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A case of chromomycosis in which hyperthermia proved effective is reported. The patient was a 56-year-old male bean curd maker who, without any previous history of minor trauma, developed on the extensor side of the left upper arm an eczematous lesion that underwent gradual radial expansion. The lesion showed a well-defined, 7×10 cm infiltrated erythematous plaque with the central area healed and, at the upper and lower borders, adherent scales and crusts on the surface. Histological examination revealed granulomatous changes in the dermis, as well as sclerotic cells within giant cells and microabscesses. On culturing,Fonsecaea pedrosoi was isolated. The patient was treated with disposable chemical pocket warmers, which were secured over the lesion with a rather tight elastic bandage, so that they kept the affected area warm for 24 hours a day. After a month of such hyperthermic treatment, the erythema and infiltration had decreased considerably, and microscopic examination and culture of the crusts both yielded negative results. Examination of biopsy specimens of the lesion after the third month showed that it had cicatrized. The treatment was stopped after 4 months, and no relapse occurred. We also summarize the published results of local hyperthermic treatment of chromomycosis in Japan.  相似文献   
Abstract. In previous studies, we found that a single neonatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) resulted in severe hyperplasia and a high incidence of endometrial adenocarcinoma in the uterus of adult hamsters. These observations prompted us to investigate the consequences of DES exposure on earlier stages of uterine morphogenesis. After neonates were treated within 6 h of birth (day 1) with 100 μg of DES or oil vehicle, uterine tissue morphometry plus cell labelling indices following in vivo pulse labeling with [3H]thymidine were determined on days 3–21 of life. The sequential findings were: (1) a precocious (day 3) burst of cellular proliferation throughout the uterus, (2) an early period (days 3–9) of hypertrophy and increased cell density in the luminal epithelium, (3) an extreme acceleration of uterine growth resulting in a persistent increase in total uterine mass (threefold enhancement on days 5–21), (4) precocious development of endometrial glands (day 9) that were sites of intense but transient proliferative activity, (5) a middle period (days 9–15) when the percentage of stromal cells engaged in proliferative activity was reduced, (6) a second wave (days 15–21) of enhanced proliferative activity in the luminal epithelium, and (7) later development (day 21) of reduced cell density in the uterine stroma, apparently due to increased intercellular collagen accumulation. These results support our working hypothesis that the acute uterotropic response to neonatal DES treatment initiates a change in the developing hamster uterus, and later estrogenic stimulation promotes neoplastic progression in the DES-altered adult organ, perhaps due to disruption of stromal-epithelial interactions.  相似文献   
The effects of the naturally occurring polyamines spermine and spermidine on phosphorylation promoted by cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PK) (cAMP-PK; EC were studied using the brain of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Four particulate-associated peptides (280, 34, 21, and 19 kilodaltons) in day 1 pupal brains are endogenous substrates for a particulate type II cAMP-PK. These phosphoproteins are present in brain synaptosomal, as well as microsomal, particulate fractions but are not present in the cytosol. They are distributed throughout the CNS and PNS and are present in several nonneuronal tissues as well. Phosphorylation of these proteins via cAMP-PK was inhibited markedly by micromolar concentrations of spermine and spermidine. Other particulate-associated peptides phosphorylated via a Ca2+/calmodulin-PK or Ca2+ and cAMP-independent PKs were unaffected by polyamines, whereas the phosphorylation of a 260-kilodalton peptide was markedly enhanced. Spermine did not exert its inhibitory effect indirectly by enhancement of cAMP or ATP hydrolysis or via proteolysis, but its action appears to involve a substrate-directed inhibition of cAMP-PK-promoted phosphorylation as well as enhanced dephosphorylation. Although addition of spermine resulted in marked ribosome aggregation in synaptosomal and microsomal particulate fractions, this phenomenon was not involved in the inhibition of cAMP-PK-promoted phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Paracoccidioidomycosis was induced in immunized (IM) and non-immunized (NI) mice. The histopathology, the number of fungi in the lungs, the cellular (footpad test — FPT and macrophage inhibition factor assay — MIF) and humoral (immunodiffusion test) immune response were investigated serially postinfection. In the IM mice, at days 1 and 3, there was intense and predominant macrophagic-lymphocytic alveolitis with loose granulomatous reaction; at day 30, inflammation was mild. In the NI group, up to day 3, the lesions were focal; later there was formation of extensive epithelioid granuloma. The number of fungi in IM mice were always smaller than those of NI group. Immunization alone induced positive FPT and MIF indices with low titer of antibody. After infection, there was a significant decrease of the FPT indices in the IM group, which we interpreted as desensitization due to trapping of sensitized lymphocytes in the lungs. In conclusion, (1) The lesional pattern of pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis in IM mice was similar to that of a hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This reaction was probably effective in reducing the extension of the infection and decrease the number of fungi. (2) In this model, pulmonary resistance against P. brasiliensis seems to be related to local and systemic delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of a recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) and a mutein G-CSF(KW-2228) on leucopenia and tumor growth in mice treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In normal mice, the number of leucocytes (white blood cell, WBC) reached the peak 12 hours after a single injection of either type of G-CSF and decreased to the normal level after 24 hours. Daily administration induced a continuous increase in the WBC count, however, administrations at intervals did not. Meth-A fibrosarcoma was subcutaneously inoculated into the backs of syngeneic BALB/c mice. The mice were treated with 5-FU alone or with G-CSFs. Chemotherapy with 5-FU alone resulted in leucopenia and an insignificant inhibition of tumor growth. The conjunctive administration of G-CSFs with 5-FU resulted in a significantly augmented inhibition of tumor growth, and leukopenia was not seen. This augmenting effect was more prominent with KW-2228.These results suggest that in 5-FU chemotherapy G-CSFs may be beneficial in restoring the number of leucocytes from leucopenic state and in augmenting the tumor inhibitory effect. Furthermore, KW-2228 may be more beneficial than the natural type rhG-CSF.  相似文献   
Summary Met-enkephalin (ME) exerts a bimodal effect on functional activities of rat peritoneal macrophages (PM); in a range of low concentration (10-9-10-7 M) antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)was markedly stimulated with a simultaneous decrease of Fc receptor (FcR) mediated phagocytosis while the opposite was observed at 10-6-10-5 M concentrations.Studying the possible underlying mechanism(s) the followings were recorded: (1) ME in all applied concentrations induced an early Na+ influx which was followed by a Ca2+ efflux in the range of low concentrations. In the range of high concentrations Na+ influx was accompanied by a Ca2+ influx. (2) ME at 10-8 M concentration induced a rise in cGMP level with a plateau in the 60–120th min of incubation. This effect was prevented by 10-5 M of naloxone. At 10-6 M concentration a transient rise of cAMP level was recorded which was not affected by naloxone. (3) Verapamil in 10-6 M abolished both the Ca2+ influx and the rise in cAMP level induced by 10-6-10-5 M ME but not the rise in cGMP level induced by lower ME concentrations. (4) cAMP elevation by high ME concentrations was abolished by enkephalinase inhibitory puromycin. (5) PM-enkephalinase as assessed by the cleavage of fluorogenic substrate L-alanine beta naphthylamide (ABNA), was inhibited by 10-6-10-5 M of ME. This inhibition was abolished by verapamil, but not affected by naloxone. In the range of low concentrations ME appears to act on specific delta opioid receptors and its action is positively coupled to guanylate cyclase. In relatively higher concentrations ME-action is not mediated by specific delta opioid receptors and it appears to involve Ca2+ influx, adenylate cyclase activation as well as the processing of hormone by PM-enkephalinase.  相似文献   
Abstract— Young mice treated with hydrocortisone (50 mg/kg) subcutaneously for 10 days showed a doubling of brain glucose. Brain phospho-creatine, glucose-6-phosphate, and ATP increased slightly. Brain glycogen and lactate were unchanged. Total energy reserve of the brain was 23 per cent higher than the control value. Liver glycogen was increased 47 per cent; liver and blood glucose levels were 11 per cent lower than in control animals. Since the animals showed no evidence of sedation, these findings suggest a facilitated transport of glucose from blood into the brain under the influence of hydrocortisone. Other possible explanations include an inhibition of the hexose monophosphate shunt and a proportionate decrease in both the oxidative and glycolytic pathways of the brain, but it was concluded that these explanations are less likely.  相似文献   
The effects of mitomycin C on cell elongation of Escherichia coli B were studied. Filament formation was most marked in cultures treated with a moderate level (1 mug/ml) of the antibiotic, becoming less obvious at higher levels (10 mug/ml). Cells treated with a bacteriostatic concentration (0.1 mug/ml or less) of mitomycin C were also significantly elongated. The filamentous or elongated cells appeared to lack septa, since their spheroplasts were considerably larger than those formed from normal cells. The appearance of empty spheres also indicated some defects in the surfaces of the filamentous cells. Electron micrographs of the filaments revealed a characteristic difference in the arrangement of the nuclei in the filaments formed in the presence of low (0.1 mug/ml) and high (5 mug/ml) concentrations of mitomycin C. The filaments formed by the low level of mitomycin C had normal well-defined nuclear bodies distributed along the long axis, whereas those formed by the elevated level of the antibiotic contained smaller nuclei. The latter were characteristically confined to the center of the cells and did not extend out to the tips of the filaments.  相似文献   
Sex pheromone titers in females of two tortricid moths, Epiphyas postvittana and Planotortrix octo, did not significantly vary between the scotophase and photophase. Pheromone production in these two species is controlled by a factor located in the head of the respective females, probably the pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN). Unlike that reported for the related tortricid, Argyrotaenia velutinana, the bursa copulatrix in female E. postvittana and P. octo does not appear to contain a factor that stimulates pheromone production. After mating, female E. postvittana permanently shut down pheromone production. In contrast, pheromone titer in mated P. octo females is reduced to a level approximately half that of similar-age virgins. While the abdominal nervous system is involved in the inactivation of pheromone production in mated E. postvittana females and probably acts to stop release of PBAN from the corpora cardiaca, the abdominal nervous system is not involved in effecting the decreased pheromone titers of mated P. octo females. It is possible that in the latter species, a humoral factor(s) is responsible for effecting the decreased pheromone titers, possibly through affecting the release of PBAN from the corpora cardiaca. Bioassaying head extracts allowed changes in PBAN titer in female E. postvittana to be inferred. PBAN titers remain roughly constant in virgins but increase after mating. This suggests that PBAN is biosynthesized throughout the life of an adult virgin female at approximately the same rate as it is released. Furthermore, it appears that the decline in pheromone titer observed in older E. postvittana females is probably due to a decline in competency of the gland to produce pheromone rather than to a decrease in PBAN titer in older females. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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