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The interaction between growth and secondary metabolism develops from physiological responses of the producer organism to its environment. Nutrients are channelled into primary growth processes or into secondary processes such as antibiotic biosynthesis by a variety of metabolic controls, the nature of which has been extensively studied in organisms producing beta-lactam antibiotics via the tripeptide, delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine. In the following article we review the early stages of beta-lactam biosynthesis in fungi and actinomycetes, keeping in mind the regulation of primary pathways that provide the amino acid precursors of this group of antibiotics, as well as the regulation of the secondary pathway itself. Of special importance to organisms engaging in secondary metabolism are the control mechanisms that suppress the nonessential process during rapid growth but allow secondary metabolic genes to be expressed and resources to be diverted when environmental factors generate the appropriate biochemical signals.  相似文献   
In Streptomyces venezuelae fertility, defined as chromosomal gene recombination, was enhanced over 1000-fold when one parent in a biparental conjugational cross lacked the physically-undetected plasmid SVP1, as compared with crosses in which both parents carried SVP1. The existence of SVP1 and at least two other fertility plasmids, SVP2 and SVP3, was detected in S. venezuelae by 'lethal zygosis' elicited by a plasmid-plus mycelium in contact with a plasmid-minus mycelium. Conjugational crosses were used to construct a linkage map of S. venezuelae which was highly consistent with the map of analogous loci in S. coelicolor A3(2). A cluster of genes governing chloramphenicol biosynthesis was located near arg, cys and pdxB genes at a position roughly equivalent to the 1-2 o'clock region of the S. coelicolor A3(2) map.  相似文献   
The biogenetic origin of the carbon atoms in tenellin has been established by adding 13C-enriched compounds to cultures of Beauveria bassiana, and determining the isotopic distribution in the metabolite by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. Tenellin is formed by condensation of an acetate-derived polyketide chain with a phenylpropanoid unit that may be phenylalanine. Alternate carbon atoms of the polyketide chain were labelled with sodium [1(-13C)]- and [2-(13C]-acetate; sodium [1,2-(13C)]acetate was incorporated as intact two-carbon units, the presence of which in tenellin was apparent from coupling between adjacent 13C-enriched carbons. Substituent methyl groups of the polyketide-derived alkenyl chain were labelled with L-[Me-13C]methionine. The labelling patterns from DL-[carboxy-13C]phenylalanine and DL-[alpha-13C]phenylalanine indicated a rearrangement of the propanoid component at some stage in the synthesis. The mass spectrum of tenellin from cultures administered L-[15N]phenylalanine showed isotopic enrichment similar to that obtained with 13C- or 14C-labelled phenylalanine. During incorporation of L-[carboxy-14C, beta-3H]phenylalanine 96% of the tritium label was lost, discounting the possibility of a 1,2-hydride shift during biosynthesis of the metabolite.  相似文献   
Chloramphenicol production was studied in cultures of Streptomyces venezuelae growing in a simple buffered medium with ammonia as the nitrogen source and glucose, lactose, or a glucose-lactose mixture as the sole source of carbon. With each carbon source the antibiotic was formed during growth. In the glucose-lactose medium, the production pattern was biphasic; a marked decrease in the rate of synthesis was associated with depletion of glucose from the medium and a corresponding diauxie pause in growth. Cells of S. venezuelae contained an inducible beta-galactosidase. Induction by lactose was suppressed by glucose. Measurement of the concentration of intracellular adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate during growth of cultures with glucose or a glucose-lactose mixture as the source of carbon showed no appreciable changes coinciding with depletion of glucose or the onset of chloramphenicol biosynthesis. It is concluded that the cyclic nucleotide does not mediate selective nutrient utilization or control antibiotic biosynthesis in this organism.  相似文献   
In actinomycetes that produce beta-lactam antibiotics of the cephem type, lysine epsilon-aminotransferase is the initial enzyme in the conversion of lysine to alpha-aminoadipic acid. We used a two-stage process ("chromosome walking") to screen a lambda library of Streptomyces clavuligerus genomic DNA for fragments that expressed lysine epsilon-aminotransferase activity in S. lividans. Restriction analysis of the cloned DNA confirmed the location of the putative lat gene within the cluster of beta-lactam biosynthesis genes, roughly midway between pcbC, the structural gene for isopenicillin N synthetase, and the putative cefE gene encoding deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase.  相似文献   
Products obtained from the action of arylamine synthetase on [G-14C]chorismic acid were fractionated by gel filtration and ion exchange column chromatography to yield a partially purified radioactive component with an arylamine function. From its ultraviolet absorption spectrum and thin-layer chromatographic behaviour the product was considered to be p-aminophenylalanine and the identification was confirmed by co-crystallization with an authentic specimen. Specific deamination of the product with L-amino-acid oxidase indicated that it was the L-epimer. These results strengthen previous evidence that arylamine synthetase is at a branch point in the shikimic acid pathway, specifically diverting intermediates to the synthesis of chloramphenicol.  相似文献   
Streptomyces griseus S 104 was sensitive to streptomycin during exponential growth in a medium which, in the subsequent stationary phase, supported production of the antibiotic in yields above 200 mug/ml. When antibiotic production began cultures developed a tolerance toward their lethal metabolite. This was not due to an increase in pH associated with antibiotic production, since pH effects on streptomycin sensitivity in S. griseus were in the reverse direction. However, the degree of tolerance was directly related to the amount of cell material present. Streptomycin production caused no change in the proportion of resistant variants in the population, nor did it cause the severe inhibition of protein synthesis observed in non-producing cultures exposed to the antibiotic. The lack of an effect on protein synthesis is attributed to the absence of streptomycin with in the cytoplasm since soluble extracts from mycelium harvested in the production phase were inactive when bioassayed immediately after cell disruption. However, they developed antibacterial activity rapidly when heated, and more slowly when incubated at 25 degrees C. The addition of phosphatase inhibitors during incubation prevented the appearance of antibiotic activity, and it was concluded that a small amount of streptomycin phosphate is present in the mycelium during antibiotic production. Differences in (14C) streptomycin uptake suggested that the mycelium was appreciably less permeable to the antibiotic in the production phase than during exponential growth. However, a small amount was taken up and much of it was in the soluble fraction of disrupted cells. Bioassays showed that this 14C-labeled antibiotic within the cells had been partially inactivated, suggesting that conversion of streptomycin to an inactive derivative is involved in the mechanism which protects the organism from its metabolite.  相似文献   
The isopenicillin N synthetase (IPNS) gene from Streptomyces clavuligerus was isolated from an Escherichia coli plasmid library of S. clavuligerus genomic DNA fragments using a 44-mer mixed oligodeoxynucleotide probe. The nucleotide sequence of a 3-kb region of the cloned fragment from the plasmid, pBL1, was determined and analysis of the sequence showed an open reading frame that could encode a protein of 329 amino acids with an Mr of 36,917. When the S. clavuligerus DNA from pBL1 was introduced into an IPNS-deficient mutant of S. clavuligerus on the Streptomyces vector pIJ941, the recombinant plasmid was able to complement the mutation and restore IPNS activity. The protein coding region of the S. clavuligerus IPNS gene shows about 63% and 62% similarity to the Cephalosporium acremonium and Penicillium chrysogenum IPNS nucleotide sequences, respectively, and the predicted amino acid sequence of the encoded protein showed about 56% similarity to both fungal sequences.  相似文献   
Both carbon- and nitrogen-limited media that supported a biphasic pattern of growth and chloramphenicol biosynthesis were devised for batch cultures of Streptomyces venezuelae. Where onset of the idiophase was associated with nitrogen depletion, a sharp peak of arylamine synthetase activity coincided with the onset of antibiotic production. The specific activity of the enzyme was highest when the carbon source in the medium was also near depletion at the trophophase-idiophase boundary. In media providing a substantial excess of carbon source through the idiophase, the peak specific activity was reduced by 75%, although the timing of enzyme synthesis was unaltered. Moreover, chemostat cultures in which the growth rate was limited by the glucose concentration in the input medium failed to show a decrease in specific production of chloramphenicol as the steady-state intracellular glucose concentration was increased. The results suggest that a form of "carbon catabolite repression" regulates synthesis of chloramphenicol biosynthetic enzymes during a trophophase-idiophase transition induced by nitrogen starvation. However, this regulatory mechanism does not establish the timing of antibiotic biosynthesis and does not function during nitrogen-sufficient growth in the presence of excess glucose.  相似文献   
A new bromoperoxidase-catalase was purified from the chloramphenicol-producing actinomycete Streptomyces venezuelae ISP 5230. The homogeneous enzyme showed brominating activity, catalase activity and a very low peroxidase activity. The spectral properties and pH dependence of the catalase activity showed similarities to conventional catalases. In contrast to other haem-bromoperoxidases, the bromoperoxidase-catalase was stable when treated with an ethanol/chloroform mixture. Gel filtration gave an estimated Mr of 127,000-136,000. SDS-PAGE showed a single band corresponding in mobility to a species with an Mr of 61,000. The pI was estimated to be 4.5. The bromoperoxidase-catalase was not present in active form in a mutant of S. venezuelae ISP 5230, blocked in the chlorination step of chloramphenicol biosynthesis. However, an inactive species of the enzyme was detected in crude extracts of the mutant by using antibodies. From these results it is concluded that this bromoperoxidase participates in the chlorination step during chloramphenicol biosynthesis.  相似文献   
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