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Recent reports highlight the severity and the morbidity of disease caused by the long neglected malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax. Due to inherent difficulties in the laboratory-propagation of P. vivax, the biology of this parasite has not been adequately explored. While the proteome of P. falciparum, the causative agent of cerebral malaria, has been extensively explored from several sources, there is limited information on the proteome of P. vivax. We have, for the first time, examined the proteome of P. vivax isolated directly from patients without adaptation to laboratory conditions. We have identified 153 proteins from clinical P. vivax, majority of which do not show homology to any previously known gene products. We also report 29 new proteins that were found to be expressed in P. vivax for the first time. In addition, several proteins previously implicated as anti-malarial targets, were also found in our analysis. Most importantly, we found several unique proteins expressed by P. vivax.This study is an important step in providing insight into physiology of the parasite under clinical settings.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to determine the genetics of Cry1C resistance in Spodoptera litura. Selection of S. litura (Fab.) with Cry1C was done for eight generations to develop resistance. Reciprocal crosses between resistant and susceptible populations were made to understand the population genetics of Cry1C resistance in S. litura. Generation wise selection with Cry1C was evaluated for resistance development in S. litura. The LC50 of Cry1C was 0.14 µg/cm2 for the first selected generation and it increased to 23.98 µg/cm2 after eight selected generations, which is a 285.47-fold increase in resistance compared with the susceptible strain. The estimated realized heritability (h2) after eight generations of selection with Cry1C insecticidal protein was 0.44. The number of generations required for the tenfold increase in LC50 (1/R) was estimated to be 3.33. Response to Cry1C selection in S. litura was 0.30, the estimated selection differential was 0.69 and the pheonotypic standard deviation (dP) was 0.24. Reciprocal crosses between Cry1C resistant and susceptible strain of S. litura showed autosomal resistance.  相似文献   
Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, is tumor selective and intrinsically oncolytic because of its potent ability to induce apoptosis. Several studies have demonstrated that NDV is selectively cytotoxic to tumor cells but not normal cells due to defects in the interferon (IFN) antiviral responses of tumor cells. Many naturally occurring strains of NDV have an intact IFN-antagonistic function and can still replicate in normal human cells. To avoid potential toxicity issues with NDV, especially in cancer patients with immunosuppression, safe NDV-oncolytic vectors are needed. We compared the cell killing abilities of (i) a recombinant NDV (rNDV) strain, Beaudette C, containing an IFN-antagonistic, wild-type V protein (rBC), (ii) an isogenic recombinant virus with a mutant V protein (rBC-Edit virus) that induces increased IFN in infected cells and whose replication is restricted in normal human cells, and (iii) a recombinant LaSota virus with a virulent F protein cleavage site that is as interferon sensitive as rBC-Edit virus (LaSota V.F. virus). Our results indicated that the tumor-selective replication of rNDV is determined by the differential regulation of IFN-α and downstream antiviral genes induced by IFN-α, especially through the IRF-7 pathway. In a nude mouse model of human fibrosarcoma, we show that the IFN-sensitive NDV variants are as effective as IFN-resistant rBC virus in clearing the tumor burden. In addition, mice treated with rNDV exhibited no signs of toxicity to the viruses. These findings indicate that augmentation of innate immune responses by NDV results in selective oncolysis and offer a novel and safe virotherapy platform.Several naturally occurring or engineered oncolytic viruses are emerging as novel tools for selective growth in and killing of a variety of tumor cells (1, 21, 34, 41). It has been consistently reported that during tumor evolution, diminished interferon (IFN) responsiveness coevolves as a frequent genetic defect (4, 31, 32, 41). Any defects in responsiveness to interferon will afford permissiveness of tumors for replication of oncolytic viruses by blunting the antiviral innate immune system. Thus, it was suggested that oncolytic viruses could be engineered to induce strong IFN response and/or to be defective in antagonizing the IFN signaling. This would result in virus replication in tumor cells with IFN defects but in reduced or crippled virus replication in normal cells, with the absence of toxicity (42). A variety of oncolytic viruses have been engineered to exploit tumor-specific genetic defects (3, 12, 24, 42, 46) and shown to be potent oncolytic agents.Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, is a promising broad-spectrum oncolytic agent (27, 29, 30, 37). Nonengineered, naturally occurring strains of NDV such as 73-T (6), MTH68 (7), PV701 (28, 35), and NDV-HUJ (11) have been successfully employed in several clinical studies for tumor regression. NDV is inherently oncolytic and tumor selective, sparing normal cells (9, 15, 37). The tumor selectivity of NDV is considered to be due to a defective IFN response in tumor cells (10, 23, 37). NDV is a strong inducer of type I IFN in many types of cells (18). In normal cells, a robust IFN-mediated antiviral response limits the replication of NDV (9, 23). This known sensitivity of NDV to cellular antiviral mechanisms affords a wide safety margin for its use in humans.Recent studies have indicated that improved therapeutic vectors of NDV could be engineered through reverse genetics for enhanced oncolytic efficacy from an increased anti-tumor response and interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor-mediated targeting (5, 9, 44, 46). Therefore, we reasoned that recombinant NDVs (rNDVs) that are susceptible to cellular innate immune responses would be safer and more effective oncolytic agents. Even though NDV is an avian virus and induces a strong IFN response in normal human cells, it still expresses IFN-antagonizing activity. Ablation of the expression of V protein, which is responsible for this anti-IFN activity, may further reduce the ability of NDV to infect and kill normal human cells without affecting tumor cell infection and lysis. Here, we describe the relative oncolytic efficacies of three rNDV strains differing in IFN antagonism. The rNDV variants with an IFN-sensitive phenotype had parallel therapeutic efficacies in xenotransplanted human fibrosarcoma cells in a nude mouse model and offer great potential as recombinant vectors in therapy of human malignancies.  相似文献   
In our previous study, a surfactant-coated Candida rugosa lipase immobilized in microemulsion-based organogels was exploited for the synthesis of ethyl isovalerate. In the present study, we are focusing on the effective reuse of lipase immobilized in microemulsion-based organogels (MBGs) in terms of retainment of the catalytic activity. As water is one of the co-products in esterification reactions, the removal of water becomes a priority to allow the reaction to work in the forward direction and to prevent back hydrolysis. Taking this fact into consideration, the lipase-containing microemulsion-based organogels were given pretreatment and/or several intermittent treatments with dry reverse micellar solution of AOT in organic solvent during repeated cycles of ester synthesis. The pretreated MBGs with dry reverse micellar solution exhibited lower water content and higher initial rates of esterification in comparison with untreated freshly prepared MBGs. The esterification efficiency of untreated MBGs started decreasing after 5 cycles of reuse and was almost completely lost by the end of the 8th cycle. In contrast, pretreated MBGs exhibited a gradual decrease in esterification efficiency after 5 cycles and retained about 80% of the initial activity at the end of the 8th cycle. The intermittent treatment of MBGs after every 3 cycles resulted in enhanced reusability of immobilized lipase for up to 9 cycles without significant loss in esterification activity, after which it resulted in a slow decrease in activity with about 27% lower activity at the end of the 12th cycle. Furthermore, the treatment conditions such as concentration of AOT in liquid dessicant and time of treatment were optimized with respect to our system. The granulated MBGs proved to be better in terms of initial esterification rates (1.2- fold) as compared with the pelleted MBGs.  相似文献   
Insulin stimulates endothelial NO synthesis, at least in part mediated by phosphorylation and activation of endothelial NO synthase at Ser1177 and Ser615 by Akt. We have previously demonstrated that insulin-stimulated NO synthesis is inhibited under high culture glucose conditions, without altering Ca2+-stimulated NO synthesis or insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of eNOS. This indicates that stimulation of endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation may be required, yet not sufficient, for insulin-stimulated nitric oxide synthesis. In the current study we investigated the role of supply of the eNOS substrate, l-arginine as a candidate parallel mechanism underlying insulin-stimulated NO synthesis in cultured human aortic endothelial cells. Insulin rapidly stimulated l-arginine transport, an effect abrogated by incubation with inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-3′-kinase or infection with adenoviruses expressing a dominant negative mutant Akt. Furthermore, supplementation of endothelial cells with extracellular l-arginine enhanced insulin-stimulated NO synthesis, an effect reversed by co-incubation with the l-arginine transport inhibitor, l-lysine. Basal l-arginine transport was significantly increased under high glucose culture conditions, yet insulin-stimulated l-arginine transport remained unaltered. The increase in l-arginine transport elicited by high glucose was independent of the expression of the cationic amino acid transporters, hCAT1 and hCAT2 and not associated with any changes in the activity of ERK1/2, Akt or protein kinase C (PKC). We propose that rapid stimulation of L-arginine transport contributes to insulin-stimulated NO synthesis in human endothelial cells, yet attenuation of this is unlikely to underlie the inhibition of insulin-stimulated NO synthesis under high glucose conditions.  相似文献   
Insulin stimulates endothelial NO synthesis, at least in part mediated by phosphorylation and activation of endothelial NO synthase at Ser1177 and Ser615 by Akt. We have previously demonstrated that insulin-stimulated NO synthesis is inhibited under high culture glucose conditions, without altering Ca(2+)-stimulated NO synthesis or insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of eNOS. This indicates that stimulation of endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation may be required, yet not sufficient, for insulin-stimulated nitric oxide synthesis. In the current study we investigated the role of supply of the eNOS substrate, L-arginine as a candidate parallel mechanism underlying insulin-stimulated NO synthesis in cultured human aortic endothelial cells. Insulin rapidly stimulated L-arginine transport, an effect abrogated by incubation with inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-3'-kinase or infection with adenoviruses expressing a dominant negative mutant Akt. Furthermore, supplementation of endothelial cells with extracellular L-arginine enhanced insulin-stimulated NO synthesis, an effect reversed by co-incubation with the L-arginine transport inhibitor, L-lysine. Basal L-arginine transport was significantly increased under high glucose culture conditions, yet insulin-stimulated L-arginine transport remained unaltered. The increase in L-arginine transport elicited by high glucose was independent of the expression of the cationic amino acid transporters, hCAT1 and hCAT2 and not associated with any changes in the activity of ERK1/2, Akt or protein kinase C (PKC). We propose that rapid stimulation of L-arginine transport contributes to insulin-stimulated NO synthesis in human endothelial cells, yet attenuation of this is unlikely to underlie the inhibition of insulin-stimulated NO synthesis under high glucose conditions.  相似文献   
Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3), a member of the picornavirus family and enterovirus genus, causes viral myocarditis, aseptic meningitis, and pancreatitis in humans. We genetically engineered a unique molecular marker, “fluorescent timer” protein, within our infectious CVB3 clone and isolated a high-titer recombinant viral stock (Timer-CVB3) following transfection in HeLa cells. “Fluorescent timer” protein undergoes slow conversion of fluorescence from green to red over time, and Timer-CVB3 can be utilized to track virus infection and dissemination in real time. Upon infection with Timer-CVB3, HeLa cells, neural progenitor and stem cells (NPSCs), and C2C12 myoblast cells slowly changed fluorescence from green to red over 72 hours as determined by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometric analysis. The conversion of “fluorescent timer” protein in HeLa cells infected with Timer-CVB3 could be interrupted by fixation, suggesting that the fluorophore was stabilized by formaldehyde cross-linking reactions. Induction of a type I interferon response or ribavirin treatment reduced the progression of cell-to-cell virus spread in HeLa cells or NPSCs infected with Timer-CVB3. Time lapse photography of partially differentiated NPSCs infected with Timer-CVB3 revealed substantial intracellular membrane remodeling and the assembly of discrete virus replication organelles which changed fluorescence color in an asynchronous fashion within the cell. “Fluorescent timer” protein colocalized closely with viral 3A protein within virus replication organelles. Intriguingly, infection of partially differentiated NPSCs or C2C12 myoblast cells induced the release of abundant extracellular microvesicles (EMVs) containing matured “fluorescent timer” protein and infectious virus representing a novel route of virus dissemination. CVB3 virions were readily observed within purified EMVs by transmission electron microscopy, and infectious virus was identified within low-density isopycnic iodixanol gradient fractions consistent with membrane association. The preferential detection of the lipidated form of LC3 protein (LC3 II) in released EMVs harboring infectious virus suggests that the autophagy pathway plays a crucial role in microvesicle shedding and virus release, similar to a process previously described as autophagosome-mediated exit without lysis (AWOL) observed during poliovirus replication. Through the use of this novel recombinant virus which provides more dynamic information from static fluorescent images, we hope to gain a better understanding of CVB3 tropism, intracellular membrane reorganization, and virus-associated microvesicle dissemination within the host.  相似文献   

Background information

The pathology causing stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum reside within red blood cells that are devoid of any regulated transport system. The parasite, therefore, is entirely responsible for mediating vesicular transport within itself and in the infected erythrocyte cytoplasm, and it does so in part via its family of 11 Rab GTPases. Putative functions have been ascribed to Plasmodium Rabs due to their homology with Rabs of yeast, particularly with Saccharomyces that has an equivalent number of rab/ypt genes and where analyses of Ypt function is well characterized.


Rabs are important regulators of vesicular traffic due to their capacity to recruit specific effectors. In order to identify P. falciparum Rab (PfRab) effectors, we first built a Ypt‐interactome by exploiting genetic and physical binding data available at the Saccharomyces genome database (SGD). We then constructed a PfRab‐interactome using putative parasite Rab‐effectors identified by homology to Ypt‐effectors. We demonstrate its potential by wet‐bench testing three predictions; that casein kinase‐1 (PfCK1) is a specific Rab5B interacting protein and that the catalytic subunit of cAMP‐dependent protein kinase A (PfPKA‐C) is a PfRab5A and PfRab7 effector.


The establishment of a shared set of physical Ypt/PfRab‐effector proteins sheds light on a core set Plasmodium Rab‐interactants shared with yeast. The PfRab‐interactome should benefit vesicular trafficking studies in malaria parasites. The recruitment of PfCK1 to PfRab5B+ and PfPKA‐C to PfRab5A+ and PfRab7+ vesicles, respectively, suggests that PfRab‐recruited kinases potentially play a role in early and late endosome function in malaria parasites.  相似文献   
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