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The effects of aluminium chloride (AICI3) treatments (50 and 150 mg/l) on 3-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were studied in a sand culture during 2 growing periods in an open field experiment. Even by the end of the first growing period, a decline was observed in the concentrations of Ca, Mg and P within the needles, and of Ca and Mg in the roots. After the second growing period, increased N and K concentrations were observed in the needles of Al-treated seedlings. Both the needles and roots of Al-treated seedlings showed, after the second growing period, a decline in growth and increased concentrations of AI as the amount of AICI3 in the nutrient solution increased. Al-induced changes in needle structure were found to be symptomatic of a nutrient imbalance, particularly of Mg and P. Al-stress did not result in any observable changes in root anatomy or in the number of mycorrhizas. Scots pine proved to be rather resistant to Al-stress, indicating that direct Al-injuries are not likely in the field, though Al-stress may be a contributing factor in the formation of nutrient imbalances.  相似文献   
Tree decline and deaths have been observed among 15 to 20-year-old Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a dry heath forest in southwestern Finland. The sudden decline in height growth, the dieback of leading shoots and the yellowing of needles in young shoots in the upper part of the tree are typical symptoms of the decline of these young pines. Needle ultrastructure and chemical composition of Scots pines with or without decline and fluctuations of them in different seasons were studied. Afflicted trees were found to suffer from a deficiency in calcium and magnesium with low concentration of foliar nitrogen and phosphorus observed in all the trees studied. Ultrastructural study revealed changes characteristic of different seasons and measured nutrient status of needles. A clear reduction of membrane system in chloroplasts, especially related to Mg deficiency, was observed in most samples. The symptoms related to N deficiency, the translucent appearance of the cytoplasm and chloroplast stroma, and the elongated chloroplasts, as well as swelling of mitochondria, indicating P deficiency, were also found in the needles sampled from this forest decline area. The present study showed that it is possible to detect specific nutrient deficiency symptoms in needle ultrastructure in field samples and for use as sensitive indicators of unbalanced nutrient status.  相似文献   
Effects of water stress on needle ultrastructure of 2-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and 5-year-old Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] seedlings were studied in greenhouse experiments. Drought stress was induced by leaving seedlings without watering, and waterlogging stress was produced by submerging the seedling containers in water. Needle samples for ultrastructural analyses were collected several times during the experiments, and samples for nutrient analyses at the end of the experiments. In drought stress, plasmolysis of mesophyll and transfusion parenchyma tissues, aggregation of chloroplast stroma and its separation from thylakoids and decreased size and abundance of starch grains in needles of both species were observed. The concentration of lipid bodies around the chloroplasts were detected in pine needles. Calcium and water concentrations in spruce needles were lower by the end of the experiments compared to controls. In waterlogging treatment, swelling of phloem cells in pine needles and large starch grains, slight swelling of thylakoids and increased translucency of plastoglobuli in chloroplasts of both species studied were observed. The phosphorus concentration in pine needles was higher while phosphorus, calcium and magnesium concentrations in spruce needles were lower in the waterlogging treatments compared to controls. Typical symptoms induced by drought stress, e. g. aggregation of chloroplast stroma and its separation from thylakoids, were detected, but, in waterlogging stress, ultrastructural symptoms appeared to be related to the developing nutrient imbalance of needles.  相似文献   
This paper puts forward a framework for probabilistic and holistic cost-effectiveness analysis to provide support in selecting the least-cost set of measures to reach a multidimensional environmental objective. Following the principles of ecosystem-based management, the framework includes a flexible methodology for deriving and populating criteria for effectiveness and costs and analyzing complex ecological-economic trade-offs under uncertainty. The framework is applied in the development of the Finnish Programme of Measures (PoM) for reaching the targets of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The numerical results demonstrate that substantial cost savings can be realized from careful consideration of the costs and multiple effects of management measures. If adopted, the proposed PoM would yield improvements in the state of the Baltic Sea, but the overall objective of the MSFD would not be reached by the target year of 2020; for various environmental and administrative reasons, it would take longer for most measures to take full effect.  相似文献   
The recent demographic transitions to lower mortality and fertility rates in most human societies have led to changes and even quick reversals in phenotypic selection pressures. This can only result in evolutionary change if the affected traits are heritable, but changes in environmental conditions may also lead to subsequent changes in the genetic variance and covariance (the G matrix) of traits. It currently remains unclear if there have been concomitant changes in the G matrix of life‐history traits following the demographic transition. Using 300 years of genealogical data from Finland, we found that four key life‐history traits were heritable both before and after the demographic transition. The estimated heritabilities allow a quantifiable genetic response to selection during both time periods, thus facilitating continued evolutionary change. Further, the G matrices remained largely stable but revealed a trend for an increased additive genetic variance and thus evolutionary potential of the population after the transition. Our results demonstrate the validity of predictions of evolutionary change in human populations even after the recent dramatic environmental change, and facilitate predictions of how our biology interacts with changing environments, with implications for global public health and demography.  相似文献   
The transition to low fertility worldwide has led to introduction of diverse frameworks across disciplines to understand its causes and consequences. Previous attempts to compare the relative importance of the key factors influencing women's fertility decision-making largely focused on a single rather than multiple steps of decision-making—an important problem if different factors are associated with different steps. Furthermore, insufficient attention has been paid explicitly to husband's and already-born children's influences, two potentially important factors. Here we introduce a framework covering three steps of reproductive decision-making—ideal family size, fertility desire and fertility intention—and test it using multi-level survey data collected from Chinese one-child mothers. Mother's attitudes towards having two children were paramount factors underlying her ideal family size, and husband's and the firstborn child's attitudes were critical to her desire to have a second child, which in turn played a decisive role in her intention to have a second child. Although husband's attitude was related to all steps, most factors were only relevant to one step; e.g., perceived child mortality and value for old-age security predicted ideal family size, admiration—a prerequisite for social learning—for two-child families predicted fertility desire, and physical/economic constraints primarily predicted fertility intention. Our study emphasizes multiple decision-makers in family reproduction; indicates the relative importance of fertility-influencing factors could vary with steps of decision-making; and has important implications for population policy in low-fertility societies.  相似文献   
In nature, plants are challenged by constantly changing light conditions. To reveal the molecular mechanisms behind acclimation to sometimes drastic and frequent changes in light intensity, we grew Arabidopsis thaliana under fluctuating light conditions, in which the low light periods were repeatedly interrupted with high light peaks. Such conditions had only marginal effect on photosystem II but induced damage to photosystem I (PSI), the damage being most severe during the early developmental stages. We showed that PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION5 (PGR5)-dependent regulation of electron transfer and proton motive force is crucial for protection of PSI against photodamage, which occurred particularly during the high light phases of fluctuating light cycles. Contrary to PGR5, the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex, which mediates cyclic electron flow around PSI, did not contribute to acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus, particularly PSI, to rapidly changing light intensities. Likewise, the Arabidopsis pgr5 mutant exhibited a significantly higher mortality rate compared with the wild type under outdoor field conditions. This shows not only that regulation of PSI under natural growth conditions is crucial but also the importance of PGR5 in PSI protection.  相似文献   
The supramolecular organization of photosystem II (PSII) was characterized in distinct domains of the thylakoid membrane, the grana core, the grana margins, the stroma lamellae, and the so-called Y100 fraction. PSII supercomplexes, PSII core dimers, PSII core monomers, PSII core monomers lacking the CP43 subunit, and PSII reaction centers were resolved and quantified by blue native PAGE, SDS-PAGE for the second dimension, and immunoanalysis of the D1 protein. Dimeric PSII (PSII supercomplexes and PSII core dimers) dominate in the core part of the thylakoid granum, whereas the monomeric PSII prevails in the stroma lamellae. Considerable amounts of PSII monomers lacking the CP43 protein and PSII reaction centers (D1-D2-cytochrome b559 complex) were found in the stroma lamellae. Our quantitative picture of the supramolecular composition of PSII, which is totally different between different domains of the thylakoid membrane, is discussed with respect to the function of PSII in each fraction. Steady state electron transfer, flash-induced fluorescence decay, and EPR analysis revealed that nearly all of the dimeric forms represent oxygen-evolving PSII centers. PSII core monomers were heterogeneous, and a large fraction did not evolve oxygen. PSII monomers without the CP43 protein and PSII reaction centers showed no oxygen-evolving activity.  相似文献   
Intra-amniotic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and cytokines may decrease respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and increase chronic lung disease in the newborn. The aim was to identify the primary inflammatory mediators regulating the expression of surfactant proteins (SP) in explants from immature (22-day-old fetus) and mature (30-day term fetus and 2-day-old newborn) rabbits. In immature lung, interleukin (IL)-1alpha and IL-1beta upregulated the expression of SP-A and SP-B. These effects of IL-1 were diminished, and SP-C mRNA was suppressed additively in the presence of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and either LPS or interferon (IFN)-gamma. LPS, TNF-alpha, or IFN-gamma had no effect alone. In explants from the term fetus and the newborn, LPS, IL-1alpha, and TNF-alpha additively suppressed the SPs. LPS acutely induced IL-1alpha in alveolar macrophages in mature lung but not in the immature lung. IFN-gamma that generally has low expression in intrauterine infection decreased the age dependence of the other agonists' effects on SPs. The present study serves to explain the variation of the pulmonary outcome after an inflammatory insult. We propose that IL-1 from extrapulmonary sources induces the SPs in premature lung and is responsible for the decreased risk of RDS in intra-amniotic infection.  相似文献   
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