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Understanding the molecular determinants for recognition, binding and transport of antibiotics by multidrug efflux systems is important for basic research and useful for the design of more effective antimicrobial compounds. Imipenem and meropenem are two carbapenems whose antibacterial activity is known to be poorly and strongly affected by MexAB-OprM, the major efflux pump transporter in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, not much is known regarding recognition and transport of these compounds by AcrAB-TolC, which is the MexAB-OprM homologue in Escherichia coli and by definition the paradigm model for structural studies on efflux pumps. Prompted by this motivation, we unveiled the molecular details of the interaction of imipenem and meropenem with the transporter AcrB by combining computer simulations with biophysical experiments. Regarding the interaction with the two main substrate binding regions of AcrB, the so-called access and deep binding pockets, molecular dynamics simulations revealed imipenem to be more mobile than meropenem in the former, while comparable mobilities were observed in the latter. This result is in line with isothermal titration calorimetry, differential scanning experiments, and binding free energy calculations, indicating a higher affinity for meropenem than imipenem at the deep binding pocket, while both sharing similar affinities at the access pocket. Our findings rationalize how different physico-chemical properties of compounds reflect on their interactions with AcrB. As such, they constitute precious information to be exploited for the rational design of antibiotics able to evade efflux pumps.  相似文献   
The G-protein coupled melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4r) plays an important role in the energy metabolism. We overexpressed the MC4r in CHO cells and performed characterisation studies on the cell membranes to determine functional stability and ligand binding properties of the receptor. The affinity for the ligands [Nle4, d-Phe7]-alphaMSH and MTII was lost below pH 6 but could be restored by returning to physiological pH. Increasing NaCl concentration up to 1 M had little influence on the binding of either ligand. At neutral pH, physiological salt concentration and 4 degrees C the ligand affinity of the receptor was stable for up to 6 days. These findings will facilitate design of purification methods for the receptor.  相似文献   
Identification and characterization of the nuclear proteome is important for detailed understanding of multiple signaling events in eukaryotic cells. Toward this goal, we extensively characterized the nuclear proteome of human T leukemia cells by sequential extraction of nuclear proteins with different physicochemical properties using three buffer conditions. This large scale proteomic study also tested the feasibility and technical challenges associated with stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) to uncover quantitative changes during apoptosis. Analyzing proteins from three nuclear fractions extracted from naive and apoptotic cells generated 780,530 MS/MS spectra that were used for database searching using the SEQUEST algorithm. This analysis resulted in the identification and quantification of 1,174 putative nuclear proteins. A number of known nuclear proteins involved in apoptosis as well as novel proteins not known to be part of the nuclear apoptotic machinery were identified and quantified. Consistent with SILAC-based quantifications, immunofluorescence staining of nucleus, mitochondria, and some associated proteins from both organelles revealed a dynamic recruitment of mitochondria into nuclear invaginations during apoptosis.  相似文献   
Multisite phosphorylation is an important mechanism for achieving intricate regulation of protein function. Here we extended the absolute quantification of abundance (AQUA) methodology and validated its applicability to quantitatively study multisite phosphorylation. As a test case, we chose the conserved inhibitory site of the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), Cdk1, Cdk2, and Cdk3, which are important regulators of cell cycle transitions and apoptosis. Inhibitory phosphorylation at Thr(14) and Tyr(15) of the CDKs is modulated by complex regulatory mechanisms involving multiple kinases and phosphatases. Yet the resulting quantitative dynamics among the four possible phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated versions of CDKs (T14p-Y15p, T14p-Y15, T14-Y15p, and T14-Y15) has not been investigated to date. Hence we used the heavy isotope-labeled tryptic peptides spanning the inhibitory site as internal standards and quantified all four versions by LC-selected reaction monitoring. Quantification of the phosphorylation status of the inhibitory site in the cell extracts provided novel quantitative insights. 1) The transition to mitotic phase was dominated by the conversion of "T14p-Y15p" to the "T14-Y15" form, whereas the two monophosphorylated forms were considerably lower in abundance. 2) The amount of all four forms decreased during the progression of apoptosis but with differing kinetics. Analysis of immunoprecipitated Cdk1 and Cdk2 revealed that the inhibitory site phosphorylation state of both kinases at different stages of the cell cycle followed the same trend. Quantitative immunoblotting using antibodies to Cdk1 and Cdk2 and to the T14-Y15p form suggested that quantification by AQUA was reliable and accurate. These results highlight the utility of internal standard peptides to achieve accurate quantification of multisite phosphorylation status.  相似文献   
This article presents Swedish economy‐wide material flow accounts for the period 1987‐1998. It also shows possibilities for enhancing the international comparability of aggregated data on material use, by distinguishing between materials used for consumption and export purposes. The direct material input (DMI) is used as an aggregate measure to estimate the amounts of natural resources (except water and air) that are taken from nature into the economy within a year, including imports to and production within the region in question. The division of materials used for consumption and export purposes avoids double counting trade flows when DMI is applied to a group of countries. The annual DMI in Sweden for 1997‐1998, including production and imports, amounts to 24 to 27 metric tons per capita (t/c). The fossil fuel input varies only slightly over the period, from 3.2 t/c in 1991 to 3.6 t/c in 1996, a level deemed unsustainable by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The input of renewable raw materials varies between 8 and 9 t/c. Ores and minerals vary between 11 and 15 t/c. The DMI puts Sweden above estimates made for Germany, the United States, and Japan and in the same range as the Netherlands. The differences in these values can mainly be explained by the relative importance of exports as compared to the size of the economy and by the variation in system boundaries for the data on natural resources. The system boundaries and data sources for natural resources need to be further defined to make the measures fully comparable. Around 5 t/c is exported, whereas the rest, around 20 t/c, is national consumption. The aggregate direct material consumption (DMC), which is the DMI minus exports, communicates the magnitude of resource use. Comparisons of the input with solid waste statistics indicate that quantity of waste (excluding mining waste) in Sweden is equal to about 10% relative of the total resource use. Material collected for recycling by the waste management system is equal to about 5% of the amount of virgin resources brought into society each year.  相似文献   
The small leucine-rich repeat proteins, fibromodulin and osteoadherin, have N-terminal extensions with a variable number of O-sulfated tyrosine residues. This modification combined with a number of aspartic and glutamic acid residues results in a highly negatively charged domain of less than 30 amino acids. We hypothesized that this domain shares functional properties with heparin regarding binding to proteins and polypeptides containing clusters of basic amino acids. Two other family members, PRELP and chondroadherin, have distinctly different clusters of basic amino acids in their N and C termini, respectively, and PRELP is known to bind to heparin via this domain. Another heparin-binding protein is the cytokine Oncostatin M, with a different cluster of basic amino acids in its C terminus. We used polypeptides representing these basic domains in solid phase assays and demonstrate interactions with the negatively charged N-terminal domain of fibromodulin and full-length osteoadherin. The tyrosine sulfate domains also bound heparin-binding proteins such as basic fibroblast growth factor-2, thrombospondin I, MMP13, the NC4 domain of collagen IX, and interleukin-10. Fibronectin with large heparin-binding domains did not bind, neither did CILP containing a heparin-binding thrombospondin type I motif without clustered basic amino acids. Affinity depends on the number and position of the sulfated tyrosine residues shown by different binding properties of 10-kDa fragments subfractionated by ion-exchange chromatography. These interactions may sequester growth factors, cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinases in the extracellular matrix as well as contribute to its organization.The integrity of the extracellular matrix depends on a multitude of interactions between molecular constituents leading to the formation of major macromolecular assemblies important for tissue functions. A major component in most types of extracellular matrix is the network of fibrillar structures primarily composed of collagen I in fibrous tissues and bone, whereas cartilage contains the similar collagen II.These collagen fibrils contain a number of associated molecules, often bound to their surface. One such molecule is the distinct collagen IX, containing three triple helical domains each surrounded by non-triple helical domains. Another set of molecules binding to triple helical collagen is the members of the small leucine-rich repeat protein family, such as fibromodulin (1), lumican (2), decorin (3), biglycan (4), PRELP (5), chondroadherin (6), and possibly osteoadherin. The typical LRR3 protein contains 10–11 repeats of some 25 amino acids with leucine residues at conserved locations. This domain represents a common denominator for the family and contains structures providing for interaction with, e.g. triple helical collagen (79). The LRR proteins contain an extension at either the N- or C-terminal end or, in a few cases, at both ends. These extensions may contribute to a second function exemplified by PRELP, where the N-terminal with a stretch of clustered arginine residues provides binding to heparin/heparan sulfate containing optimally five or more disaccharides with three sulfate groups each (10). In decorin and biglycan, the N-terminal extension have substituents of glycosaminoglycan chains of dermatan/chondroitin sulfate that can contribute to collagen binding (11) as well as provide putative self interactions with a similar chain on another molecule. In particular, it has been shown that decorin and biglycan will bind via their protein core to the N-terminal globular domain of collagen VI (4) and direct the formation of the collagen VI-beaded filament network, provided that the glycosaminoglycan chains are intact.There are a number of proteins known to interact with heparin. Whereas heparin is not present in the extracellular matrix, these proteins may bind to stretches within the heparan sulfate chains enriched in disaccharides having high sulfate content. The heparan sulfate is found particularly as a component of cell surface proteoglycans such as glypicans (12) and syndecans (13) and of the extracellular matrix proteoglycans perlecan (14) and agrin (15). Important ligands for these chains are growth factors exemplified by members of the FGF family. Other molecules that bind to heparan sulfate include fibronectin, having two such domains with molecular weights of around 20,000 (16). Also several members of the metalloproteinase family contain heparin-binding motifs as do many cytokines.The most common heparin-binding sequence contains clusters of basic amino acids, often with additional proline residues. PRELP and chondroadherin as well as the other proteins mentioned represent examples having such sequences. A different type of motif, first found in thrombospondin I, contains consecutive repeats of a WXZ sequence, where the tryptophan may be mannosylated (17, 18). This is referred to as the thrombospondin type I motif heparin-binding structure. Thrombospondin I in addition contains a heparin-binding basic cluster of amino acids (19). CILP on the other hand only contains the thrombospondin type 1 motif. These domains can bind to heparin with high affinity, an interaction that can be disrupted by high salt.A very different type of extension is found in the N-terminal part of fibromodulin and osteoadherin. These proteins contain a number of tyrosine residues, which may and often do, carry a sulfate group. Thus, fibromodulin contains up to nine such residues and osteoadherin as many as eight, where six are located in the N-terminal and two in the C-terminal extension (20). Any given preparation contains molecules within the same species with a range of levels of O-sulfate-substituted tyrosine. The functional significances of these domains have been unknown. We now show that these domains can mimic heparin in several interactions.  相似文献   
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