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Two monoclonal antibodies (mAb 254 and 255) were obtained against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the sequence 235-242 of the alpha-subunit of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor. These mAbs could bind to receptor in native membrane vesicles only when these vesicles were permeabilized, suggesting that the sequence alpha 235-242 is exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of the receptor. Further evidence for the cytoplasmic localization of this sequence was partial competition for binding between these mAbs and mAbs previously demonstrated to bind to the cytoplasmic part of the receptor. A model is proposed which accounts for all the experimental data obtained thus far on the transmembrane orientation of the subunit polypeptide chains.  相似文献   
The mutation Glu108-->Val (E108V) in T4 lysozyme was previously isolated as a second-site revertant that specifically compensated for the loss of function associated with the destabilizing substitution Leu99-->Gly (L99G). Surprisingly, the two sites are 11 A apart, with Leu99 in the core and Glu108 on the surface of the protein. In order to better understand this result we have carried out a detailed thermodynamic, enzymatic and structural analysis of these mutant lysozymes as well as a related variant with the substitution Leu99-->Ala. It was found that E108V does increase the stability of L99G, but it also increases the stability of both the wild-type protein and L99A by essentially equal amounts. The effects of E108V on enzymatic activity are more complicated. The mutation slightly reduces the maximal rate of cell wall hydrolysis of wild-type, L99G and L99A. At the same time, L99G is an unstable protein and rapidly loses activity during the course of the assay, especially at temperatures above 20 degrees C. Thus, even though the double mutant L99G/E108V has a slightly lower maximal rate than L99G, over a period of 20-30 minutes it hydrolyzes more substrate. This decrease in the rate of thermal inactivation appears to be the basis of the action of E108V as a second-site revertant of L99G. Mutant L99A creates a cavity of volume 149 A(3). Instead of enlarging this cavity, mutant L99G results in a 4-5 A displacement of part of helix F (residues 108-113), creating a solvent-accessible declivity. In the double mutant, L99G/E108V, this helix returns to a position akin to wild-type, resulting in a cavity of volume 203 A(3). Whether the mutation Glu108-->Val is incorporated into either wild-type lysozyme, or L99A or L99G, it results in a decrease in crystallographic thermal factors, especially in the helices that include residues 99 and 108. This increase in rigidity, which appears to be due to a combination of increased hydrophobic stabilization plus a restriction of conformational fluctuation, provides a structural basis for the increase in thermostability.  相似文献   
Ascidians, along with other urochordates, are the most evolutionarydistant group from vertebrates to display definitive chordate-specificcharacters, such as a notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharynxand endostyle. Most solitary ascidians have a biphasic lifehistory that has partitioned the development of these charactersbetween a planktonic microscopic tadpole larva (notochord anddorsal nerve cord) and a larger sessile adult (pharynx and endostyle).Very little is known of the molecular axial patterning processesoperating during ascidian postlarval development. Two axialpatterning homeobox genes Otx and Cdx are expressed in a spatiallyrestricted manner along the ascidian anteroposterior axis duringembryogenesis and postlarval development (i.e., metamorphosis).Comparisons of these patterns with those of homologous cephalochordateand vertebrate genes suggest that the novel ascidian biphasicbody plan was not accompanied by a deployment of these genesinto new pathways but by a heterochronic shift in tissue-specificexpression. Studies examining the role of all-trans retinoicacid (RA) in axial patterning in chordates also contribute toour understanding of the role of homeobox genes in the developmentof larval and adult ascidian body plans. Our studies demonstratethat RA does not regulate axial patterning in the developingascidian larval neuroaxis in a manner homologous to that foundin vertebrates. Although RA may regulate the expression of someascidian homeobox genes, ectopic application of RA does notappear to alter the morphology of the larval CNS. However, treatmentwith similar or lower concentrations of RA, have a profoundeffect on postlarval development and the juvenile body plan.These changes are correlated to a dramatic reduction of Otxexpression. Through these RA-induced effects we infer that whileRA may regulate the expression of some homeobox genes duringembryogenesis it has a far more dramatic impact on postlarvaldevelopment where regulative processes predominate.  相似文献   
Synthetic peptides corresponding to 57% of the sequence of alpha subunits of acetylcholine receptors from Torpedo californica electric organ and extending from the NH2 to the COOCH terminus have been synthesized. The alpha-bungarotoxin binding site on denatured alpha subunits was mapped within the sequence alpha 185-199 by assaying binding of 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin to slot blots of synthetic peptides. Further studies showed that residues in the sequence alpha 190-194, especially cysteines-alpha 192, 193, were critical for binding alpha-bungarotoxin. Reduction and alkylation studies suggested that these cysteines must be disulfide linked for alpha-bungarotoxin to bind. Binding sites for serum antibodies to native receptors or alpha subunits were mapped by indirect immunoprecipitation of 125I-peptides. Several antigenic sequences were identified, but a synthetic peptide corresponding to the main immunogenic region (which is highly conformation dependent) was not identified.  相似文献   
Ten acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-specific T cell clones from Lewis rats were studied. These clones had various AChR subunit and peptide specificities, and proliferated in response to antigen on appropriate APC. All the T cell clones were CD4+CD8- and OX22-, helped anti-AChR antibody production by AChR-primed lymph node B cells, and could secrete IL-2. However, several lines of evidence suggested that IL-2 was not the lymphokine that mediated T cell help. B cells primed with native AChR and then exposed in culture to very low concentrations of native AChR effectively presented the Ag to the T cell lines, presumably due to uptake via Ag receptors, but primed B cells were no more effective than were non-specific APC at presenting a synthetic AChR peptide which is recognized by AChR-specific T cells but not by AChR-specific B cells. Increasing AChR doses produced an antibody production response that was bell shaped and low doses stimulated, whereas higher AChR concentrations suppressed the antibody production response. Evidence suggested that AChR exerted its inhibitory effect through the T cells, but not via IL-2.  相似文献   
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) immunoaffinity-purified from brains are composed of only two kinds of subunits rather than the four kinds present in muscle-type AChRs. Here we report the N-terminal protein sequences of the structural subunits of AChRs from rat and chicken brains and the cloning of full-length cDNAs for the chicken brain AChR structural subunit. Previously, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the ACh-binding subunit of AChR immunoaffinity-purified from rat brain was shown to correspond to the cDNA alpha 4. Thus, cDNA sequences are now known for both of the subunits that form one AChR subtype in vivo.  相似文献   
Summary Non-symbiotic heterotrophic N2 fixation in coniferous bark litter was investigated with the acetylene reduction assay under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The litter studied was composed essentially of bark, of pH 5 and a C/N ratio of 101; the ratio of available C to available N, which governs N2 fixation, was considerably higher. The rate of N2 fixation was estimated as 2.5–4.4 g N. g–1 dry wt. day–1. Nitrogenase activity was still evident after seven months of incubation under aerobic conditions. The N2-ase activity was O2 dependent: under anaerobic conditions no N2-ase activity was found unless a fermentable C source was added. The importance of N2 fixation in N-poor litter for the maintenance of soil fertility is emphasized.  相似文献   
This study examined the morphological development of single inhibitory arborizations in the gerbil central auditory brain stem. Using a brain slice preparation, neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) were filled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and their complete arborizations were analyzed along the tonotopic axis of the lateral superior olive (LSO). The projections in neonatal animals displayed well-defined arbors that were ordered appropriately within the LSO. It was evident from the axonal pathways that the MNTB afferents could correct for projection errors after reaching the postsynaptic population. As development progressed, a number of arbors established diffuse or inappropriate projections within the LSO. These immature arborizations were no longer apparent by 18–25 days postnatal. The anatomical specificity of arbors at 12–13 and 18–25 days was quantified by measuring the distance that terminal boutons spread across the frequency axis. There was a significant reduction of this distance in older animals. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the mean number of boutons per arbor between 12–13 days and 18–25 days. The maximum nucleus cross-sectional area continued to increase through 15–16 days, indicating that the refined arbors occupied an even smaller fraction of the postsynaptic structure. Taken together, these observations suggest that central inhibitory arbors form exuberant contacts that must be eliminated during development.  相似文献   
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