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Photosystem I (PSI) is one of the two photosystems in photosynthesis, and performs a series of electron transfer reactions leading to the reduction of ferredoxin. In higher plants, PSI is surrounded by four light-harvesting complex I (LHCI) subunits, which harvest and transfer energy efficiently to the PSI core. The crystal structure of PSI-LHCI supercomplex has been analyzed up to 2.6 Å resolution, providing much information on the arrangement of proteins and cofactors in this complicated supercomplex. Here we have optimized crystallization conditions, and analyzed the crystal structure of PSI-LHCI at 2.4 Å resolution. Our structure showed some shift of the LHCI, especially the Lhca4 subunit, away from the PSI core, suggesting the indirect connection and inefficiency of energy transfer from this Lhca subunit to the PSI core. We identified five new lipids in the structure, most of them are located in the gap region between the Lhca subunits and the PSI core. These lipid molecules may play important roles in binding of the Lhca subunits to the core, as well as in the assembly of the supercomplex. The present results thus provide novel information for the elucidation of the mechanisms for the light-energy harvesting, transfer and assembly of this supercomplex.  相似文献   
The epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of the two cocirculating lineages of influenza B virus, Victoria and Yamagata, are poorly understood, especially in tropical or subtropical areas of Southeast Asia. We performed a phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) sequences of influenza B viruses isolated in Guangzhou, a southern Chinese city, during 2009 to 2010 and compared the demographic and clinical features of infected patients. We identified multiple viral introductions of Victoria strains from both Chinese and international sources, which formed two phylogenetically and antigenically distinct clades (Victoria 1 and 2), some of which persisted between seasons. We identified one dominant Yamagata introduction from outside China during 2009. Our phylogenetic analysis reveals the occurrence of reassortment events among the Victoria and Yamagata lineages and also within the Victoria lineage. We found no significant difference in clinical severity by influenza B lineage, with the exceptions that (i) the Yamagata lineage infected older people than either Victoria lineage and (ii) fewer upper respiratory tract infections were caused by the Victoria 2 than the Victoria 1 clade. Overall, our study reveals the complex epidemiological dynamics of different influenza B lineages within a single geographic locality and has implications for vaccination policy in southern China.  相似文献   
CD39 is the cell surface-located prototypic member of the ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase) family. Biological actions of CD39 are a consequence (at least in part) of the regulated phosphohydrolytic activity on extracellular nucleotides. This ecto-enzymatic cascade in tandem with CD73 (ecto-5–nucleotidase) also generates adenosine and has major effects on both P2 and adenosine receptor signalling. Despite the early recognition of CD39 as a B lymphocyte activation marker, little is known of the role of CD39 in humoral or cellular immune responses. There is preliminary evidence to suggest that CD39 may impact upon antibody affinity maturation. Pericellular nucleotide/nucleoside fluxes caused by dendritic cell expressed CD39 are also involved in the recruitment, activation and polarization of naïve T cells. We have recently explored the patterns of CD39 expression and the functional role of this ecto-nucleotidase within quiescent and activated T cell subsets. Our data indicate that CD39, together with CD73, efficiently distinguishes T regulatory cells (Treg) from other resting or activated T cells in mice (and humans). Furthermore, CD39 serves as an integral component of the suppressive machinery of Treg, acting, at least in part, through the modulation of pericellular levels of adenosine. We have also shown that the coordinated regulation of CD39/CD73 expression and of the adenosine receptor A2A activates an immunoinhibitory loop that differentially regulates Th1 and Th2 responses. The in vivo relevance of this network is manifest in the phenotype of Cd39-null mice that spontaneously develop features of autoimmune diseases associated with Th1 immune deviation. These data indicate the potential of CD39 and modulated purinergic signalling in the co-ordination of immunoregulatory functions of dendritic and Treg cells. Our findings also suggest novel therapeutic strategies for immune-mediated diseases.  相似文献   
经一系列试验证实百日咳菌大罐培养浓度的下降与培养基中不耐热营养因子不足有关,将培养基的高压灭菌方式改为除菌过滤,保留热不稳定营养因子,可以提高百日咳菌大罐培养浓度;优化酸沉淀条件后,提高了菌苗回收率,从而节省了大量培养基,缩短了生产时间,获得了良好的经济效益。  相似文献   
2A Peptide sequences are now being widely used to construct multicistronic expression vectors. It is suggested that when only the first 2A-linked protein bears a signal sequence, the signal-less protein(s) downstream of 2A can also be translocated into the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum system through a “slipstreaming” mechanism. By using flow cytometry and cell surface CD90 as a localization indicator, we show here that slipstreaming translocation does not occur in mammalian cells; that is, the second protein downstream of 2A still requires signal sequence for secretary or membrane-anchored expression.  相似文献   
AM 真菌和枯落物互作下两种喀斯特植物种间竞争较种内竞争更能促进植物养分利用枯落物是植物养分获取和土壤养分转化的关键载体。丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizae, AM)对植物养分摄取的影响已被广泛认知。然而,在养分亏缺的喀斯特生境中,不同竞争方式的植物如何通过AM真菌和枯落物利用养分尚不清楚。本研究对两种喀斯特适生植物构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和云贵鹅耳枥(Carpinus pubescens)进行种内竞争和种  间竞争种植处理,并通过幼套球 囊霉(Glomus etunicatum)接种或不接种处理,以及土壤中添加或不添加两物种叶片混合枯落物处理,测定了植物生物量以及氮、磷、钾浓度等指标,研究植物的生长和养分利用。研究结果表明,AM真菌对两种植物养分摄取影响不同,AM真菌显著提高了种内和种间竞争下构树的养分摄取量,但降低了云贵鹅耳枥的养分摄取量。种间竞争下接种AM真菌,枯落物添加促进了云贵鹅耳枥对氮的摄取,抑制了构树对氮的摄取。接种AM真菌和添加枯落物条件下,种间竞争的构树对氮、磷和钾的摄取量及云贵鹅耳枥对氮的摄取量均高于种内竞争;种间竞争下两物种养分竞争力呈现明显差异,即构树对磷和钾养分竞争力显著提高,对氮则不显著;云贵鹅耳枥仅对钾的养分竞争力显著降低,对氮和磷则无显著影响。这些结果说明,在AM真菌与枯落物相互作用下,两种喀斯特植物种间竞争较种内竞争更能促进植物养分利用。  相似文献   
Pathogen infection can induce plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We infected ‘McNeal’ wheat and ‘Harrington’ barley with a Fusarium spp. blend (F. graminearum,F. avenaceum and F. culmorum). Both cereals had the greatest VOC induction 14 days after pathogen innoculation, only slightly lower induction occurred at 7 days, but displayed no induction at 1 days. The induced VOC bouquet for both cereals included six green leaf volatiles (GLVs; e.g. (Z)‐3‐hexenol and (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate), four terpenes (linalool, linalool oxide, (Z)‐β‐ocimene and (E)‐β‐caryophyllene) and benzyl acetate. Neighbouring, uninfected individuals of both cereals had significant VOC induction when exposed to an infected, conspecific plant. The temporal pattern and VOC blend were qualitatively similar to infected plants but with quantitative reductions for all induced VOCs. The degree of neighbouring, uninfected plant induction was negatively related to distance from an infected plant. Plant VOC induction in response to pathogen infection potentially influences herbivore attraction or repellency. Y‐tube tests showed that herbivorous female and male Oulema cyanella Voet. (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera) were significantly attracted to (Z)‐3‐hexenal and (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate at 300 and 1500 ng/h but were repelled by both GLVs as well as (Z)‐β‐ocimene and linalool at 7500 ng/h. These O. cyanella behavioural responses were significantly at higher concentrations than those emitted by single plants with pathogen‐induced VOCs, so adults might only be able to respond to a dense group of infected plants. Also, O. cyanella dose responses differ from the previously tested congeneric O. melanopus (cereal leaf beetle), which was attracted to three VOCs induced by Fusarium infection of maize, barley and wheat. Future behavioural tests may indicate whether different herbivore dose responses measured with each VOC singly can help to predict attraction or repellency to injured and uninjured VOC bouquets from different host plant species.  相似文献   
Zhu  Qingjun  Yang  Yanyan  Xiao  Yanan  Han  Wenhui  Li  Xingyue  Wang  Wenda  Kuang  Tingyun  Shen  Jian-Ren  Han  Guangye 《Photosynthesis research》2022,152(2):193-206
Photosynthesis Research - Photosystem II (PSII) has a number of hydrogen-bonding networks connecting the manganese cluster with the lumenal bulk solution. The structure of PSII from...  相似文献   
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