrome, confirming that fast life histories can be a factor of zoonotic risk. Nonetheless, we observed that for certain zoonosis, reservoirs may display a slow pace of life, suggesting that idiosyncratic interactions can occur. We conclude that applying knowledge from the life history-disease relationship can contribute significantly to disease risk assessment. Such an approach may be especially valuable in the current context of environmental change and agricultural intensification.

The 16S rDNA genes of an apparently pure culture of a psychrophilic and strict barophilic bacterium (WHB 46) were studied by PCR-mediated amplification and cloning into phage M13 mp18. Sequence analysis of five individual clones revealed the presence of two different 16S rDNA types. The homology value of 90% indicates that culture WHB 46 is actually composed of two closely related species (WHB 46-1 and 46-2). Both strains are members of the γ-subdivision of proteobacteria. Analysis of a sixth clone (WHB 46-1/2) leads to the conclusion that it represents a 16S rDNA hybrid molecule assembled during the PCR reaction. This hypothesis was confirmed by secondary structure analysis of the chimeric rDNA. The appearance of such hybrid molecules point to a potential risk in studies on the diversity of bacterial populations by analysis of rDNA pattern via PCR-mediated amplification because they suggest the existence of organisms that do not actually exist in the sample investigated.  相似文献   
A comprehensive assessment of bacterial diversity and community composition in arctic and antarctic pack ice was conducted through cultivation and cultivation-independent molecular techniques. We sequenced 16S rRNA genes from 115 and 87 pure cultures of bacteria isolated from arctic and antarctic pack ice, respectively. Most of the 33 arctic phylotypes were >97% identical to previously described antarctic species or to our own antarctic isolates. At both poles, the alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were the dominant taxonomic bacterial groups identified by cultivation as well as by molecular methods. The analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from multiple arctic and antarctic pack ice samples revealed a high incidence of closely overlapping 16S rRNA gene clone and isolate sequences. Simultaneous analysis of environmental samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that approximately 95% of 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells hybridized with the general bacterial probe EUB338. More than 90% of those were further assignable. Approximately 50 and 36% were identified as gamma-proteobacteria in arctic and antarctic samples,respectively. Approximately 25% were identified as alpha-proteobacteria, and 25% were identified as belonging to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group. For the quantification of specific members of the sea ice community, new oligonucleotide probes were developed which target the genera Octadecabacter, Glaciecola, Psychrobacter, Marinobacter, Shewanella, and Polaribacter: High FISH detection rates of these groups as well as high viable counts corroborated the overlap of clone and isolate sequences. A terrestrial influence on the arctic pack ice community was suggested by the presence of limnic phylotypes.  相似文献   
A comprehensive assessment of bacterial diversity and community composition in arctic and antarctic pack ice was conducted through cultivation and cultivation-independent molecular techniques. We sequenced 16S rRNA genes from 115 and 87 pure cultures of bacteria isolated from arctic and antarctic pack ice, respectively. Most of the 33 arctic phylotypes were >97% identical to previously described antarctic species or to our own antarctic isolates. At both poles, the α- and γ-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were the dominant taxonomic bacterial groups identified by cultivation as well as by molecular methods. The analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from multiple arctic and antarctic pack ice samples revealed a high incidence of closely overlapping 16S rRNA gene clone and isolate sequences. Simultaneous analysis of environmental samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that ~95% of 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells hybridized with the general bacterial probe EUB338. More than 90% of those were further assignable. Approximately 50 and 36% were identified as γ-proteobacteria in arctic and antarctic samples,respectively. Approximately 25% were identified as α-proteobacteria, and 25% were identified as belonging to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group. For the quantification of specific members of the sea ice community, new oligonucleotide probes were developed which target the genera Octadecabacter, Glaciecola, Psychrobacter, Marinobacter, Shewanella, and Polaribacter. High FISH detection rates of these groups as well as high viable counts corroborated the overlap of clone and isolate sequences. A terrestrial influence on the arctic pack ice community was suggested by the presence of limnic phylotypes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Mit Hilfe von drei verschiedenen Kulturmedien wurden die Dichten heterotropher Bakterien im Wasser und in der oberen Schicht der Bodensedimente auf acht Stationen in der südlichen Nordsee bestimmt.2. Mit Meerwassermedium wurden im freien Wasser 150 bis 15 000 Bakterien/ml, in den Sedimenten 6000 bis 6 500 000 entwicklungsfähige Bakterien/cm3 ermittelt. Die geringste Bakteriendichte in den Sedimenten wurde im Sand, die höchste im Schlick ausgewiesen.3. Meerwassermedium, das reduzierende SH-Gruppen enthielt, erbrachte aus einem Teil der Wasser- und Sedimentproben höhere Keimzahlen. In einigen Bodenproben stehen die mit Thioglykolat-Meerwassermedium ermittelten Bakteriendichten im Widerspruch zu den physiko-chemischen Bedingungen der Sedimente.4. Mit Süßwasseragar wurden im allgemeinen nur Bruchteile der mit Meerwasseragar gewonnenen Bakterienzahlen erfaßt. Mit einer Ausnahme lagen diese Anteile in den Sedimenten unter 10%. In wenigen Proben bodennahen Wassers wurden mit diesem Medium höhere Bakterienzahlen ausgewiesen als mit Meerwasseragar. Die prozentualen Anteile dieser terrestrischen Bakterien waren in den Sedimentproben nicht höher als in den Wasserproben. Mit fortschreitender Entfernung von der Küste verringerten sich die Anteile dieser Formen an der Bakterienpopulation der Sedimente nicht. Deshalb wird angenommen, daß sie ein normaler Bestandteil der Bakterienpopulation der Nordsee sind. Im Sediment einer ca. 50 km von der Küste entfernten Station wurden noch 50 000 Bakterien/cm3 mit Süßwassermedium nachgewiesen. Entgegen unseren Erwartungen war der Anteil dieser Bakterien in einem Sandsediment sehr hoch, in einem Schlicksediment sehr klein.5. Im Bereich der untersuchten Stationen war keine Abhängigkeit der Bakteriendichten im Wasser und im Sediment von der Entfernung der Stationen von der Küste erkennbar.6. Vergleichsuntersuchungen, in denen Bakterien mariner und limnischer Herkunft in Abhängigkeit von der Zelldichte in natürlichem, durch Filtration entkeimten Meerwasser kultiviert wurden, wiesen ein unterschiedliches Entwicklungsvermögen der Mikroorganismen aus. Im Gegensatz zu den marinen Arten scheint die Vermehrung limnischer Bakterien besonders stark gehemmt zu werden, wenn diese Bakterienarten in sehr geringer Zelldichte im Meerwasser vorliegen.
Contribution to the quantitative distribution of marine and terrestrial bacteria in water and sediments of the German bight
Employing three different culture methods the population densities of heterotrophic bacteria were assessed in the free water (150 to 1500 bacteria/ml) and the upper sediment layers (6000 to 6500000 bacteria/cm3). The data were collected at 8 stations in the southern North Sea. Cultivation in fresh water agar, generally revealed only fractions (below 10%) of these bacteria numbers. Within the geographical range studied bacteria numbers did not vary as a function of the station distance from the mainland. In contrast to the results obtained on marine bacteria, the reproduction rate of fresh water bacteria seems to be suppressed especially severely, if these occur in very low cell densities in the sea water.
Reabsorption of bile acids occurs in the terminal ileum by a Na(+)-dependent transport system composed of several subunits of the ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT) and the ileal lipid-binding protein. To identify the bile acid-binding site of the transporter protein IBAT, ileal brush border membrane vesicles from rabbit ileum were photoaffinity labeled with a radioactive 7-azi-derivative of cholyltaurine followed by enrichment of IBAT protein by preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. Enzymatic fragmentation with chymotrypsin yielded IBAT peptide fragments in the molecular range of 20.4-4 kDa. With epitope-specific antibodies generated against the C terminus a peptide of molecular mass of 6.6-7 kDa was identified as the smallest peptide fragment carrying both the C terminus and the covalently attached radiolabeled bile acid derivative. This clearly indicates that the ileal Na(+)/bile acid cotransporting protein IBAT contains a bile acid-binding site within the C-terminal 56-67 amino acids. Based on the seven-transmembrane domain model for IBAT, the bile acid-binding site is localized to a region containing the seventh transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic C terminus. Alternatively, assuming the nine-transmembrane domain model, this bile acid-binding site is localized to the ninth transmembrane domain and the C terminus.  相似文献   
The ileal lipid-binding protein (ILBP) is the only physiologically relevant bile acid-binding protein in the cytosol of ileocytes. To identify the bile acid-binding site(s) of ILBP, recombinant rabbit ILBP photolabeled with 3-azi- and 7-azi-derivatives of cholyltaurine was analyzed by a combination of enzymatic fragmentation, gel electrophoresis, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-mass spectrometry. The attachment site of the 3-position of cholyltaurine was localized to the amino acid triplet His(100)-Thr(101)-Ser(102) using the photoreactive 3,3-azo-derivative of cholyltaurine. With the corresponding 7,7-azo-derivative, the attachment point of the 7-position could be localized to the C-terminal part (position 112-128) as well as to the N-terminal part suggesting more than one binding site for bile acids. By chemical modification and NMR structure of ILBP, arginine residue 122 was identified as the probable contact point for the negatively charged side chain of cholyltaurine. Consequently, bile acids bind to ILBP with the steroid nucleus deep inside the protein cavity and the negatively charged side chain near the entry portal. The combination of photoaffinity labeling, enzymatic fragmentation, MALDI-mass spectrometry, and NMR structure was successfully used to determine the topology of bile acid binding to ILBP.  相似文献   
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