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Abstract: Catechol- O -methyltransferase (COMT) activity in the liver and kidneys of adult Fischer-344 (F-344) rats is only half of that in the same organs of Wistar-Furth (W-F) rats. The trait of low COMT activity in these animals is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. A comprehensive study of patterns of change in COMT activity during growth and development was performed to determine whether "temporal gene" effects might play a role in the inherited differences in enzyme activity present in adult animals. The COMT activity expressed per mg protein in liver and kidneys of newborn F-344 rats is only 50–60% of that in the same organs of W-F animals. The liver and the kidneys of newborn rats of both strains have COMT activity an order of magnitude higher than those in brain, heart, or blood. In addition, in both strains there are much larger increases in liver and kidney COMT activities during growth and development (5–10 fold) than in blood, brain, or heart (one- to twofold). Immunotitration with antibodies against rat COMT demonstrates that differences in immunoreactive COMT parallel differences in COMT activity, both between strains and within strains during growth and development. However, when the temporal patterns of change in enzyme activities in the liver and the kidneys of the two strains of rat are compared at multiple times during growth and development, no differences in the patterns are present. These results make it unlikely that temporal gene effects can explain the inherited differences in COMT activity in liver and kidneys of F-344 and W-F rats.  相似文献   
Phenol sulfotransferase (PST) catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of catecholamines and phenol and catechol drugs. The human blood platelet contains a thermolabile (TL) form of PST that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of dopamine and other monoamines and a thermostable (TS) form that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of micromolar concentrations of phenol and p-nitrophenol. Experiments were performed to determine whether the brain contains forms of PST analogous to the TL and TS forms found in the human platelet, and to determine whether there are regional variations in human brain PST activity. We found that the human brain contains at least two forms of PST, forms that are similar to the platelet TS and TL forms of the enzyme with respect to substrate specificity, apparent Km constants, thermal stability, and sensitivity to inhibitors. Optimal conditions were determined for the measurement of these two activities in brain homogenates. The stability of PST activities in the human brain after death was determined in five samples of cerebral cortex that were obtained during clinically indicated neurosurgical procedures. An average of 76 +/- 8% and 80 +/- 9% (mean +/- SEM) of the basal TL and TS PST activities, respectively, remained in these five samples of cerebral cortex after 8 h of storage under simulated post-mortem conditions. Six human brains were then obtained less that 8 h after death from patients who had no neurological disease prior to death. The mean activities of the TL and TS forms of PST were measured in 17 different regions of the six brains. If the pituitary was excluded from consideration, TL and TS PST activities both varied approximately fivefold among these regions, and both activities were highest in cerebral cortex. However, the average TS activity in the anterior pituitary, a tissue of non-neural origin embryologically, was 6.5-fold greater than the highest average TS PST activity found in cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
Sulfotransferase (SULT) 1A3 catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of catecholamines and structurally related drugs. As a step toward studies of the possible contribution of inherited variation in SULT1A3 to the pathophysiology of human disease and/or variation in response to drugs related to catecholamines, we have resequenced all seven coding exons, three upstream non-coding exons, exon-intron splice junctions and the 5'-flanking region of SULT1A3 using DNA samples from 60 African-American (AA) and 60 Caucasian-American (CA) subjects. Eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were observed in AA and five in CA subjects, including one non-synonymous cSNP (Lys234Asn) that was observed only in AA subjects with an allele frequency of 4.2%. This change in amino acid sequence resulted in only 28 +/- 4.5% (mean +/- SEM) of the enzyme activity of the wild-type (WT) sequence after transient expression in COS-1 cells, with a parallel decrease (54 +/- 2.2% of WT) in level of SULT1A3 immunoreactive protein. Substrate kinetic studies failed to show significant differences in apparent Km values of the two allozymes for either dopamine (10.5 versus 10.2 micro m for WT and variant, respectively) or the cosubstrate 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (0.114 versus 0.122 micro m, respectively). The decrease in level of immunoreactive protein in response to this single change in amino acid sequence was due, at least in part, to accelerated SULT1A3 degradation through a proteasome-mediated process. These observations raise the possibility of ethnic-specific inherited alterations in catecholamine sulfation in humans.  相似文献   
Richard Weinshilboum has a no-nonsense attitude about pharmacogenetics. He is enthusiastic about the practicalities and ramifications of the field's solid accomplishments, but he carefully measures statements that might feed the hype that is en courant about the brave new postgenomic world of drug therapy. Although the terms "pharmacogenomics" and "pharmacogenetics" are often used interchangeably (a linguistic quirk to which Weinshilboum does not object), he consistently avoids the latter, perhaps more glitzy, word. Weinshilboum has spent over thirty years as a clinical pharmacologist, exploring in particular the variability of drug metabolism that occurs among patients as a function of their genetic constitution. The research efforts from his line of work have materialized into clinical application and have helped to set the stage for the individualization of drug treatment according to each patient's genetic constitution-not yet on the genomewide scale that Weinshilboum enthusiastically foresees, but certainly as pertains to multiple genes and drugs for any given patient. The interview with Weinshilboum occurred at this year's annual meeting of ASPET, at which he was conferred the Harry Gold Award in Clinical Pharmacology.  相似文献   


Morphological and functional differences of the right and left ventricle are apparent in the adult human heart. A differential contribution of cardiac fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells (populations of epicardium-derived cells) to each ventricle may account for part of the morphological-functional disparity. Here we studied the relation between epicardial derivatives and the development of compact ventricular myocardium.


Wildtype and Wt1CreERT2/+ reporter mice were used to study WT-1 expressing cells, and Tcf21lacZ/+ reporter mice and PDGFRα-/-;Tcf21LacZ/+ mice to study the formation of the cardiac fibroblast population. After covering the heart, intramyocardial WT-1+ cells were first observed at the inner curvature, the right ventricular postero-lateral wall and left ventricular apical wall. Later, WT-1+ cells were present in the walls of both ventricles, but significantly more pronounced in the left ventricle. Tcf21-LacZ + cells followed the same distribution pattern as WT-1+ cells but at later stages, indicating a timing difference between these cell populations. Within the right ventricle, WT-1+ and Tcf21-lacZ+ cell distribution was more pronounced in the posterior inlet part. A gradual increase in myocardial wall thickness was observed early in the left ventricle and at later stages in the right ventricle. PDGFRα-/-;Tcf21LacZ/+ mice showed deficient epicardium, diminished number of Tcf21-LacZ + cells and reduced ventricular compaction.


During normal heart development, spatio-temporal differences in contribution of WT-1 and Tcf21-LacZ + cells to right versus left ventricular myocardium occur parallel to myocardial thickening. These findings may relate to lateralized differences in ventricular (patho)morphology in humans.  相似文献   


Elucidation of the communal behavior of microbes in mixed species biofilms may have a major impact on understanding infectious diseases and for the therapeutics. Although, the structure and the properties of monospecies biofilms and their role in disease have been extensively studied during the last decade, the interactions within mixed biofilms consisting of bacteria and fungi such as Candida spp. have not been illustrated in depth. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the interspecies interactions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and six different species of Candida comprising C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, and C. dubliniensis in dual species biofilm development.  相似文献   
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