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Phytoseius plumifer could develop and reproduce when fed on the different stages of the red spider mite T. cinnabarinus. The female immature stages lasted for an average of 4.8, 3.8 and 4.5 days respectively when fed on eggs, immatures and adults of the prey at an average temperature of 29.5±1°C. The average number of deposited eggs per female was significantly greater when it fed on immatures and adults (about 45 eggs) than when it fed on prey eggs (about 29 eggs). During the whole life-span the predator female fed on an average of 969 eggs or 438 immatures or 346 adults, of these more than 93% were consumed during the adult stage. Males lived for shorter time and consumed fewer prey than females.The predator could develop and reproduce successfully on date-palm pollen but at a slower rate. On this diet the immature stages lasted 10.5 days and female laid an average of 16.6 eggs. On hollyhock and cotton pollen, or sweet potato leaves, larvae failed to develop to adults.
Zusammenfassung Phytoseius plumifer konnte sich entwickeln und fortpflanzen, wenn er mit verschiedenen Stadien der Roten Spinnmilbe, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, gefüttert wurde. Die Entwicklungs-stadien des Weibchens dauerten bei einer Mitteltemperatur von 29,5±1° je nach Fütterung mit Eiern, Jungtieren oder Adulten der Beute durchschnittlich 4,8, 3,8 oder 4,5 Tage. Die durchschnittliche Anzahl von einem Weibchen abgelegter Eier war signifikant größer, wenn sie mit Larven und Erwachsenen gefüttert wurden (etwa 45 Eier), als wenn sie mit Eiern der Beutetiere ernährt wurden (etwa 29 Eier). Während der Gesamtlebensdauer verzehrte ein Raubmilben-Weibchen im Durchschnitt 969 Eier oder 438 unreife oder 346 erwachsene Beutetiere, von denen mehr als 93% während des Imaginalstadiums verbraucht wurden. Männchen lebten kürzere Zeit und vertilgten weniger Beute als die Weibchen.Der Räuber konnte sich an Dattelpalmen-Pollen entwickeln und erfolgreich fortpflanzen, jedoch mit einer geringeren Rate. Bei dieser Ernährung dauerte die Entwicklung bis zur Imago 10,5 Tage und ein Weibchen legte im Durchschnitt 16,6 Eier. Mit Stechpalmen- und Baumwoll-Pollen oder an Süßkartoffel-Blättern entwickelten sich die Larven nicht bis zur Imago.
The effect of the selective breeding of mice for high or low antibody production to complex immunogens is largely nonspecific, since it modifies the responsiveness of high (H) and low (L) lines to many antigens unrelated to the selection antigen. However, the nonspecific effect of the polygenic control operating in these lines is not a general feature. For example, the group of genes in selection IV, carried out for responsiveness to somatic antigen of Salmonella, does not modify the responses to sheep erythrocytes (SE). Despite equivalent responses in H and L mice of selection IV, a large variability was found in individual responses of F2 interline hybrids, which demonstrates the presence of alleles with high or low effect on responses to SE. A selective breeding (Selection IV-A) was therefore initiated from this F2 population for responsiveness to SE. A progressive interline divergence occurred during the first seven generations of selection; the interline separation was due to polygenic regulation (about four independent loci from a preliminary estimate).Equivalent responses to the s antigen of Salmonella are observed in the two lines. This constitutes additional evidence for distinct polygenic regulation of responses to SE and to somatic antigen. Moreover, the pattern of responses to several unrelated antigens (nonspecific effect) also differs between Selections IV and IV-A.Abbreviations H high responder lines - L low responder lines - s somatic antigen of Salmonella - f flagellar antigen of Salmonella - R response to selection - S selection differential - F0 foundation population - h2 heritability (realized) - RGG rabbit gamma globulin - CE chicken erythrocyte - HE human erythrocyte - PE pigeon erythrocyte - SE sheep erythrocyte  相似文献   
Objective:To determine the efficacy of a five-week core stability training program for collegiate athletes on upper extremity performance measures.Methods:Seventy healthy collegiate athletes (age 21.6±1.7years; height 175±4.63 cm; body mass 65.31±5.63 kg) were randomly allocated to experimental (n=35) and control group (n=35). The experimental group has undergone a five-week core stabilisation protocol (three days /week) and regular training, whereas the control group maintained their regular training. The upper quarter Y balance test (UQ-YBT) and Functional throwing performance index (FTPI) were assessed pre and post-training.Results:The results of mixed ANOVA show that there was a significant interaction between time and group variables on YBT (p<0.001, ηp2 =0.759) and FTPI (p<0.001, ηp2 =0.411) after five weeks of core stability training. Statistically, significant improvement was shown in YBT (mean change=15.2, p<0.001) and FTPI (mean change=14.4, p<0.001) in the experimental group; however, there was no significant change observed in both outcomes in the control groups.Conclusion:After five weeks of core stabilisation training program, the measures of UQ-YBT and FTPI were improved, thus advocating the use of a core stabilisation training program among collegiate athletes to enhance their upper extremity performance.  相似文献   
In this study, the variations of glycogen concentrations in Ruditapes decussatus from Sfax coasts (Tunisia) were described in relation to the reproductive cycle. Separate analyses were made of gonad, adductor muscle and ‘remainder’. The timing of gametogenic development and spawning was evaluated using qualitative histology associated with image analysis including (1) the estimation of the gonadal occupation index (GOI), (2) surface area occupied by reserve tissues and (3) variation in oocyte diameter. The reproductive cycle of R. decussatus exhibited partial asynchronization between sexes, the major difference being observed in the duration of the spawning period. Contrary to previous studies, we observed continuous partial spawning (e.g. 50% of ripe oocytes still subsisted at the partial spawning stage). During the gametogenic cycle, GOI varied significantly in males and in females. Most oocytes were ripe and ready to spawn when their diameter reached or exceeded 45?µm. The expansion of gonad was inversely proportional to the development of the foot tissue. Glycogen concentration showed significant temporal variations between tissues, indicating the clear differentiation in energy storage between the clam organs.  相似文献   
Anthracnose Citrus disease has been associated with several symptoms worldwide and it is recently compromising Citrus production in the Mediterranean area. Four species complexes are mainly involved: Colletotrichum boninense, C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides and C. truncatum. In this study, we investigated the genetic diversity of Colletotrichum spp. in Tunisia associated with wither‐tip of twigs on Citrus. Specific primers ITS4‐CgInt allowed the identification of Cgloeosporioides species complex in all the 54 isolates, sampled from three regions and four Citrus species. Overall, our genotypic analysis using 10 SSR markers showed a moderate diversity level in Tunisian C. gloeosporioides population and highlighted that C. gloeosporioides reproduce mainly clonally. In addition, heterothallic isolates were present in our population, suggesting that the pathogen population may undergo parasexual recombinations. The highest genetic diversity in C. gloeosporioides was recorded in Nabeul and on orange, which likely constitutes the area and the host of origin for the Citrus anthracnose disease in Tunisia. In addition, no population subdivision was detected at the geographic, host species or cultivars’ origin levels. However, our study identified two genetic subpopulations and indicated a rapid C. gloeosporioides population change at temporal scale that should be further examined over several consecutive growing seasons in order to understand its population dynamics.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas brassicacearum was isolated as a major root-colonizing population from Arabidopsis thaliana. The strain NFM421 of P. brassicacearum undergoes phenotypic variation during A. thaliana and Brassica napus root colonization in vitro as well as in soil, resulting in different colony appearance on agar surfaces. Bacteria forming translucent colonies (phase II cells) essentially were localized at the surface of young roots and root tips, whereas wild-type cells (phase I cells) were localized at the basal part of roots. The ability of phase II cells to spread and colonize new sites on root surface correlates with over-production of flagellin as evidenced by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of surface proteins and microsequencing. Moreover, phase II cells showed a higher ability to swim and to swarm on semisolid agar medium. Phase I and phase II cells of P. brassicacearum NFM421 were tagged genetically with green fluorescent protein and red fluorescent protein. Confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to localize phase II cells on secondary roots and root tips of A. thaliana, whereas phase I cells essentially were localized at the basal part of roots. These experiments were conducted in vitro and in soil. Phenotypic variation on plant roots is likely to be a colonization strategy that may explain the high colonization power of P. brassicacearum.  相似文献   
The production of an antibiotic by free and immobilized cells of Streptomyces violatus through entrapment or adsorption on different materials was investigated. S. violatus entrapped in Ca-alginate beads gave low antibiotic activity compared to the free cell or adsorbed cell, while the adsorption of S. violatus on sponge cubes yielded the highest antibiotic concentration after 4 days of incubation in static cultures. A starch concentration of 10 g/L was optimum for the production of the antibiotic by adsorbed cells. The weight and size of the sponge cubes used for immobilization influenced production of the antibiotic and the optimum weight and size of the sponge were 0.8 g and 1.0 cm(3), respectively, yielding a maximum antibiotic production of 280 mg/ml. Maximum antibiotic production was obtained at an initial pH value of 7.5 and in an inoculum size of 3 ml (spore suspension) per 50 ml. The production of the antibiotic in a fixed-bed bioreactor reached a maximum value after 2 days of incubation at a circulation rate of 30 ml/h. The immobilized cells in the bioreactor were reused seven successive times over a period of 14 days.  相似文献   
Nuclear transfer in cattle is associated with high levels of embryonic mortality and often with congenital malformation. Chromosomal abnormalities are a well-known cause of pregnancy failure and congenital malformation in humans, but their relative contribution to pregnancy failure and congenital malformation in cloned embryos and calves is largely unknown. This paper reviews existing literature on the chromosomal constitution of bovine embryos produced by fertilization in vivo and in vitro, parthenogenetic activation, and nuclear transfer. The published data suggest that chromosomally abnormal cells are common in embryos; however, the frequency reported varies with the method of embryo production. The most frequently observed deviation from the diploid karyotype was mixoploidy resulting from aberrant cell division causing polyploidy in a variable proportion of the embryo's cells.  相似文献   
BackgroundPneumococcal disease, a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally, has higher incidence among young children, the elderly and the immunocompromised of all ages. In Tunisia, pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) are not included in the national immunization program. Also, few studies have described the epidemiology of S. pneumoniae in this country and, in particular, no molecular typing studies have been performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate serotype distribution, antimicrobial resistance and clonality of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from neutropenic patients in Tunisia.MethodsFifty-nine S. pneumoniae were isolated from infection (n = 31) and colonization (n = 28) sites of patients (children and adults) attending the National Centre of Bone Marrow Transplantation in Tunis between 2005–2011. All isolates were characterized by serotype, antimicrobial resistance pattern and multilocus sequence typing (MLST).ResultsThe majority (66.1%) of the isolates belonged to five serotypes all included in PCVs: 6B, 9V, 14, 19F and 23F. The potential coverage of the 10-valent and 13-valent PCV was of 71.2% and 76.3% respectively. Resistance rates were very high and 69.5% of the isolates were multidrug resistant: non-susceptibility rates to penicillin, amoxicillin and cefotaxime were 66.1%, 40.7% and 27.1%, respectively; resistance rates to erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, were 69.5%, 61.0%, 37.3%, 22.0% and 67.8%, respectively. The most frequent serotypes had STs characteristic of multidrug resistant international clones known to be highly successful and important causes of pneumococcal infection: Spain 23F-ST81, France 9V/14-ST156, Spain 6B-ST90, 19F-ST320, and Portugal 19F-ST177.ConclusionsThe majority of S. pneumoniae strains recovered from immunocompromised patients in Tunisia are representatives of multidrug resistant pandemic clones that express serotypes targeted by PCVs. To contain the burden of pneumococcal disease and improve treatment choices among Tunisian immunocompromised patients PCVs should be offered to all of them.  相似文献   
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