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Methyl phosphonate oligonucleotides have been used as antisense and antigene agents. Substitution of a methyl group for oxygen in the phosphate ester backbone introduces a new chiral center. Significant differences in physical properties and hybridization abilities are observed between the R(p) and S(p) diastereomers. Chirally pure methylphosphonate deoxyribooligonucleotides were synthesized, and the solution structures of duplexes formed between a single strand heptanucleotide methylphosphonate, d(Cp(Me)Cp(Me)Ap(Me)Ap(Me)Ap(Me)Cp(Me)A), hybridized to a complementary octanucleotide, d(TpGpTpTpTpGpGpC), were studied by NMR spectroscopy. Stereochemistry at the methylphosphonate center for the heptanucleotide was either RpRpRpRpRpRp (R(p) stereoisomer) or RpRpRpSpRpRp (S(p) stereoisomer, although only one of the six methylphosphonate centers has the S(p) stereochemistry). The results show that the methylphosphonate strands in the heteroduplexes exhibit increased dynamics relative to the DNA strand. Substitution of one chiral center from R(p) to S(p) has a profound effect on the hybridization ability of the methylphosphonate strand. Sugars in the phosphodiester strand exhibit C(2)(') endo sugar puckering while the sugars in the methyl phosphonate strand exhibit an intermediate C(4)(') endo puckering. Bases are well stacked on each other throughout the duplex. The hybridization of the methylphosphonate strand does not perturb the structure of the complementary DNA strand in the hetero duplexes. The sugar residue 5' to the S(p) chiral center shows A-form sugar puckering, with a C(3)(')-endo conformation. Minor groove width in the R(p) stereoisomer is considerably wider, particularly at the R(p) vs S(p) site and is attributed to either steric interactions across the minor groove or poorer metal ion coordination within the minor groove.  相似文献   
The solution structure of an 11-mer DNA duplex, d(CGGTCA*CGAGG) x d(CCTCGTGACCG), containing a 10R adduct at dA* that corresponds to the cis addition of the N(6)-amino group of dA(6) to (+)-(9S,10R)-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene was studied by 2D NMR methods. The NOESY cross-peak patterns indicate that the hydrocarbon is intercalated on the 5'-side of the modified base. This observation is the same as that observed for other oligonucleotides containing (10R)-dA adducts but opposite to that observed for the corresponding (10S)-dA adducts which are intercalated on the 3'-side of the modified base. The hydrocarbon is intercalated from the major groove without significant disruption of either the anti glycosidic torsion angle of the modified residue or the base pairing of the modified residue with the complementary residue on the opposite strand. The ensemble of 10 structures determined exhibits relatively small variations (6-15 degrees) in the characteristic hydrocarbon-base dihedral angles (alpha' and beta') as well as the glycosidic torsion angle chi. These angles are similar to those in a previously determined cis-opened benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-(10R)-dA adduct structure. Comparison of the present structure with the cis-opened diol epoxide adduct suggests that the absence of the 7- and 8-hydroxyl groups results in more efficient stacking of the aromatic moiety with the flanking base pairs and deeper insertion of the hydrocarbon into the helix. Relative to normal B-DNA, the duplex containing the present tetrahydroepoxide adduct is unwound at the lesion site, whereas the diol epoxide adduct structure is more tightly wound than normal B-DNA. Buckling of the adducted base pair as well as the C(5)-G(18) base pair that lies immediately above the hydrocarbon is much less severe in the present adducted structure than its cis-opened diol epoxide counterpart.  相似文献   
Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a yellow pigment of turmeric with antioxidant properties has been shown to be a cancer preventative in animal studies. It contains two electrophilic alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl groups, which can react with nucleophilic compounds such as glutathione (GSH), but formation of the GSH-curcumin conjugates has not previously been demonstrated. In the present studies, we investigated the reactions of curcumin with GSH and the effect of recombinant human glutathione S-transferase(GST)P1-1 on reaction kinetics. Glutathionylated products of curcumin identified by FAB-MS and MALDI-MS included mono- and di-glutathionyl-adducts of curcumin as well as cyclic rearrangement products of GSH adducts of feruloylmethylketone (FMK) and feruloylaldehyde (FAL). The presence of GSTP1-1 significantly accelerated the initial rate of GSH-mediated consumption of curcumin in 10 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.0, and 1 mM GSH. GSTP1-1 kinetics determined using HPLC indicated substrate inhibition (apparent K(m) for curcumin of 25+/-11 microM, and apparent K(i) for curcumin of 8+/-3 microM). GSTP1-1 was also shown to catalyze the reverse reaction leading to the formation of curcumin from GSH adducts of FMK and FAL.  相似文献   
The most abundant base-substitution mutation resulting from oxidative damage to DNA is the GC to AT transition mutation. 5-hydroxyuracil (5-OHU), produced by the oxidative deamination of cystosine, has been established as the major chemical precursor for this most abundant transition mutation. Results from NMR spectroscopy and UV melting experiments show that 5-OHU would form the most stable pair with G, and the least stable pair with C. The hydroxyl group in the 5th position of the 5-OHU residue may play a role in increasing the stability of the 5-OHU:G pair over the normal Watson-Crick pair, the 5-OHU:A. The 5-OHU:C base pair would be least stable, and would destabilize the base-stacking in the duplex. Our results explain why certain DNA polymerases preferentially incorporate G opposite to 5-OHU over A and why C does not get incorporated against 5-OHU during DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   
One of the functions of MutY from Escherchia coli is removal of adenine mispaired with 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a common lesion in oxidatively damaged DNA. MutY is composed of two domains: the larger N-terminal domain (p26) contains the catalytic properties of the enzyme while the C-terminal domain (p13) affects substrate recognition and enzyme turnover. On the basis of sequence analyses, it has been recently suggested that the C-terminal domain is distantly related to MutT, a dNTPase which hydrolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP [Noll et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 6374-6379]. We have studied the solution structure of the C-terminal domain of MutY by NMR and find striking similarity with the reported solution structure of MutT. Despite low sequence identity between the two proteins, they have similar secondary structure and topology. The C-terminal domain of MutY is composed of two alpha-helices and five beta-strands. The NOESY data indicate that the protein has two beta-sheets. MutT is also a mixed alpha/beta protein with two helices and two beta-sheets composed of five strands. The secondary structure elements are similarly arranged in the two proteins.  相似文献   
Deoxyguanosine residues are hydroxylated by reactive oxygen species at the C-8 position to form 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OG), one of the most important mutagenic lesions in DNA. Though the spontaneous G:C to C:G transversions are rare events, the pathways leading to this mutation are not established. An 8-OG:G mispair, if not corrected by DNA repair enzymes, could lead to G:C to C:G transversions. NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics calculations are used to refine the solution structure of the base mismatch formed by the 8-OG:G pair on a self complementary DNA dodecamer duplex d(CGCGAATT(8-O)GGCG)(2). The results reveal that the 8-OG base is inserted into the helix and forms Hoogsteen base-pairing with the G on the opposite strand. The 8-OG:G base-pairs are seen to be stabilized by two hydrogen bonding interactions, one between the H7 of the 8-OG and the O6 of the G, and a three-center hydrogen bonding between the O8 of the 8-OG and the imino and amino protons of the G. The 8-OG:G base-pairs are very well stacked between the Watson-Crick base-paired flanking bases. Both strands of the DNA duplex adopt right-handed conformations. All of the unmodified bases, including the G at the lesion site, adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles and form Watson-Crick base-pairs. At the lesion site, the 8-OG residues adopt syn conformations. The structural studies demonstrate that 8-OG(syn):G(anti) forms a stable pair in the interior of the duplex, providing a basis for the in vivo incorporation of G opposite 8-OG. Calculated helical parameters and backbone torsional angles, and the observed 31P chemical shifts, indicate that the structure of the duplex is perturbed near lesion sites, with the local unwinding of the double helix. The melting temperature of the 8-OG:G containing duplex is only 2.6 deg. C less than the t(m) of the unmodified duplex.  相似文献   
Homonuclear 3D NOESY-NOESY has shown great promise for the structural refinement of large biomolecules. A computationally efficient hybrid-hybrid relaxation matrix refinement methodology, using 3D NOESY-NOESY data, was used to refine the structure of a DNA three-way junction having two unpaired bases at the branch point of the junction. The NMR data and the relaxation matrix refinement confirm that the DNA three-way junction exists in a folded conformation with two of the helical stems stacked upon each other. The third unstacked stem extends away from the junction, forming an acute angle (60° ) with the stacked stems. The two unpaired bases are stacked upon each other and are exposed to the solvent. Helical parameters for the bases in all three strands show slight deviations from typical values expected for right-handed B-form DNA. Inter-nucleotide imino-imino NOEs between the bases at the branch point of the junction show that the junction region is well defined. The helical stems show mobility (± 20° ) indicating dynamic processes around the junction region. The unstacked helical stem adjacent to the unpaired bases shows greater mobility compared to the other two stems. The results from this study indicate that the 3D hybrid-hybrid matrix MORASS refinement methodology, by combining the spectral dispersion of 3D NOESY-NOESY and the computational efficiency of 2D refinement programs, provides an accurate and robust means for structure determination of large biomolecules. Our results also indicate that the 3D MORASS method gives higher quality structures compared to the 2D complete relaxation matrix refinement method.  相似文献   
Bulges are common structural motifs in RNA secondary structure and are thought to play important roles in RNA-protein and RNA-drug interactions. Adenosine bases are the most commonly occurring unpaired base in double helical RNA secondary structures. The solution conformation and dynamics of a 25-nucleotide RNA duplex containing an unpaired adenosine, r(GGCAGAGUGCCGC): r(GCGGCACCUGCC) have been studied by NMR spectroscopy and MORASS iterative relaxation matrix structural refinement. The results show that the bulged adenosine residue stacks into the RNA duplex with little perturbation around the bulged region. Most of the bases in the RNA duplex adopt C(3)'-endo conformation, exhibiting the N-type sugar pucker as found in the A form helices. The sugars of the bulged residue and the 5' flanking residue to it are found to exhibit C(2)'-endo conformation. None of the residues are in syn conformation.  相似文献   
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