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The role of serine proteinases and oxidants in the activation of gelatinase released from human neutrophils was investigated. Gelatinase was measured by its ability to degrade both gelatin and native glomerular basement-membrane type IV collagen. When fMet-Leu-Phe or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate was used to stimulate the neutrophils, no gelatinase activity was measured in the absence of a mercurial activator, indicating that the enzyme was released entirely in latent form. However, when fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated cells were treated with cytochalasin B, 50-70% of the maximal gelatinase activity was released. Activation was blocked by the serine-proteinase inhibitor phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride and a specific inhibitor of neutrophil elastase, but was not affected by an inhibitor of cathepsin G. Addition of catalase or azide to prevent oxidative reactions did not affect activation of gelatinase under any conditions of stimulation, indicating that oxidants were not involved in activation. Our results imply that oxidative activation of gelatinase does not occur readily. However, neutrophil serine proteinases, particularly elastase, provide an alternative and apparently more efficient mechanism of activation.  相似文献   
This paper reports the first isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants lacking aromatic aminotransferase I activity (aro8), and of aro8 aro9 double mutants which are auxotrophic for both phenylalanine and tyrosine, because the second mutation, aro9, affects aromatic aminotransferase II. Neither of the single mutants displays any nutritional requirement on minimal ammonia medium. In vitro, aromatic aminotransferase I is active not only with the aromatic amino acids, but also with methionine, α-aminoadipate, and leucine when phenylpyruvate is the amino acceptor, and in the reverse reactions with their oxo-acid analogues and phenylalanine as the amino donor. Its contribution amounts to half of the glutamate:2-oxoadipate activity detected in cell-free extracts and the enzyme might be identical to one of the two known α-aminoadipate aminotransferases. Aromatic aminotransferase I has properties of a general aminotransferase which, like several aminotransferases of Escherichia coli, may be able to play a role in several otherwise unrelated metabolic pathways. Aromatic aminotransferase II also has a broader substrate specificity than initially described. In particular, it is responsible for all the measured kynurenine aminotransferase activity. Mutants lacking this activity grow very slowly on kynurenine medium. Received: 21 October 1996 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   
A heterologous lectin-enzyme immunoassay is described. Microtiter plate wells were coated with affinity-purified antibodies to human transferrin. After incubation with transferrin sialovariants, prepared by limited neuraminidase treatment and separated with chromatofocusing, a lectin-enzyme-streptavidin complex was added. A good correlation was obtained between the number of terminal galactose groups on transferrin and the response in the lectin-enzyme immunoassay using Ricinus communis agglutinin as the galactose-binding lectin. The results indicate that characterization of glycosylation is possible with less than a microgram of the glycoprotein available, using lectin-enzyme immunoassays.  相似文献   
A high intake of olive oil has been proposed as an explanation for the low incidence of coronary heart disease in Mediterranean countries, but it is unclear whether olive oil offers specific benefits beyond a low content of saturated fat. Some types of extra virgin olive oil are rich in non-polar phenols, which might be taken up by plasma LDL particles and protect these from becoming atherogenic by oxidative modification. In a pilot study we found that consumption of 47 g fortified olive oil containing 31 mg phenols significantly increased the lag time of LDL oxidation from 112 ± 5 min before to 130 ± 7 min 2h after the meal. However, this study was not controlled, and in the current study we therefore investigated whether olive oil phenols increase the lag time of LDL oxidation in postprandial samples when compared with a control group.

Twelve healthy men and women consumed four different olive oil supplements with a meal on four separate occasions: one similar to the supplement in the pilot study (positive control); one containing mainly non-polar olive oil phenols; one containing mainly polar olive oil phenols; and one without phenols (placebo). Lag time significantly increased 2 h after the meals with the positive control (8 ± 2 min), the polar phenols (8 ± 2 min), and the placebo (8 ± 2 min), but not after the non-polar phenols (-0.4 ± 3 min). Increases were not statistically different between supplements.

These results indicate that the lag time of LDL-oxidation is increased after consumption of a meal. This increase is probably due to non-specific meal or time effects and not to phenols from olives or olive oil. Furthermore, these findings stress the need for adequate controlled studies to avoid misinterpretations of the data.  相似文献   
Novel approaches for the qualitative and quantitative proteomics analysis by nanoscale LC-MS applied to the study of protein expression response in depleted and undepleted serum of Gaucher patients undergoing enzyme replacement therapy are presented. Particular emphasis is given to the method reproducibility of these LC-MS experiments without the use of isotopic labels. The level of chitotriosidase, an established Gaucher biomarker, was assessed by means of an absolute concentration determination technique for alternate scanning LC-MS generated data. Disease associated proteins, including fibrinogens, complement cascade proteins, and members of the high density lipoprotein serum content, were recognized by various clustering methods and sorting and intensity profile grouping of identified peptides. Condition-unique LC-MS protein signatures could be generated utilizing the measured serum protein concentrations and are presented for all investigated conditions. The clustering results of the study were also used as input for gene ontology searches to determine the correlation between the molecular functions of the identified peptides and proteins.  相似文献   
Classification and nomenclature of all human homeobox genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


The homeobox genes are a large and diverse group of genes, many of which play important roles in the embryonic development of animals. Increasingly, homeobox genes are being compared between genomes in an attempt to understand the evolution of animal development. Despite their importance, the full diversity of human homeobox genes has not previously been described.


We have identified all homeobox genes and pseudogenes in the euchromatic regions of the human genome, finding many unannotated, incorrectly annotated, unnamed, misnamed or misclassified genes and pseudogenes. We describe 300 human homeobox loci, which we divide into 235 probable functional genes and 65 probable pseudogenes. These totals include 3 genes with partial homeoboxes and 13 pseudogenes that lack homeoboxes but are clearly derived from homeobox genes. These figures exclude the repetitive DUX1 to DUX5 homeobox sequences of which we identified 35 probable pseudogenes, with many more expected in heterochromatic regions. Nomenclature is established for approximately 40 formerly unnamed loci, reflecting their evolutionary relationships to other loci in human and other species, and nomenclature revisions are proposed for around 30 other loci. We use a classification that recognizes 11 homeobox gene 'classes' subdivided into 102 homeobox gene 'families'.


We have conducted a comprehensive survey of homeobox genes and pseudogenes in the human genome, described many new loci, and revised the classification and nomenclature of homeobox genes. The classification scheme may be widely applicable to homeobox genes in other animal genomes and will facilitate comparative genomics of this important gene superclass.  相似文献   
We investigated the activation of three subfamilies of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAP kinase), the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK1/2), p38, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), by the myeloperoxidase-derived oxidant HOCl, in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human skin fibroblasts. Treatment of fibroblasts with 10-30 microM HOCl induced a dose-dependent increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins. ERK1/2 was activated by exposure to sublethal concentrations of reagent HOCl or by HOCl generated by myeloperoxidase as shown by immune complex kinase assays. Maximum activation was seen at 20 microM and peak activation occurred within 10 min. Western blot analysis demonstrated activation of p38 with 30 microM HOCl, occurring at 15-30 min. No activation of JNK was detected in the concentration range investigated. These results show that HOCl is able to activate MAP kinases. Effective doses were considerably lower than with H2O2 and the lack of JNK activation contrasts with the activation frequently seen with H2O2. Exposure to HOCl caused a loss of viability in HUVEC that was markedly enhanced when ERK1/2 activation was inhibited by U0126. This suggests that the activation of ERK promotes cell survival in response to the oxidative challenge.  相似文献   
In the past years livid amaranth (Amaranthus blitum) is observed increasingly in begonia production fields. Control of weeds in begonia is generally done by a combined application of the soil herbicides isoxaben + simazin followed 10 days later by application of the contact herbicide bentazone. This treatment usually controls the weed population sufficiently with exception of amaranth. In 2003 a field trial was conducted to evaluate control of livid amaranth in tuberous begonia with isoxaben, simazin. S-metolachloor, phenmedipham + desmedipham and bentazone. These herbicides were used as combinations of soil treatment and contact herbicides. The results suggest that a soil treatment of isoxaben + S-metolachloor significantly reduces livid amaranth compared to isoxaben + simazin, without a pronounced negative effect on tuber yield. Application of phenmedipham + desmedipham however did not improve control of livid amaranth compared to bentazone.  相似文献   
Chromosomal breakpoint mapping by arrayCGH using flow-sorted chromosomes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Despite the recent completion of the human genome project, the mapping of disease-related chromosomal translocation breakpoints and genes has remained laborious. Here, we describe a novel and rapid procedure to map such translocation breakpoints using flow-sorted chromosomes in combination with array-based comparative genomic hybridization (arrayCGH). To test the feasibility of this approach, we used a t(12;15)(q13;q25)-positive cell line with known breakpoint positions as a model. The derivative 12 chromosomes were flow-sorted, labeled, and hybridized to a genome-wide array containing 3648 well-characterized human genomic clones. The exact locations of the breakpoints on both chromosome 12 and 15 could be determined in a single hybridization experiment. In addition, we have tested the minimal amount of material necessary to perform these experiments and show that it is possible to obtain highly reliable profiles using as little as 10,000 flow-sorted chromosomes.  相似文献   
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