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Summary A morphometric study was made of the ultrastructure of adipokinetic cells in resting adults of Locusta migratoria at 3, 23, and 43 days after imaginal ecdysis. The nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus enlarge with age, which indicates that the synthesis and packaging of secretory substances increases during ageing. The size of the storage compartment, consisting of secretory and ergastoplasmic granules, does not increase earlier than 23–43 days after imaginal ecdysis. The lysosomal compartment markedly enlarges between 3 and 23 days; later on, the growth of this compartment, especially of autophagosomes, is less prominent. This suggests that lysosomal destruction initially compensates for the production of new secretory granules, assuming that exocytosis of secretory granules by adipokinetic cells is insignificant in resting locusts. Afterwards, lysosomal destruction may no longer be sufficient to prevent over-production of secretory granules, as is suggested by the increase in the number of these granules between 23 and 43 days. This coincides with the appearance of a considerable number of large ergastoplasmic granules, which represent a spatially more efficient form of storage of secretory material than the much smaller secretory granules. The increase with age in the amount of secretory products indicates that the biosynthetic activity of the adipokinetic cells is not (finely) tuned to their releasing activity.  相似文献   
The intracisternal granules in locust adipokinetic cells appear to represent accumulations of secretory material within cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. An important question is whether these granules are destined for degradation or represent stores of (pro)hormones. Two strategies were used to answer this question. First, cytochemistry was applied to elucidate the properties of intracisternal granules. The endocytic tracers horseradish peroxidase and wheat-germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase were used to facilitate the identification of endocytic, autophagic, and lysosomal organelles, which may be involved in the degradation of intracisternal granules. No intracisternal granules could be found within autophagosomes, and granules fused with endocytic and lysosomal organelles were not observed, nor could tracer be found within the granules. The lysosomal enzyme acid phosphatase was absent from the granules. Second, biochemical analysis of the content of intracisternal granules revealed that these granules contain prohormones as well as hormones. Prohormones were present in relatively higher amounts compared with ordinary secretory granules. Since the intracisternal granules in locust adipokinetic cells are not degraded and contain intact (pro)hormones it is concluded that they function as supplementary stores of secretory material.  相似文献   
An ultrastructural morphometric study was made of the influence of flight activity on endocytosis in the adipokinetic cells ofLocusta migratoria. The endocytotic pathway was revealed by the endocytotic tracer horseradish peroxidase. Endocytosis appeared to be stimulated by flight, as indicated by an increase in the number of tracer-containing endocytotic pits and various intracellular endocytotic and lysosomal organelles. This stimulatory effect continued for at least 10 min after cessation of flight. An increase in the numbers of both tracer-labelled endocytotic pits and endosomal tubules was detected in the cell bodies of flight-stimulated adipokinetic cells. Endosomal tubules are supposed to be involved in recycling membrane material to the plasma membrane soon after it has been endocytosed. It is concluded that the increase in endocytosis in the flight-stimulated cell bodies serves to enlarge the uptake of nutritional and/or regulatory substances. An increase in number of tracer-labelled endocytotic pits was also observed in the cell processes of flight-stimulated adipokinetic cells, which was, however, not accompanied by an increase in number of labelled endosomal tubules, the latter being practically absent in the processes. This indicates that the increase in endocytotic activity in the cell processes is a form of adaptive endocytosis that compensates for membrane material added to the plasma membrane during flight-induced exocytotic release of adipokinetic hormones.  相似文献   
Summary The serotoninergic innervation of the corpus cardiacum (CC) of Locusta migratoria was investigated using two antisera against serotonin. A dense network of immunoreactive nerve fibres was present in the storage lobe of the CC. Immunopositive fibres only sporadically crossed the border between the storage lobe and the glandular lobe of the CC. Immunopositive fibres entered the storage lobe of the CC via the nervus corporis cardiaci I (NCCI); NCCII was immunonegative. Unilateral retrograde fillings of the NCCI with the fluorescent tracer Lucifer yellow, followed by antiserotonin immunocytochemistry, revealed about 20 double-labelled neurones in the anterior part of the pars intercerebralis. The double-labelled neurones were scattered between fluorescent non-immunoreactive neurones. Additionally, 5–7 neurones labelled only with Lucifer yellow were found at the ventrolateral side of the tritocerebrum. No immunopositive neurones were observed in the hypocerebral ganglion. Immunopositive fibres from neurones in the frontal ganglion ran via the recurrent nerve and the neuropile of the hypocerebral ganglion into the paired oesophageal nerve. At most, a few immunopositive nerve fibres occurred in the cardiostomatogastric nerves II, which connect the storage lobe of the CC with the paired oesophageal nerve at the caudal end of the hypocerebral ganglion.  相似文献   
Tritiated catecholamines were administered to European green frogs by means of injection into the brain cavity. Their fate within the brain was followed autoradiographically. Especially after injection of 3H-noradrenaline, considerable amounts of radioactive material were found closely associated with the liquor fibre (Reissner's fibre; LF) which is produced by the subcommissural organ. In frogs which survived 3 or 12 hours after injection, the association of radioactive material with the LF appeared to be restricted mainly to the cerebral ventricles, whereas in frogs which survived 24 hours, the radioactivity associated with the LF was most abundant well into the central canal of the spinal cord. The results indicate that the LF is able to pick up, from the cerebrospinal fluid, and bind certain catecholaminergic substances (especially noradrenaline, but not dopamine) and/or their metabolites by rather strong binding forces. The attached material is then transported by the LF into the central canal of the spinal cord, with its practically stagnant fluid content. These results confirm data known from the literature. which are indicative of the LF being involved in regulation of the composition of the fluid within the central canal, e.g. by providing this canal with catecholaminergic substances and/or by removing them from it.  相似文献   
Summary The optic tracts and centres of optic terminals of Rana temporaria have been investigated with silver impregnation techniques after unilaterally cutting the optic nerve and autoradiographically after injection of a mixture of tritiated amino acids into the vitreous body of the left eye.The observations on the course of the optic tracts and on the optic terminals in the thalamus and optic tectum are to a great extent in agreement with those of other authors. The probability of a retino-preoptic pathway is supported by the detection of fibres running in dorsal direction in front of the place where the optic nerve penetrates the brain. In horizontal sections these fibres can be seen deviating from the optic tract, covering a short distance in frontal direction and then turning upward under an angle of about 90 degrees. They disappear between the ventral aldehyde-fuchsin positive cells of the preoptic nucleus. The ventral and median parts of the ipsilateral preoptic nucleus contain fragments of degenerated fibres.Autoradiographic data are also in favour of the presence of an ipsilateral retino-preoptic tract. After carefully counting the number of grains over left and right preoptic nucleus, it appeared that over the ventral and median parts of the left preoptic nucleus more grains occur than over the identical areas of the right one.It is a pleasure to acknowledge Prof. Dr. J. C. van de Kamer and Dr. F. C. G. van de Veerdonk for their helpful encouragement and constructive suggestions, Dr. L. Boomgaart for checking and amending the English writing. Thanks are also due to Miss Ans de Groot and Miss Thera Verstappen for their technical assistance and to the staff of the photographic department for making the illustrations.  相似文献   
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