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Invasions by non‐native insects can have important ecological impacts, particularly on island ecosystems. However, the factors that promote the success of invaders relative to co‐occurring non‐invasive species remain unresolved. For invasive ants, access to carbohydrate resources via interactions with both extrafloral nectary‐bearing plants and honeydew‐excreting insects may accelerate the invasion process. A first step towards testing this hypothesis is to determine whether invasive ants respond to variation in the availability of carbohydrate resources, and whether this response differs from that of co‐occurring, non‐invasive ants. We investigated the effect of carbohydrate subsidies on the short‐term foraging and hemipteran‐tending behaviours of the invasive ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (Formicidae) and co‐occurring ant species on an extrafloral nectary‐bearing plant by experimentally manipulating carbohydrate levels and tracking ant recruitment. We conducted experiments in 2 years at two sites: one site was invaded by A. gracilipes prior to 2007 and the other became invaded during the course of our study, allowing pre‐ (2007) and post‐invasion (2009) comparisons. Short‐term increases in carbohydrate availability increased the density of A. gracilipes workers on plants by as much as 400% and reduced tending of honeydew‐excreting insects by this species by up to 89%, with similar responses across years. In contrast, ants at the uninvaded site in 2007 showed a weak and non‐significant forager recruitment response. Across all sites, A. gracilipes workers were the only ants that responded to carbohydrate manipulations in 2009. Furthermore, ant–carbohydrate dynamics at a site newly invaded by A. gracilipes quickly diverged from dynamics at uninvaded sites and converged on those of the site with an established invasion. These findings suggest that carbohydrate resources may be particularly important for A. gracilipes invasions, and underscore the importance of species interactions, particularly putative mutualisms, in facilitating exotic species invasions.  相似文献   
Adult male mice (Mus musculus) which have a prior history ofexperience with other adult male and adult female mice readilyproduce 70 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in the presence of urinefrom adult females but not in the presence of urine from adultmales. Urine from immatures of either sex does not elicit ultrasoundsfrom socially experienced adult males. The ultrasound elicitingpotency of adult male urine was not improved substantially followingcastration of adult males, injection of testosterone propionateto castrated adult males, administration of estradiol benzoateto castrated adult males, or neonatal castration. Ovarian hormonesdo not appear to be necessary for either the appearance at puberty,or the maintenance during adulthood, of the ultrasound elicitingcues of female urine. Stage of estrus did not have a major modulatingeffect on urinary cues eliciling male ultrasounds. Treatmentsthat did not substantially reduce the signal value of adultfemale urine include ovariectomy before or after puberty, ovariectomywith adrenalectomy, and neonatal administration of testosterone.The administration of testosterone to ovariectomized adult females,and hypophyseclomy, virtually eliminated the ability of urinefrom adult females to elicit ultrasounds from socially experiencedadult males. The implication of pituitary hormones in the modulationof female urinary cues thai elicit ultrasounds is particularlyinteresting since pituitary factors are also implicated in theproximal causation of postparturient maternal aggression, whichadult male ultrasounds may function to moderate.  相似文献   
A yellow strain of cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) was transmitted in cowpea by two thrips, Sericothrips occipitalis and Taeniothrips sjostedti; two chrysomelid beetles, Ootheca mutabilis and Paraluperodes quaternus; a curculionid beetle, Nematocerus acerbus; and two acridid grasshoppers, Catantops spissus spissus and Zonocerus variegatus. Summarizing trials with single insects, the efficiency of transmission of CPMV averaged 18—21% for N. acerbus and the two grasshoppers, 55% for P. quaternus, and 71% for O. mutabilis. Twenty-two and 40% of the plants exposed to large populations of S. occipitalis and T. sjostedti, respectively, were infected. In three trials with an aphid, Aphis craccivora, 4 of 49 plants were infected with CPMV, but these infections were considered spurious because no infections occurred in any of 63 plants exposed to this insect in four other trials. A coreid bug, Riptortus dentipes, did not transmit CPMV. Mosaic symptoms in infected plants appeared 5—39 days after they were exposed to vectors. Infective virus was recovered from fresh faecal pellets of each grasshopper vector.  相似文献   
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