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Female mammals are functional mosaics of their parental X-linked gene expression due to X chromosome inactivation (XCI). This process inactivates one copy of the X chromosome in each cell during embryogenesis and that state is maintained clonally through mitosis. In mice, the choice of which parental X chromosome remains active is determined by the X chromosome controlling element (Xce), which has been mapped to a 176-kb candidate interval. A series of functional Xce alleles has been characterized or inferred for classical inbred strains based on biased, or skewed, inactivation of the parental X chromosomes in crosses between strains. To further explore the function structure basis and location of the Xce, we measured allele-specific expression of X-linked genes in a large population of F1 females generated from Collaborative Cross (CC) strains. Using published sequence data and applying a Bayesian “Pólya urn” model of XCI skew, we report two major findings. First, inter-individual variability in XCI suggests mouse epiblasts contain on average 20–30 cells contributing to brain. Second, CC founder strain NOD/ShiLtJ has a novel and unique functional allele, Xceg, that is the weakest in the Xce allelic series. Despite phylogenetic analysis confirming that NOD/ShiLtJ carries a haplotype almost identical to the well-characterized C57BL/6J (Xceb), we observed unexpected patterns of XCI skewing in females carrying the NOD/ShiLtJ haplotype within the Xce. Copy number variation is common at the Xce locus and we conclude that the observed allelic series is a product of independent and recurring duplications shared between weak Xce alleles.  相似文献   
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are targets of general anesthetics, but functional sensitivity to anesthetic inhibition varies dramatically among different subtypes of nAChRs. Potential causes underlying different functional responses to anesthetics remain elusive. Here we show that in contrast to the α7 nAChR, the α7β2 nAChR is highly susceptible to inhibition by the volatile anesthetic isoflurane in electrophysiology measurements. Isoflurane-binding sites in β2 and α7 were found at the extracellular and intracellular end of their respective transmembrane domains using NMR. Functional relevance of the identified β2 site was validated via point mutations and subsequent functional measurements. Consistent with their functional responses to isoflurane, β2 but not α7 showed pronounced dynamics changes, particularly for the channel gate residue Leu-249(9′). These results suggest that anesthetic binding alone is not sufficient to generate functional impact; only those sites that can modulate channel dynamics upon anesthetic binding will produce functional effects.  相似文献   
Choanocotyle hobbsi n. sp. and Choanocotyle juesuei n. sp. are described from the small intestine of the oblong turtle Chelodina oblonga from the vicinity of Perth, Western Australia. These are the third and fourth species referred to Choanocotyle. Choanocotyle hobbsi is most similar to Choanocotyle nematoides but differs in the size and shape of the oral sucker and the absence of a median loop in the cirrus sac. Choanocotyle juesuei is most similar to Choanocotyle elegans but differs in the size of the oral sucker and other morphometric criteria. Comparative analysis of the sequences of different nuclear ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid regions of C. nematoides and C. hobbsi has confirmed that they are closely related but distinct species.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships and systematic position of the digenean genus Ophiosacculus Macy, 1935 has been controversial and opinions of different authors on its systematic position and content are contradictory. Molecular analysis based on the partial sequences of the large subunit ribosomal DNA gene of the type and only valid species of the genus, Ophiosacculus mehelyi (Mödlinger, 1930), as well as previously published sequences of members of several families of Plagiorchiata (including the Allassogonoporidae, Lecithodendriidae and Pleurogenidae as potential relatives of Ophiosacculus) has shown that Ophiosacculus forms a clade with the typical representatives of the Lecithodendriidae from bats. Ophiosacculus is basal to the cluster containing Lecithodendrium, Prosthodendrium and Pycnoporus and has quite pronounced differences in the sequenced fragment compared to these genera. Based on the results of the molecular study, morphological characteristics of Ophiosacculus (in particular, possession of a seminal vesicle lying freely in parenchyma) and the fact that the type-specimen of Gyrabascus brevigastrus Macy, 1835 (type-species of the monotypic genus Gyrabascus and type-genus of the subfamily Gyrabascinae) belongs to Allassogonoporus, a new subfamily, the Ophiosacculinae, with Ophiosacculus as the type-genus, is established within the Lecithodendriidae. Molecular study did not support a close phylogenetic relationship between Allassogonoporus and Ophiosacculus, although several authors previously allocated both these genera to the Allassogonoporidae. Morphological study revealed the position of the genital pore in O. mehelyi to be at the posterior margin of the ventral sucker. An amended diagnosis of Ophiosacculus and a diagnosis of Ophiosacculinae n. subfam. are given.  相似文献   
Ca2+ signaling is essential for bone homeostasis and skeletal development. Here, we show that the transient receptor potential canonical 1 (TRPC1) channel and the inhibitor of MyoD family, I-mfa, function antagonistically in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis. I-mfa null mice have an osteopenic phenotype characterized by increased osteoclast numbers and surface, which are normalized in mice lacking both Trpc1 and I-mfa. In vitro differentiation of pre-osteoclasts derived from I-mfa-deficient mice leads to an increased number of mature osteoclasts and higher bone resorption per osteoclast. These parameters return to normal levels in osteoclasts derived from double mutant mice. Consistently, whole cell currents activated in response to the depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores are larger in pre-osteoclasts derived from I-mfa knock-out mice compared with currents in wild type mice and normalized in cells derived from double mutant mice, suggesting a cell-autonomous effect of I-mfa on TRPC1 in these cells. A new splice variant of TRPC1 (TRPC1ϵ) was identified in early pre-osteoclasts. Heterologous expression of TRPC1ϵ in HEK293 cells revealed that it is unique among all known TRPC1 isoforms in its ability to amplify the activity of the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel, mediating store-operated currents. TRPC1ϵ physically interacts with Orai1, the pore-forming subunit of the CRAC channel, and I-mfa is recruited to the TRPC1ϵ-Orai1 complex through TRPC1ϵ suppressing CRAC channel activity. We propose that the positive and negative modulation of the CRAC channel by TRPC1ϵ and I-mfa, respectively, fine-tunes the dynamic range of the CRAC channel regulating osteoclastogenesis.  相似文献   
Turner T  Pihur V  Chakravarti A 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26418
Autism is a complex genetic disorder with multiple etiologies whose molecular genetic basis is not fully understood. Although a number of rare mutations and dosage abnormalities are specific to autism, these explain no more than 10% of all cases. The high heritability of autism and low recurrence risk suggests multifactorial inheritance from numerous loci but other factors also intervene to modulate risk. In this study, we examine the effect of birth rank on disease risk which is not expected for purely hereditary genetic models. We analyzed the data from three publicly available autism family collections in the USA for potential birth order effects and studied the statistical properties of three tests to show that adequate power to detect these effects exist. We detect statistically significant, yet varying, patterns of birth order effects across these collections. In multiplex families, we identify V-shaped effects where middle births are at high risk; in simplex families, we demonstrate linear effects where risk increases with each additional birth. Moreover, the birth order effect is gender-dependent in the simplex collection. It is currently unknown whether these patterns arise from ascertainment biases or biological factors. Nevertheless, further investigation of parental age-dependent risks yields patterns similar to those observed and could potentially explain part of the increased risk. A search for genes considering these patterns is likely to increase statistical power and uncover novel molecular etiologies.  相似文献   
Lipid droplets (LD) are the main depot of non-polar lipids in all eukaryotic cells. In the present study we describe isolation and characterization of LD from the industrial yeast Pichia pastoris. We designed and adapted an isolation procedure which allowed us to obtain this subcellular fraction at high purity as judged by quality control using appropriate marker proteins. Components of P. pastoris LD were characterized by conventional biochemical methods of lipid and protein analysis, but also by a lipidome and proteome approach. Our results show several distinct features of LD from P. pastoris especially in comparison to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. P. pastoris LD are characterized by their high preponderance of triacylglycerols over steryl esters in the core of the organelle, the high degree of fatty acid (poly)unsaturation and the high amount of ergosterol precursors. The high phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylserine of ~ 7.5 ratio on the surface membrane of LD is noteworthy. Proteome analysis revealed equipment of the organelle with a small but typical set of proteins which includes enzymes of sterol biosynthesis, fatty acid activation, phosphatidic acid synthesis and non-polar lipid hydrolysis. These results are the basis for a better understanding of P. pastoris lipid metabolism and lipid storage and may be helpful for manipulating cell biological and/or biotechnological processes in this yeast.  相似文献   
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