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Exogenous phospholipase C induces in human neutrophils the activation of a respiratory burst, measured as O2 consumption and O2? production and of secretion of specific granules, measured as release of vitamin B-12 binding protein. The secretory response is minimal and follows the onset of the respiratory response. Studies carried out using cells prelabeled with |3H|glycerol and32P on the molecular mechanism of the stimulations demonstrate that the effects are dependent on the formation of diacylglycerol by hydrolysis of different classes of glycerophospholipids. They are, however, independent of the activation of a ‘phosphoinositide turnover’ as occurs in cells stimulated with fMet-Leu-Phe. Furthermore, the respiratory and secretory responses to exogenous phospholipase C are not associated with moditications of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration measured with the Quin-2 method, and the release of bound Ca2+, measured with the membrane probe, chlorotetracycline. Apart from a quantitative difference, mostly regarding the ratio of the intensity of the respiratory and secretory responses, the effects caused by exogenous phospholipase C are qualitative;y similar to those induced by phorbol myristate acetate and are probably linked to an involvement of protein kinase C, activated by diacylglycerol liberated in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
AIM: The aim of this study is to validate the accuracy of HER2 assessment on biopsies by comparing matched biopsy/surgical material from the same patients. METHODS: HER2 status was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in 103 cases of gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancers in coupled biopsy and surgical material. RESULT: Complete concordance between IHC and FISH results on biopsy versus surgical samples was noted in 80% and 95% of cases, respectively. At comprehensive comparison, including IHC and FISH data on biopsy and surgical samples, 89% of biopsies were predictive of HER2 status in surgical samples, whereas 11% showed variable inconsistencies. The majority of these (10 of 12 cases) showed IHC score 0/1+ on biopsy but were all IHC positive and amplified at surgery; in particular, three (3 of 35; 8.5%) IHC score 0 and four (4 of 16; 25%) IHC score 1+ cases were FISH amplified on biopsy material also, whereas the remaining three cases were FISH non-amplified on biopsy. The percentage of cases, which were FISH amplified with IHC score 1+ or 2+ on biopsies, were similar (25% and 33%, respectively) and they also shared a similar grade of amplification. These data suggest that both IHC score 1+ and 2+ on biopsy material represent “equivocal cases” that may merit further investigation. CONCLUSIONS: The predictive value of HER2 IHC in biopsies is high. FISH analysis should be considered for IHC score 2+ and 1+ biopsy cases. Approximately 8% of cases will not be accurately predicted by biopsy evaluation.  相似文献   
Although the KIR gene content polymorphism has been studied worldwide, only a few isolated or Amerindian populations have been analyzed. This extremely diverse gene family codifies receptors that are expressed mainly in NK cells and bind HLA class I molecules. KIR-HLA combinations have been associated to several diseases and population studies are important to comprehend their evolution and their role in immunity. Here we analyzed, by PCR-SSP (specific sequencing priming), 327 individuals from four isolated groups of two of the most important Brazilian Amerindian populations: Kaingang and Guarani. The pattern of KIR diversity among these and other ten Amerindian populations disclosed a wide range of variation for both KIR haplotypes and gene frequencies, indicating that demographic factors, such as bottleneck and founder effects, were the most important evolutionary factors in shaping the KIR polymorphism in these populations.  相似文献   
In this study, the competing hypotheses of single vs. double colonisation events for freshwater Pachyurinae (Sciaenidae) in South America is tested and the historical biogeography of the expansion of this clade within the continent is reconstructed based on phylogenetic analysis. Parsimony and Bayesian inference (BI) for 19 marine and freshwater species assigned to Sciaenidae, Haemulidae and Polypteridae were determined based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S and cytochrome b genes and fragments of the nuclear Tmo‐4C4 and rhodopsin genes. A parsimonious ancestral character reconstruction of euryhalinity was performed on a clade of families of closely related fishes to evaluate the role of ecological fitting in the colonisation of freshwater by a marine sciaenid. The parsimony and BI phylogenetic hypotheses for the concatenated sequences supported the monophyly of the freshwater Sciaenidae. Divergence of the two freshwater clades of Sciaenidae, Pachyurinae and Plagioscion, occurred within the Amazon Basin. Within Pachyurinae, two clades were recovered: one composed of species from the Amazon and the Paraná Basin and a second with representatives from the São Francisco and south‐eastern Atlantic basins. The results were compatible with the hypothesis of a single colonisation event of South American freshwater habitats by a marine lineage. The hypothesis of gradual adaptation to freshwater was rejected in favour of the hypothesis of ecological fitting. Sciaenidae, or a subordinate lineage within the family, is ancestrally capable of withstanding exposure to low‐salinity habitats, which putatively facilitated the colonisation of freshwater habitats. The subsequent diversification and expansion of Pachyurinae across South America followed this colonisation and replicated the general pattern of the area relationships of South American river basins for several other fish groups.  相似文献   


To explore genes of the killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and of the HLA ligand and their relationship with the outcome of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients treated with first-line 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI).


A total of 224 mCRC patients were screened for KIR/HLA typing. The determination of the KIR/HLA combinations was based upon the gene content and variants. Genetic associations with complete response (CR), time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) were evaluated by calculating odds and hazard ratios. Multivariate modeling with prognostic covariates was also performed.


For CR, the presence of KIR2DL5A, 2DS5, 2DS1, 3DS1, and KIR3DS1/HLA-Bw4-I80 was associated with increased CR rates, with median ORs ranging from 2.1 to 4.3, while the absence of KIR2DS4 and 3DL1 was associated with increased CR rates (OR 3.1). After univariate analysis, patients that underwent resective surgery of tumor, absence of KIR2DS5, and presence of KIR3DL1/HLA-Bw4-I80 showed a significant better OS (HR 1.5 to 2.8). Multivariate analysis identified as parameters independently related to OS the type of treatment (surgery; HR 2.0) and KIR3DL1/HLA-Bw4-I80 genotype (HR for T-I80 2.7 and for no functional KIR/HLA interaction 1.8). For TTP, no association with KIR/HLA genes was observed.


This study, for the first time, evidences that the genotyping for KIR-HLA pairs are found predictive markers associated with complete response and improves overall survival prediction of FOLFIRI treatment response in metastatic colorectal cancer. These results suggest a role of the KIR/HLA system in patient outcome, and guide new research on the immunogenetics of mCRC through mechanistic studies and clinical validation.  相似文献   
In this paper, evidence is provided that p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) exerts an opposite role on the cytotoxic function of β-amyloid (Aβ) depending on the different state of the peptide, fibrillar or oligomeric soluble form. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that the expression of p75NTR is required for cell death in vitro by Aβ peptides in fibrillar form (G. Perini, V. Della-Bianca, V. Politi, G. Della Valle, I. Dal-Pra, F. Rossi, U. Armato. Role of p75 neurotrophin receptor in the neurotoxicity by beta-amyloid peptides and synergistic effect of inflammatory cytokines. J. Exp. Med. 195 (2002) 907-918). In the present study, performed by using the same cell clones and procedures as in previous paper, we show that: (a) soluble oligomers of Aβ(1-42) exert a cytotoxic activity independent of p75NTR, (b) the expression of p75NTR exerts a protective role against the toxic activity of soluble oligomers, (c) this role is due to an active function of the juxtamembrane sequence of the cytoplasmic region of p75NTR and (d) the protective function is mediated by phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activity.  相似文献   
Highly active superoxide (O2-)-forming NADPH oxidase was extracted from plasmamembranes of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-activated pig neutrophils and was partially purified by gel filtration chromatography. Oxidase activity copurified with cytochrome b-245 in an aggregate containing phospholipids and was almost completely separated from FAD and NAD(P)H-cytochrome c reductase. A polypeptide with molecular weight of 31,500 strictly paralleled the purification of NADPH oxidase, suggesting that it is a major component of the enzyme. The enzyme complex was then dissociated by high detergent and salt concentration and cytochrome b-245 was isolated by a further gel filtration chromatography, with a 147 fold purification with respect to the initial preparation. The cytochrome b-245 showed a 31,500 molecular weight by SDS electrophoresis, indicating that it is actually the component previously identified in the partially purified enzyme. The 31,500 protein was phosphorylated in enzyme preparations from activated but not from resting neutrophils, suggesting that phosphorylation of cytochrome b-245 is involved in the activation mechanism of the O2--forming enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst in phagocytes.  相似文献   
Hodgkin’s disease (HD) is a peculiar type of human malignant lymphoma characterized by a very low frequency of tumor cells, the so called Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (H-RS) cells, embedded in a hyperplastic background of non-neoplastic (reactive) cells recruited and activated by H-RS cells-derived cytokines. H-RS cells can be functionally regarded as antigen-presenting cells (APC) able to elicit an intense, but anergic and ineffective, T-cell mediated immune response along with a hyperplastic inflammatory reaction which involves several cell types including T- and B-cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells, fibroblasts and stromal cells. In tissues involved by HD, malignant H-RS cells and their reactive neighboring cells are able to cross-talk via a complex network of cytokine- and cell contact-dependent interactions. As a result of such interactions, mediated by specific surface receptors and adhesion molecules on both tumor and non-neoplastic cells, H-RS cells may receive several proliferative and anti-apoptotic signals favoring the cellular expansion and tumor cell survival in HD. The ineffective T-cell immune response elicited by the abnormal APC function of H-RS cells may further contribute to the biologic and clinical progression of HD. Innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at blocking the pathways of dysregulated cellular cross-talk among H-RS cells and bystander reactive cell populations might be beneficial in the treatment of HD patients. Supported by the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro; the Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie, ‘Trenta ore per la vita’ and the Ministero della Sanità, Ricerca Finalizzata I.R.C.C.S., Italy.  相似文献   


The impact of early postnatal androgen exposure on female laryngeal tissue may depend on certain characteristics of this exposure. We assessed the impact of the dose, duration, and timing of early androgen exposure on the vocal development of female subjects who had been treated for adrenocortical tumor (ACT) in childhood.


The long-term effects of androgen exposure on the fundamental vocal frequency (F0), vocal pitch, and final height and the presence of virilizing signs were examined in 9 adult (age, 18.4 to 33.5 years) and 10 adolescent (13.6 to 17.8 years) female ACT patients. We also compared the current values with values obtained 0.9 years to 7.4 years after these subjects had undergone ACT surgery, a period during which they had shown normal androgen levels.


Of the 19 subjects, 17 (89%) had been diagnosed with ACT before 4 years of age, 1 (5%) at 8.16 years, and 1 (5%) at 10.75 years. Androgen exposure (2 to 30 months) was sufficiently strong to cause pubic hair growth in all subjects and clitoromegaly in 74% (14/19) of the subjects, but did not reduce their height from the target value. Although androgen exposure induced a remarkable reduction in F0 (132 Hz) and moderate pitch virilization in 1 subject and partial F0 virilization, resulting in F0 of 165 and 169 Hz, in 2 subjects, the majority had normal F0 ranging from 189 to 245 Hz.


Female laryngeal tissue is less sensitive to androgen exposure between birth and adrenarche than during other periods. Differential larynx sensitivity to androgen exposure in childhood and F0 irreversibility in adulthood are age-, concentration-, duration-, and timing-dependent events that may also be affected by exposure to inhibitory or stimulatory hormones. Further studies are required to better characterize each of these factors.  相似文献   
Human blood neutrophils suspended in Na+-free, high-K+, phosphate-buffered solution exhibit respiratory and secretory responses to N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) much higher than those suspended in phosphate-buffered solution containing physiological concentration of K+ and Na+. The differences between the responses are very marked at low doses of fMet-Leu-Phe (10?9, 10?8 M), progressively decrease at higher doses, and disappear at the maximal stimulatory concentration of the peptide (10?6 M). The higher responses of human neutrophils to fMet-Leu-Phe are not dependent on the membrane depolarization, that occurs when the cells are suspended in high-K+ buffered solution, but on the absence, or on the low concentration, of Na+ in the suspending medium. In fact: (i) the higher respiratory and secretory responses progressively decrease by substituting K+ with Na+ in the suspending solution, without change of the state of depolarization; (ii) the replacement of extracellular Na+ with choline ions does not affect the transmembrane potential of neutrophils but induces higher respiratory and secretory responses to fMet-Leu-Phe; (iii) the membrane depolarization induced by gramicidin and by ouabain does not result in a higher respiratory response to chemotactic peptide. These results indicate that in human neutrophils Na+ plays a regulative role in the stimulation of the respiratory burst and in the secretion induced by the chemotactic peptide. This regulation does not influence the maximal responses, but the threshold of the responses. K+ is also involved at least in the respiratory response, since the effect of the absence of Na+ is potentiated when the concentration of K+ of the suspending solution is high. Furthermore, the finding that a very high respiratory burst and the secretion of β-glucuronidase and vitamin B-12-binding protein can be induced by fMet-Leu-Phe in human neutrophils in the absence of external Na+ indicates that the entry of this cation and the consequent decrease in transmembrane potential are not necessary events for the activation of respiration and secretion by the peptide. The mechanism underlying the effect of the modification of ionic composition of the external medium is discussed in terms of the molecular events triggered by the stimulus at the level of the plasma membrane and of the recognition phenomena at the cell surface, that are common steps for the induction of the respiratory and secretory responses in neutrophils.  相似文献   
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