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The modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity by interleukin-1 (IL-1α) was studied in cultures of SCC-7 tumor cells with and without tumor macrophages to examine potential mechanisms for the synergistic antitumor activity of cisPlatin and IL-1α in SCC-7 solid tumors. Neither IL-1α nor tumor macrophages affected the survival of clonogenic tumor cells and IL-1α had no direct effect on tumor cell growthin vitro. Macrophages had no direct effect on cisPlatin sensitivity (IC90=6.0 μM), but, the addition of IL-1α (500–2000U/ml) to co-cultures of cisPlatin pretreated tumor cells and resident tumor macrophages increased cell killing (IC90=3.1 μM). Similar responses were seen in primary cultures treated with cisPlatin before IL-1α. The modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity by IL-1α exhibited a biphasic dose response that paralleled the IL-1α dose dependent release of H2O2by resident tumor macrophages. Further, IL-1α modification of cisPlatin cytotoxicity was prompt and inhibited by catalase. CisPlatin and exogenous H2O2 (50 μM) produced more than additive SCC-7 clonogenic cell kill and hydroxyl radicals played an important role in the response. Interleukin-1 modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity was schedule dependent. IL-1α treatment for 24 hrs, before cisPlatin, produced drug resistance (IC90=11.1 μM). Our study shows that IL-1α can stimulate tumor macrophages to release pro-oxidants that modify cellular chemosensitivity in a schedule and dose dependent fashion. Our findings may also provide a mechanistic explanation for the synergistic antitumor activity of cisPlatin and IL-1αin vivo.  相似文献   
Using dinitrophenylated human lymphocytes and phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphoblasts as antigens, antibodies were produced in rabbits. The immunological reactivities of the antisera so produced were tested against various types of leukemic cells after absorbing the sera with pooled normal leukocytes. Both the sera showed reactivity with all types of leukemic cells and no specific affinity for lymphoid leukemic cells was seen. This may suggest the presence of some common antigens on all types of leukemic cells or that dinitrophenylation brings about similar changes on all types of normal leukocytes.  相似文献   
In the present study we describe the purification and characterization of Malabarase, a serine protease from Trimeresurus malabaricus venom. Purification was achieved by gel-permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-75 followed by ion-exchange chromatography on CM Sephadex C-25. Homogeneity of Malabarase was confirmed by RP-HPLC. Malabarase is a monomer that migrated as a single protein band on SDS-PAGE under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. The molecular mass of Malabarase was determined to be 23.4 kDa using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Malabarase is the first serine protease purified from T. malabaricus venom and is selective for fibrinogen. Malabarase hydrolyzes Aα and Bβ but not γ-chains of fibrinogen similar to the metalloproteases, Malabarin and Trimarin, isolated from the same venom. However, the action of Malabarase on plasma coagulation is opposite than those of Malabarin, Trimarin and the whole venom. Malabarase significantly prolonged plasma coagulation time from 152–341 s; whereas Malabarin, Trimarin, and whole venom, greatly reduce plasma clotting time from 152 to 12, 48, and 14 s, respectively. Malabarase did not show hemorrhagic or myotoxic activity. In contrast, Malabarin, Trimarin and whole venom are highly hemorrhagic and myotoxic. These observations support the specificity of Malabarase towards fibrinogen and its non-toxic nature. In conclusion, Malabarase is a fibrinogen-specific, anti-coagulant, and non-toxic serine protease. Its selective action and non-toxic nature might make it useful for treating thrombotic disorders.  相似文献   
DNA ligase IV (Dnl4 in budding yeast) is a specialized ligase used in non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Although point and truncation mutations arise in the human ligase IV syndrome, the roles of Dnl4 in DSB repair have mainly been examined using gene deletions. Here, Dnl4 catalytic point mutants were generated that were severely defective in auto-adenylation in vitro and NHEJ activity in vivo, despite being hyper-recruited to DSBs and supporting wild-type levels of Lif1 interaction and assembly of a Ku- and Lif1-containing complex at DSBs. Interestingly, residual levels of especially imprecise NHEJ were markedly higher in a deletion-based assay with Dnl4 catalytic mutants than with a gene deletion strain, suggesting a role of DSB-bound Dnl4 in supporting a mode of NHEJ catalyzed by a different ligase. Similarly, next generation sequencing of repair joints in a distinct single-DSB assay showed that dnl4-K466A mutation conferred a significantly different imprecise joining profile than wild-type Dnl4 and that such repair was rarely observed in the absence of Dnl4. Enrichment of DNA ligase I (Cdc9 in yeast) at DSBs was observed in wild-type as well as dnl4 point mutant strains, with both Dnl4 and Cdc9 disappearing from DSBs upon 5′ resection that was unimpeded by the presence of catalytically inactive Dnl4. These findings indicate that Dnl4 can promote mutagenic end joining independently of its catalytic activity, likely by a mechanism that involves Cdc9.  相似文献   
Animal models have played an important part in establishing our knowledge base on reproduction, development, and the occurrence and impact of chromosome abnormalities. Translocations involving the X chromosome and an autosome are unique in that they elicit sex-dependent infertility, with male carriers rendered sterile by synaptic anomalies during meiosis, whereas female carriers conceive but repeatedly abort. Until now the limited access to relevant fetal oocytes has precluded direct study of meiotic events in female carriers. Because somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) circumvents meiotic problems associated with fertility disturbances in translocation carriers, we used SCNT to generate embryos, fetuses, and calves from a cell line derived from a deceased subfertile X-autosome translocation carrier cow to study the meiotic configurations in carrier oocytes. Data from 33 replicates involving 2470 oocyte-donor-cell complexes were assessed for blastocyst development and of these, 42 blastocysts were transferred to 21 recipients. Fourteen pregnancies were detected on day 35 of gestation. One of these was sacrificed for ovary retrieval on day 94 and three went to term. Features of oocytes from the fetal ovary and from the newborn ovaries were examined. Of the pachytene spreads analyzed, 16%, 82%, and 1.5% exhibited quadrivalent, trivalent/univalent, and bivalent/univalent/univalent structures, respectively, whereas among the diakinesis/metaphase I spreads, 16% ring, 75% chain, and 8.3% bivalent/bivalent configurations were noted, suggesting that the low fertility among female carriers may be related to synaptic errors in a predominant proportion of oocytes. Our results indicate that fibroblasts carrying the X-autosome translocation can be used for SCNT to produce embryos, fetuses, and newborn clones to study such basic aspects of development as meiosis and to generate carriers that cannot easily be reproduced by conventional breeding.  相似文献   
Steroid concentrations in the fetal fluids of 153 single and 69 twin bovine pregnancies, ranging in age from 35 to 125 d of gestation, were studied to compare gonadal steroid secretions in vitro with the concentrations found in amniotic and allantoic fluids during the early stages of sex differentiation. Among the steroids measured in fetal fluids, only the testosterone level showed a correlation with the amount secreted by the gonads. Significantly higher concentrations of testosterone were associated with male fetuses than with female fetuses. The concentrations of androstenedione, estradiol and estrone in both fetal fluid compartments were generally correlated with age, reflecting the extra-gonadal source of steroids in these fluids. Androstenedione levels in fetal fluids were significantly higher in twins than in singletons, suggesting that this parameter may be useful for the diagnosis of fetal sex and/or type of pregnancy.  相似文献   
Testicular activity and semen characteristics of bulls carrying an X-autosome translocation t(Xp +;23q-) revealed all stages of spermatogenesis although their semen consisted of few and, exclusively, of malformed spermatozoa. Chromosome painting on metaphase spreads of their mother and synaptonemal complex analysis on these and normal bulls were carried out to test whether the location and meiotic pairing behaviour of the rearranged segments could have contributed to the sperm head malformation and oligospermia in our X-autosome translocation (X-AT) carrier bulls. Spermatocytes of X-AT carriers displayed the rearranged chromosomes in a univalent-trivalent association, with 23q- always remaining as a univalent and Xp + in synapsis with normal chromosome 23 and the Y chromosome. Chromosome painting studies to test whether the total absence of meiocytes showing a quadrivalent is due to the non-reciprocal nature of this translocation, identified Xp sequence homology with the distal end of 23q- confirming its relocation to the terminal segment of 23q-. Our synaptonemal complex analyses also confirmed that the bovine pseudo-autosomal region (PAR) is at the distal ends of Xq and Yp and further revealed that over 85% of spermatocytes of X-AT carriers (and up to 13% of spermatocytes of normal bulls) sustain a Y-axis break adjacent to the PAR. Although the exact cause of a Y-axis break in bovine spermatocytes is not known at present, we believe that the break and possible loss of Yq in such high proportions of spermatocytes of X-AT carriers could have contributed to the sperm head malformation and oligospermia in our X-AT carrier bulls.  相似文献   
Meiotic features and fate of germ cells were studied using electron microscopy on surface spread spermatocytes and in situ tests for apoptosis on testicular tissues of normal boars and X-autosome translocation (X-AT) carrier boars. Histological sections of the translocation t(Xp+; 14q-) carrier boars showed accumulation of degenerating germ cells including binucleate and multinucleate cells, as well as pyknosis and nuclear fragmentation characteristic of apoptosis. Synaptonemal complex analysis of X-AT carrier boars revealed 19 bivalents including a large complex made up of the altered X (Xp+) and normal chromosome 14, and a smaller element representing the Y chromosome in synapsis with the derived chromosome 14 (14q-) in most (89.3%) of the germ cells. In situ tests for apoptotic DNA fragmentation revealed positive signals exclusively among early spermatocytes and degenerating germ cells. These findings and the absence of stages beyond pachytene suggest that the meiocytes are arrested at pachytene and eliminated through apoptotic process in spite of the complete synapsis displayed by the chromosomes involved in this translocation. Failure of meiotic progress in our X-AT carriers would appear to be the result of the disruption of gene sequence (or function) caused by the involvement of the X chromosome in this rearrangement, rather than the deleterious consequences of abnormal segregation anticipated in reciprocal translocation carriers. We hypothesize that this disruption could have affected the induction of stage-specific gene products in meiosis such as heat shock proteins and caused the excessive release of endonucleases normally produced by early prophase meiocytes, leading to their apoptosis in our X-autosome translocation carrier boars.  相似文献   
The synthesis and antiviral properties of pyridinioalkanoyl thioester (PATE) compounds that target nucleocapsid p7 protein (NCp7) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been described previously (Turpin, J. A., Song, Y., Inman, J. K., Huang, M., Wallqvist, A., Maynard, A., Covell, D. G., Rice, W. G., and Appella, E. (1999) J. Med. Chem. 42, 67-86). In the present study, fluorescence and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry were employed to determine the mechanism of modification of NCp7 by two lead compounds, N-[2-(5-pyridiniovaleroylthio)benzoyl]sulfacetamide bromide and N-[2-(5-pyridiniovaleroylthio)benzoyl]-4-(4-nitrophenylsulfonyl )anili ne bromide (compounds 45 and 47, respectively). Although both compounds exhibit antiviral activity in cell-based assays, we failed to detect appreciable ejection of zinc from NCp7 under conditions in which previously described NCp7-active disulfides readily eject zinc. However, upon "activation" by Ag(+), compound 45 reacted with NCp7 resulting in the zinc ejection from both zinc fingers. The reaction followed a two-step mechanism in which zinc was ejected from the carboxyl-terminal zinc finger faster than from the amino-terminal zinc finger. Both compounds covalently modified the protein with pyridinioalkanoyl groups. Compound 45 modified cysteines 36 and 49 of the carboxyl-terminal zinc finger. The results obtained herein demonstrate that PATE compounds can be constructed that selectively target only one of the two zinc fingers of NCp7, thus providing an impetus to pursue development of highly selective zinc finger inhibitors.  相似文献   
In this study we examined the territorial, courtship and coupling behavior, mating interruptions and influence of sunlight on mating behavior in Spalgis epius (Westwood). We constructed an ethogram of territorial and courtship behavior, and catalogued the sequence of behavioral acts associated with mating behavior. Mating behavioral acts were divided into four repertoires i.e. pre-courtship, pre-coupling, coupling and post-coupling behaviors. Totally 22 behavioral acts were recorded from four repertoires. Tree canopy, canopy height and sunlight conditions are the important factors that influence copulation in S. epius. The courtship activity led to successful copulation in 71.9 % pairs. Incidence of different types of courtship and copula interruptions in S. epius was also recorded.  相似文献   
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