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DNA containing structures (nucleoids) were visualized by 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) fluorescent staining in two groups of cyanophytes (59 filamentous oscillatorialean species and 12 coccal Synechococcus-like organisms) to test the possibility of using nucleoid morphology in cyanophyte taxonomy. The morphology of nucleoids (size, shape, and structure) in oscillatorialean species is specific for individual families. The morphology of the nucleoid in Synechococcus-like species agrees from the proposed separation of the genus Cyanothece from Synechococcus. A much different nucleoid morphology in three species of Cyanothece suggests that these species should be separated into a new genus. On the basis of other characters, the species could be returned to the genus Cyanobacterium. My results indicate that the morphology of nucleoids is a valuable character in the classification of the cyanophytes examined; thus, it is a prospective feature that could be used in the taxonomy of other groups of cyanophytes. Additionally, DAPI staining is not a complicated procedure. The new character is easy to see in samples taken from nature, both living and preserved.  相似文献   
Summary A method for quantification of distances between amide hydrogens using only the 3D NOESY-HMQC experiment recorded on a 15N-labelled protein is presented. This method is based on an approximate expression of the NOE intensities between amide hydrogens obtained from continuum modelling of the non-amide spins; this expression is used in a distance calculation algorithm. The algorithm has been named CROWD, standing for Continuum approximation of Relaxati On path Ways between Dilute spins. This approximation as well as the CROWD algorithm are tested on a simulated case; the CROWD algorithm is then applied to experimental data, measured on a fragment of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   
The kinetics of actin unfolding induced by guanidine hydrochloride has been studied. On the basis of obtained experimental data a new kinetic pathway of actin unfolding was proposed. We have shown that the transition from native to inactivated actin induced by guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) passes through essential unfolding of the protein. This means that inactivated actin should be considered as the off-pathway species rather than an intermediate conformation between native and completely unfolded states of actin, as has been assumed earlier. The rate constants of the transitions that give rise to the inactivated actin were determined. At 1.0-2.0 M GdnHCl the value of the rate constant of the transition from native to essentially unfolded actin exceeds that of the following step of inactivated actin formation. It leads to the accumulation of essentially unfolded macromolecules early in the unfolding process, which in turn causes the minimum in the time dependencies of tryptophan fluorescence intensity, parameter A, characterizing the intrinsic fluorescence spectrum position, and tryptophan fluorescence anisotropy.  相似文献   
Proteorhodopsins (PRs), photoactive retinylidene membrane proteins ubiquitous in marine eubacteria, exhibit light-driven proton transport activity similar to that of the well studied bacteriorhodopsin from halophilic archaea. However, unlike bacteriorhodopsin, PRs have a single highly conserved histidine located near the photoactive site of the protein. Time-resolved Fourier transform IR difference spectroscopy combined with visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, and electrical measurements of light-induced charge movements reveal participation of His-75 in the proton translocation mechanism of PR. Substitution of His-75 with Ala or Glu perturbed the structure of the photoactive site and resulted in significantly shifted visible absorption spectra. In contrast, His-75 substitution with a positively charged Arg did not shift the visible absorption spectrum of PR. The mutation to Arg also blocks the light-induced proton transfer from the Schiff base to its counterion Asp-97 during the photocycle and the acid-induced protonation of Asp-97 in the dark state of the protein. Isotope labeling of histidine revealed that His-75 undergoes deprotonation during the photocycle in the proton-pumping (high pH) form of PR, a reaction further supported by results from H75E. Finally, all His-75 mutations greatly affect charge movements within the PR and shift its pH dependence to acidic values. A model of the proteorhodopsin proton transport process is proposed as follows: (i) in the dark state His-75 is positively charged (protonated) over a wide pH range and interacts directly with the Schiff base counterion Asp-97; and (ii) photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base proton to the Asp-97 counterion disrupts its interaction with His-75 and triggers a histidine deprotonation.A variety of unicellular microorganisms contain primary proton pumps that convert solar energy into a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient, which is subsequently used by membrane ATP synthases to generate chemical energy. Well known examples of such pumps are the haloarchaeal rhodopsins, photoactive, seven-helix membrane proteins, which include the well studied proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR)4 from Halobacterium salinarum and BR homologs in other haloarchaea. Recently, a much larger new family of light-driven proton pumps, the proteorhodopsins (PRs), was identified in marine proteobacteria throughout the oceans (13). Despite the diverse properties of PRs, including different visible absorption maxima and photocycle rates (46), they all share with BR several key conserved residues as well as an all-trans-retinylidene chromophore in their unphotolyzed state, which is covalently bound to transmembrane helix G via a protonated Schiff base linkage.Many of the molecular events that occur in PRs following light activation are similar to those of BR, including an initial ultrafast all-trans→13-cis-retinal isomerization, which triggers a sequence of protein conformational changes, including several intramolecular proton transfer reactions. The two key carboxylate groups involved in proton pumping in helix C of BR are conserved in PRs, and in the first found and most commonly studied PR, the Monterey Bay variant eBAC31A08, also known as green-absorbing proteorhodopsin (GPR), the helix C residues Asp-97 and Glu-108 undergo protonation changes during the photocycle similar to those of the homologous carboxylate residues in BR. Initial FTIR studies on GPR identified the role of Asp-97 as the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor during Schiff base deprotonation and concomitant M formation and Glu-108 as the proton donor that reprotonates the Schiff base during N formation (7, 8). Studies of other variants indicate these roles of the two carboxylic acid residues are general in the proteorhodopsin family.5One major difference between BR and the PRs is the presence of a highly conserved histidine residue at position 75, near the middle of transmembrane helix B in the latter pigments. The His-75 homolog is not present in BR nor thus far found in other microbial rhodopsins (9). The proximity of His-75 to the protein active site and specifically to the Schiff base counterion Asp-97 inferred from the x-ray crystal structure of BR suggests its involvement in spectral tuning of the visible absorption (10) and potentially PR photochemical reactions. Because the pKa of histidine in solution is close to neutral pH (11), its imidazole group often plays a major role in intramolecular proton transfers in enzymes, including NADPH oxidase (12), alcohol dehydrogenase (13), carbonic anhydrase II (14), and serine proteases (15).In this study we have used a combination of time-resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy, visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, kinetic charge displacement measurements, and site-directed mutagenesis to study the role of His-75 in GPR. We report evidence that protonated His-75 interacts directly with Asp-97 in the unphotolyzed protein and during the photocycle undergoes a deprotonation in response to the protonation of Asp-97.  相似文献   
For bottom‐up proteomics, there are wide variety of database‐searching algorithms in use for matching peptide sequences to tandem MS spectra. Likewise, there are numerous strategies being employed to produce a confident list of peptide identifications from the different search algorithm outputs. Here we introduce a grid‐search approach for determining optimal database filtering criteria in shotgun proteomics data analyses that is easily adaptable to any search. Systematic Trial and Error Parameter Selection‐–referred to as STEPS‐–utilizes user‐defined parameter ranges to test a wide array of parameter combinations to arrive at an optimal “parameter set” for data filtering, thus maximizing confident identifications. The benefits of this approach in terms of numbers of true‐positive identifications are demonstrated using datasets derived from immunoaffinity‐depleted blood serum and a bacterial cell lysate, two common proteomics sample types.  相似文献   
The electrical phenomena and morphing structures in the Venus flytrap have attracted researchers since the nineteenth century. We have observed that mechanical stimulation of trigger hairs on the lobes of the Venus flytrap induces electrotonic potentials in the lower leaf. Electrostimulation of electrical circuits in the Venus flytrap can induce electrotonic potentials propagating along the upper and lower leaves. The instantaneous increase or decrease in voltage of stimulating potential generates a nonlinear electrical response in plant tissues. Any electrostimulation that is not instantaneous, such as sinusoidal or triangular functions, results in linear responses in the form of small electrotonic potentials. The amplitude and sign of electrotonic potentials depend on the polarity and the amplitude of the applied voltage. Electrical stimulation of the lower leaf induces electrical signals, which resemble action potentials, in the trap between the lobes and the midrib. The trap closes if the stimulating voltage is above the threshold level of 4.4 V. Electrical responses in the Venus flytrap were analyzed and reproduced in the discrete electrical circuit. The information gained from this study can be used to elucidate the coupling of intracellular and intercellular communications in the form of electrical signals within plants.  相似文献   
The alga Parachlorella kessleri, strain CCALA 255, grown under optimal conditions, is characterized by storage of energy in the form of starch rather than lipids. If grown in the complete medium, the cultures grew rapidly, producing large amounts of biomass in a relatively short time. The cells, however, contained negligible lipid reserves (1–10% of DW). Treatments inducing hyperproduction of storage lipids in P. kessleri biomass were described. The cultures were grown in the absence or fivefold decreased concentration of either nitrogen or phosphorus or sulfur. Limitation by all elements using fivefold or 10‐fold diluted mineral medium was also tested. Limitation with any macroelement (nitrogen, sulfur, or phosphorus) led to an increase in the amount of lipids; nitrogen limitation was the most effective. Diluted nutrient media (5‐ or 10‐fold) were identified as the best method to stimulate lipid overproduction (60% of DW). The strategy for lipid overproduction consists of the fast growth of P. kessleri culture grown in the complete medium to produce sufficient biomass (DW more than 10 g/L) followed by the dilution of nutrient medium to stop growth and cell division by limitation of all elements, leading to induction of lipid production and accumulation up to 60% DW. Cultivation conditions necessary for maximizing lipid content in P. kessleri biomass generated in a scale‐up solar open thin‐layer photobioreactor were described. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 97–107. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
KillerRed is known to be a unique red fluorescent protein displaying strong phototoxic properties. Its effectiveness has been shown previously for killing bacterial and cancer cells in vitro. Here, we investigated the photototoxicity of the protein on tumor xenografts in mice. HeLa Kyoto cell line stably expressing KillerRed in mitochondria and in fusion with histone H2B was used. Irradiation of the tumors with 593 nm laser led to photobleaching of KillerRed indicating photosensitization reaction and caused significant destruction of the cells and activation of apoptosis. The portion of the dystrophically changed cells increased from 9.9% to 63.7%, and the cells with apoptosis hallmarks from 6.3% to 14%. The results of this study suggest KillerRed as a potential genetically encoded photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy of cancer. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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