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Myofilament dysfunction is a common point of convergence for many forms of heart failure. Recently, we showed that cardiac overexpression of PKC epsilon initially depresses myofilament activity and then leads to a progression of changes characteristic of human heart failure. Here, we examined the effects of PKC epsilon on contractile reserve, Starling mechanism, and myofilament activation in this model of end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy. Pressure-volume loop analysis and echocardiography showed that the PKC epsilon mice have markedly compromised systolic function and increased end-diastolic volumes. Dobutamine challenge resulted in a small increase in contractility in PKC epsilon mice but failed to enhance cardiac output. The PKC epsilon mice showed a normal length-dependent tension development in skinned cardiac muscle preparations, although Frank-Starling mechanism appeared to be compromised in the intact animal. Simultaneous measurement of tension and ATPase demonstrated that the maximum tension and ATPase were markedly lower in the PKC epsilon mice at any length or Ca2+ concentration. However, the tension cost was also lower indicating less energy expenditure. We conclude 1) that prolonged overexpression of PKC epsilon ultimately leads to a dilated cardiomyopathy marked by exhausted contractile reserve, 2) that PKC epsilon does not compromise the Frank-Starling mechanism at the myofilament level, and 3) that the Starling curve excursion is limited by the inotropic state of the heart. These results reflect the significance of the primary myofilament contractilopathy induced by phosphorylation and imply a role for PKC epsilon-mediated phosphorylation in myofilament physiology and the pathophysiology of decompensated cardiac failure.  相似文献   
It is currently unclear whether left ventricular (LV) myofilament function is depressed in experimental LV hypertrophy (LVH) or congestive heart failure (CHF). To address this issue, we studied pressure overload-induced LV hypertrophy (POLVH) and myocardial infarction-elicited congestive heart failure (MICHF) in rats. LV myocytes were isolated from control, POLVH, and MICHF hearts by mechanical homogenization, skinned with Triton, and attached to micropipettes that projected from a sensitive force transducer and high-speed motor. A subset of cells was treated with either unphosphorylated, recombinant cardiac troponin (cTn) or cTn purified from either control or failing ventricles. LV myofilament function was characterized by the force-[Ca(2+)] relation yielding Ca(2+)-saturated maximal force (F(max)), myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity (EC(50)), and cooperativity (Hill coefficient, n(H)) parameters. POLVH was associated with a 35% reduction in F(max) and 36% increase in EC(50). Similarly, MICHF resulted in a 42% reduction in F(max) and a 30% increase in EC(50). Incorporation of recombinant cTn or purified control cTn into failing cells restored myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity toward levels observed in control cells. In contrast, integration of cTn purified from failing ventricles into control myocytes increased EC(50) to levels observed in failing myocytes. The F(max) parameter was not markedly affected by troponin exchange. cTnI phosphorylation was increased in both POLVH and MICHF left ventricles. We conclude that depressed myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity in experimental LVH and CHF is due, in part, to a decreased functional role of cTn that likely involves augmented phosphorylation of cTnI.  相似文献   
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is implicated in anxiety-like behaviour. In rodent models, perturbations of mPFC neuronal activity through pharmacological manipulations, optogenetic activation of mPFC neurons or cell-type specific pharmacogenetic inhibition of somatostatin interneurons indicate conflicting effects on anxiety-like behaviour. In the present study we examined the effects of pharmacogenetic activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase α (CamKIIα)-positive excitatory neurons on anxiety-like behaviour. We used clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) to pharmacogenetically activate virally delivered CamKIIα-hM3Dq-DREADD in mPFC excitatory neurons. The effects of acute CNO or vehicle treatment on anxiety-like behaviour in the open field and elevated plus maze tests were examined in rats virally infected with either CamKIIα-hM3Dq-DREADD or CamKIIα-GFP. In addition, the effects of acute CNO treatment on the expression of the neuronal activity marker c-Fos were examined in the mPFC as well as downstream target neuronal circuits using immunohistochemistry. Acute pharmacogenetic activation of mPFC excitatory neurons evoked a significant decrease in anxiety-like behaviour selectively on the elevated plus maze task, but not the open field test. Acute CNO treatment resulted in enhanced c-Fos-immunopositive cell number in the infralimbic, prelimbic and cingulate subdivisions of the mPFC. This was also accompanied by enhanced c-Fos-immunopositive cell number in multiple downstream circuits of the mPFC in CNO-treated hM3Dq animals. Acute pharmacogenetic activation of mPFC excitatory neurons reduces anxiety-like behaviour in a task-specific fashion accompanied by enhanced c-Fos expression in the mPFC and multiple target circuits implicated in the regulation of anxiety-like behaviour.  相似文献   
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV, or SCV), which caused a world-wide epidemic in 2002 and 2003, binds to a receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), through the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of its envelope (spike, S) glycoprotein. The RBD is very immunogenic; it is a major SCV neutralization determinant and can elicit potent neutralizing antibodies capable of out-competing ACE2. However, the structural basis of RBD immunogenicity, RBD-mediated neutralization, and the role of RBD in entry steps following its binding to ACE2 have not been elucidated. By mimicking immune responses with the use of RBD as an antigen to screen a large human antibody library derived from healthy volunteers, we identified a novel potent cross-reactive SCV-neutralizing monoclonal antibody, m396, which competes with ACE2 for binding to RBD, and determined the crystal structure of the RBD-antibody complex at 2.3-A resolution. The antibody-bound RBD structure is completely defined, revealing two previously unresolved segments (residues 376-381 and 503-512) and a new disulfide bond (between residues 378 and 511). Interestingly, the overall structure of the m396-bound RBD is not significantly different from that of the ACE2-bound RBD. The antibody epitope is dominated by a 10-residue-long protruding beta6-beta7 loop with two putative ACE2-binding hotspot residues (Ile-489 and Tyr-491). These results provide a structural rationale for the function of a major determinant of SCV immunogenicity and neutralization, the development of SCV therapeutics based on the antibody paratope and epitope, and a retrovaccinology approach for the design of anti-SCV vaccines. The available structural information indicates that the SCV entry may not be mediated by ACE2-induced conformational changes in the RBD but may involve other conformational changes or/and yet to be identified coreceptors.  相似文献   
In order to determine the relationship between the pigment–protein and the pigment–pigment interactions, the measurements of absorption spectra of the peripheral light-harvesting complex LH2 from the purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides solvated in glycerol/buffer solution were carried out in a wide temperature range, from 4 to 250 K. The SDFs used for simulating the temperature dependence of B800 and B850 bands were determined in a parametric form. To fit experimental spectra the overall exciton–phonon coupling had to be assumed to be weak for B850 (λ/2V ≈ 0.3, where λ is the reorganization energy and V is the nearest-neighbor dipole–dipole coupling for bacteriochlorophylls). At physiological temperatures the intermediate nuclear bath dynamics compares with the magnitude of energy gap fluctuations. Slower dynamics with κ ≈ 0.39, where κ is the ratio of the nuclear relaxation rate and the line width parameter, determines the spectral shape of B850 whilst faster modulations characterize B800 (κ ≈2.39). The static disorder for the B800 band is relatively high with the characteristic value of the inhomogeneous bandwidth Γinh ≈120 cm−1, while for the B850 band this value is almost equal to the dipole–dipole coupling strength (Γinh ≈360 cm−1). It has been found that the LH2 absorption spectrum is likely to be influenced by the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of the solution in the high temperature range, when the glycerol/buffer solution is in the liquid state.  相似文献   
We have characterized the influence of the protein environment on the spectral properties of the bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) molecules of the peripheral light-harvesting (or LH2) complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The spectral density functions of the pigments responsible for the 800 and 850 nm electronic transitions were determined from the temperature dependence of the Bchl absorption spectra in different environments (detergent micelles and native membranes). The spectral density function is virtually independent of the hydrophobic support that the protein experiences. The reorganization energy for the B850 Bchls is 220 cm(-1), which is almost twice that of the B800 Bchls, and its Huang-Rhys factor reaches 8.4. Around the transition point temperature, and at higher temperatures, both the static spectral inhomogeneity and the resonance interactions become temperature-dependent. The inhomogeneous distribution function of the transitions exhibits less temperature dependence when LH2 is embedded in membranes, suggesting that the lipid phase protects the protein. However, the temperature dependence of the fluorescence spectra of LH2 cannot be fitted using the same parameters determined from the analysis of the absorption spectra. Correct fitting requires the lowest exciton states to be additionally shifted to the red, suggesting the reorganization of the exciton spectrum.  相似文献   
Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are closely related emerging viruses comprising the Henipavirus genus of the Paramyxovirinae. Each has a broad species tropism and can cause disease with high mortality in both animal and human hosts. These viruses infect cells by a pH-independent membrane fusion event mediated by their attachment (G) and fusion (F) envelope glycoproteins (Envs). Seven Fabs, m101 to -7, were selected for their significant binding to a soluble form of Hendra G (sG) which was used as the antigen for panning of a large na?ve human antibody library. The selected Fabs inhibited, to various degrees, cell fusion mediated by the HeV or NiV Envs and virus infection. The conversion of the most potent neutralizer of infectious HeV, Fab m101, to immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) significantly increased its cell fusion inhibitory activity: the 50% inhibitory concentration was decreased more than 10-fold to approximately 1 microg/ml. The IgG1 m101 was also exceptionally potent in neutralizing infectious HeV; complete (100%) neutralization was achieved with 12.5 microg/ml, and 98% neutralization required only 1.6 microg/ml. The inhibition of fusion and infection correlated with binding of the Fabs to full-length G as measured by immunoprecipitation and less with binding to sG as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Biacore. m101 and m102 competed with the ephrin-B2, which we recently identified as a functional receptor for both HeV and NiV, indicating a possible mechanism of neutralization by these antibodies. The m101, m102, and m103 antibodies competed with each other, suggesting that they bind to overlapping epitopes which are distinct from the epitopes of m106 and m107. In an initial attempt to localize the epitopes of m101 and m102, we measured their binding to a panel of 11 G alanine-scanning mutants and identified two mutants, P185A and Q191 K192A, which significantly decreased binding to m101 and one, G183, which decreased binding of m102 to G. These results suggest that m101 to -7 are specific for HeV or NiV or both and exhibit various neutralizing activities; they are the first human monoclonal antibodies identified against these viruses and could be used for treatment, prophylaxis, and diagnosis and as research reagents and could aid in the development of vaccines.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormone exhibits profound effects on neural progenitor turnover, survival, maturation, and differentiation during perinatal development. Studies over the past decade have revealed that thyroid hormone continues to retain an important influence on progenitors within the neurogenic niches of the adult mammalian brain. The focus of the current review is to critically examine and summarize the current state of understanding of the role of thyroid hormone in regulating adult neurogenesis within the major neurogenic niches of the subgranular zone in the hippocampus and the subventricular zone lining the lateral ventricles. We review in depth the studies that highlight a role for thyroid hormone, in particular the TRα1 receptor isoform, in regulating progenitor survival and commitment to a neuronal fate. We also discuss putative models for the mechanism of action of thyroid hormone/TRα1 on specific stages of subgranular zone and subventricular zone progenitor development, and highlight potential thyroid hormone responsive target genes that may contribute to the neurogenic effects of thyroid hormone. The effects of thyroid hormone on adult neurogenesis are discussed in the context of a potential role of these effects in the cognitive‐ and mood‐related consequences of thyroid hormone dysfunction. Finally, we detail hitherto unexplored aspects of the effects of thyroid hormone on adult neurogenesis that provide impetus for future studies to gain a deeper mechanistic insight into the neurogenic effects of thyroid hormone.


Protein kinase C (PKC) modulates cardiomyocyte function by phosphorylation of intracellular targets including myofilament proteins. Data generated from studies on in vitro heart preparations indicate that PKC phosphorylation of troponin I (TnI), primarily via PKC-epsilon, may slow the rates of cardiac contraction and relaxation (+dP/dt and -dP/dt). To explore this issue in vivo, we employed transgenic mice [mutant TnI (mTnI) mice] in which the major PKC phosphorylation sites on cardiac TnI were mutated by alanine substitutions for Ser(43) and Ser(45) and studied in situ hemodynamics at baseline and increased inotropy. Hearts from mTnI mice exhibited increased contractility, as shown by a 30% greater +dP/dt and 18% greater -dP/dt than FVB hearts, and had a negligible response to isoproterenol compared with FVB mice, in which +dP/dt increased by 33% and -dP/dt increased by 26%. Treatment with phenylephrine and propranolol gave a similar result; FVB mouse hearts demonstrated a 20% increase in developed pressure, whereas mTnI mice showed no response. Back phosphorylation of TnI from mTnI hearts demonstrated that the mutation of the PKC sites was associated with an enhanced PKA-dependent phosphorylation independent of a change in basal cAMP levels. Our results demonstrate the important role that PKC-dependent phosphorylation of TnI has on the modulation of cardiac function under basal as well as augmented states and indicate interdependence of the phosphorylation sites of TnI in hearts beating in situ.  相似文献   
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