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 The phylogeny of the genus Gunnera is investigated for the first time. Twelve species representing the six currently recognised subgenera are analysed. Two chloroplast DNA regions, the rbcL gene and the rps16 intron, together provide 46 informative characters out of 2335. A combined analysis of both genes gives four most parsimonious trees, firmly establishing the east South American G. herteri as sister group to the rest of the genus. The African G. perpensa is sister group to two well-supported clades, one including the South American subgenera Misandra and Panke, the other the Australian/New Zealand/Malayan species of subgenera Milligania and Pseudogunnera. Thus, South America is a composite area for Gunnera, showing up at two different levels in the cladogram. Our analysis supports a close biogeographic relationship between Australia and New Zealand. The evolution of some morphological characters is discussed. Lastly, the unusual structure of some of the rbcL sequences is reported. Received July 6, 2000 Accepted October 24, 2000  相似文献   
Aim Recent studies suggest that if constrained by prevailing wind or ocean currents dispersal may produce predictable, repeated distribution patterns. Dispersal mediated by the West Wind Drift (WWD) and Antarctic Circumpolar Current (AAC) has often been invoked to explain the floristic similarities of Australia, South America and New Zealand. If these systems have been important dispersal vectors then eastward dispersal – from Australia to New Zealand and the western Pacific to South America – is expected to predominate. We investigate whether phylogenies for Southern Hemisphere plant groups provide evidence of historical dispersal asymmetry and more specifically whether inferred asymmetries are consistent with the direction of the WWD/AAC. Location Southern Hemisphere. Methods We assembled a data set of 23 published phylogenies for plant groups that occur in New Zealand, Australia and/or South America. We used parsimony‐based tree fitting to infer the number and direction of dispersals within each group. Observed dispersal asymmetries were tested for significance against a distribution of expected values. Results Our analyses suggest that dispersal has played a major role in establishing present distributions and that there are significant patterns of asymmetry in Southern Hemisphere dispersal. Consistent with the eastward direction of the WWD/ACC, dispersal from Australia to New Zealand was inferred significantly more often than in the reverse direction. No significant patterns of dispersal asymmetry were found between the western Pacific landmasses and South America. However, eastward dispersal was more frequently inferred between Australia and South America, while for New Zealand–South American events westward dispersal was more common. Main conclusions Our results suggest that eastward circumpolar currents have constrained the dispersal of plants between Australia and New Zealand. However, the WWD/ACC appear to have had less of an influence on dispersal between the western Pacific landmasses and South America. This observation may suggest that differences in dispersal mechanism are important – direct wind or water dispersal vs. stepping‐stone dispersal along the Antarctic coast. While our analyses provide useful preliminary insights into dispersal asymmetry in the Southern Hemisphere we will need larger data sets and additional methodological advances in order to test fully these dispersal patterns and infer processes from phylogenetic data.  相似文献   
Hanko  E.  Erne  K.  Wanntorp  H.  Borg  K. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1970,11(2):268-282
Chickens were fed alkyl mercury-dressed wheat (mercury content about 8 mg/kg) for 35–44 days and were then immediately sacrificed. No signs of untoward effects were observed. Muscle of the chickens, and a minor proportion of liver, were fed to two groups of two ferrets (Mustela furo L. × M. putorius L.), the mercury content of the diet being 7 and 5 mg/kg, respectively. The ferrets of the first group died after 35 and 36 days and those of the second after 58 days. The experimental ferrets showed a marked weight loss, attributable to muscular atrophy in addition to a reduced food intake. Clinical signs appeared in two to three weeks and were primarily neurological such as ataxia, trembling and paralysis. The signs could be correlated with pronounced degenerative changes of the central and peripheral nervous systems involving mainly the cerebellum and peripheral nerves and, to a lesser extent, the cerebrum and the spinal cord. Hypoplasia of the lymphatic tissue of the spleen and degeneration of the graafian follicles were seen as well. High mercury levels were found in the kidneys, liver and brain and also in skeletal muscle and the gonads of the ferrets (Table 2). Methyl mercury constituted the major part of the tissue mercury in the ferrets (as well as in the chickens). The results provide direct evidence of the transfer and accumulation of alkyl mercury in a toxic form through a food chain. The ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Hoya (Marsdenieae, Apocynaceae) includes at least 200 species distributed from India to the Pacific Islands. We here infer major species groups in the genus based on combined sequences from the chloroplast atpB-rbcL spacer, the trnL region, and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS region for 42 taxa of Hoya and close relatives. To assess levels of ITS polymorphism, ITS sequences for a third of the accessions were obtained by cloning. Most ITS clones grouped by species, indicating that speciation in Hoya usually predates ITS duplication. One ITS sequence of H. carnosa, however, grouped with a sequence of the morphologically similar H. pubicalyx, pointing to recent hybridization or the persistence of paralogous copies through a speciation event. The topology resulting from the combined chloroplast and nuclear data recovers some morphology-based sections, such as Acanthostemma and Eriostemma, as well as a well-supported Australian/New Guinean clade. The combined data also suggest that morphological adaptations for ant-symbiosis evolved at least three times within Hoya.  相似文献   
The almost cosmopolitan distribution of Samolus valerandi is unique in the genus Samolus L. (Samolaceae), which also includes 12–15 taxa with distributions restricted to smaller areas of the Southern Hemisphere. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences showed that the widespread S. valerandi and the North American S. parviflorus are both part of a strongly supported clade, together with the North American S. vagans, S. spathulatus, and S. latifolius. To better understand the origin, distribution, and diversification of S. valerandi and to clarify the relationships within this clade, we performed molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the plastid trnS-G intergenic spacer and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. We have also sought further support for relationships by examining flower and leaf characters. On the basis of new results, we propose that S. valerandi, S. parviflorus, and S. vagans are considered as part of a widespread “species complex”, with its centre of diversity in North America. No clear vicariance patterns were found regarding the phylogeography of S. valerandi, which thus seems to have dispersed secondarily to various places around the world, possibly as a result of human activities.  相似文献   
Summary The structure and anatomy of mature flowers of four species of Meliosma is investigated using scanning electron and light microscopy. The vasculature of the flower, including the structure of the gynoecium, is described in detail. The mechanism of stamen maturation and pollen release is illustrated and discussed. The existence of an explosive pollination mechanism is questioned for at least part of the species. Flowers are proterandrous and fertile stamens are kept spatially separate from the style by a ring of large staminodes. Anthers are disporangiate by the loss of the adaxial pollen sacs. During maturation the filament bends progressively outwards and releases the pollen on the extension of the connective that acts as a secondary pollen presentation system. The nectary has five appendages topped with stomata secreting abundant nectar. The relationships of Sabiaceae are discussed relative to other early diverging eudicots. The significance of Sabiaceae as an isolated clade is highlighted, although some features point to a link with Menispermaceae.  相似文献   
A cladistic classification comprises strictly monophyletic taxa only. Groups such as the green algae and the gymnosperms are not monophyletic and should not be recognized taxonomically. In this proposal the green plants are recognized as a sub–kingdom, Chlorobionta. One of the divisions is Slreptophyta with some green algae and the higher plants, the latter group being recognized as a subdivision, Em–bryophylina. The (extant) higher plants consist of eight classes, one of them being Pinatae , the seed plants. The angiosperms constitute one of the subclasses, viz Mag–noliidae.  相似文献   
Pollen grains from ten species of Gunnera, chosen to represent the six different subgenera in the genus, were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The aim of the study was to explore characters that have the potential to define different types of pollen within Gunnera and to study the evolution of these characters in light of the phylogeny of the genus. According to our results, there are three main types of pollen in the examined species of Gunnera. Type 1, unique for the South American species G. herteri (subgenus Ostenigunnera), is characterised by an imperfect reticulum with sinuous undulating-creasted muri. A reticulum with equidimensional polygonal lumina is typical for the plesiomorphic type of pollen (type 2) present in subgenera Gunnera, Misandra and Panke. Lastly, pollen grains of subgenera Pseudogunnera and Milligania are characterised by a reticulum with lumina of variable shape and size (type 3). In G. macrophylla (subgenus Pseudogunnera), the lumina in the apocolpia are of a different shape and size from the lumina in the mesocolpia (type 3a), while in G. dentata, G. monoica and G. cordifolia (subgenus Milligania), the lumina are identical in the apocolpium and the mesocolpium (type 3b).

The identification of pollen types will possibly allow the interpretation of the different specimens of Tricolpites reticulatus, the fossil species believed to be allied to the extant Gunnera.

In addition to the revision on the pollen of Gunnera, a brief comparison between the pollen of this genus and its sister group Myrothamnus is reported.  相似文献   
The so called revolute margins of the corona in the genus Hoya (Marsdenieae) are homologous to the anther skirt. The anther skirt is primarily formed of two latero-basal lobes of the anther. In Hoya these lobes are fused with the underside of the basal process of the staminal corona and have evolved into a dominant structure of the gynostegium. Embedded in the anther skirt is the nectar tube, formed by the basal elongation of the guide rail. In many species, however, the function of nectar secretion for pollinator reward has been transferred to the anther skirt beneath the basal process of the corona. A survey of the Marsdenieae shows that the potential for developing an anther skirt is present in several other genera as well, though nowhere has it evolved into such elaborated structures as in Hoya.  相似文献   
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