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Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced calcium release from canine aortic smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was examined using the calcium indicator antipyrylazo III. Calcium release was initiated by addition of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) to aortic vesicles 7 min after initiation of ATP-supported calcium uptake. Half-maximal calcium release occurred at 1 microM IP3, with maximal calcium release amounting to 25 +/- 2% of the intravesicular calcium (n = 12, 9 preparations). Ruthenium red (10-20 microM), which has been reported to block IP3-induced calcium release from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, did not inhibit aortic IP3-induced calcium release. Elevation of Mg2+ concentration from 0.06 to 7.8 mM inhibited aortic IP3-induced calcium release 75%, which contrasts with the Mg2+-insensitive IP3-induced calcium release from platelet reticular membranes. The IP3-dependence of aortic calcium release suggested that Mg2+ acted as a noncompetitive inhibitor. Thus, aortic sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles contain an IP3-sensitive calcium pathway which is inhibited by millimolar concentrations of Mg2+, but which is not inhibited by Ruthenium red and so differs from the previously described IP3-sensitive calcium pathways in skeletal muscle and platelet reticular membranes.  相似文献   
Objective: The Tanita TBF‐305 body fat analyzer is marketed for home and clinical use and is based on the principles of leg‐to‐leg bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Few studies have investigated the ability of leg‐to‐leg BIA to detect change in percentage fat mass (%FM) over time. Our objective was to determine the ability of leg‐to‐leg BIA vs. the four‐compartment (4C) model to detect small changes in %FM in overweight adults. Research Methods and Procedures: Thirty‐eight overweight adults (BMI, 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m2; age, 18 to 44 years; 31 women) participated in a 6‐month, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study of a nutritional supplement. Body composition was measured at 0 and 6 months using the Tanita TBF‐305 body fat analyzer [using equations derived by the manufacturer (%FMT‐Man) and by Jebb et al. (%FMT‐Jebb)] and the 4C model (%FM4C). Results: Subjects in the experimental group lost 0.9%FM4C (p = 0.03), a loss that did not reach significance using leg‐to‐leg BIA (0.6%FMT‐Man, p = 0.151; 0.6%FMT‐Jebb, p = 0.144). We observed large standard deviations (SDs) in the mean difference in %FM between the 4C model and the TanitaManufacturer (2.5%) and TanitaJebb (2.2%). Ten subjects fell outside ±1 SD of the mean differences at 0 and 6 months; those individuals were younger and shorter than those within ±1 SD. Discussion: Leg‐to‐leg BIA performed reasonably well in predicting decreases in %FM in this group of overweight adults but resulted in wide SDs vs. %FM4C in individuals. Cross‐sectional determinations of %FM of overweight individuals using leg‐to‐leg BIA should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3))-mediated calcium signals represent an important mechanism for transmitting external stimuli to the cell. However, information about intracellular spatial patterns of InsP(3) itself is not generally available. In particular, it has not been determined how the interplay of InsP(3) generation, diffusion, and degradation within complex cellular geometries can control the patterns of InsP(3) signaling. Here, we explore the spatial and temporal characteristics of [InsP(3)](cyt) during a bradykinin-induced calcium wave in a neuroblastoma cell. This is achieved by using a unique image-based computer modeling system, Virtual Cell, to integrate experimental data on the rates and spatial distributions of the key molecular components of the process. We conclude that the characteristic calcium dynamics requires rapid, high-amplitude production of [InsP(3)](cyt) in the neurite. This requisite InsP(3) spatiotemporal profile is provided, in turn, as an intrinsic consequence of the cell's morphology, demonstrating how geometry can locally and dramatically intensify cytosolic signals that originate at the plasma membrane. In addition, the model predicts, and experiments confirm, that stimulation of just the neurite, but not the soma or growth cone, is sufficient to generate a calcium response throughout the cell.  相似文献   
Watras J  Orlando R  Moraru II 《Biochemistry》2000,39(12):3452-3460
In cerebellum, inositol trisphosphate- (InsP(3)-) gated Ca channels play a key role in learning, though they exhibit a low sensitivity to InsP(3) compared to peripheral tissues. In the present study, the cerebellar InsP(3) receptor is shown to be associated with a novel inhibitor of InsP(3) binding. (3)H-InsP(3) binding studies indicated that this inositol trisphosphate receptor inhibitor (IRI) could completely inhibit InsP(3) binding to the purified cerebellar InsP(3) receptor and acted as a competitive inhibitor. Gel filtration of IRI showed a predominant peak at 6500 Da, though this peak appeared to be an aggregate (with a monomeric molecular mass of approximately 1500 Da). Mass spectrometry of IRI showed a predominant peak at 1635 m/z, consistent with this low molecular mass estimate. The inhibitory activity of IRI was prevented by pretreatment with aryl sulfatase, suggesting the presence of a critical sulfo ester in IRI. IRI was insensitive to proteases and organic extraction but bound to concanavalin A, suggesting that IRI is a sulfated glycan. IRI was present in cerebellum but below the level of detection in aorta. IRI was also present in the neuronal cell line N1E115 (which exhibits a low sensitivity to InsP(3)). We conclude that IRI is a novel endogenous sulfated inhibitor of the InsP(3) receptor that modulates the sensitivity of the InsP(3) receptor and thus may explain the low InsP(3) sensitivity of neurons.  相似文献   
Modeling and simulation of the calcium signaling events that precede long-term depression of synaptic activity in cerebellar Purkinje cells are performed using the Virtual Cell biological modeling framework. It is found that the unusually high density and low sensitivity of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3R) are critical to the ability of the cell to generate and localize a calcium spike in a single dendritic spine. The results also demonstrate the model's capability to simulate the supralinear calcium spike observed experimentally during coincident activation of the parallel and climbing fibers. The sensitivity of the calcium spikes to certain biological and geometrical effects is investigated as well as the mechanisms that underlie the cell's ability to generate the supralinear spike. The sensitivity of calcium release rates from the IP3R to calcium concentrations, as well as IP3 concentrations, allows the calcium spike to form. The diffusion barrier caused by the small radius of the spine neck is shown to be important, as a threshold radius is observed above which a spike cannot be formed. Additionally, the calcium buffer capacity and diffusion rates from the spine are found to be important parameters in shaping the calcium spike.  相似文献   
Abstract Depth profiles of horizontal light-beam attenuation and in situ fluorescence recorded at 1 to 2 cm depth intervals in Lake Vechten contained pronounced maxima related to phytoplankton and bacterioplankton layers. This was confirmed by microscopy and HPLC analysis of pigments in discrete samples. Algae were sparse throughout the oxic water column compared with green and purple sulphur bacteria in the anoxic zone of the lake, but plankton layers comprising diatoms, green algae, euglenophytes and cryptomonads were observed. Maximum concentrations of phototrophic bacteria, with dominant representatives Synechococcus, Thiopedia, Chloronema and Chlorobium , occurred very close to one another and within the anoxic zone at depths of pigment maxima and major fluorescence peaks. Plankton layers affected downwelling irradiance in two ways: first, by markedly increasing overall light extinction in the vicinity of the layers, e.g. between 4 m and 8 m the minimum wavelength-specific extinction coefficient, which was at 580 nm ( k 580) increased from 0.5 m−1 to 1.5 m−1; secondly, changes in the shape of extinction ( k ) spectra corresponded to in vivo absorbance characteristics of photosynthetic pigments of plankton in the layers. It is inferred that field microbial ecological studies may greatly benefit from simultaneous use of in situ optical techniques.  相似文献   
A recently described technique for measuring chlorophyll biomass in small water samples (Phinney and Yentsch, 1985) was evaluated on a set of lakes in northcentral Wisconsin. Since the new technique requires only 1.5 mL of unconcentrated lake water, it eliminates several steps and sources of error in the traditional protocol and it permits a very high degree of spatial precision for point estimates of chlorophyll concentration. For the midsummer plankton of six lakes (oligotrophic to mesotrophic), agreement between the new whole-water micro-extraction and the traditional filtered-sample techniques was quite good (r2 = 0.82 to 0.88) but recovery by the whole-water method was generally higher, perhaps because some plankton passed through the filters. Using unmodified, generally available instrumentation, limits of detection were about 0.3 µg Chl L–1 in situ; and the literature suggests that these limits can be improved easily by a factor of three. Our results indicate that whole-water micro-extraction of chlorophyll is an acceptable technique to use for many lakes.  相似文献   
Low concentrations of fatty acids inhibited initial Ca uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, the extent of inhibition varying with chain length and unsaturation in a series of C14–C20 fatty acids. Oleic acid was a more potent inhibitor of initial Ca uptake than stearic acid at 25°C, whereas at 5°C there was less difference between the inhibitory effects of low concentrations of these fatty acids. When the fatty acids were added later, during the phase of spontaneous Ca release that follows Ca uptake in reactions carried out at 25°C, 1–4 μM oleic and stearic acids caused Ca content to increase. This effect was due to marked inhibition of Ca efflux and slight stimulation of Ca influx. At concentrations of >4 μM, both fatty acids inhibited the Ca influx that occurs during spontaneous Ca release; in the case of oleic acid, this inhibition resembled that of initial Ca uptake at 5°C. The different effects of fatty acids at various times during Ca uptake reactions may be explained in part if alterations in the physical state of the membranes occur during the transition from the phase of initial Ca uptake to that of spontaneous Ca release.  相似文献   
Calcium accumulation by two fractions of sarcoplasmic reticulum presumably derived from longitudinal tubules (light vesicles) and terminal cisternae (heavy vesicles) was examined radiochemically in the presence of various free Mg2+ concentrations. Both fractions of sarcoplasmic reticulum exhibited a Mg2+-dependent increase in phosphate-supported calcium uptake velocity, though half-maximal velocity in heavy vesicles occurred at a much higher free Mg2+ concentration than that in light vesicles (i.e., approx. 0.90 mM vs. approx. 0.02 mM Mg2+). Calcium uptake velocity in light vesicles correlated with Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity, suggesting that Mg2+ stimulated the calcium pump. Calcium uptake velocity in heavy vesicles did not correlate with Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity, although a Mg2+-dependent increase in calcium influx was observed. Thus, Mg2+ may increase the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to calcium transport in heavy vesicles. Analyses of calcium sequestration (in the absence of phosphate) showed a similar trend in that elevation of Mg2+ from 0.07 to 5 mM stimulated calcium sequestration in heavy vesicles much more than in light vesicles. This difference between the two fractions of sarcoplasmic reticulum was not explained by phosphoenzyme (EP) level or distribution. Analyses of calcium uptake, Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity, and unidirectional calcium flux in the presence of approx. 0.4 mM Mg2+ suggested that ruthenium red (0.5 microM) can also increase the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to calcium transport in heavy vesicles, with no effect in light vesicles. These functional differences between light and heavy vesicles suggest that calcium transport in terminal cisternae is regulated differently from that in longitudinal tubules.  相似文献   
Calcium waves produced by bradykinin-induced inositol-1,4, 5-trisphosphate (InsP(3))-mediated release from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) have been imaged in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells. A model of this process was built using the "virtual cell," a general computational system for integrating experimental image, biochemical, and electrophysiological data. The model geometry was based on a cell for which the calcium wave had been experimentally recorded. The distributions of the relevant cellular components [InsP(3) receptor (InsP(3)R)], sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) pumps, bradykinin receptors, and ER] were based on 3D confocal immunofluorescence images. Wherever possible, known biochemical and electrophysiological data were used to constrain the model. The simulation closely matched the spatial and temporal characteristics of the experimental calcium wave. Predictions on different patterns of calcium signals after InsP(3) uncaging or for different cell geometries were confirmed experimentally, thus helping to validate the model. Models in which the spatial distributions of key components are altered suggest that initiation of the wave in the center of the neurite derives from an interplay of soma-biased ER distribution and InsP(3) generation biased toward the neurite. Simulations demonstrate that mobile buffers (like the indicator fura-2) significantly delay initiation and lower the amplitude of the wave. Analysis of the role played by calcium diffusion indicated that the speed of the wave is only slightly dependent on the ability of calcium to diffuse to and activate neighboring InsP(3) receptor sites.  相似文献   
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