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Axonal degeneration is a hallmark of many neuropathies, neurodegenerative diseases, and injuries. Here, using a Drosophila injury model, we have identified a highly conserved E3 ubiquitin ligase, Highwire (Hiw), as an important regulator of axonal and synaptic degeneration. Mutations in hiw strongly inhibit Wallerian degeneration in multiple neuron types and developmental stages. This new phenotype is mediated by a new downstream target of Hiw: the NAD+ biosynthetic enzyme nicotinamide mononucleotide adenyltransferase (Nmnat), which acts in parallel to a previously known target of Hiw, the Wallenda dileucine zipper kinase (Wnd/DLK) MAPKKK. Hiw promotes a rapid disappearance of Nmnat protein in the distal stump after injury. An increased level of Nmnat protein in hiw mutants is both required and sufficient to inhibit degeneration. Ectopically expressed mouse Nmnat2 is also subject to regulation by Hiw in distal axons and synapses. These findings implicate an important role for endogenous Nmnat and its regulation, via a conserved mechanism, in the initiation of axonal degeneration. Through independent regulation of Wnd/DLK, whose function is required for proximal axons to regenerate, Hiw plays a central role in coordinating both regenerative and degenerative responses to axonal injury.  相似文献   
Long-distance transport in cells is driven by kinesin and dynein motors that move along microtubule tracks. These motors must be tightly regulated to ensure the spatial and temporal fidelity of their transport events. Transport motors of the kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 families are regulated by autoinhibition, but little is known about the mechanisms that regulate kinesin-2 motors. We show that the homodimeric kinesin-2 motor KIF17 is kept in an inactive state in the absence of cargo. Autoinhibition is caused by a folded conformation that enables nonmotor regions to directly contact and inhibit the enzymatic activity of the motor domain. We define two molecular mechanisms that contribute to autoinhibition of KIF17. First, the C-terminal tail interferes with microtubule binding; and second, a coiled-coil segment blocks processive motility. The latter is a new mechanism for regulation of kinesin motors. This work supports the model that autoinhibition is a general mechanism for regulation of kinesin motors involved in intracellular trafficking events.  相似文献   
Long-range transport in cells is achieved primarily through motor-based transport along a network of microtubule tracks. Targeted transport by kinesin motors can be correlated with posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of the tubulin subunits in specific microtubules. To directly examine the influence of specific PTMs on kinesin-1 motility, we generated tubulin subunits that were either enriched in or lacking acetylation of α-tubulin lysine 40 (K40) or detyrosination of the α-tubulin C-terminal tail. We show that K40 acetylation does not result in significant changes in kinesin-1’s landing rate or motility parameters (velocity and run length) across experimental conditions. In contrast, detyrosination causes a moderate increase in kinesin-1’s landing rate. The fact that the effects of detyrosination are dampened by prior K40 acetylation indicates that the combination of PTMs may be an important aspect of the functional output of microtubule heterogeneity. Importantly, our results indicate that the moderate influences that single PTMs have on kinesin-1 in vitro do not explain the strong correlation between specific PTMs and kinesin-1 transport in cells. Thus, additional mechanisms for regulating kinesin-1 transport in cells must be explored in future work.  相似文献   
Teams of processive molecular motors are critical for intracellular transport and organization, yet coordination between motors remains poorly understood. Here, we develop a system using protein components to generate assemblies of defined spacing and composition inside cells. This system is applicable to studying macromolecular complexes in the context of cell signaling, motility, and intracellular trafficking. We use the system to study the emergent behavior of kinesin motors in teams. We find that two kinesin motors in complex act independently (do not help or hinder each other) and can alternate their activities. For complexes containing a slow kinesin-1 and fast kinesin-3 motor, the slow motor dominates motility in vitro but the fast motor can dominate on certain subpopulations of microtubules in cells. Both motors showed dynamic interactions with the complex, suggesting that motor–cargo linkages are sensitive to forces applied by the motors. We conclude that kinesin motors in complex act independently in a manner regulated by the microtubule track.  相似文献   
The αβ-tubulin subunits of microtubules can undergo a variety of evolutionarily-conserved post-translational modifications (PTMs) that provide functional specialization to subsets of cellular microtubules. Acetylation of α-tubulin residue Lysine-40 (K40) has been correlated with increased microtubule stability, intracellular transport, and ciliary assembly, yet a mechanistic understanding of how acetylation influences these events is lacking. Using the anti-acetylated tubulin antibody 6-11B-1 and electron cryo-microscopy, we demonstrate that the K40 acetylation site is located inside the microtubule lumen and thus cannot directly influence events on the microtubule surface, including kinesin-1 binding. Surprisingly, the monoclonal 6-11B-1 antibody recognizes both acetylated and deacetylated microtubules. These results suggest that acetylation induces structural changes in the K40-containing loop that could have important functional consequences on microtubule stability, bending, and subunit interactions. This work has important implications for acetylation and deacetylation reaction mechanisms as well as for interpreting experiments based on 6-11B-1 labeling.  相似文献   
Long-range transport in cells is achieved primarily through motor-based transport along a network of microtubule tracks. Targeted transport by kinesin motors can be correlated with posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of the tubulin subunits in specific microtubules. To directly examine the influence of specific PTMs on kinesin-1 motility, we generated tubulin subunits that were either enriched in or lacking acetylation of α-tubulin lysine 40 (K40) or detyrosination of the α-tubulin C-terminal tail. We show that K40 acetylation does not result in significant changes in kinesin-1’s landing rate or motility parameters (velocity and run length) across experimental conditions. In contrast, detyrosination causes a moderate increase in kinesin-1’s landing rate. The fact that the effects of detyrosination are dampened by prior K40 acetylation indicates that the combination of PTMs may be an important aspect of the functional output of microtubule heterogeneity. Importantly, our results indicate that the moderate influences that single PTMs have on kinesin-1 in vitro do not explain the strong correlation between specific PTMs and kinesin-1 transport in cells. Thus, additional mechanisms for regulating kinesin-1 transport in cells must be explored in future work.  相似文献   
Intracellular cargo transport by kinesin family motor proteins is crucial for many cellular processes, particularly vesicle transport in axons and dendrites. In a number of cases, the transport of specific cargo is carried out by two classes of kinesins that move at different speeds and thus compete during transport. Despite advances in single-molecule characterization and modeling approaches, many questions remain regarding the effect of intermotor tension on motor attachment/reattachment rates during cooperative multimotor transport. To understand the motor dynamics underlying multimotor transport, we analyzed the complexes of kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 motors attached through protein scaffolds moving on immobilized microtubules in vitro. To interpret the observed behavior, simulations were carried out using a model that incorporated motor stepping, attachment/detachment rates, and intermotor force generation. In single-molecule experiments, isolated kinesin-3 motors moved twofold faster and had threefold higher landing rates than kinesin-1. When the positively charged loop 12 of kinesin-3 was swapped with that of kinesin-1, the landing rates reversed, indicating that this “K-loop” is a key determinant of the motor reattachment rate. In contrast, swapping loop 12 had negligible effects on motor velocities. Two-motor complexes containing one kinesin-1 and one kinesin-3 moved at different speeds depending on the identity of their loop 12, indicating the importance of the motor reattachment rate on the cotransport speed. Simulations of these loop-swapped motors using experimentally derived motor parameters were able to reproduce the experimental results and identify best fit parameters for the motor reattachment rates for this geometry. Simulation results also supported previous work, suggesting that kinesin-3 microtubule detachment is very sensitive to load. Overall, the simulations demonstrate that the transport behavior of cargo carried by pairs of kinesin-1 and -3 motors are determined by three properties that differ between these two families: the unloaded velocity, the load dependence of detachment, and the motor reattachment rate.  相似文献   
The kinesin-3 family (KIF) is one of the largest among the kinesin superfamily and an important driver of a variety of cellular transport events. Whereas all kinesins contain the highly conserved kinesin motor domain, different families have evolved unique motor features that enable different mechanical and functional outputs. A defining feature of kinesin-3 motors is the presence of a positively charged insert, the K-loop, in loop 12 of their motor domains. However, the mechanical and functional output of the K-loop with respect to processive motility of dimeric kinesin-3 motors is unknown. We find that, surprisingly, the K-loop plays no role in generating the superprocessive motion of dimeric kinesin-3 motors (KIF1, KIF13, and KIF16). Instead, we find that the K-loop provides kinesin-3 motors with a high microtubule affinity in the motor''s ADP-bound state, a state that for other kinesins binds only weakly to the microtubule surface. A high microtubule affinity results in a high landing rate of processive kinesin-3 motors on the microtubule surface. We propose that the family-specific K-loop contributes to efficient kinesin-3 cargo transport by enhancing the initial interaction of dimeric motors with the microtubule track.  相似文献   
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