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The Sahel region of West Africa is an important wintering ground for Palearctic migrants. It is, however, undergoing significant anthropogenic degradation that is likely to reduce its value in this regard. Despite there being evidence that the populations of several Palearctic species may be determined by conditions on their Sahelian wintering grounds, there are almost no baseline data on their habitat use there and so the effects that habitat change might have on their future density and distribution cannot be determined. This study measured which habitat variables were associated with the presence of Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis, Lesser Whitethroat S. curruca and Subalpine Warbler S. cantillans by carrying out point counts and habitat measurements at 1861 points at 16 sites in northern Nigeria during the winters of 2001 and 2002. Common Whitethroats were most common at intermediate tree heights and densities of Salvadora persica (with this effect strongest in the pre‐migratory period), and increased as Balanites aegyptiaca density increased initially, although this effect levelled off at higher Balanites densities. Subalpine Warblers were most common at intermediate tree heights and Balanites densities, increased as Acacia and Salvadora density increased, decreased with tree density and were least common at intermediate shrub densities. Lesser Whitethroats were most common at intermediate tree heights, Acacia and Salvadora densities, increased with Balanites density, and decreased with tree density and diversity. The shallow slopes of the significant relationships found between Palearctic warbler species and habitat parameters suggest that the group may be robust to habitat degradation, with densities remaining relatively constant across a wide range of habitat types. Common Whitethroats, in particular, appear to be able to survive in extremely degraded habitats, yet may be vulnerable to the disappearance of Salvadora, the fruit of which may allow pre‐migratory fattening.  相似文献   
The rates of germ tube elongation in vitro of pollen from cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV)-infected birch (Betula pendula) did not differ significantly from those of pollen from virus-free trees. Differences in percentage germination of pollen collected from trees at different sites were significant but percentages of germination of pollen from virus-infected and virus-free trees did not differ greatly from one another. In vivo, pollen from infected trees germinated on healthy and CLRV-infected stigmas and callose plugs formed in both types of tissues. However, the extent of callose plug formation was greater in the pollen tubes of virus-free grains germinating in infected stigmas than in reciprocal crosses. CLRV coat antigen was detected by ELISA in stigmatic tissue, from healthy trees, on which virus-carrying pollen grains had germinated. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated to CLRV-specific γ-globulin, viral coat antigen was detected throughout germ tubes from virus-carrying but not virus-free pollen germinating in vitro. Protoplasts released following Driselase digestion of pollen germ tubes from virus-infected trees contained CLRV antigen detectable by ELISA. During germination of virus-infected pollen there was little synthesis of viral coat protein or nucleic acid but, following inoculation with purified virus particles, protoplasts made from healthy germinating pollen produced increasing amounts of CLRV-specific antigen implying that CLRV replicated in this system.  相似文献   
A late Wenlock flora from Co. Tipperary, Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assemblage of macroplants preserved as highly coalified compressions which lack anatomy is described from a Wenlock locality in County Tipperary, Ireland. Most of the fertile specimens are assigned to Cooksonia Lang. The taxonomic status of this genus is discussed. Some poorly preserved palynomorphs, including miospores, acritarchs, chitinozoans and a variety of tubes, have been isolated from associated sediments, but the age of the flora is based on graptolites. Sedimentological and palaeontological studies of the region are summarized. They provide little direct evidence for the habitats of the plants which are considered to have been terrestrial. The relevance of this flora to the current debate on the colonization of the land is evaluated and it is concluded that these plants provide the earliest record of erect fertile land plants of possible pteridophyte affinity.  相似文献   
This study examined the linkage between xylem vulnerability, stomatal response to leaf water potential (ΨL), and loss of leaf turgor in eight species of seasonally dry tropical forest trees. In order to maximize the potential variation in these traits species that exhibit a range of leaf habits and phenologies were selected. It was found that in all species stomatal conductance was responsive to ΨL over a narrow range of water potentials, and that ΨL inducing 50% stomatal closure was correlated with both the ΨL inducing a 20% loss of xylem hydraulic conductivity and leaf water potential at turgor loss in all species. In contrast, there was no correlation between the water potential causing a 50% loss of conductivity in the stem xylem, and the water potential at stomatal closure (ΨSC) amongst species. It was concluded that although both leaf and xylem characters are correlated with the response of stomata to ΨL, there is considerable flexibility in this linkage. The range of responses is discussed in terms of the differing leaf‐loss strategies exhibited by these species.  相似文献   
A detailed molecular analysis using recombinant DNA technologies is extremely important to our understanding of the phenomena of antigenic variation in the African trypanosomes; however, by itself, it may not completely explain antigenic variation as it occurs in vivo. Several laboratories have demonstrated the ability of one variant population to replace another in vivo as well as the presence of heterogeneous populations of trypanosomes within an individual animal. These two phenomena do not permit us to explain antigen variation solely on the basis of the molecular regulation of variant antigen expression. In addition to studies in molecular biology, it will be necessary to define clearly the differences in growth rates of variant populations and the role of competition between these variants in a single anatomical site. It will also be necessary to determine the influence of various physiological environments on growth rates and the competition between the different variants of a single repertoire. It is concluded that the phenomenon of antigenic variation is a complex problem in ecology and population dynamics as well as molecular regulation. This paper is designated to examine a variety of the ecological parameters presumably involved in antigenic variation.  相似文献   
When grown under conditions of low relative humidity, the C3–C4intermediate Panicum milioides, as well as the C3 grasses Triticumaestivum and Poa pratense, exhibited 13C values which were upto 2–7%o less negative than the 13C values of the correspondingplants grown at high relative humidity. At both humidity levels,there was no evidence of a substantial contribution of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase to carbon gain in Panicum milioides  相似文献   
Abstract. The influence of sapwood water content on the conductivity of sapwood to water was measured on stem sections of Pinus contorta. A reduction in relative water content from 100 to 90% caused permeability to fall to about 10% of the saturated value.
Pressure–volume curves of branchwood and stem sapwood of Pinus contorta and Picea sitchensis have been analysed to definè the tissue capacitance and the time constant and resistance for water movement between stored water and the functional xylem as functions of tissue water potential. Three phases in water loss were discernible. In the initial phase at high water potentials (> –0.5 MPa), the capacitance was large, the time constant long and the resistance to flow large in comparison with intermediate water potentials (−0.5 to −1.5 MPa). At still lower water potentials (−1.5 to −3.0 MPa), the time constant and resistance declined still further but the capacitance had a tendency to increase again, especially in the stemwood of Sitka spruce. Typical values in the second phase were for the time constant 5 s, for the resistance 4 × 10−13 N s m−5 and for the capacitance (change in relative water content per unit change in potential) 1×10−11 m3 Pa−1. These parameters define the availability of stored water and are being used in a dynamic model of water transport in trees.  相似文献   
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