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It has been suggested that a deficient immune response can be responsible at least partially for the high risk of infections and neoplasia in uremic patients. Since interferon (IFN) is critical to the immune response, we have evaluated the in vitro production of IFN-gamma and other lymphokines by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) drawn from patients with end-stage renal disease and appropriate controls. We have correlated production of lymphokines by these cells with proliferative response to different mitogens. It was found that the secretion of IFN-gamma in response to all three mitogens was elevated in these patients compared with the control group. This elevation was significant with both phytohemagglutin and staphylococcal enterotoxin A, but not with Con A. No significant difference was observed in production of lymphotoxins, IL-2, and leukocyte migration inhibition responses. In contrast the proliferative response appeared diminished in the PBMC of uremic patients. We concluded that defective lymphokine generation is not a major immunological problem in patients with end-stage renal disease. Indeed, they appear to release excess amount of IFN-gamma which is known to be a macrophage-activating factor. It is suggested that high IFN-gamma activity could enhance the secretion of IL-1 or endogenous pyrogen and result in development of febrile reactions in dialysis patients.  相似文献   
Sex hormones including estrogens, progesterone and testosterones are known to have adverse effects on the immune system and particularly on the proliferative response. Since cytokine production is known to be dissociable from the proliferation of lymphocytes and since other steroid hormones profoundly affect cytokine production, we felt it would be important to know the effect of sex steroids on the production of interferons (IFN), particularly since the latter are known to be key substances in the immune response. We have shown estradiol can slightly reduce gamma IFN yields with certain inducers (Con A, SEA) but only in pharmacologic concentrations. Similarly, progesterone had a modest effect in the same concentrations but only when Con A was the inducer. Testosterone did not effect IFN titers at any concentration. None of the sex steroids affected alpha IFN production and none of them influenced the bioactivity of either IFN species. In all cases these hormones diminished proliferative responses as has been previously noted.  相似文献   
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is caused by bacteria that are resistant to the most effective anti TB drugs (Isoniazid and Rifampicin) with or without resistance to other drugs. Novel intervention strategies to eliminate this disease based on finding proteins can be used for designing new drugs or new and reliable kits for diagnosis. The aim of this study was to compare the protein profile of MDR-TB with sensitive isolates. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) along with mass spectrometry is a powerful and effective tool to identification and characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry was used for diagnosis and comparison of proteins. We identified 14 protein spots in MDR-TB isolates that 2DE analysis showed these spots absent in M. tuberculosis sensitive isolates (Rv1876, Rv0379, Rv0147, Rv2031c, Rv3597c, Rv1886c, MT0493, Rv0440, Rv3614c, Rv1626, Rv0443, Rv0475, Rv3057 and unknown protein. The results showed 22 protein spots which were up regulated (or expressed) by the MDR-TB isolates, (Rv1240, Rv3028c, Rv2971, Rv2114c, Rv3311, Rv3699, Rv1023, Rv1308, Rv3774, Rv0831c, Rv2890c, Rv1392, Rv0719, Rv0054, Rv3418c, Rv0462, Rv2215, Rv2986c, Rv3248c and Rv1908c)). Two up regulated protein spots were identified in sensitive isolate (Rv1133c and Rv0685). These data will provide valuable clues in further investigation for suitable TB rapid tests or drug targets against drug resistant and sensitive of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Today, diagnosis, vaccination, and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remain major clinical challenges. Therefore, an introduction of new diagnostic measures and biomarkers is necessary to improve infection control. The ideal biomarker for TB infection can be defined as a host or pathogen-derived biomolecule, which is potent for identifying infection and determining its clinical stage. Exosomes, defined as cell-derived nanovesicles released into biological fluids, are involved in cell–cell communication and immune modulation. These vesicles have emerged as a new platform for improving the clinical diagnosis and prognosis of different infectious diseases and cancers. The role of these nanovehicles, as alternative biomarkers for the improvement of TB diagnosis and treatment, has been demonstrated in a significant body of literature. In this review, we summarized recent progress in the clinical application of exosome-based biomarkers in TB infection.  相似文献   
To remove or inactivate an enzyme from DNA in multistep procedures in molecular biology, it is often necessary to phenol extract the solution, followed by chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. In addition to being time-consuming and hazardous, there can be significant loss of DNA with this procedure, especially when small volumes or amounts of DNA are being used. We have found that filtering analytical reaction mixtures through a hydrophobic membrane specifically to remove protein is a rapid alternative to phenol extraction. Within broad limits commonly encountered in molecular biology, filtration through a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane quantitatively removes a variety of enzymes without significant loss of double-stranded nucleic acid.  相似文献   
Prolonged exposure to microgravity during spaceflight or extended bed rest results in cardiovascular deconditioning, marked by orthostatic intolerance and hyporesponsiveness to vasopressors. Earlier studies primarily explored fluid and electrolyte balance and baroreceptor and vasopressor systems in search of a possible mechanism. Given the potent vasodilatory and natriuretic actions of nitric oxide (NO), we hypothesized that cardiovascular adaptation to microgravity may involve upregulation of the NO system. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to a control group or a group subjected to simulated microgravity by hindlimb unloading (HU) for 20 days. Tissues were harvested after death for determination of total nitrate and nitrite (NOx) as well as endothelial (e), inducible (i), and neuronal (n) NO synthase (NOS) proteins by Western blot. Separate subgroups were used to test blood pressure response to norepinephrine and the iNOS inhibitor aminoguanidine. Compared with controls, the HU group showed a significant increase in tissue NOx content and an upregulation of iNOS protein abundance in thoracic aorta, heart, and kidney and of nNOS protein expression in the brain and kidney but no discernible change in eNOS expression. This was associated with marked attenuation of hypertensive response to norepinephrine and a significant increase in hypertensive response to aminoguanidine, suggesting enhanced iNOS-derived NO generation in the HU group. Upregulation of these NOS isotypes can contribute to cardiovascular adaptation to microgravity by promoting vasodilatory tone and natriuresis and depressing central sympathetic outflow. If true in humans, short-term administration of an iNOS inhibitor may ameliorate orthostatic intolerance in returning astronauts and patients after extended bed rest.  相似文献   
Aorta coarctation results in hypertension (HTN) in the arterial tree proximal to stenosis and, as such, provides an ideal model to discern the effects of different levels of blood pressure on the vascular tissue in the same animal. Compelling evidence has emerged supporting the role of oxidative stress as a cause of HTN. However, whether or not HTN (independent of the circulating humoral factors) can cause oxidative stress is less certain. NAD(P)H oxidase isoforms are the main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the vascular tissues. We therefore compared the expressions of NOX-I, gp91phox and the regulatory subunits of the enzyme in the aorta segments residing above and below coarctation in rats with abdominal aorta banding. Rats were studied 4 weeks after aorta banding above the renal arteries or sham operation. Subunits of NAD(P)H oxidase and its NOX-I isoform as well as endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and nitrotyrosine (footprint of NO oxidation by superoxide) were measured in the aorta segments above and below coarctation. The gp91phox, p47phox, and p67phox subunits of NAD(P)H oxidase, NOX-I isoform, eNOS and nitrotyrosine were markedly increased in the aorta segment above coarctation (hypertensive zone), but were virtually unchanged in the segment below coarctation. Since, excepting blood pressure, all other conditions were constant, the upregulation of NAD(P)H oxidase isoforms and the increased NO oxidation in the aorta segment above, but not below, coarctation prove that HTN, per se, independent of circulating mediators can cause oxidative/nitrosative stress in the arterial wall. These observations suggest that HTN control may represent a specific form of antioxidant therapy for hypertensive disorders.  相似文献   
Despite the promise of RNA interference (RNAi) and its potential, e.g. for use in cancer therapy, several technical obstacles must first be overcome. The major hurdle of RNAi-based therapeutics is to deliver nucleic acids across the cell's plasma membrane. This study demonstrates that exosome vesicles derived from humans can deliver short interfering RNA (siRNA) to human mononuclear blood cells. Exosomes are nano-sized vesicles of endocytic origin that are involved in cell-to-cell communication, i.e. antigen presentation, tolerance development and shuttle RNA (mainly mRNA and microRNA). Having tested different strategies, an optimized method (electroporation) was used to introduce siRNA into human exosomes of various origins. Plasma exosomes (exosomes from peripheral blood) were used as gene delivery vector (GDV) to transport exogenous siRNA to human blood cells. The vesicles effectively delivered the administered siRNA into monocytes and lymphocytes, causing selective gene silencing of mitogen-activated protein kinase 1. These data suggest that human exosomes can be used as a GDV to provide cells with heterologous nucleic acids such as therapeutic siRNAs.  相似文献   
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