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We were interested in whether or not the biomechanical status of the hip influences the course of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. To investigate this, we used a computer aided system based on a three dimensional mathematical model for determining the stress distribution in the hip joint from standard anteroposterior rentgenographs (X-ray images) of both hips and pelvis. Based on the results of our study, we suggest that the biomechanical parameters of the hip play an important role in the outcome of treatment of hips affected by avascular necrosis of the femoral head.  相似文献   
Water polo, as an activity, belongs in the category of polystructural complex move sports. The activities of a player's in role of second line attacker is observed on the sample of competitive games in the First national league. The study is aimed to define a set of new measurement variables for the objective recording of amount, intensity and duration of player's activities, and its evaluation by means of factor validity criteria. On the sample of 87 players, 29 variables were applied. Competent, trained officials made measurements. Basic statistics of all measured variables is presented as referent values of various player activities. In the factor analysis, three factors are found to be significant, explaining 84.6% of source variability, which is a subset of multivariate normally, distributed variables. Factors are interpreted as: "quantity of actions", "intensity of activity in the vertical body posture", and "intensity and extensity of activity in horizontal body posture". Of the last two, body posture is found to be specific in water polo, due to specifics of the game that is played in water. It is concluded that the proposed variables and measurement procedures are very well suited and objectively instrument for the purpose of measurement of the energetic aspect of kinesiological activity analysis.  相似文献   
The aim of this prospective study was to determine the prevalence and localization of stenotic atherosclerotic lesions of supra-aortic arteries in diabetic patients according to age and sex. Angiograms obtained by digital subtraction angiography were analyzed in 150 diabetic patients (study group) and 150 non-diabetic patients (control group) with symptoms of cerebral ischemia. Diabetic patients were found to have a significantly higher prevalence of stenotic atherosclerotic lesions of the internal carotid artery. Lesions of the large supra-aortic arteries were significantly more common in the left than in the right side of the neck (p < 0.001), but the difference between the diabetic and the non-diabetic group did not reach statistical significance. Hemodynamic conditions were found to be more important than diabetes for the occurrence of atherosclerotic lesions in these arteries. Changes in the proximal segment of the left common carotid artery were the most common finding in diabetic patients, hence attention should be paid to this localization on control examinations.  相似文献   
Gangliosides are major cell-surface determinants in the central nervous system (CNS) of vertebrates, found both in neuronal and glial cell membranes. Together with cholesterol and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) - anchored proteins, gangliosides are involved in organization of plasma membrane microdomains. Based on biochemical studies, frog brain was previously described as having low quantities of gangliosides and their distribution pattern in specific brain regions was unknown. Using highly specific monoclonal antibodies generated against four major brain gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b and GT1b), we examined the distribution of these molecules in CNS of four different species of frogs (Rana esculenta, Rana temporaria, Bufo bufo and Bufo viridis). We also studied the distribution of myelin- associated glycoprotein (MAG), an inhibitor of axonal regeneration, which is a ligand for gangliosides GD1a and GT1b. Our results show that ganglioside GDla is expressed in neurons of olfactory bulb in all studied animals. In the brain of Rana sp., GD1a is expressed in the entire olfactory pathway, from olfactory bulbs to amygdala, while in Bufo sp. GD1a is restricted to the main olfactory bulb. Furthermore, we found that most of myelinated pathways in frogs express MAG, but do not express GD1a, which could be one of the reasons for better axon regeneration of neural pathways after CNS injury in amphibians in comparison to mammals.  相似文献   
Giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan enteroparasite transmitted as an environmentally resistant cyst. Trophozoites attach to the small intestine of vertebrate hosts and proliferate by binary fission. They access nutrients directly via uptake of bulk fluid phase material into specialized endocytic organelles termed peripheral vesicles (PVs), mainly on the exposed dorsal side. When trophozoites reach the G2/M restriction point in the cell cycle they can begin another round of cell division or encyst if they encounter specific environmental cues. They induce neogenesis of Golgi-like organelles, encystation-specific vesicles (ESVs), for regulated secretion of cyst wall material. PVs and ESVs are highly simplified and thus evolutionary diverged endocytic and exocytic organelle systems with key roles in proliferation and transmission to a new host, respectively. Both organelle systems physically and functionally intersect at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) which has catabolic as well as anabolic functions. However, the unusually high degree of sequence divergence in Giardia rapidly exhausts phylogenomic strategies to identify and characterize the molecular underpinnings of these streamlined organelles. To define the first proteome of ESVs and PVs we used a novel strategy combining flow cytometry-based organelle sorting with in silico filtration of mass spectrometry data. From the limited size datasets we retrieved many hypothetical but also known organelle-specific factors. In contrast to PVs, ESVs appear to maintain a strong physical and functional link to the ER including recruitment of ribosomes to organelle membranes. Overall the data provide further evidence for the formation of a cyst extracellular matrix with minimal complexity. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium with the dataset identifier PXD000694.  相似文献   
We propose an extension to the metacommunity (MC) concept and a novel operational methodology that has the potential to refine the analysis of MC structure at different hierarchical levels. We show that assemblages of species can also be seen as assemblages of abstract subregional habitat-related metacommunities (habMCs). This intrinsically fuzzy concept recognizes the existence of habMCs that are typically associated with given habitats, while allowing for the mixing and superposition of different habMCs in all sites and for boundaries among subregions that are neither spatially sharp nor temporally constant. The combination of fuzzy clustering and direct gradient analysis permits us to 1) objectively identify the number of habMCs that are present in a region as well as their spatial distributions and relative weights at different sites; 2) associate different subregions with different biological communities; and 3) quantitatively assess the affinities between habMCs and physical, morphological, biogeochemical, and environmental properties, thereby enabling an analysis of the roles and relative importance of various environmental parameters in shaping the spatial structure of a metacommunity. This concept and methodology offer the possibility of integrating the continuum and community unit concepts and of developing the concept of a habMC ecological niche. This approach also facilitates the practical application of the MC concept, which are not currently in common use. Applying these methods to macrophytobenthic and macrozoobenthic hard-substrate assemblages in the Venetian Lagoon, we identified a hierarchical organization of macrobenthic communities that associated different habMCs with different habitats. Our results demonstrate that different reference terms should be applied to different subregions to assess the ecological status of a waterbody and show that a combination of several environmental parameters describes the spatial heterogeneity of benthic communities much better than any single property can. Our results also emphasize the importance of considering heterogeneity and fuzziness when working in natural systems.  相似文献   
Anatomical injury of the leaves of the invasive species, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., caused by the eriophyid mite Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.), which is the only eriophyid mite that has been recorded on C. arvense worldwide, is described. The injury induced by the mite feeding on the leaves of C. arvense results in visible russeting and bronzing of the leaves. Other conspicuous deformations are folding and distortion of the leaf blade and curling of leaf edge, as well as gradual drying of leaves. The anatomical injury of the mature leaves of field-collected plants was limited to the epidermis of the lower leaf surface. However, on young leaves of experimentally infested plants, rust mite injuries extend to epidermal cells on both leaf surfaces and to those of deeper mesophyll layers. On these leaves, lesions on the lower leaf surface even affected the phloem of the vascular bundles. Leaf damage induced by A. anthocoptes is discussed with regard to the mite’s potential as a biological control agent of C. arvense.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to compare the possibilities and limitations of direct digital radiography of the chest (DDR), the use of ultrasound of the chest (US) and single slice computed tomography of the chest (CT) in diagnosing pleural mesothelioma. The study was conducted during the course of one year, on 80 patients who were successively referred to a specialized institution, under clinical suspicion of mesothelioma. The method of investigation was the comparison of findings, obtained by the reviewed methods of examination, with the pathohistologic results of a biopsy performed on each patient. The findings that were obtained by the enumerated methods were classified according to the radiologic signs that were found in each individual patient. We evaluated following radiological findings (signs), on each of the investigated methods: plaques, localized and generalized pleural thickenings, calcifications of the pleura, pleural effusions, parapneumonic effusions, pleural empyema, (round) atelectasis, pneumothorax, tumor mass or node, inflammatory infiltrate, elevation of the hemidiaphragm and osteolysis. The results of these were compared with pathohistologic findings and analyzed by means of standard statistical methods. The highest sensitivity was found for CT (94.4%), followed by US (92.6%), and by DDR (90.7%). The highest specificity was obtained with DDR (46.2%), followed by CT (35.5%) and US (23.8%). The comparison of these methods showed 90% diagnostic accuracy for DDR in relation to CT CT as an individual method best satisfied most of the criteria for diagnosing mesothelioma. No pathognomonic radiologic sign for mesothelioma was found.  相似文献   
Diabetes deteriorates atherosclerotic changes in the arteries. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence and localization of stenotic atherosclerotic lesions of the internal carotid artery (ICA) in patients with diabetes. A prospective analysis of angiography findings was carried out in 150 diabetic and 150 non-diabetic patients with symptoms of cerebral ischemia using double-blind angiogram readings by two independent investigators. The degree of stenosis was determined using the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) criteria. Stenoses of the proximal arterial segment accounted for the majority of extracranial ICA stenoses, being more frequent in diabetic (left ICA 50.7%, right ICA 58.0%) than in the non-diabetic patients (left ICA 29.3%, right ICA 32.7%). Diabetic patients revealed a more significant rate of unilateral tandem ICA stenoses (14.0-21.3%), as well as a statistically significantly higher prevalence of intracranial ICA stenoses (left ICA 24.0% and right ICA 17.3%) than did non-diabetic patients (left and right ICA 3.3% each). Our results confirm that there is a morphological basis in ICA for increased incidence of ICA lesions in patients with diabetes as compared to those without it. Data on the incidence of stenotic ICA lesions in diabetes suggest the importance of assessing overall ICA status using digital subtraction angiography. Such an assessment is a precondition for an optimal therapeutic approach, especially in diabetic patients who are at an increased risk of cerebrovascular disease.  相似文献   
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