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The population energetics of a temporary and a permanent pond population of Musculium partumeium in Southwest Ohio were studied. In the permanent pond (surface area = 396 m2, maximum depth = 0.7 m) the population was bivoltine and iteroparous whereas in the temporary pond (surface area = 1042 m2, maximum depth = 0.9 m) the population was usually univoltine and semelparous.Growth and biomass were assessed as total organic carbon and total nitrogen to provide estimates of productivity and seasonal changes in C:N for each generation. Productivity (non-respired assimilation = growth + reproduction; N-R.A. = G + R) was 6939 mgC·m–2·a–1 (3858 and 3353 mgC·m–2·a–1 for each generation) and 1661 mgC·m–2·a–1 for the permanent and temporary pond populations respectively. The average standing crop biomass (B) was 606.8 mgC·m–2 (357.5 and 249.3 mgC·m–2 for each generation) and 231.9 mgC·m–2 with overall productivity: biomass ratios of 11.4 and 7.2 for the permanent pond and temporary pond populations respectively.Respiration rates were converted to carbon equivalents (respired assimilation = R.A.) and used to evaluate the components of total assimilation (T.A. = R.A. + N-R.A.) and the efficiency of partitioning this energy to N-R.A. for G and R. When expressed as a percentage, the production efficiencies (100 × N-R.A.:T.A.) were 50.4 and 62%, and the reproductive efficiencies (100 × R:N-R.A.) were 26.4 and 18% for the permanent and temporary pond populations respectively. The reproductive efficiencies for populations of these viviparous clams are greater than those for most oviparous molluscs.The comparative information on the energetics of these populations does not completely fit any theoretical consideration of reproductive effort or life-history strategy. These data are discussed in relation to selection for population success in temporary ponds.Funded in part by grants to Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Survey and the University of Dayton Research CouncilFunded in part by grants to Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Survey and the University of Dayton Research Council  相似文献   
The effects of particle concentration and season on the filtration rates of the freshwater clamSphaerium striatinum Lamarck were assessed by measuring clearance rates of small (2.02 μm) latex beads from dilute suspensions. Filtration rates decreased as particle concentration increased over a range of 2–64 mg 1−1, with rates decreasing in similar proportion for clams of all sizes. For a 1-mg clam, rates decreased from approximately 8.4 to 0.57 ml clam−1 h−1. Seasonal filtration rates for adult clams peaked during periods of greatest reproduction. The patterns for smaller clams are similar, though proportional changes in filtration rates differ for various sizes of clams. It is estimated that clams occupying 1 m2 of stream substrate removed about 3.67 gCa−1. This is equivalent to 0.0004% of the carbon that flows past them annually. Filter-feeding provided only 24% of the calculated energy needs of the population, suggesting that another mode of feeding (e.g. deposit-feeding) may provide an important energy source for these forms. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society.  相似文献   
Summary An endothelial cell line derived from a massive recurrent chyle-containing retroperitoneal lymphangioma was isolated in monolayer culture. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry confirmed a close resemblance to blood vascular endothelium with typical cobblestone morphology, positive immunofluorescence staining for endothelial marker Factor VIII-associated antigen and fibronectin, and prominent Weibel-Palade bodies. The endothelial cells also exhibited other ultrastructural features characteristic of lymphatic endothelium, including sparse microvillous surface projections, overlapping intercellular junctions, and abundant intermediate filaments. This endothelial cell line represents a new source of proliferating lymphatic endothelium for future study, including structural and functional comparison to blood vascular endothelium. Supported in part by Arizona Disease Control Research Commission contracts 8277-000000-1-1-AT-6625 and ZB-7492. Presented in part at the 10th International Congress of Lymphology in Adelaide, Australia, August 1985.  相似文献   
An ELISA was developed using a rabbit antiserum with high levels of binding antibody against SVC virus (SVCV). Modifications were made to the standard assay which increased the sensitivity and resulted in a rapid ELISA (rELISA) which could détéct SVCV antigen in cell cultures and in extracts from infected carp in approximately 1 h. When other cell-grown fish rhabdoviruses were tested, pike fry rhabdovirus (PFRV) antigen cross-reacted in the rELISA but only at a low level. Virus antigen was détécted by the rELISA in clinically and sub-clinically diseased carp during an SVC epizootic but the sensitivity of détéction of subclinical levels of virus was not as great as that of isolation of infectious virus in cell culture. However, antigen was détécted in some fish extracts which failed to yield infectious virus. Fresh extracts of organs from healthy carp were found to give false positive reactions in the rELISA. Kidney and liver extracts from these fish were found to contain a heat labile, non-specific binding factor and further modification of the rapid assay was undertaken which successfully reduced the effect of this factor.  相似文献   
Skin reflectance was measured on the inner upper arm and forehead of a sample of 209 Mestizos ranging in age from 2 to 64 years living in the town of Lamas in the Eastern Peruvian Lowlands. The sample consisted of 43 father-son, 42 father-daughter, 62 mother-son, and 70 mother-daughter pairs. The sample also consisted of 57 brother-brother, 60 sister-sister and 139 brother-sister pairs. The reflectance measurements were made with a Photovolt Reflection Meter, model 670. Stepwise polynomial regression techniques were used to derive standardized residual values. Then using these residual values parent-offspring, sibling intraclass correlations and components of the phenotypic expression of skin reflectance were calculated. The study indicates that 1) the parent-offspring and sibling correlation coefficients conformed with the theoretical correlations expected assuming polygenic inheritance; 2) the husband-wife correlations indicate a high degree of assortative mating for skin color, but despite this effect the parent-offspring and sibling correlation coefficients are lower than the values expected under the influence of autosomal genes; 3) estimates of heritability and components of phenotypic expression indicate that about 55% of the total variability in skin reflectance could be attributed to the influence of additive genetic factors; and 4) there is no evidence of X-linkage in the inheritance of skin color.  相似文献   
Transposition of the kanamycin-resistance transposon Tn903   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The insertion of the kanamycin-resistance transposon, Tn903, into the Escherichia coli chromosome was studied. Tn903 is similar in structure to the well known transposons Tn5 and Tn10 in that it has a unique central sequence flanked by inverted repeat sequences extending more than a thousand base pairs. However, the central region of Tn903 has enough single-frame coding capacity only for the drug modifying enzyme, whereas Tn5 and Tn10 carry multigenic unique sequences. In this paper we demonstrate that two different classes of insertion event occur: (1) the first class is a complex event in which all or part of the genome of the bacteriophage lambda vector is co-inserted near the purE locus on the E. coli chromosome (11.7 min); (2) the second class appears to be a simple transposition event in which the transposon alone is inserted at relatively nonspecific sites in the chromosome, as has been described for Tn5 and Tn10. Furthermore both classes show dependency on homology-requiring recombination systems. We suggest that Tn903 transposes infrequently because it must utilize a recA-controlled host function, whereas Tn5 and Tn10 are recA-independent and encode similar but more active functions on the transposon DNA.  相似文献   
Summary Reproduction was studied in two populations ofMusculium partumeium from temporary and permanent ponds. Adults of the single annual generation from the ephemeral pond have an annual selection ratio of 25:1 with 37.03 gC per newborn, and an intrinsic rate of increase (r) of 0.0084 day-1. Fall-born adults from the permanent pond have an annual selection ratio of 38:1, 21.82 gC per newborn and anr of 0.0115 day-1; springborn adults have an annual selection ratio of 136:1 (107:1 for their contribution to fall birth and 29:1 for the spring birth period) with newborns of 24.21 gC and anr of 0.0304. The trade off between quantity and quality of young is discussed in terms of adaptive strategies.  相似文献   
Cerebroside sulfate (CS) appears to fulfill most of the structural requirements of a hypothetical opiate receptor. It possesses many of the properties that are thought to be necessary for the identification of an "opiate receptor," exhibiting high affinity and stereoselective binding to a number of narcotic drugs. Although these properties are insufficient to establish identity of the receptor, it is highly significant that the affinity of this binding can be correlated with the analgetic potency of these drugs in both man and rodents. CS is an endogenous component of brain tissue, and a partially purified opiate receptor from mouse brain has been found to be CS. Other experiments indicate that reduced availability of brain CS decreases the analgetic effects of morphine and this is accompanied by a reduction in number of binding sites, suggesting that the interaction of opiates with CS observed in vitro may also have importance in vivo. CS was also found to be a component of the opiate receptor after marking with 125I-labeled diazosulfanilic acid. The possibility that CS or the SO4-2 group of this lipid may be the "anionic site" of the opiate receptor should be considered.  相似文献   
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