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The three-dimensional structure of the large (50S) ribosomal subunit from Escherichia coli has been determined from electron micrographs of negatively stained specimens. A new method of three-dimensional reconstruction was used which combines many images of individual subunits recorded at a single high tilt angle. A prominent feature of the reconstruction is a large groove on the side of the subunit that interacts with the small ribosomal subunit. This feature is probably of functional significance as it includes the regions where the peptidyl transferase site and the binding locations of the elongation factors have been mapped previously by immunoelectron microscopy.  相似文献   
Previous immunoelectron microscopy studies have shown that the anticodon of valyl-tRNA, photocrosslinked to the ribosomal P site at the C1400 residue of the 16 S RNA, is located in the vicinity of the cleft of the small ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli. In this study we used single-particle image-averaging techniques to demonstrate that the 30 S-bound tRNA molecule can be localized directly, without the need for specific antibody markers. In agreement with the immunoelectron microscopy results, we find that the tRNA molecule appears to be located deep in the cleft of the 30 S subunit. We believe that the use of computer image averaging to localize ligands bound to ribosomes and other macromolecular complexes will become widespread because of the superior sensitivity, precision and objectivity of this technique compared with conventional immunoelectron microscopy.  相似文献   
Calmodulin (CaM) is a regulator of the calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal and cardiac muscle. The locations where CaM binds on the surface of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor were determined by electron microscopy. Wheat germ CaM was labeled specifically at Cys-27 with a maleimide derivative of a 1.4-nm-diameter gold cluster, and the gold-cluster-labeled CaM was bound to the purified ryanodine receptor. The complexes were imaged in the frozen-hydrated state by cryoelectron microscopy with no stains or fixatives present. In the micrographs, gold clusters were frequently observed near the corners of the square-shaped images of the ryanodine receptors. In some images, all four corners of the receptor were occupied by gold clusters. Image averaging allowed the site of CaM binding to be determined in two dimensions with an estimated precision of 4 nm. No changes were apparent in the quaternary structure of the ryanodine receptor upon binding CaM to the resolution attained, about 3 nm. Side views of the ryanodine receptor, in which the receptor is oriented approximately perpendicular to the much more frequent fourfold symmetric views, were occasionally observed, and showed that the CaM binding site is most likely on the surface of the receptor that faces the cytoplasm. We conclude that the CaM binding site is at least 10 nm from the transmembrane channel of the receptor and, consequently, that long-range conformational changes are involved in the modulation of the calcium channel activity of the receptor by CaM.  相似文献   
The native architectures of the pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes have been investigated by cryoelectron microscopy of unstained, frozen-hydrated specimens. In pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex the transacylase (E2) components exist as 24-subunit, cube-shaped assemblies that form the structural cores of the complexes. Multiple copies (12-24) of the alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase (E1) and dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3) components bind to the surface of the cores. Images of the frozen-hydrated enzyme complexes do not appear consistent with a symmetric arrangement of the E1 and E3 subunits about the octahedrally symmetric E2 core. Often the E1 or E3 subunits appear separated from the surface of the E2 core by 3-5 nm, and sometimes thin bridges of density appear in the gap between the E2 core and the bound subunits; studies of subcomplexes consisting of the E2 core from 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and E1 or E3 show that both E1 and E3 are bound in this manner. Images of the E2 cores isolated from pyruvate dehydrogenase complex appear surrounded by a faint fuzz that extends approximately 10 nm from the surface of the core and likely corresponds to the lipoyl domains of the E2.  相似文献   
After disulphide bonds are reduced with dithiothreitol, trans-3- (α-bromomethyl)-3’-[α- (trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (trans-QBr) alkylates a sulfhydryl group on receptors. The membrane conductance induced by this “tethered agonist” shares many properties with that induced by reversible agonists. Equilibrium conductance increases as the membrane potential is made more negative; the voltage sensitivity resembles that seen with 50 [mu]M carbachol. Voltage- jump relaxations follow an exponential time-course; the rate constants are about twice as large as those seen with 50 μM carbachol and have the same voltage and temperature sensitivity. With reversible agonists, the rate of channel opening increases with the frequency of agonist-receptor collisions: with tethered trans-Qbr, this rate depends only on intramolecular events. In comparison to the conductance induced by reversible agonists, the QBr-induced conductance is at least 10-fold less sensitive to competitive blockade by tubocurarine and roughly as sensitive to “open-channel blockade” bu QX-222. Light-flash experiments with tethered QBr resemble those with the reversible photoisomerizable agonist, 3,3’,bis-[α-(trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (Bis-Q): the conductance is increased by cis {arrow} trans photoisomerizations and decreased by trans {arrow} cis photoisomerizations. As with Bis-Q, ligh-flash relaxations have the same rate constant as voltage-jump relaxations. Receptors with tethered trans isomer. By comparing the agonist-induced conductance with the cis/tans ratio, we conclude that each channel’s activation is determined by the configuration of a single tethered QBr molecule. The QBr-induced conductance shows slow decreases (time constant, several hundred milliseconds), which can be partially reversed by flashes. The similarities suggest that the same rate-limiting step governs the opening and closing of channels for both reversible and tethered agonists. Therefore, this step is probably not the initial encounter between agonist and receptor molecules.  相似文献   
The proteasome is a multiprotein complex that is involved in the intracellular protein degradation in eukaryotes. Here, we show that human malignant glioma cells are susceptible to apoptotic cell death induced by the proteasome inhibitors, MG132 and lactacystin. The execution of the apoptotic death program involves the processing of caspases 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9. Apoptosis is inhibited by ectopic expression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) and by coexposure to the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, benzoyl-VAD-fluoromethyl ketone (zVAD-fmk), but not by the preferential caspase 8 inhibitor, crm-A. It is interesting that specific morphological alterations induced by proteasome inhibition, such as dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum and the formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles and dense mitochondrial deposits, are unaffected by zVAD-fmk. Apoptosis is also inhibited by ectopic expression of Bcl-2 or by an inhibitor of protein synthesis, cycloheximide. Further, cytochrome c release and disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential are prominent features of apoptosis triggered by proteasome inhibition. Bcl-2 is a stronger inhibitor of cytochrome c release than zVAD-fmk. XIAP and crm-A fail to modulate cytochrome c release. These data place cytochrome c release downstream of Bcl-2 activity but upstream of XIAP- and crm-A-sensitive caspases. The partial inhibition of cytochrome c release by zVAD-fmk indicates a positive feedback loop that may involve cytochrome c release and zVAD-fmk-sensitive caspases. Finally, death ligand/receptor interactions, including the CD95/CD95 ligand system, do not mediate apoptosis induced by proteasome inhibition in human malignant glioma cells.  相似文献   
干扰素研究及应用进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1957年,英国科学家Isaacs和Lindenmann利用鸡胚绒毛尿囊研究流感干扰现象时,发现一种能够干扰病毒繁殖的物质,称之为干扰素(IFN),由于干扰素对许多疾病有很好的治疗作用,一直是医学领域研究的重要物质之一。现在干扰素已成功地用于肝炎、肿瘤治疗等方面。为了充分发挥干扰素的作用,人们稍用基因工程的方法来对干扰素的产量及功效进行改进,已达到更好的应用,因此基因工程干扰素越来越多地成了研究的重点。  相似文献   
热休克蛋白gp96是热休克蛋白90家族成员,能够引起非特异性和特异性免疫反应。得到大量高纯度的蛋白质是研究开发gp96的关键。然而重组的gp96容易在E.coli中降解,并在一定条件下形成多聚体。实验先将人gp96基因克隆到pET-30a载体上并在E.coli Blstar中表达,再经过亲和层析、阴离子交换、分子筛分别纯化gp96。最终去掉了大部分的降解片段和多聚体,得到一定量的可溶性gp96,为进一步研究其结构和功能打下一定的基础。  相似文献   
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