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It is possible that dietary conditions can result in the production of abnormal bone protein. For example, a heavily maize-dependent diet could be deficient in one or more essential amino acids necessary to normal human biochemistry and consequently necessary for normal bone protein synthesis. Amino acid analysis of bone tissues, thus, could provide a useful diagnostic tool in paleopathology. To test this potential we have compared the amino acid analyses of bone samples from a prehistoric Southwest Indian child exhibiting porotic hyperostosis with samples taken from (1) two children's skeletons lacking bone lesions but from the same area and time, (2) a modern child who died from accidental causes, and (3) adult human compact bone. Analytical results of the nonpathological prehistoric specimens were virtually identical to that of the modern infant, indicating remarkable preservation of bone protein. The pathological bone sample differed from the three control specimens by having as much as 25% less of those amino acids containing hydroxyl group and acidic side chains. We interpret the amino acid profile for the diseased child as indicating the presence of a greater proportion of helical protein (or less noncollagenous protein) as well as a lowered degree of hydroxylation of proline and lysine. One explanation for our data is that protein biosynthesis is altered in the child exhibiting porotic hyperostosis, and either some proteins important in the early phases of mineralization are not produced in sufficient quantity, or some necessary enzyme cofactors (e.g., dietary ferrous ions) are missing. We conclude that our data are compatible with, but do not prove, the hypothesis that the porotic hyperostosis exhibited by the Southwest Indian child is the result of iron deficiency anemia.  相似文献   
Thirty cases of intraspinal neoplasms occurring during the first two decades of life are reviewed. Histologic examination showed 13 of these to be astrocytomas, 6 neuroblastomas, 5 sarcomas, 3 ependymomas, 2 neurofibromas and 1 a schwannoma. Orthopedic deformities developed or worsened in 60 percent of patients surviving longer than a year after diagnosis. In five patients some form of endocrine deficiency developed after irradiation. For treatment of radiosensitive extradural malignant lesions, biopsy followed by irradiation is advocated.  相似文献   
A morphometric study of kainic acid- (KA) induced lesions was designed for the study of the interaction of the diamines U-5449A and U-50488H with excitatory amino acids, and the dose-response relationship thereof. IC50S determined for binding at the kappa receptor and other opioid receptors demonstrated the lack of kappa activity of U-54494A, a structurally related analog of U-50488H. Both opiate kappa receptor related anticonvulsant diamines were tested for their ability to protect the mouse hippocampus from the cytopathological changes induced by KA in neurons and glia. The damage observed with i.c.v. KA in mouse was restricted to neurons of the CA3 pyramidal region and glia of the hippocampus. It involved massive cell loss and shrunken neurons with dark cytoplasm and nuclei. Groups treated with combinations of KA and U-54494A or U-50488H showed scarce damage, but patches of necrotic changes were still observed. Control animals treated with saline (i.c.v.) and U-54494A (s.c.) or U-50488H (s.c.) did not suffer any noticeable alterations of the polymorphic layers of the hippocampal formation. Image analysis of the CA3 area of the hippocampus was used to quantitate the vacuolization induced by KA lesions in the control and treated groups. By this method, both U-54494A and U-50488H were shown to protect this area in a dose-related fashion as evidenced by reduced vacuolization. The anticonvulsant properties of these compounds may result in the antagonism of the excitotoxic lesions. More specifically, the ability of these diamines to block depolarization-induced influxes of Ca++ may protect the CA3 cells from the cytotoxic effects of persistent depolarization.  相似文献   
A total of 62,811 cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have been reported to the World Health Organization from throughout the world. Extensive epidemiologic studies have shown that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are transmitted by three routes: sexual, parenteral and perinatal. Three geographic patterns of transmission have been defined. In pattern I, transmission occurs predominantly among homosexual and bisexual men and urban intravenous drug abusers; transmission via blood products has been controlled; the male:female sex ratio is 10:1 or more; population HIV seroprevalence is low, and perinatal transmission is uncommon (for instance, United States, western Europe). In pattern II, transmission is predominantly heterosexual and perinatal; transmission via blood products exists but is being reduced; unsterile needles and other skin-piercing instruments cause some parenteral transmission (magnitude not known); the male:female sex ratio is 1:1, and population seroprevalence often exceeds 1% (central Africa, Haiti). In pattern III, AIDS cases are just being documented and are generally due to sexual exposure abroad or imported blood products (Middle East, Asia).  相似文献   
The fish pathogenic bacteria Vibrio anguillarum and V. salmonicida showed the capacity to survive for more than 50 and 14 months, respectively, in seawater microcosms. A salinity of 5% proved lethal to V. anguillarum harvested in the late-exponential growth phase, whereas a salinity of 9% was lethal to the bacterium after it had been starved at a salinity of 30% for 67 days. The lethal salinity for V. salmonicida harvested in the late-exponential growth phase was probably in the vicinity of 10%. V. anguillarum and V. salmonicida were very sensitive to nalidixic acid. Direct determination of viable cells after incubation with nalidixic acid was not possible, since the cells did not elongate. Samples of V. salmonicida were double stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled antibodies and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. After 3 or 4 days of starvation, there was a discrepancy between the total numbers of cells as determined by immunofluorescence versus by staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. The immunofluorescence counts remained high, which indicated the presence of intact cell envelopes but leakage of DNA and other cytoplasm components. After 2 weeks of starvation, for some of the cells, the region stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (i.e., DNA) was markedly smaller than the cell envelope. I attributed this to a shrinkage of the cytoplasm or a confined nucleoid or both. V. anguillarum lost its exoproteolytic activity before 11 days of starvation.  相似文献   
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