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The use of substrates containing well defined adducts at precise sites, is required to perform a careful analysis of the toxic and mutagenic potential of a lesion. As a first step in this direction the octamer 5'-d(CCGGCGGT), containing the sequence of the codons 12 d(GGC) and 13 d(GGT) of the human H-ras gene, was reacted with the antitumoral drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II). The platinated products have been purified by HPLC. A first set of experiments, including enzymatic digestions with nuclease P1 followed by alkaline phosphatase and acid-catalysed hydrolysis, allowed us to determine which bases were engaged in the cis-DDP lesions. Our results indicate that only guanine residues were chelated with cisplatin to yield bifunctional adducts. Furthermore, by performing enzymatic digestions with phosphodiesterases, we have located the adducts with respect to the 5' end of the octamer. Among the purified and characterized platinated oligonucleotides, three present a particular interest, since we have shown here that the cis-d(GpG) adduct is precisely situated either at the d(GGC) or at the d(GGT) or at both sites of their sequence.  相似文献   
In this study plasma levels of vitamin A, carotenoids, retinol binding protein (RBP), prealbumin (PA), HDL-and total cholesterol were determined in 19 female subjects with cervical dysplasia and compared to those of the healthy female subjects described in our previous research. Plasma levels of vitamin A and carotene were determined by a spectrophotometric method using trifluoroacetic acid, plasma RBP and PA by single radial immunodiffusion and HDL- and total cholesterol by enzymatic colorimetry. Plasma mean values of vitamin A and HDL-cholesterol were lower (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01, respectively) than in the control group. On the contrary total cholesterol was higher (P less than 0.01) in the patients than in the control group. Vitamin A plasma levels were significantly related (P less than 0.01) to RBP and PA. No significant statistical correlation was found between the severity of the dysplasia and vitamin A plasma levels.  相似文献   
The effects of two sulfhydryl compounds, glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), on the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin (DXR) were tested on in vitro and in vivo models. DXR was administered to rats as 4 weekly i.v. doses of 3mg/kg. GSH (1.5 mmoles/kg), given i.v. 10 min before and 1 hr after DXR, was found to prevent the development of the delayed cardiotoxic effects of DXR, as assessed by electrocardiographic and mechanical parameters, as well as by histological examination of left ventricular preparations. In contrast, equimolar oral doses of NAC (1 hr before and 2hrs after DXR) were found to be ineffective. Both GSH and NAC prevented the negative inotropic effect produced by DXR on isolated rat atria. A good correlation exists between the cardioprotective effects of the two agents and their ability to enhance the non-protein sulfhydryl group content of the myocardium. Differences observed in vivo between GSH and NAC might be accounted for by pharmacokinetic factors.  相似文献   
F. VILLANI, O. PEPE, G. MAURIELLO, G. MOSCHETTI, L. SANNINO AND S. COPPOLA. 1996. The behaviour of a four-strains mixture of Listeria monocytogenes (strains Scott A, V7, OH and Cal) during the traditional manufacture of water-buffalo Mozzarella cheese was investigated at two levels of inoculation: ca 105and 103cfu ml-1of vat milk. No significant change in Listeria counts was observed during the curd ripening (4.0–4.5 h), at the end of which the pH ranged between 4.83 and 4.91. A decrease of about 2 log was observed after stretching of the curd in hot water (95°C), followed by complete elimination of Listeria after 48 and 24 h of storage of the final cheese in the conditioning liquid (skim water resulting from the stretching, pH ca 4.0) with initial high and low contamination of the cheese milk respectively. Results also indicated that a 1.7 log reduction of L. monocytogenes could be achieved during the preparation of the natural whey culture utilized as starter in cheesemaking.  相似文献   
Amino acid chemoreceptors of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Specificities of chemoreceptors for the 20 common amino acids, toward which Bacillus subtilis shows chemotaxis, were assessed by competition ("jamming") experiments using a modification of the traditional capillary assay, called the "sensitivity capillary assay." Many amino acids were sensed by at least two chemoreceptors. All the highest affinity chemoreceptors for the amino acids were distinct, except glutamate and aspartate, which may share one chemoreceptor, and tyrosine, for which the data could not be collected due to low solubility. The data suggest the hypothesis that each amino acid-chemoreceptor complex binds to a different signaler (from each amino acid-chemoreceptor complex binds to a different signaler (from which signals travel to the flagella to modify behavior appropriately), and that many of the signalers can also bind other attractant-chemoreceptor complexes as antagonists (no signals to flagella).  相似文献   
To refine the linkage map of distal mouse Chromosome 12, we have identified DNA restriction fragment variants associated with a creatine kinase gene (Ck-3), the Akt proto-oncogene, an Abelson proviral integration site (D12N1), and the immunoglobulin heavy chain VH3609 variable region family (Igh-V36). The patterns of inheritance of these markers in backcross progeny and recombinant inbred mouse strains allowed their localization with respect to previously mapped genes to yield the linkage map: Aat-15.8 cM-Ck-3-0.9 cM-(Crip, Akt, Igh-C)-0.3 cM-(D12N1, Igh-V). This map confirms genetically the localization of the Igh-V gene complex distal to Igh-C on the chromosome. It differs from previous maps in placing D12N1 distal to Igh-C, and in suggesting that the Igh-V gene complex spans less than one centiMorgan (cM).Other DNA sequence variants detected with the creatine kinase probe allowed definition of four additional genetic loci: Ck-1 near Lmyc-1 on Chromosome 4; Ck-2 between Upg-1 and Hprt-ps1 (D17Rp10) on distal Chromosome 17; Ck-4 near Mpmv-17 and Mls-3 on Chromosome 16; and Ck-5 near Hba on Chromosome 11.  相似文献   
FLUXNET and modelling the global carbon cycle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Measurements of the net CO2 flux between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance technique have the potential to underpin our interpretation of regional CO2 source–sink patterns, CO2 flux responses to forcings, and predictions of the future terrestrial C balance. Information contained in FLUXNET eddy covariance data has multiple uses for the development and application of global carbon models, including evaluation/validation, calibration, process parameterization, and data assimilation. This paper reviews examples of these uses, compares global estimates of the dynamics of the global carbon cycle, and suggests ways of improving the utility of such data for global carbon modelling. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) predicted by different terrestrial biosphere models compares favourably with FLUXNET observations at diurnal and seasonal timescales. However, complete model validation, particularly over the full annual cycle, requires information on the balance between assimilation and decomposition processes, information not readily available for most FLUXNET sites. Site history, when known, can greatly help constrain the model‐data comparison. Flux measurements made over four vegetation types were used to calibrate the land‐surface scheme of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies global climate model, significantly improving simulated climate and demonstrating the utility of diurnal FLUXNET data for climate modelling. Land‐surface temperatures in many regions cool due to higher canopy conductances and latent heat fluxes, and the spatial distribution of CO2 uptake provides a significant additional constraint on the realism of simulated surface fluxes. FLUXNET data are used to calibrate a global production efficiency model (PEM). This model is forced by satellite‐measured absorbed radiation and suggests that global net primary production (NPP) increased 6.2% over 1982–1999. Good agreement is found between global trends in NPP estimated by the PEM and a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), and between the DGVM and estimates of global NEE derived from a global inversion of atmospheric CO2 measurements. Combining the PEM, DGVM, and inversion results suggests that CO2 fertilization is playing a major role in current increases in NPP, with lesser impacts from increasing N deposition and growing season length. Both the PEM and the inversion identify the Amazon basin as a key region for the current net terrestrial CO2 uptake (i.e. 33% of global NEE), as well as its interannual variability. The inversion's global NEE estimate of −1.2 Pg [C] yr−1 for 1982–1995 is compatible with the PEM‐ and DGVM‐predicted trends in NPP. There is, thus, a convergence in understanding derived from process‐based models, remote‐sensing‐based observations, and inversion of atmospheric data. Future advances in field measurement techniques, including eddy covariance (particularly concerning the problem of night‐time fluxes in dense canopies and of advection or flow distortion over complex terrain), will result in improved constraints on land‐atmosphere CO2 fluxes and the rigorous attribution of mechanisms to the current terrestrial net CO2 uptake and its spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Global ecosystem models play a fundamental role in linking information derived from FLUXNET measurements to atmospheric CO2 variability. A number of recommendations concerning FLUXNET data are made, including a request for more comprehensive site data (particularly historical information), more measurements in undisturbed ecosystems, and the systematic provision of error estimates. The greatest value of current FLUXNET data for global carbon cycle modelling is in evaluating process representations, rather than in providing an unbiased estimate of net CO2 exchange.  相似文献   
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