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Several topics and concepts in developmental biology, such as induction of secondary axes (as in amphibians), the rules of distal transformation (valid, e.g., for insect and vertebrate limbs), and the rule one piece regenerates, the other one duplicates (valid also for imaginal discs) originally emerged from pioneering studies in hydroids. In addition, one finds phenomena of intercalation, i.e., the insertion of intervening parts when tissues of distant origin are confronted with each other. However, since not only short-range but also long-range interactions contribute to pattern regulation, one observes more regulative flexibility as compared to insect systems.  相似文献   
Following consumption of the food supply, cells of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate and form a multicellular organism. The mechanism for cell aggregation is chemotaxis. The chemotactic signal in D. discoideum is released periodically from aggregation centers and propagated from cell to cell. cAMP mediates cell aggregation by acting as chemotactic attractant and as propagator of the signal. cAMP signals are measured by cell-surface receptors. Recent evidence indicates a role for cGMP during cAMP-mediated cell aggregation in D. discoideum .
During cell differentiation to aggregation competence, cAMP binding sites appear at the cell surface, and the activity of the enzymes adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase increases several-fold. In the present work we investigate the synthesis of cGMP in D. discoideum . Conditions for the assay of guanylate cyclase in cell homogenates are described. Guanylate cyclase activity was followed during cell differentiation to aggregation competence and found to increase fourfold. These results indicate that cGMP is involved in cell differentiation of D. discoideum . In contrast to adenylate cyclase, which is activated by cAMP, guanylate cyclase was under our conditions activated neither by cAMP, nor by folic acid.  相似文献   
In the present study, a new in vitro model combining the short-term incubation of precision-cut human liver slices with DNA-adduct analysis by the 32P-postlabelling technique is proposed for investigation of the genotoxic potential of xenobiotics. For method validation, the metabolic turnover of testosterone (TES) and the DNA-adduct inducing potential of 2-aminofluorene (2-AF) were used. Precision-cut human liver slices were prepared from a total of 12 human liver samples which were freshly obtained as parts of resectates from liver surgery. The slices were incubated as submersion cultures with TES and 2-AF for up to 6 h in 12-well tissue culture plates at concentrations of 10-50 and 0.06-28 μM, respectively. Slices recovered from the slicing procedure in the 4 °C cold Krebs-Henseleit buffer as indicated by intracellular potassium concentrations which increased for 2 h and then remained stable until the end of the incubation. TES was extensively metabolized by human liver slices with a similar metabolite pattern as observed in vivo. Almost 90% of the metabolites were conjugates. Major phase-I metabolites were androstendione, 6β-OH-androstendione, 6β-OH-TES, and 15β-OHTES. After incubation with 2-AF, substance related DNA-adducts were detected which increased dose-dependently from 12 to 1146 adducts per 109 nucleotides. The adduct pattern consisted of one major adduct spot, A, representing 80-90% of the total adduct level and up to four minor adduct spots, B-E. In summary, the present data demonstrate that precision-cut liver slices are a valuable alternative in vitro system for DNA-adduct determination to screen chemicals for potential genotoxicity in humans.  相似文献   
Abstract: Nonlethal alternatives are needed to manage blackbird (Icterids) damage to rice and sunflower production in the United States. We evaluated 4 registered fungicides on rice seeds (i.e., Allegiance® FL, Thiram 42-S, Trilex®, and Vitavax® 200 preplant seed treatments) and 2 foliar pesticides on sunflower seeds (Cobalt™ insecticide and Flock Buster bird repellent) as candidate blackbird repellents. Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) preferred untreated rice relative to rice treated with Thiram (P < 0.001) and Vitavax (P < 0.001), and untreated sunflower relative to sunflower treated with Cobalt (P < 0.001). Blackbirds preferred untreated sunflower relative to sunflower treated with Flock Buster repellent on day 1 of a 4-day preference test (P < 0.001). We observed no difference in consumption of treated versus untreated rice during the Allegiance preference test (P = 0.928), and blackbirds preferred rice treated with Trilex relative to untreated rice (P = 0.003). Although repellency was positively related to tested concentrations of Thiram (P = 0.010), Trilex (P = 0.026), and Vitavax (P < 0.001), maximum repellency was < 50% during our concentration-response tests of these seed treatments. Repellency was also positively related to tested concentrations of Cobalt (P < 0.001), and we observed >80% repellency of sunflower treated with Cobalt at ≥50% of the label rate. We observed no concentration-response relationship for the Allegiance seed treatment (P = 0.341) and Flock Buster repellent (P = 0.952). We recommend implementation of supplemental field studies to compare laboratory efficacy, repellency, and chemical residues of effective avian repellents throughout periods of needed crop protection.  相似文献   
Apart from a general increase of mean annual air temperature, climate models predict a regional increase of the frequency and intensity of soil frost with possibly strong effects on C cycling of soils. In this study, we induced mild soil frost (up to −5 °C in a depth of 5 cm below surface) in a Norway spruce forest soil by removing the natural snow cover in the winter of 2005/2006. Soil frost lasted from January to April 2006 and was detected down to 15 cm depth. Soil frost effectively reduced soil respiration in the snow removal plots in comparison to undisturbed control plots. On an annual basis 6.2 t C ha−1 a−1 were emitted in the control plots compared with 5.1 t C ha−1 a−1 in the snow removal plots. Only 14% of this difference was attributed to reduced soil respiration during the soil frost period itself, whereas 63% of this difference originated from differences during the summer of 2006. Radiocarbon (Δ14C) signature of CO2 revealed a considerable reduction of heterotrophic respiration on the snow removal plots, only partly compensated for by a slight increase of rhizosphere respiration. Similar CO2 concentrations in the uppermost mineral horizons of both treatments indicate that differences between the treatments originated from the organic horizons. Extremely low water contents between June and October of 2006 may have inhibited the recovery of the heterotrophic organisms from the frost period, thereby enhancing the differences between the control and snow removal plots. We conclude that soil frost triggered a change in the composition of the microbial community, leading to an increased sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration to summer drought. A CO2 pulse during thawing, such as described for arable soils several times throughout the literature, with the potential to partly compensate for reduced soil respiration during soil frost, appears to be lacking for this soil. Our results from this experiment indicate that soil frost reduces C emission from forest soils, whereas mild winters may enhance C losses from forest soils.  相似文献   
1. Since zebra mussel invaded Lake Constance in the 1960s the number of wintering waterbirds increased fourfold. We studied the impact of predation by waterbirds (tufted duck Aythya fuligula, pochard Aythya ferina and coot Fulica atra) on the population of Dreissena polymorpha in winter 2001/2002. These three species, with monthly peak numbers of approximately 230 000 individuals, currently comprise up to 80% of the waterbird population wintering at Lake Constance. 2. Four different study sites and four depths, that represent typical and characteristic habitats of mussels in Upper Lake Constance, were chosen. 3. Zebra mussels were sampled before, during and after predation by waterbirds. Their biomass in shallow areas decreased by >90%; the biomass reduction in deeper areas was highly variable and dependent on the substratum. With one exception, no changes could be detected at the greatest depth (11 m). 4. Concurrent exclosure studies revealed that the decrease in zebra mussels was caused by waterbird predation. A GIS‐based approximation revealed that in an area of 1 km2 a total of approximately 750 t mussel fresh mass was removed by birds, which is equivalent to 1390 g mussels per bird per day. 5. Wintering waterbirds have a strong structural impact on the littoral community of Lake Constance and could be the key predator of zebra mussels.  相似文献   
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