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Summary In a 35-year-old calcareous beech forest stand five beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) were felled every 2 weeks, and xylem sap was obtained by means of water displacement from the lowest trunk sections, each 100 cm in length. From mid-October 1988 to mid-October 1989 a total of 130 trees were investigated. The seasonal variations of the Ca, Mg, K and Mn contents, as well as those of pH, show four characteristic phases. Additionally, distribution of the mineral contents along the trunk was studied in four trees. The seasonal increase and decrease of xylem sap mineral contents along the trunk is shown for the characteristic phenophases. The Ca, Mg, K, and Mn contents of xylem saps were determined by means of atomicabsorptionspectrophotometry.  相似文献   
Cholesterol tagged with the BODIPY fluorophore via the central difluoroboron moiety of the dye (B-Chol) is a promising probe for studying intracellular cholesterol dynamics. We synthesized a new BODIPY-cholesterol probe (B-P-Chol) with the fluorophore attached via one of its pyrrole rings to carbon-24 of cholesterol (B-P-Chol). Using two-photon fluorescence polarimetry in giant unilamellar vesicles and in the plasma membrane (PM) of living intact and actin-disrupted cells, we show that the BODIPY-groups in B-Chol and B-P-Chol are oriented perpendicular and almost parallel to the bilayer normal, respectively. B-Chol is in all three membrane systems much stronger oriented than B-P-Chol. Interestingly, we found that the lateral diffusion in the PM was two times slower for B-Chol than for B-P-Chol, although we found no difference in lateral diffusion in model membranes. Stimulated emission depletion microscopy, performed for the first time, to our knowledge, with fluorescent sterols, revealed that the difference in lateral diffusion of the BODIPY-cholesterol probes was not caused by anomalous subdiffusion, because diffusion of both analogs in the PM was free but not hindered. Our combined measurements show that the position and orientation of the BODIPY moiety in cholesterol analogs have a severe influence on lateral diffusion specifically in the PM of living cells.  相似文献   
A subset of high-risk Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the causative agents of a large number of human cancers, of which cervical is the most common. Two viral oncoproteins, E6 and E7, contribute directly towards the development and maintenance of malignancy. A characteristic feature of the E6 oncoproteins from cancer-causing HPV types is the presence of a PDZ binding motif (PBM) at its C-terminus, which confers interaction with cellular proteins harbouring PDZ domains. Here we show that this motif allows E6 interaction with Sorting Nexin 27 (SNX27), an essential component of endosomal recycling pathways. This interaction is highly conserved across E6 proteins from multiple high-risk HPV types and is mediated by a classical PBM-PDZ interaction but unlike many E6 targets, SNX27 is not targeted for degradation by E6. Rather, in HPV-18 positive cell lines the association of SNX27 with components of the retromer complex and the endocytic transport machinery is altered in an E6 PBM-dependent manner. Analysis of a SNX27 cargo, the glucose transporter GLUT1, reveals an E6-dependent maintenance of GLUT1 expression and alteration in its association with components of the endocytic transport machinery. Furthermore, knockdown of E6 in HPV-18 positive cervical cancer cells phenocopies the loss of SNX27, both in terms of GLUT1 expression levels and its vesicular localization, with a concomitant marked reduction in glucose uptake, whilst loss of SNX27 results in slower cell proliferation in low nutrient conditions. These results demonstrate that E6 interaction with SNX27 can alter the recycling of cargo molecules, one consequence of which is modulation of nutrient availability in HPV transformed tumour cells.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the range of mandibular movements and to analyze the difference in range of mouth opening, right and left lateral movements, and protrusive movement between patients with clinical diagnoses of temporomandibular disorders and asymptomatic subjects (control group) in a young male population. A total of 240 subjects, aged 19-28, were included in the study. The TMD sample comprised 180 patients (60 patients with muscle disorders; 60 patients with disc displacement with reduction; and 60 patients with muscle disorders and disc displacement with reduction) and was compared with 60 healthy control subjects. All participants were evaluated by the attending dentists at baseline by means of a physical examination of the masticatory system and a history questionnaire which included the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis I measures. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the post hoc Bonferroni criteria showed significant difference in ranges of mandibular movements between and within the groups of asymptomatic subjects and TMD patients for active mouth opening (p = 0.001), right lateral movement (p = 0.002), left lateral movement (p = 0.006), and protrusive movement (p = 0.05). It has been found that there are statistically significant differences in the range of mandibular movements that separate asymptomatic subjects and patients with muscle disorders and disc displacements with reduction in this young male population. However, we cannot conclude that measurements of active mandibular movements can discriminate one group (TMD patients) from the other (asymptomatic subjects), because the mean ranges of these active movements between the groups were measured in clinically "normal" values.  相似文献   
We evaluated the role of human gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in corneal epithelial defects healing in rats. 48 rats, in 4 groups (N=12). Total debridement of corneal epithelium preformed unilaterally and lesions stained and photographed. Animals medicated as follows: distilled water (control group) or BPC 157 2 pg/ml, 2 ng/ml, 2 microg/ml, 2 drops/rat eye started immediately after injury induction, every 8 hours up to 40 hours (i.e., at 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 h). Lesions were photographed before application or sacrifice (at 48 h). Defect area was analyzed using a special program. Through 48 hour period a steady recovery is noted in controls. Recovery was markedly accelerated in eyes on microg- or ng-topical regimen of BPC 157 (p < 0.05). Of note, unlike control lesion present also after 48 h, these lesions disappeared already following 40 h (microg) or 48 h (ng) post-injury. BPC 157 was shown to be effective in promoting corneal defects healing in rats. Results were dose dependent.  相似文献   
The loss of the corneal endothelial cells, especially in a first postoperative year, has been observed in patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty (PK). The implantation of new generation of "iris claw" phakic IOL (Verisyse) in refractive cases has been shown to cause clinicaly insignificant endothelial cell loss. In our prospective case series we investigated the endothelial cell loss and clinical outcome in patients that either underwent PK and implantation of PCIOL or PK and implantation of Verisyse IOL. In the first group of 9 patients scheduled for PK, implantation of Verisyse was performed due to the absence of the posterior capsule support. 2 of these patients had angle supported ACIOL, 4 patients were aphakic and 3 had posttraumatic cataract with ruptured posterior capsule. The second group of 12 patients had standard "triple" procedure (PK + ECCE + PCIOL). BCVA of both groups of patients prior the operation was hand movement in 12 patients, light perception in 7 patients and 0.05 in 3 patients. The preoperative endothelial cell count of the donor grafts obtained from the eye bank was 2800 cells/mm2 on average. The follow up was 6-10 months. Six months after the operation all "Verysise" patients maintained transparent graft. Postoperative visual acuity improvement was recorded in 18 out of 21 eyes (85.7%). Best spectacle corrected visual acuity of > or = 0.3 was achived in 55.5% in the Verisyse group and in 50.0% of "triple procedure" group. The endothelial cell count and morphology were estimated on the specular microscope on a monthly basis. Mean endothelial cells loss in patients with PK and Verysise was 40 +/- 8% and in patients with "triple" procedure was 42 +/- 12% at 10 postoperative months. There was no significant difference in the endothelial cell loss and clinical outcome between the group of patients who had PK and Verysise as compared to those with implanted PCIOL.  相似文献   
Secondary chronic open-angle glaucoma associated with pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome accounts for approximately 25% of all glaucomas and represents the most common identifiable cause of glaucoma overall. Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is effective in reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucomatous patients and has the advantage of preserving surrounding structures. We report here SLT treatment of a 82 year old female with a secondary developed open-angle pseudoexfoliation glaucoma allergic to all anti glaucoma eye drops especially those which contain bensalconium chloridum as preservative. Since patient was allergic also to methyl-cellulose, we performed SLT with water as a mediator. Patient had PEX syndrome for 10 years, immature cataracts on both eyes, and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) 0.7 on the right and 0.2 on the left eye. We have monitored intraocular pressure (IOP), the changes in the visual field and optic nerve. Preoperative IOP was 28 mmHg on the right and 30 mmHg on the left eye. The follow up period was 24 months with time points for measured parameters every 3 months. After 18 months IOP remained in the normal values (average 17 mmHg) on the right eye, but on the left eye it increased up to 28 mmHg. SLT re-treatment was carried out on the left eye and the IOP stabilized again on the values between 16-18mmHg. There were no significant change in the visual field and optic nerve configuration before and after SLT (C/D value for right eye: 0.3-0.4; C/D left eye: 0.5). Based on this case report, SLT seems to be very effective treatment for maintaining regular IOP in patient with PEX who is allergic to all types of medications.  相似文献   
Cellular senescence is, essentially, a permanent proliferation arrest induced by various cellular stresses or inappropriate stimuli. This arrest, which is associated with dramatic changes in cell morphology, metabolism and gene expression, involves a complex signalling network aiming at stable inactivation of CDKs, major cell cycle regulators. Notably, several tumour suppressors, such as p53, pRb or p16(Ink4a), play key roles both in the initiation of the senescence program and in its maintenance, which often involves epigenetic changes. While having widely recognized roles in tumour suppression and wound healing, senescence, like the roman god Janus, recently revealed another darker face. Mostly due to altered secretion phenotype favouring inflammation, senescent cells strongly influence surrounding tissue contributing to the development of age-related pathologies, including cancer.  相似文献   
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