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High-level expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli frequently leads to the formation of insoluble protein aggregates, termed inclusion bodies. In order to recover a native protein from inclusion bodies, various protein refolding techniques have been developed. Column-based refolding methods and refolding in aqueous two-phase systems are often an attractive alternative to dilution refolding due to simultaneous purification and improved refolding yields. In this work, the effect of surface histidine mutations and their number on the partitioning and refolding of recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor Cys17Ser variant (rhG-CSF (C17S)) from solubilized inclusion bodies in aqueous two-phase systems polyethylene glycol (PEG)-dextran, containing metal ions, chelated by dye Light Resistant Yellow 2KT (LR Yellow 2KT)-PEG derivative, was investigated. Human G-CSF is a growth factor that regulates the production of mature neutrophilic granulocytes from the precursor cells. Initially, the role of His156 and His170 residues in the interaction of rhG-CSF (C17S) with Cu(II), Ni(II) and Hg(II) ions, chelated by LR Yellow 2KT-PEG, was investigated at pH 7.0 by means of affinity partitioning of purified, correctly folded rhG-CSF (C17S) mutants. It was determined that both His156 and His170 mutations reduced the affinity of rhG-CSF (C17S) for chelated Cu(II) ions at pH 7.0. His170 mutation significantly reduced the affinity of protein for chelated Ni(II) ions. However, histidine mutations had only a small effect on the affinity of protein for Hg(II) ions. The influence of His156 and His170 mutations on the refolding of rhG-CSF (C17S) from solubilized inclusion bodies in aqueous two-phase systems PEG-dextran, containing chelated Ni(II) and Hg(II) ions, was investigated. Reversible interaction of protein mutants with chelated metal ions was used for refolding in aqueous two-phase systems. Both histidine mutations resulted in a significant decrease of protein refolding efficiency in two-phase systems containing chelated Ni(II) ions, while in the presence of chelated Hg(II) ions their effect on protein refolding was negligible. Refolding studies of rhG-CSF variants with different number of histidine mutations revealed that a direct correlation exists between the number of surface histidine residues and refolding efficiency of rhG-CSF variant in two-phase systems containing chelated Ni(II) ions. This method of protein refolding in aqueous two-phase systems containing chelated metal ions should be applicable to other recombinant proteins that contain accessible histidine residues.  相似文献   
Restrictive eating attitudes and behaviors have been hypothesized to be related to processes of intrasexual competition. According to this perspective, within-sex competition for status serves the adaptive purpose of attracting mates. As such, status competition salience may lead to concerns of mating desirability. For heterosexual women and gay men, such concerns revolve around appearing youthful and, thus, thinner. Following this logic, we examined how exposure to high-status and competitive (but not thin or highly attractive) same-sex individuals would influence body image and eating attitudes in heterosexual and in gay/lesbian individuals. Results indicated that for heterosexuals, intrasexual competition cues led to greater body image dissatisfaction and more restrictive eating attitudes for women, but not for men. In contrast, for homosexual individuals, intrasexual competition cues led to worse body image and eating attitudes for gay men, but not for lesbian women. These findings support the idea that the ultimate explanation for eating disorders is related to intrasexual competition.  相似文献   
The Sharpe-Lotka-McKendrick-von Foerster equations for non-dispersing age-sex-structured populations with a harmonic mean type mating law are considered and their separable solutions are analysed. For certain forms of the demographic rates the underlying evolution equations are reduced to systems of ODEs, the long time behavior of their solutions is studied, and the stability of separable solutions is discussed. It is found that for the constant death rates and constant sex ratio of newborns with stationary birth rates this model admits one one-parameter class of separable solutions, two such classes (repeated or different) or no such ones. In the case of special forms of age-dependent birth rates, solutions of one of these two different classes corresponding to the greater root of the characteristic equation are locally stable, solutions of the other one corresponding to the smaller root are unstable, and the population dies out if the model does not admit separable solutions or if initial densities of newborns are small enough in the case of the existence of separable solutions. In the case of constant vital rates, the model has no separable solutions or admits only one class of such ones that are globally stable.  相似文献   
Site directed mutagenesis of Cys17-->Ser17 form of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (rhG-CSF C17S) for sequential replacing of surface His(43) and His(52) with alanine was used to identify residues critical for the protein interaction with metal ions, in particular Ni(2+) chelated by dye Light Resistant Yellow 2 KT (LR Yellow 2KT)-polyethyleneglycol (PEG), and refolding after partitioning of inclusion bodies in aqueous two-phase systems. Strong binding of rhG-CSF (C17S) to PEG-LR Yellow 2KT-Cu(II) complex allowed for the adoption of affinity chromatography on Sepharose-LR Yellow 2KT-Cu(II) that appeared to be essential for the rapid isolation of mutated forms of rhG-CSF. Efficiency of that purification stage is exemplified by isolation of rhG-CSF (C17S, H43A) and rhG-CSF (C17S, H43A, H52A) mutants in correctly folded and highly purified state. Affinity partitioning of rhG-CSF histidine mutants was studied in aqueous two-phase systems containing Cu(II), Ni(II) and Hg(II) chelated by LR Yellow 2KT-PEG at pH 7.0 and Cu(II)-at pH 5.0. It was determined, that affinity of rhG-CSF mutants for metal ions decreased in the order of C17S>C17S, H43A>C17S, H43A, H52A for Cu(II), and C17S=C17S, H43A>C17S, H43A, H52A for Ni(II) ions, while affinity of all rhG-CSF mutants for Hg(II) ions was of the same order of magnitude. Influence of His(43) and His(52) mutation on protein refolding was studied by partitioning of the respective inclusion body extract in aqueous two-phase systems containing Ni(II) and Hg(II) ions. Data on rhG-CSF histidine mutant partitioning and refolding indicated, that His(52) mutation is crucial for the strength of protein interaction with chelated Ni(II) ions and refolding efficiency.  相似文献   
Recent trends in the European Black Stork Ciconia nigra population are geographically distinct: range expansion and adaptation to human activity dominate in western and central Europe, while declines—probably induced by landscape change—are reported in the east. We studied the large Lithuanian Black Stork population in the transition zone to explore whether, and how, the detrimental influences of recent Baltic landscape changes are balanced by the West European tendency of behavioural adaptation to human activity. Based on monitoring in sample plots, the current population was estimated at 650–950 pairs, indicating a significant decrease (possibly over 20%) during the last two decades. In comparison to the Latvian and Estonian populations, however, this decline is smaller, and the reproductive success remains at a high level [66% breeding success and 2.99 ± 0.97 (SD) fledglings per successful attempt, 2000–2006]; this north–south gradient suggests a climate-mediated impact of habitat degradation in the Baltic countries. The storks are also nesting closer to forest edges and in younger stands than 15–30 years ago, which has probably reduced the nest-tree limitation, as indicated by an increased use of large oaks. Thus, habitat degradation and adaptation seem to be taking place simultaneously in the Lithuanian Black Stork population, as was expected from its geographical location. In general, our study supports the view that, whenever possible, species conservation strategies and the use of indicator species should be geographically explicit.  相似文献   
In this study the bioactivity of three differently glycosylated blood coagulation factor VII (FVII) variants (human plasma FVII, recombinant human FVII produced in CHO and BHK cell cultures) were analyzed and compared. Surface plasmon resonance studies of FVII interaction with soluble and full length TF together with FVII autoactivation assays revealed that BHK-derived FVII has the highest bioactivity, while human plasma and CHO-derived FVII showed very similar bioactivity. The affinity of FVII variants to TF correlates with FVII autoactivation rates – the higher the affinity, the faster the autoactivation rate.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to review and discuss the results obtained by fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy of bacterial chromatophores excited with picosecond pulses of varying power and intensity. It was inferred that spectral and kinetic characteristics depend essentially on the intensity, the repetition rate of the picosecond excitation pulses as well as on the optical density of the samples used. Taking the different experimental conditions properly into account, most of the discrepancies between the fluorescence and absorption measurements can be solved. At high pulse repetition rate (>106 Hz), even at moderate excitation intensities (1010–1011 photons/cm2 per pulse), relatively long-lived triplet states start accumulating in the system. These are efficient (as compared to the reaction centers) quenchers of mobile singlet excitations due to singlet-triplet annihilation. The singlet-triplet annihilation rate constant in Rhodospirillum rubrum was determined to be equal to 10-9 cm3 s-1. At fluences >1012 photons/cm2 per pulse singlet-singlet annihilation must be taken into account. Furthermore, in the case of high pulse repetition rates, triplet-triplet annihilation must be considered as well. From an analysis of experimental data it was inferred that the singlet-singlet annihilation process is probably migration-limited. If this is the case, one has to conclude that the rate of excitation decay in light-harvesting antenna at low pumping intensities is limited by the efficiency of excitation trapping by the reaction center. The influence of annihilation processes on spectral changes is also discussed as is the potential of a local heating caused by annihilation processes. The manifestation of spectral inhomogeneity of light-harvesting antenna in picosecond fluorescence and absorption kinetics is analyzed.Abbreviations LHA light-harvesting antenna - RC reaction center  相似文献   
The energy transfer and trapping kinetics in the core antenna of Photosystem I are described in a new model in which the distance between the core antenna chlorophylls and P700 is proposed to be considerably longer than the distance between the chlorophylls within the antenna. Structurally, the model describes the Photosystem I core antenna as a regular sphere around P700, while energetically it consists of three levels representing the bulk antenna, P700 and the red-shifted antenna pigments absorbing at longer wavelength than P700, respectively. It is shown that the model explains experimental results obtained from the Photosystem I complex of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. (A.R. Holzwarth, G. Schatz, H Brock, and E. Bittersman (1993) Biophys. J. 64: 1813–1826) quite well, and that no unrealistic charge separation rate and organization of the long-wavelength pigments has to be assumed. We suggest that excitation energy transfer and trapping in Photosystem I should be described as a ‘transfer-to-the-trap’-limited process  相似文献   
Because women's preferences for male masculinity reflect tradeoffs between the benefits of greater genetic health and the costs of lower paternal investment, variables that affect the importance of these costs and benefits also affect masculinity preferences. Concern about disease and pathogens may be one such variable. Here we show that disgust sensitivity in the pathogen domain is positively correlated with facial masculinity preferences, but disgust sensitivity in the moral and sexual domains is not. Our findings present novel evidence that systematic variation in women's preferences for masculine men reflects factors that influence how women resolve the tradeoff between the benefits and costs associated with choosing a masculine partner.  相似文献   
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