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The O2-evolving complex of photosystem II, Mn 4Ca, cycles through five oxidation states, S0,..., S4, during its catalytic function, which involves the gradual abstraction of four electrons and four protons from two bound water molecules. The direct oxidant of the complex is the tyrosine neutral radical, YZ(*), which is transiently produced by the highly oxidizing power of the photoexcited chlorophyll species P680. EPR characterization of YZ(*) has been limited, until recently, to inhibited (non-oxygen-evolving) preparations. A number of relatively recent papers have demonstrated the trapping of YZ(*) in O2-evolving preparations at liquid helium temperatures as an intermediate of the S0 to S1, S1 to S2, and S2 to S3 transitions. The respective EPR spectra are broadened and split at g approximately 2 by the magnetic interaction with the Mn cluster, but this interaction collapses at temperatures higher than about 100K [Zahariou et al. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 14335 -14341]. We have conducted a study of the Tyr Z(*) transient in the temperature range 77-240 K by employing rapid or slow EPR scans. The results reveal for the first time high-resolution X-band spectra of Tyr Z(*) in the functional system and at temperatures close to the onset of the S-state transitions. We have simulated the S 2Y Z(*) spectrum using the simulation algorithm of Svistunenko and Cooper [(2004) Biophys. J. 87, 582 -595]. The small g(x) = 2.00689 value inferred from the analysis suggests either a H-bonding of Tyr Z (*) (presumably with His190) that is stronger than what has been assumed from studies of Tyr D(*) or Tyr Z(*) in Mn-depleted preparations or a more electropositive environment around Tyr Z(*). The study has also yielded for the first time direct information on the temperature variation of the YZ(*)/QA(-) recombination reaction in the various S states. The reaction follows biphasic kinetics with the slow phase dominating at low temperatures and the fast phase dominating at high temperatures. It is tentatively proposed that the slow phase represents the action of the YZ(*)/YZ(-) redox couple while the fast phase represents that of the YZ(*)/YZH couple; it is inferred that Tyr Z at elevated temperatures is protonated at rest. It is also proposed that YZ(*)/YZH is the couple that oxidizes the Mn cluster during the S1-S2 and S2-S3 transitions. A simple mechanism ensuring a rapid (concerted) protonation of Tyr Z upon oxidation of the Mn cluster is discussed, and also, a structure-based molecular model suggesting the participation of His190 into two hydrogen bonds is proposed.  相似文献   
The terminal electron acceptor of Photosystem II, PSII, is a linear complex consisting of a primary quinone, a non-heme iron(II), and a secondary quinone, Q(A)Fe(2+)Q(B). The complex is a sensitive site of PSII, where electron transfer is modulated by environmental factors and notably by bicarbonate. Earlier studies showed that NO and other small molecules (CN(-), F(-), carboxylate anions) bind reversibly on the non-heme iron in competition with bicarbonate. In the present study, we report on an unusual new mode of transient binding of NO, which is favored in the light-reduced state (Q(A)(-)Fe(2+)Q(B)) of the complex. The related observations are summarized as follows: (i) Incubation with NO at -30 degrees C, following light-induced charge separation, results in the evolution of a new EPR signal at g = 2.016. The signal correlates with the reduced state Q(A)(-)Fe(2+) of the iron-quinone complex. (ii) Cyanide, at low concentrations, converts the signal to a more rhombic form with g values at 2.027 (peak) and 1.976 (valley), while at high concentrations it inhibits formation of the signals. (iii) Electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments show the existence of two protein (14)N nuclei coupled to electron spin. These two nitrogens have been detected consistently in the environment of the semiquinone Q(A)(-) in a number of PSII preparations. (iv) NO does not directly contribute to the signals, as indicated by the absence of a detectable isotopic effect ((15)NO vs (14)NO) in cw EPR. (v) A third signal with g values (2.05, 2.03, 2.01) identical to those of an Fe(NO)(2)(imidazole) synthetic complex develops slowly in the dark, or faster following illumination. (vi) In comparison with the untreated Q(A)(-)Fe(2+) complex, the present signals not only are confined to a narrow spectral region but also saturate at low microwave power. At 11 K the g = 2.016 signal saturates with a P(1/2) of 110 microW and the g = 2.027/1.976 signal with a P(1/2) of 10 microW. (vii) The spectral shape and spin concentration of these signals is successfully reproduced, assuming a weak magnetic interaction (J values in the range 0.025-0.05 cm(-)(1)) between an iron-NO complex with total spin of (1)/(2) and the spin, (1)/(2), of the semiquinone, Q(A)(-). The different modes of binding of NO to the non-heme iron are examined in the context of a molecular model. An important aspect of the model is a trans influence of Q(A) reduction on the bicarbonate ligation to the iron, transmitted via H-bonding of Q(A) with an imidazole ligand to the iron.  相似文献   
Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) has been developed as a model for the human gammaherpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus and human herpesvirus 8/Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (HHV-8/KSHV), which are associated with several types of human diseases. Open reading frame 45 (ORF45) is conserved among the members of the Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily and has been suggested to be a virion tegument protein. The repression of ORF45 expression by small interfering RNAs inhibits MHV-68 viral replication. However, the gene product of MHV-68 ORF45 and its function have not yet been well characterized. In this report, we show that MHV-68 ORF45 is a phosphorylated nuclear protein. We constructed an ORF45-null MHV-68 mutant virus (45STOP) by the insertion of translation termination codons into the portion of the gene encoding the N terminus of ORF45. We demonstrated that the ORF45 protein is essential for viral gene expression immediately after the viral genome enters the nucleus. These defects in viral replication were rescued by providing ORF45 in trans or in an ORF45-null revertant (45STOP.R) virus. Using a transcomplementation assay, we showed that the function of ORF45 in viral replication is conserved with that of its KSHV homologue. Finally, we found that the C-terminal 23 amino acids that are highly conserved among the Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily are critical for the function of ORF45 in viral replication.  相似文献   
Hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase (1,2-HQD) catalyzes the ring cleavage of hydroxyquinol (1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene), a central intermediate in the degradation of aromatic compounds including a variety of particularly recalcitrant polychloro- and nitroaromatic pollutants. We report here the primary sequence determination and the analysis of the crystal structure of the 1,2-HQD from Nocardioides simplex 3E solved at 1.75 A resolution using the multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion of the two catalytic irons (1 Fe/293 amino acids). The catalytic Fe(III) coordination polyhedron composed by the side chains of Tyr164, Tyr197, His221, and His223 resembles that of the other known intradiol-cleaving dioxygenases, but several of the tertiary structure features are notably different. One of the most distinctive characteristics of the present structure is the extensive openings and consequent exposure to solvent of the upper part of the catalytic cavity arranged to favor the binding of hydroxyquinols but not catechols. A co-crystallized benzoate-like molecule is also found bound to the metal center forming a distinctive hydrogen bond network as observed previously also in 4-chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Rhodococcus opacus 1CP. This is the first structure of an intradiol dioxygenase specialized in hydroxyquinol ring cleavage to be investigated in detail.  相似文献   
Once considered a disease of affluence and confined to industrialized nations, obesity is currently emerging as a major health concern in nearly every country in the world. Available data suggest that the prevalence rate of obesity has reached unprecedented levels in most developing countries, and is increasing at a rate that far outpaces that of developed nations. This increase in obesity has also been documented among North American circumpolar populations and is associated with lifestyle changes related to economic development. While obesity has not been well studied among indigenous Siberians, recent anthropological studies indicate that obesity and its associated comorbidities are important health problems.The present study examines recent adult body composition data from four indigenous Siberian populations (Evenki, Ket, Buriat, and Yakut) with two main objectives: 1) to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among these groups, and 2) to assess the influence of lifestyle and socioeconomic factors on the development of excess body fat. The results of this study indicate that obesity has emerged as an important health issue among indigenous Siberians, and especially for women, whose obesity rates are considerably higher than those of men (12% vs. 7%). The present study investigated the association between lifestyle and body composition among the Yakut, and documented substantial sex differences in lifestyle correlates of obesity. Yakut men with higher incomes and who owned more luxury consumer goods were more likely to have excess body fat while, among Yakut women, affluence was not strongly associated with overweight and obesity.  相似文献   
Bacterial protein synthesis involves four protein factors that belong to the GTPase family: IF2, EF-G, EF-Tu, and RF3. Their role in translation has attracted considerable interest over the recent decades. Cryoelectron microscopy has made it possible to monitor the dynamics of the ribosome upon binding of the translation factors, and biochemical findings have associated the structural data with functional changes in GTPases: the exchange of GDP for GTP, activation of GTPase, and changes in its conformation. The results have been used to construct models of GTPase action during prokaryotic translation. Data are accumulating that the ribosome simultaneously acts as a GDP/GTP exchange factor and a GTPase-activating factor for RF3, IF2, and EF-G. The review systematizes the most important experimental findings and theoretical models proposed for regulation of the functional cycle of prokaryotic translation GTPases.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial translation is essentially bacteria-like, reflecting the bacterial endosymbiotic ancestry of the eukaryotic organelle. However, unlike the translation system of its bacterial ancestors, mitochondrial translation is limited to just a few mRNAs, mainly coding for components of the respiratory complex. The classical bacterial initiation factors (IFs) IF1, IF2 and IF3 are universal in bacteria, but only IF2 is universal in mitochondria (mIF2). We analyse the distribution of mitochondrial translation initiation factors and their sequence features, given two well-propagated claims: first, a sequence insertion in mitochondrial IF2 (mIF2) compensates for the universal lack of IF1 in mitochondria, and secondly, no homologue of mitochondrial IF3 (mIF3) is identifiable in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our comparative sequence analysis shows that, in fact, the mIF2 insertion is highly variable and restricted in length and primary sequence conservation to vertebrates, while phylogenetic and in vivo complementation analyses reveal that an uncharacterized S. cerevisiae mitochondrial protein currently named Aim23p is a bona fide evolutionary and functional orthologue of mIF3. Our results highlight the lineage-specific nature of mitochondrial translation and emphasise that comparative analyses among diverse taxa are essential for understanding whether generalizations from model organisms can be made across eukaryotes.  相似文献   
This theoretical work covers structural and biochemical aspects of nucleotide binding and GDP/GTP exchange of GTP hydrolases belonging to the family of small GTPases. Current models of GDP/GTP exchange regulation are often based on two specific assumptions. The first is that the conformation of a GTPase is switched by the exchange of the bound nucleotide from GDP to GTP or vice versa. The second is that GDP/GTP exchange is regulated by a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, which stabilizes a GTPase conformation with low nucleotide affinity. Since, however, recent biochemical and structural data seem to contradict this view, we present a generalized scheme for GTPase action. This novel ansatz accounts for those important cases when conformational switching in addition to guanine nucleotide exchange requires the presence of cofactors, and gives a more nuanced picture of how the nucleotide exchange is regulated. The scheme is also used to discuss some problems of interpretation that may arise when guanine nucleotide exchange mechanisms are inferred from experiments with analogs of GTP, like GDPNP, GDPCP, and GDP γ S.  相似文献   
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