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Nitrosomonas europaea is capable of maintaining an anaerobic metabolism, using pyruvate as an electron donor and nitrite as an electron acceptor; utilization of nitrite depends upon supply of both pyruvate and ammonia. The role of ammonia in this reaction was not determined. N europaea also assimilates CO2 anaerobically into cell material in the presence of nitrite (0.5–1.0 mM), pyruvate and ammonia. This reaction was partially inhibited by nitrite which apparently competed with CO2 for reducing power. Anaerobic nitrite respiration is sensitive to ionophores, FCCP being the most effective.Non-standard-abbreviations TCA trichloroacetic acid - FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazon  相似文献   
Production of Spirulina biomass: Maintenance of monoalgal culture outdoors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of sodium bicarbonate concentration, population density, and temperature on the maintenance of an outdoor monoculture of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis were studied. A clear response by Spirulina to the concentration of bicarbonate was evident, with 0.2M bicarbonate representing the lowest concentration in which a monoculture could be maintained. When the temperatures fell during the winter period to some 20-25 degrees C below the optimum for Spirulina, Chlorella sp. gradually increased and became the dominant species in the culture. Raising the temperature by covering the pond with transparent polyethylene resulted in a sharp decline in the population of Chlorella, and a gradual resumption of species dominance by Spirulina. In winter, there was an inverse relationship in the pond between the population density of Spirulina and the extent of contamination by Chlorella sp.; but no such effect was observed under field conditions at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C.  相似文献   
Parietochloris incisa comb. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A coccoid green alga, Myrmecia incisa Reisigl, was isolated from the soil of Mt Tateyama, Japan. Electronmicroscopy revealed that the organism has pyrenoids sparsely covered with starch segments and traversed by many parallel thylakoid membranes, and zoo-spores with counterclockwise basal body orientation. Due to the presence of these features, we have proposed a reclassification of M. incisa into the genus Parietochloris, Trebouxiophyceae.  相似文献   
Initial stages in the onset of senescence in tobacco leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A marked loss of leucine 14C incorporation occurred in chloroplasts isolated from Nicotiana rustica L. leaves exposed to 24 hours of darkness. This loss is not due to an initial decline in RNA-synthesis potential of the chloroplasts, as was inferred from the extent of UTP incorporation by the isolated chloroplasts. Upon reillumination of the leaves, leucine incorporation by the isolated chloroplasts reverted to its original level within 3 to 4 hours, hence it is doubtful whether the period of 24 hours after detachment should be regarded as the initial phase of leaf senescence.  相似文献   
Cells of the green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis were inducedto accumulate the ketocarotenoid pigment, astaxanthin. Thisinduction was achieved by the application of the following environmentalconditions: light intensity (170 µmol m~–2s–1),phosphate starvation and salt stress (NaCl 0.8%). These conditionsretarded cell growth as reflected by a decrease in cell divisionrate, but led to an increase in astaxanthin content per cell.Accumulation of astaxanthin required nitrogen and was associatedwith a change in the cell stage from biflagellate vegetativegreen cells to non-motile and large resting cells. It is suggestedthat environmental or nutritional stresses, which interferewith cell division, trigger the accumulation of astaxanthin.Indeed, when a specific inhibitor of cell division was applied,a massive accumulation of astaxanthin occurred. 1 Contribution No. 55 of The Microalgal Biotechnology Laboratory (Received April 22, 1991; Accepted August 6, 1991)  相似文献   
Ero1p is the primary catalyst of disulfide bond formation in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Ero1p contains a pair of essential disulfide bonds that participate directly in the electron transfer pathway from substrate thiol groups to oxygen. Remarkably, elimination of certain other Ero1p disulfides by mutation enhances enzyme activity. In particular, the C150A/C295A Ero1p mutant exhibits increased thiol oxidation in vitro and in vivo and interferes with redox homeostasis in yeast cells by hyperoxidizing the ER. Inhibitory disulfides of Ero1p are thus important for enzyme regulation. To visualize the differences between de-regulated and wild-type Ero1p, we determined the crystal structure of Ero1p C150A/C295A. The structure revealed local changes compared to the wild-type enzyme around the sites of mutation, but no conformational transitions within 25 Å of the active site were observed. To determine how the C150—C295 disulfide nonetheless participates in redox regulation of Ero1p, we analyzed using mass spectrometry the changes in Ero1p disulfide connectivity as a function of time after encounter with reducing substrates. We found that the C150—C295 disulfide sets a physiologically appropriate threshold for enzyme activation by guarding a key neighboring disulfide from reduction. This study illustrates the diverse and interconnected roles that disulfides can play in redox regulation of protein activity.  相似文献   
Evolution may improve the invasiveness of populations, but it often remains unclear whether key adaptation events occur after introduction into the recipient habitat (i.e. post‐introduction adaptation scenario), or before introduction within the native range (i.e. prior‐adaptation scenario) or at a primary site of invasion (i.e. bridgehead scenario). We used a multidisciplinary approach to determine which of these three scenarios underlies the invasion of the tropical ant Wasmannia auropunctata in a Mediterranean region (i.e. Israel). Species distribution models (SDM), phylogeographical analyses at a broad geographical scale and laboratory experiments on appropriate native and invasive populations indicated that Israeli populations followed an invasion scenario in which adaptation to cold occurred at the southern limit of the native range before dispersal to Israel. We discuss the usefulness of combining SDM, genetic and experimental approaches for unambiguous determination of eco‐evolutionary invasion scenarios.  相似文献   
Diel changes in photosynthetic oxygen evolution and several photochemical parameters measured by chlorophyll fluorescence quenching and induction were measured in outdoor dense cultures of the alga Monodus subterraneus (Eustigmatophyta). Cultures were maintained under two temperature regimes. In one, a rise in temperature was initiated in the morning by the increase in solar radiation up to the optimal temperature of 28 °C; in the other, a heating device was used to increase the rate of warming up in early morning. Although the two cultures were maintained at the same temperature and light intensity for most of the day, cultures exposed for only a short time to suboptimal morning temperature showed a larger decrease in almost all the photosynthetic parameters. By comparing the diel changes in maximal photochemistry efficiency of photosystem II, the electron transport rate and the photochemical and non‐photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching of the cultures, we concluded that even a relatively short exposure to suboptimal morning temperatures induced photoinhibitory damage. The higher photochemical activity of the heated culture was also reflected in a significant increase in productivity, which was 60% higher in the morning heated cultures than in the non‐heated cultures.  相似文献   
Two strains of Spirulina platensis, marked Sp-G and Sp-RB, werestudied for their response to high photon flux densities (PFD).Sp-RB, a gas vacuolated strain, appeared more sensitive to thehigh PFD treatment as compared with Sp-G, a non-vacuolated strain.The loss of the photosynthetic activity due to the photoinhibitorytreatment was obtained at the level of whole cells as well asthe membrane level. Sp-RB was more sensitive than Sp-G at bothlevels. Experiments using chloramphenicol during the photoinhibitionprocess, and others in which the fate of radio-active labeledthylakoid proteins was followed, indicated that the differencebetween the strains lies in the rate of loss of the Dl polypeptidewith an electrophoretic mobility of 32–34 kDa. Both strainsrecovered from the photoinhibition when placed under low PFD.The recovery process started immediately after PFD was reduced,without any observed lag period, and was sensitive to chloramphenicol.Light was required for full recovery of activity. The rate ofrecovery of the two strains studied was very similar. 1Contribution no. 29 of the Micro-Algal Biotechnology Lab. (Received January 11, 1988; Accepted March 31, 1988)  相似文献   
The basic requirement for establishing economically viable large-scale production of algal biomass, be it for food, feed, high-value product, or energy, is the ability to produce the biomass at a low price. To achieve this goal, an efficient production protocol is needed that ensures that the potential productivity is obtained at any given time. When productivity is defined by the ability to utilize the available solar radiation that drives photosynthesis, the production protocol must be optimized to meet this requirement. In the current study, we demonstrate that by modifying the light available to Arthrospira platensis cells cultured outdoors by a variety of options like modifying the standing biomass concentration, changing the mixing rate, or shading can change the potential photosynthetic activity and apparent activity. By optimizing the light available to algae cells under outdoor conditions, productivity can be increased by approximately 50 %, from 15.6 g m?2 day?1 in a culture that suffers from overexposure to light to 22.4 g m?2 day?1 in a culture in which light downregulation is minimized. Therefore, by using a variety of methodologies to estimate photosynthetic activity, we demonstrate that overexposing the cells to light may result in downregulation of the photosynthetic activity leading to photoinhibition and lower biomass productivity.  相似文献   
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