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Recent work directed toward the development of a malarial vaccine has focused on the identification and production of the immunodominant repeating peptide of the circumsporozoite protein of the human malaria parasites as an antigen. An important factor which relates to the usefulness of this antigen in a vaccine is the rate at which the molecule changes in sequence. We have determined the sequence and arrangement of the repeating epitope of the circumsporozoite protein gene from a Plasmodium vivax isolate from La Paz, El Salvador (Sal-I). This is compared with a portion of the previously published sequence of the circumsporozoite protein gene from a P. vivax isolate from Belém, Brazil. The genes appear to be very similar in the repeat region. There are 20 similar repeating units in the El Salvador strain and only 19 units are conserved in the Brazilian strain. Following this there are degenerate repeats in both strains. Even the pattern of silent mutations in the repeat area are similar; however, they are not necessarily in the identical location and appear to have shifted. The data suggest that the repeat region of these genes may be evolving by an accelerated mechanism(s). Such a phenomenon could severely decrease the long-term efficacy of a repeat-based anti-sporozoite vaccine.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of neuroleptics on Ca-activated K channels from dog airway smooth muscle cells. Because these agents inhibit a variety of other Ca-mediated processes, it seemed possible that they might also inhibit Ca-activated K channels. In excised, inside-out patches, several neuroleptics potently and reversibly inhibited the K channel from the internal but not the external surface of the patch. Measurements of the effect on open probability and open- and closed-state durations support a simple kinetic model in which neuroleptics bind to and block the open channel. Inhibition by neuroleptics was moderately voltage dependent, with blockers less potent at hyperpolarizing voltages. The relationship between voltage and the dissociation constant for the blocker suggests that the binding site is one-third of the way across the channel's electrical field. Equilibrium dissociation constants for the drug-channel complex were: haloperidol, 1.0 +/- 0.1 microM; trifluoperazine, 1.4 +/- 0.1 microM; thioridazine, 2.4 +/- 0.1 microM; and chlorpromazine, 2.0 microM. This rank-order potency is different from their potency as calmodulin inhibitors, which suggests that neuroleptics bind to the channel rather than a calmodulin-channel complex.  相似文献   
A mouse monoclonal antibody (AC88) that was raised against the 88-kDa heat-shock protein of the water mold, Achlya ambisexualis, and that cross-reacts with the 90-kDa mammalian heat-shock protein (hsp90), and an antibody against tubulin were used to localize hsp90 and microtubules, respectively, in the same cultured rat endothelial and PtK1 epithelial cells by indirect immunofluorescence. AC88 and tubulin antibodies labeled the same structures in cells at all stages of the cell cycle, regardless of whether cells were permeabilized before or after fixation. Labeling of cell structures by both AC88 and anti-tubulin antibodies was identically affected by treating cells with colcemid. Double labeling with AC88 and anti-tubulin antibodies in interphase and mitotic cells is consistent with the conclusion that all microtubules are labeled and that no subclass of microtubules is preferentially labeled. Fluorescent labeling by AC88 was prevented by preabsorption of the antibody with purified rat hsp90 but was unaffected by preabsorption with purified 6S tubulin dimer. In contrast to AC88, fluorescent labeling by an anti-tubulin antibody was prevented by preabsorption with tubulin dimer but was unaffected by preabsorption with rat hsp90. Western-blot analysis demonstrated no cross-reactivity of AC88 for tubulin and no cross-reactivity of the anti-tubulin antibody for hsp90. A polyclonal antiserum fraction from a rabbit immunized with the 89-kDa heat-shock protein from chicken also labeled the mitotic apparatus in dividing cells and, somewhat less distinctly, fibrous structures in interphase cells. Labeling by hsp89 anti-serum was prevented by absorption with hsp90. AC88 also labeled microtubules in cultured mouse (L929 and 3T3), rat (endothelium and TRST), hamster (CHO) and primate (BSC, COS-1 and HeLa) cell lines. The demonstration of colocalization of hsp90 with microtubules should provide a valuable clue to eventual understanding of the cellular function of this ubiquitous, conserved and abundant stress-response protein.  相似文献   
To investigate the association of calmodulin (CaM) with microtubules (MTs) in the mitotic apparatus (MA), the distributions of both CaM and tubulin were examined in mitotic PtK1 cells in which MT subclasses had been selectively removed or altered by treatment with cold or with the MT inhibitor, nocodazole. A fluorescent CaM conjugate with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (CaM-TRITC) was microinjected into living cells, and the CaM distribution in the living cell was compared to the distribution of MTs indicated by tubulin immunofluorescence. In cells which had been treated for 2 h at 0 to 4 degrees C or with a low (0.03 micrograms/ml) dose of nocodazole, the only MTs remaining appeared to be kinetochore MTs (kMTs). The distribution of microinjected CaM-TRITC in these cells was indistinguishable from that found in untreated cells and appeared to be colocalized with the kMTs. In cells which were treated with a high (3.0 micrograms/ml) dose of nocodazole, only short MTs remained. When CaM-TRITC was injected into these cells, it formed a somewhat punctate distribution near the chromosomes and, after tubulin immunofluorescence processing, colocalized with what appeared to be remnants of kMTs. We believe that these observations support the hypothesis that CaM exists in the MA in a structural association with kMTs.  相似文献   
Summary Using a novel procedure based on the polymerase chain reaction, we have developed a rapid, efficient, and economical method for identifying plant genotypes. The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) generates reproducible fingerprints from any organism, without the need for DNA sequence information. These fingerprints include DNA fragment polymorphisms that can be (1) used for varietal identification and parentage determination, (2) followed in segregating populations produced by crosses, (3) used as markers for the construction of genetic maps, and (4) used to generate dendograms of phylogenetic relationships, especially at the intraspecific level. AP-PCR requires only minute quantities of DNA (10–25 ng per reaction) and therefore can be used in situations in which DNA is limiting. We demonstrate the use of AP-PCR to identify inbred parents of hybrid maize plants in double-blind experiments.  相似文献   
Nucleoside triphosphates are required to open the CFTR chloride channel.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The CFTR Cl- channel contains two predicted nucleotide-binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2); therefore, we examined the effect of ATP on channel activity. Once phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), channels required cytosolic ATP to open. Activation occurred by a PKA-independent mechanism. ATP gamma S substituted for ATP in PKA phosphorylation, but it did not open the channel. Several hydrolyzable nucleotides (ATP greater than GTP greater than ITP approximately UTP greater than CTP) reversibly activated phosphorylated channels, but nonhydrolyzable analogs and Mg(2+)-free ATP did not. Studies of CFTR mutants indicated that ATP controls channel activity independent of the R domain and suggested that hydrolysis of ATP by NBD1 may be sufficient for channel opening. The finding that nucleoside triphosphates regulate CFTR begins to explain why CF-associated mutations in the NBDs block Cl- channel function.  相似文献   
We have previously described a preferential reduction in the secretory response to nutrient secretagogues in pancreatic mouse islets maintained in culture after in vitro exposure to streptozotocin (SZ). This reduction was associated with an impaired substrate metabolism at the mitochondrial level. To further clarify this issue, mouse pancreatic islets were exposed in vitro to 2.2 mM SZ for 30 min. At 4 h after SZ treatment ultrastructural changes were apparent in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi areas of the B-cells. However, 2 and 6 days following SZ exposure the B-cells appeared well preserved, except for a marked decrease in the number of insulin-containing secretory granules. A morphometric analysis of the B-cells 6 days after SZ exposure showed a normal B-cell size and a normal volume fraction of B-cell mitochondria. However, there was a decrease in total islet size and a 13% decrease in the volume fraction of B-cells in the islets. These mouse islets exhibited a decreased content of the mitochondrial DNA-encoded cytochrome b mRNA, as evaluated by dot-blot analysis. As a whole, the data obtained indicate that SZ treatment does not induce a decrease in the number of mitochondria or long-lasting ultrastructural damage to this organelle. However, there is a clear decrease in the cytochrome b mRNA, suggesting that SZ can induce damage to the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
Stimulation of rat Sertoli cell adenylate cyclase by germ cells in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of germ cells or germ cell fractions on adenylate cyclase (AC) activity in membrane preparations from cultured rat Sertoli cells has been examined. Whole germ cells or 30,000 X g pellet or supernatant fractions of germ cells have the ability to stimulate Sertoli cell AC to levels comparable to those measured in follicle-stimulating hormone-stimulated Sertoli cell membranes. Treatment at 100 degrees C but not 60 degrees C for 1 min abolished the ability of germ cell preparations to stimulate Sertoli AC. Germ cell stimulation of Sertoli cell AC was not calcium dependent, was not blocked by propranolol, and was observed to be dose dependent.  相似文献   
Summary Canine tracheal epithelial cells were isolated by enzymatic and mechanical dispersion and cultured on permeable supports. The cells formed confluent monolayers and retained most of the morphologic characteristics of the intact epithelium, including apical microvilli, apical tight junctions, and a moderately interdigitated lateral intercellular space. The cells also retained the functional properties of the epithelium. The monolayer responded to addition of isoproterenol with the characteristic changes in cellular electrical properties expected for stimulation of Cl secretion: isoproterenol increased transepithelial voltage, depolarized apical membrane voltage, and decreased both transepithelial resistance and the ratio of apical-to-basolateral membrane resistance. Examination of the cellular response to ion substitutions and inhibitors of Cl secretion indicate that the cultured monolayers retain the same cellular mechanisms of ion transport as the intact epithelium. Thus, primary cultures of tracheal epithelium may provide a useful preparation for future studies of the mechanism and regulation of Cl secretion by airway epithelia.  相似文献   
This study compares the side-chain cleavage of aqueous suspensions of cholesterol sulfate with the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate which is incorporated into phospholipid vesicles. Three different cholesterol desmolase systems are examined: the membrane-bound cholesterol side-chain cleavage system present in inner mitochondrial membranes isolated from bovine adrenal mitochondria; a soluble, lipid-depleted, reconstituted side-chain cleavage system prepared from cytochrome P-450scc, adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase; a membrane associated side-chain cleavage system prepared by adding phospholipid vesicles, prepared from adrenal mitochondrial, to the reconstituted system. Soluble cholesterol sulfate, in low concentration, is a good substrate for the lipid-depleted reconstituted side chain cleavage system. However, at concentrations above 2 microM, in the absence of phospholipids, the sterol sulfate appears to bind at a non-productive site on cytochrome P-450scc which leads to substrate inhibition. Phospholipids, while inhibiting the binding of cholesterol sulfate to the cytochrome, also appear to prevent non-productive binding of the sterol sulfate to the cytochrome. Thus the addition of phospholipids to the lipid-depleted enzyme system leads to an activation of side-chain cleavage of high concentrations of the sterol sulfate. Soluble cholesterol sulfate is a good substrate for both the native and reconstituted membrane-bound systems and no substrate inhibition is observed when the membrane bound enzyme systems are employed in the assay of side-chain activity. However, the cleavage of cholesterol sulfate, which is incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, by both membrane bound enzyme systems appears to be competitively inhibited by the phospholipids of the vesicles. The results of this study suggest that the regulation of the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate may be entirely different than the regulation of the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol, if cholesterol sulfate exists intracellularly as a soluble non-complexed substrate. If, on the other hand, cholesterol sulfate is present in the cell in lipid droplets as a complex with phospholipids, its metabolism may be under the same constraints as the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol.  相似文献   
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