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Laminated pacinian corpuscles from the cat mesentery have been studied morphologically and morphometrically after nerve section and colchicine application to the nerve and the results obtained are represented. Similar interventions in the nerve produce changes in the receptors resembling those of wallerian type degeneration, degeneration rate after sectioning being higher than after colchicine application. At early stages after colchicine application the internal cone and its nuclei increase in size. The data obtained suggest the nuclei of the internal cone to be under neurotrophic control of the sensory neuron that might be realized via axoplasmic transport of substances.  相似文献   
6-Azauracil at a concentration of 1 μmole/ml inhibits by 50% the outgrowth of germinated spores of a strain ofBacillus cereus, concentration of 1.5 μmole/ml resulting in 100% inhibition. Two distinct maxima of sensitivity to 6-azauracil are observed during postgerminative development of spores. The first occurs during early stages of development (immediately after depolymerization period) and the second after about 60 min of cultivation (late stage of swelling). Uracil reverses the inhibition of the outgrowth of spores caused by 6-azauracil when added during 0–30 min of the spore development. The addition of uracil after 30 min of the germination does not bring about the reversion of the effect of 6-azauracil. An important role of pyrimidine pathway via orotidine 5′-phosphate in germinating spores was proved, suggesting a possible use of 6-azauracil in synchronization of the postgerminative development of spores.  相似文献   
The heat inactivation of spores ofBacillus cereus irradiated and non-irradiated with X-rays was investigated with respect to their dipicolinic acid (DPA) content. Spores with a high DPA content (98 μg./mg. dry weight) displayed a biphasic heat inactivation curve. This biphasic character of the curve was preserved for the heat inactivation of previously irradiated spores even if the length of the initial lag of inactivation rate was reduced. Spores with a lower DPA content (24 μg./mg. dry weight) display a single-phase logarithmic order of dying from the beginning of heating. In both types of spores differing in the DPA content a pronounced sensitization of radiation-surviving spores toward subsequent heating was observed.  相似文献   
Spores ofBacillus cereus were germinated in a germination limited medium (GL-medium) which facilitates only germination but not the postgerminative development of spores. Under these conditions a limited protein synthesis occurs. However, this protein synthesis is stopped after a short time interval. The rate of synthesis of new proteins, as well as their total amount, is influenced by the length of the activation heat shock. Synthesis of the wall material continues for several hours and thick-walled cells with a changed ultrastructure are formed. Synthesis of the diaminopimelic acid (dap) containing material of the cell wall is sensitive to actinomycin D and relatively resistant to chloramphenicol. Similarly, protein synthesis is relatively chloramphenicol-resistant but is fully inhibited by azauracil or spiramycin. Whereas RNA formed in the control culture is partially decomposed after 30 min of incubation, chloramphenicol accelerates its synthesis and prevents its decay. Exudate components apparently stimulate synthesis of ribonucleic acid, proteins and the wall material. The14C-dap containing material released by prelabelled spores in the form of the exudate during the germination is not re-utilized by the spores germinated in the GL-medium. The results are discussed with respect to the atypical primary synthetic activities of spores under conditions when the postgerminative development is prevented and from the point of view of participation of the germination exudate during these syntheses.  相似文献   
Abstract Netropsin stimulated the rate of synthesis of an extracellular metalloproteinase in Bacillus megaterium incubated in a sporulation medium. The antibiotic delayed but did not suppress the decrease in the ability to synthesize the proteinase occurring at later sporulation stages. Netropsin also stimulated the synthesis of the proteinase when added to a growing culture; it inhibited the increase of protein turnover which was switched on between the 2nd and 3rd hour in the sporulating population. No refractile spores were developed during 6 h at 35°C in the antibiotic-treated culture. In the control 60% of sporulating cells were observed under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Authors Index

Author index to Volume 9  相似文献   
Villi arachnoidales undergoes in the course of life changes in relation to the skull bones and sinuses. Our aim was to determine the relations of the villi arachnoidales to the skull bone and/or sinuses from the neonatal period to adults. The investigations were performed on collection of 50 disarticulated macerated skull bones from the new-born to 30 years of age and on 20 skulls from individuals in the life period from 30 to 80 years of age. Villi arachnoidales produced imprints on the skull bones in the shape of holes and/or furrows corresponding to different shape of the villi arachnoidales. These imprints appeared very early in the period when the bony sprouts of the large skull bones received a thin covering of compact bone, the future lamina vitrea. At that time villi arachnoidales had no connection with the dural sinuses but with the diploe and with the diploic veins. By agglomeration of the villi in larger and large formations, granula meningea, Pacchionian granulations, the contact to sinuses was realized by means of short channels. The structural changes of villi arachnoidales may produce thrombophlebitis and hydrocephalus externus, especially in children. The fate and the relations of the villi arachnoidales are therefore of great importance for neurologist, neurosurgeon and otorhinolaryngologist.  相似文献   
Two types of IgG anti-DNA antibodies exhibiting DNA-hydrolyzing activity have been isolated from blood serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. This DNase activity of antibodies differs from serum DNases by the non-processive mode, temperature resistance, pH optimum, and the rate of DNA hydrolysis. It is suggested that the anti-DNA antibody molecule possessing DNase activity contains two sites: one site determines specificity of antibody-DNA interaction, whereas the other is responsible for manifestation of the catalytic activity.  相似文献   
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