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Extracts of mandibular glands taken from adult queens of the honey bee, Apis mellifera carnica, were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. More than 100 compounds could be identified among which oxygenated fatty acids with six, eight, 10 and 12 carbon atoms are particularly interesting since they show structural relationships to the queen substance, (E)-9-oxo-2-decenoic acid. Changes in the patterns of volatiles were followed up from emergence until the full dominant status of an egg-laying queen in a strong colony. Generally, the amount of volatiles per gland was found to increase with age. The final level of queen substance (9-ODA) content is reached at the postmating stage about 10 days after emergence. Ontogenetic patterns of concentrations were determined for those components regarded to predominantly contribute to the royal pheromone. Characteristic compositions of signals, possibly involved in the premating, mating and postmating dominance status of a honey bee queen are discussed. Copyright 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  相似文献   
Mutations at the mouse pink-eyed dilution locus, p, cause hypopigmentation. We have cloned the mouse p gene cDNA and the cDNA of its human counterpart, P. The region of mouse chromosome 7 containing the p locus is syntenic with human chromosome 15q11-q13, a region associated with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS), both of which involve profound imprinting effects. PWS patients lack sequences of paternal origin from 15q, whereas AS patients lack a maternal copy of an essential region from 15q. However, the critical regions for these syndromes are much smaller than the chromosomal region commonly deleted that often includes the P gene. Hypopigmentation in PWS and AS patients is correlated with deletions of one copy of the human P gene that is highly homologous with its mouse counterpart. A subset of PWS and AS patients also have OCA2. These patients lack one copy of the P gene in the context of a PWS or AS deletion, with a mutation in the remaining chromosomal homologue of the P gene. Mutations in both homologues of the P gene of OCA2 patients who do not have PWS or AS have also been detected.  相似文献   
The structures of volatile chemicals released by parasitic wasps in the family Bethylidae are shown to correspond to the subfamily to which the species belong. Species in the Epyrinae release skatole (3-methylindole) and species in the Bethylinae release a spiroacetal (2-methyl-1,7-dioxaspiro [5.5]undecane): these compounds are chemically very different. The enantiomeric composition of the spiroacetal differs between congeneric species. Chemical release is a discrete event under the active control of both male and female wasps. Structural differences between the mandibular glands and intramandibular glands suggest the mandibular glands to be the source of released volatiles. Real-time mass spectrometry shows that the spiroacetal is released by Goniozus nephantidis females during dyadic resource contests, with release more common during more aggressive interactions. Chemical tagging with deuterium further shows that the volatile is released by the loser of an agonistic interaction and not the winner. The function of spiroacetal and skatole release by bethylids is discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 837–852.  相似文献   
Abstract. The postpharyngeal gland of Cataglyphis niger (André, 1881) workers is characterized, at the ultrastructural level, by a well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and numerous mitochondria and lamellar inclusions suggesting an involvement in lipid metabolism. In addition, the microvillar differentiation of the apical membrane and basal invaginations of the cell imply a transportation process.
The gland shows a clear structural as well as chemical age-dependent development. Epithelial thickness increases with age, reaching its maximum within the first week after emergence. Concurrently there is a progressive development of microvilli and appearance of the lamellar inclusions. The gland's secretion consists mainly of hydrocarbons, with a predominance of monomethyl and dimethyl alkanes. Congruency was found between the hydrocarbon composition of glandular exudates and those of the epicuticular washes. An age-dependent increase in the total amount of hydrocarbons was found to correlate with the ultrastructural development and gross morphology (thickness of epicuticular lining) of the gland.  相似文献   
Ophrys orchids mimic the female sex pheromones of their pollinator species to attract males for pollination. Reproductive isolation in Ophrys is based on the selective attraction of only a single pollinator species. A change of floral odour can result in the attraction of a new pollinator species that acts as an isolation barrier towards other sympatrically occurring Ophrys species. Ophrys lupercalis, Ophrys bilunulata, and Ophrys fabrella grow sympatrically and bloom consecutively on Majorca and are pollinated by three species of Andrena. We investigated variation of phenotypic and genotypic flower traits, aiming to study the role of the floral odour for reproductive isolation and speciation. Using chemical and electrophysiology (gas chromatography coupled with an electroantennographic detector) methods, we show that the three Ophrys species use the same odour compounds for pollinator attraction, but in different proportions. A comparison of the floral odour bouquets in a multivariate analysis revealed a clear grouping of plants from the same species, although with an overlap between species. A comparison of the same plants using molecular markers gave a contrasting result. Although O. lupercalis and O. fabrella were genetically well separated, plants of O. bilunulata did not form a distinct group but were similar to either O. lupercalis or O. fabrella. Our data indicate gene flow and hybridization to occur between O. bilunulata and O. lupercalis as well as between O. bilunulata and O. fabrella. All plants of O. bilunulata, despite having different genotypes, showed a very similar floral odour. This reflects a strong selective pressure by the pollinating males. The overlap of genotypes of O. bilunulata and O. fabrella supports our hypothesis that O. fabrella diverged from O. bilunulata by scent variation and the attraction of a new pollinator species, Andrena fabrella. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 439–451.  相似文献   

Chemical communication is an ancient yet still immensely important part of reproduction. Amongst all invertebrates, the most sophisticated “chemical languages” are used by social insects. Here the sex- and caste-specific pheromonal messages consist of multicomponent mixtures. In the neotropical stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica, an inhabitant of dense tropical rain forests, the cephalic volatiles of a queen transmit information on her reproductive status to males. A distinct ontogenetic pattern of the queen pheromone composition allows drones to discriminate receptive virgins which are then chased during the short nuptial flight through the forest understorey. By means of gas chromatographic/mass spectroscopic analyses, the numerous volatile compounds found in pentane extracts of individual bee heads could be identified. Qualitative as well as quantitative changes of these volatiles in the course of imaginal development could be determined, and bioassays with synthetic compounds were undertaken in order to decode the chemical signals used during the short encounter of a young queen and her mate.  相似文献   
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