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Diaphragmatic function during hypoxemia: neonatal and developmental aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of acute hypoxemia on diaphragmatic force output was studied in five young (age 4-8 days, wt 1.3-2.2 kg) and five older (age 16-19 days, wt 2.8-3.3 kg), anesthetized, spontaneously breathing piglets. Diaphragmatic force output was assessed by analysis of the transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) generated during an occluded inspiratory effort, at end-expiratory lung volume, triggered by supramaximal transvenous stimulation of both phrenic nerves at frequencies of 20, 30, 50, and 100 Hz. During pressure measurements, the piglets were fitted with a rigid plaster cast covering the abdomen and lower third of the chest to ensure a consistency in diaphragmatic shortening during phrenic nerve stimulation. Pdi was measured under base-line conditions [inspired O2 fractional concentration (FIO2) = 0.50] and after 10 min of hypoxemia induced by breathing 12-14% FIO2. Pdi was significantly less than base line during acute hypoxemia at all frequencies of stimulation in both young and older piglets. The decline in the older piglets' Pdi during hypoxemia was significantly greater than that seen in younger piglets. We conclude that acute hypoxemia impairs the capacity of the developing piglet diaphragm to generate force. Furthermore, our data suggest that the young piglet is more resistant to the depressant effects of hypoxemia when compared to its older counterpart.  相似文献   
Total lung capacity (TLC), inspiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, and deflation stability of prematurely delivered Macaca nemestrina primates were measured serially during development of, and recovery from, hyaline membrane disease (HMD) to relate changes in lung volumes to changes in deflation stability. Gestational age-matched primates that did not develop HMD served as controls. TLC, measured by N2 washout, fell at 2-12 h of age (P less than 0.0001) in animals with HMD and remained lower than controls for at least 48 h (P less than 0.005). However, deflation stability, defined as the fraction of TLC remaining upon deflation to 10 cm H2O, improved from 2 to 12 h of age (P less than 0.001). Postmortem studies confirm the measurements of TLC and deflation stability and provide evidence that interstitial thickening and obstruction of air spaces with debris may be partially responsible for the observed changes in TLC in primates that develop HMD. It has been assumed that TLC is reduced in HMD because of atelectasis from elevated alveolar surface tension, but the sequential measurements in these animals suggest that other mechanisms also contribute.  相似文献   
Muscular dystrophies are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders that show myofiber degeneration and regeneration. Identification of animal models of muscular dystrophy has been instrumental in research on the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and treatment of these disorders. We review our understanding of the functional status of dystrophic skeletal muscle from selected animal models with a focus on 1) the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 2) the Bio 14.6 delta-sarcoglycan-deficient hamster model of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, and 3) transgenic null mutant murine lines of sarcoglycan (alpha, beta, delta, and gamma) deficiencies. Although biochemical data from these models suggest that the dystrophin-sarcoglycan-dystroglycan-laminin network is critical for structural integrity of the myofiber plasma membrane, emerging studies of muscle physiology suggest a more complex picture, with specific functional deficits varying considerably from muscle to muscle and model to model. It is likely that changes in muscle structure and function, downstream of the specific, primary biochemical deficiency, may alter muscle contractile properties.  相似文献   
Gene therapy studies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) have focused on viral vector-mediated gene transfer to provide therapeutic protein expression or treatment with drugs to limit dystrophic changes in muscle. The pathological activation of the nuclear factor (NF)-κB signaling pathway has emerged as an important cause of dystrophic muscle changes in muscular dystrophy. Furthermore, activation of NF-κB may inhibit gene transfer by promoting inflammation in response to the transgene or vector. Therefore, we hypothesized that inhibition of pathological NF-κB activation in muscle would complement the therapeutic benefits of dystrophin gene transfer in the mdx mouse model of DMD. Systemic gene transfer using serotype 9 adeno-associated viral (AAV9) vectors is promising for treatment of preclinical models of DMD because of vector tropism to cardiac and skeletal muscle. In quadriceps of C57BL/10ScSn-Dmd(mdx)/J (mdx) mice, the addition of octalysine (8K)-NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO)-binding domain (8K-NBD) peptide treatment to AAV9 minidystrophin gene delivery resulted in increased levels of recombinant dystrophin expression suggesting that 8K-NBD treatment promoted an environment in muscle tissue conducive to higher levels of expression. Indices of necrosis and regeneration were diminished with AAV9 gene delivery alone and to a greater degree with the addition of 8K-NBD treatment. In diaphragm muscle, high-level transgene expression was achieved with AAV9 minidystoophin gene delivery alone; therefore, improvements in histological and physiological indices were comparable in the two treatment groups. The data support benefit from 8K-NBD treatment to complement gene transfer therapy for DMD in muscle tissue that receives incomplete levels of transduction by gene transfer, which may be highly significant for clinical applications of muscle gene delivery.  相似文献   
Creatine kinase(CK) provides ATP buffering in skeletal muscle and is expressed as1) cytosolic myofibrillar CK (M-CK)and 2) sarcomeric mitochondrial CK(ScCKmit) isoforms that differ in their subcellular localization. Wecompared the isometric contractile and fatigue properties of1) control CK-sufficient (Ctl),2) M-CK-deficient (M-CK[/]), and3) combined M-CK/ScCKmit-deficientnull mutant (CK[/]) diaphragm (Dia) todetermine the effect of the absence of M-CK activity on Dia performancein vitro. Baseline contractile properties were comparable across groupsexcept for specific force, which was ~16% lower inCK[/] Dia compared withM-CK[/] and Ctl Dia. During repetitiveactivation (40 Hz, duty cycle), force declined in all threegroups. This decline was significantly greater inCK[/] Dia compared with Ctl and M-CK[/] Dia. The pattern of forcedecline did not differ between M-CK[/] andCtl Dia. We conclude that Dia isometric muscle function is notabsolutely dependent on the presence of M-CK, whereas the completeabsence of CK acutely impairs isometric force generation duringrepetitive activation.

The effects of growth hormone (GH) on diaphragm muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition and mechanical performance were investigated in Fischer 344 male rats aged to senescence (24.5 mo of age). Chronic undernutrition (UN), refeeding (RF), and RF+GH were compared with ad libitum feeding by using a model of UN that produced a 50% decrease in body weight over a 12-mo period. The effect of aging was assessed by comparing MHC composition of ad libitum-fed rats at 12 and 24.5 mo of age. At senescence, significant decreases in slow type I (-23%) and fast type IIA (-31%) MHC had occurred with aging. Conversely, UN over this aging period increased types I (32-73%) and IIA (22-23%) MHC and decreased fast types IIB (32-54%) and IIX (30-31%) MHC. RF and RF+GH reversed these shifts back toward control values. At senescence, maximal specific force, maximal velocity, and specific power capacity were not different across treatment groups. During repetitive isotonic contraction trials, the diaphragms of UN rats maintained power production over time (54% of initial power at 60 s), whereas the power production of diaphragms of ad libitum-fed rats fell to 0% (P < 0.05). In comparison with UN rats, the diaphragms of RF and RF+GH rats produced 23 (not significant) and 11% (P < 0.05) of initial power, respectively, suggesting that RF+GH treatment restored performance characteristics after UN. We conclude that RF+GH can reverse alterations in MHC composition and mechanical performance produced by chronic UN in the aged rat diaphragm.  相似文献   
A profile of respiratory complications has beenassociated with the onset and development of obesity in humans. Similarphenotypes have been routinely demonstrated in genetic animal models ofobesity such as the ob mouse(C57BL/6J-Lepob).The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that aconstellation of respiratory complications are attenuated with leptin(i.e., protein product of the ob gene)replacement. Daily leptin administration during a 6-wk period wasconducted to control body weight of mutantob mice similar to genotypic controlgroups. During the treatment period, repeated baseline ventilatorymeasurements were assessed by using whole body plethysmography whilequasistatic pressure-volume curves were performed to further explorethe role of leptin in improving lung mechanics. Diaphragmatic myosinheavy chain (MHC) isoform phenotype was examined to determine proportional changes in MHC composition. In room air, breathing frequency and minute ventilation were significantly(P < 0.01) different amongob treatment groups, suggesting thatleptin opposed the development of a rapid breathing pattern observed invehicle-treated ob mice. Quasistaticdeflation curves indicated that the lung volume of leptin-treatedob mice was significantly(P < 0.05) greater relative tovehicle-treated ob mice at airwaypressures between 0 and 30 cmH2O.Diaphragm MHC composition of leptin-treated ob mice was restored significantly(P < 0.05) to resemble the controlphenotype. In this genetic mouse model of obesity, the resultssuggested that respiratory complications associated with the obesephenotype, including rapid breathing pattern at baseline, diminishedlung compliance, and abnormal respiratory muscle adaptations, areattenuated with prolonged leptin treatment.

The effect of acute hypercapnia on diaphragmatic force output was studied in 6 young (4-8 days) and 6 older (16-20 days) anesthetized, spontaneously breathing piglets. Diaphragmatic force output was assessed by analysis of the transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) generated during phrenic nerve stimulation. Pdi was measured under base-line conditions (50% O2-50% N2) and after 10 min of hypercapnia induced by breathing 5, 10, or 15% CO2 balanced with N2 and 50% O2. Pdi was significantly less than base line during the 10 and 15% hypercapnic conditions in the young (P less than 0.05) but not the older piglets. End-expiratory lung volume was noted to decrease during 15% CO2 hypercapnia. Force output augmentation occurred at this lower end-expiratory lung volume and was significantly greater in the older piglet compared with its younger counterpart (P less than 0.05). When the effects of lung volume on Pdi were corrected for, there was no age-related difference in the response to 15% CO2 hypercapnia. We conclude that severe hypercapnia has a depressant effect on diaphragmatic force output in both young and older piglets, and a differential augmentation in diaphragmatic force-output gain occurs at lower end-expiratory lung volume between young and older piglets, with the greater output occurring in the more mature animal.  相似文献   
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