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Six very premature babies (born at 26–28 weeks gestational age) have been studied in hospital for 11–17 weeks, while in intensive care and in an incubator. Apart from suffering occasionally from the neonatal disorders of haemolytic jaundice and ‘respiratory distress of the newborn’, the babies were healthy and developed normally. Initially, the babies were continuously fed intravenously, and the lighting in the ward was on continuously. Routine care was given round the clock. When their medical condition permitted it, the babies were moved in their incubator to an adjacent ward, where they took frequent (2–4 hourly) small meals by mouth, the lighting was dimmed at night, and routine care tended to be given more in the daytime. Hourly recordings of insulated skin temperature were taken throughout the study, and it is the detection of rhythmicity in these measurements that has been the subject of the present study. The methods used were Phase-weighted Stacks, Phasor Walkout and Power Spectral Analysis. These methods have previously been used mainly in geophysical studies, and their value is that they can detect weak signals in noisy data and do not assume a particular waveform of any signal. Circadian rhythmicity was found in all babies for much of the time that were in the constant environment provided by the incubator. Ultradian rhythms were sometimes present also, but they were shorter-lived, and showed a wide range of changing periods, generally in excess of 8 h. When the babies were being treated for jaundice or respiratory distress, there was a tendency for the circadian rhythms to become weaker and for a broader spectrum of ultradian periods to appear. Placing babies in the 12 h : 12 h light : dark environment provided by the ward, and instituting feeding by mouth, had, in most cases, only modest effects upon either circadian or ultradian rhythms. Thus, circadian rhythms continued (but generally with a period not exactly equal to 24 h), and ultradian rhythms, when present, often did not show periods that could be related easily to feeding or care-giving. These results are discussed in terms of evidence for endogenous and exogenous origins of the observed rhythms, and of theories that have postulated the relationship between circadian and ultradian rhythms. It is concluded that the results from the present analyses are difficult to reconcile with the view that circadian rhythms develop from interactions between ultradian oscillators. We suggest that they indicate a matu-ration of the circadian system as a consequence of increasing associations between the circadian elements that are present in the suprachiasmatic nuclei and in other oscillators of the circadian system. The new analytical methods used here also indicate that the results obtained from time-frequency analysis depend to some extent upon the method used.  相似文献   
Electrophysiological and biochemical studies suggest that VIP may exert a facilitating action in the neocortical local circuitry. In the present study, we examined the actions of VIP and VIP + norepinephrine (NE) on somatosensory cortical neuron responses to direct application of the putative transmitters acetylcholine (ACh) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Spontaneous and transmitter-induced discharges of cortical neurons from halothane-anesthetized rats were monitored before, during and after VIP, NE and VIP + NE iontophoresis. In 57 VIP-sensitive cells tested, VIP application (5-70 nA) increased (n = 18), decreased (n = 36) or had biphasic actions (n = 3) on background firing rate. In a group of 20 neurons tested for NE + VIP, the combined effect of both peptide and bioamine was predominantly (70%) inhibitory. On the other hand, inhibitory and excitatory responses of cortical neurons to GABA (11 of 15 cases) and ACh (10 of 18 cases), respectively, were enhanced during VIP iontophoresis. Concomitant application of VIP and NE produced additive (n = 2) or more than additive (n = 3) enhancing effects on GABA inhibition. NE administration reversed or enhanced further VIP modulatory actions on ACh-induced excitation. These findings provide electrophysiological evidence that NE and VIP afferents may exert convergent influences on cortical neuronal responses to afferent synaptic inputs such that modulatory actions are anatomically focused within the cortex.  相似文献   
The Ca2+-ryanodine receptor complex is solubilized in functional form on treating sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles from rabbit fast skeletal muscle with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate (CHAPS) (1 mg/mg protein) and 1 M NaCl at pH 7.1 by shaking for 30 min at 5 degrees C. The heavy membrane preparations obtained from pyrophosphate homogenates frequently exhibit junctional feet and appear to be derived primarily from the terminal cisternae of the SR. The characteristics of [3H]ryanodine binding are similar for the soluble receptor and the heavy SR vesicles with respect to dependence on Ca2+, pharmacological specificity for inhibition by six ryanoids and ruthenium red, and lack of sensitivity to voltage-dependent Ca2+-channel blockers, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, or doxorubicin. In contrast, the cation sensitivity is decreased on receptor solubilization. The soluble receptor is modulated by cyclic nucleotides and rapidly denatured at 50 degrees C. Saturation experiments reveal a single class of receptors (Kd = 9.6 nM), whereas kinetic measurements yield a calculated association constant of 5.5 X 10(6) min-1 M-1 and a dissociation constant of 5.7 X 10(-4) min-1, suggesting that the [3H]ryanodine receptor complex ages with time to a state which is recalcitrant to dissociation. Sepharose chromatography shows that the receptor complex consists primarily of two protein fractions, one of apparent Mr 150,000-300,000 and a second, the [3H]ryanodine binding component, of approximately Mr 1.2 X 10(6). Preliminary analysis of the soluble receptor preparation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals subunits of Mr greater than 200,000 and major bands of calsequestrin and Ca2+-transport ATPase. These findings indicate that [3H]ryanodine binds to the Ca2+-induced open state of the channel involved in the release of contractile Ca2+.  相似文献   
The effects of a paper mill effluent on the macroinvertebrate community were assessed for the riffle areas of a large fast-flowing stream, the lower reaches of the Saranac River of northern New York State, U.S.A. The effluent caused few changes in dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, temperature or nutrient content; however, significant differences in transmitted light, concentrations of particulates and accumulated debris on the substrate were observed. A moderate decrease in invertebrate diversity correlated with increased levels of particulates and substrate debris. An analysis of the response of invertebrate functional groups revealed the effluent had little effect on the density of gathering collector organisms. The functional groups most severely reduced in density were the filtering collectors and scrapers. Predators showed a moderate reduction in density in response to the effluent. The alterations in invertebrate densities were attributed largely to the alterations in seston and substrate caused by the introduction of particulates composed mainly of paper fiber and inert dye.  相似文献   
The copper-accumulating region of the midgut is a mosaic of interstitial and cup-shaped, copper-accumulating cells. The cup of each cuprophilic cell is lined with a highly refractile border of long microvilli except in one strain where it is predominantly lamellar. The nucleus lies basally; the basal plasma membrane is fairly extensively infolded. Cytolysomes are abundant and increase in number with increasing copper content of the diet. The interstitial cells bear short, less regular microvilli and have a less electron-dense cytoplasm. The nucleus is apical, the mitochondria-associated basal membrane is very extensively infolded and cytolysomes are less abundant. Virus-like particles present in nuclei of both cell types increase in number with increasing copper concentration.  相似文献   
Three different methods of DNA isolation (organic deproteinization, potassium acetate deproteinization, and the use of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) have been used to prepare DNA from Bacillus subtilis. Subsequent hybridization with an rDNA probe (DNA coding for rRNA) produces different patterns, which mirror those previously reported to indicate an rDNA deletion.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization and northern/slot blot analyses were used to quantify the expression of calcyclin (2A9, 5B10), osteopontin (opn, secreted phosphoprotein, 2ar) and calmodulin mRNAs in mouse tissues that support pregnancy. High-to-moderate levels of the mRNAs of all three genes were detected at discrete locations in the uterus, decidua and placenta as a function of gestation time. Calmodulin expression was constant in these tissues; calcyclin mRNA was high during early pregnancy and declined after day 8-9 of gestation; and opn mRNA was undetectable before day 7, with maximal levels on days 9-12 in each of these tissues. Calcyclin, but not opn, expression was also observed in the chorioamnion after day 12. Calcyclin was expressed throughout the decidua on day 8 but became restricted to the primary (antimesometrial) decidual zone and decidua lateralis on day 9, and the decidua capsularis after day 9. By contrast, opn mRNA was localized on day 9 to the mesometrial triangle, which contains a large population of granulated metrial gland cells, and to the decidua basalis. These two genes may serve as markers for the two types of decidual tissue. We suggest that one function of OPN, which may be an indicator of cells in the decidua that have a bone marrow genealogy, is to mediate the flux of calcium from the maternal circulation to the developing embryo.  相似文献   
Several species of Aspidosperma plants are used to treat diseases in the tropics, including Aspidosperma ramiflorum, which acts against leishmaniasis, an activity that is experimentally confirmed. The species, known as guatambu-yellow, yellow peroba, coffee-peroba andmatiambu, grows in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil in the South to the Southeast regions. Through a guided biofractionation of A. ramiflorum extracts, the plant activity against Plasmodium falciparum was evaluated in vitro for toxicity towards human hepatoma G2 cells, normal monkey kidney cells and nonimmortalised human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood. Six of the seven extracts tested were active at low doses (half-maximal drug inhibitory concentration < 3.8 µg/mL); the aqueous extract was inactive. Overall, the plant extracts and the purified compounds displayed low toxicity in vitro. A nonsoluble extract fraction and one purified alkaloid isositsirikine (compound 5) displayed high selectivity indexes (SI) (= 56 and 113, respectively), whereas compounds 2 and 3 were toxic (SI < 10). The structure, activity and low toxicity of isositsirikine in vitro are described here for the first time in A. ramiflorum, but only the neutral and precipitate plant fractions were tested for activity, which caused up to 53% parasitaemia inhibition of Plasmodium berghei in mice with blood-induced malaria. This plant species is likely to be useful in the further development of an antimalarial drug, but its pharmacological evaluation is still required.  相似文献   
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