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Lipogenic response to feeding was measured in vivo in liver, epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) and interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT), during the development of obesity in gold-thioglucose (GTG)-injected mice. The fatty acid synthesis after a meal was higher in all tissues of GTG-treated mice on a total-tissue basis, but the magnitude of this increase varied, depending on the tissue and the time after the initiation of obesity. Lipogenesis in BAT from GTG mice was double that of control mice for the first 2 weeks, but subsequently decreased to near control values. In WAT, lipogenesis after feeding was highest 2-4 weeks after GTG injection, and in liver, lipid synthesis in fed obese mice was greatest at 7-12 weeks after the induction of obesity. The post-prandial insulin concentration was increased after 2 weeks of obesity, and serum glucose concentration was higher in fed obese mice after 4 weeks. These results indicate that increased lipogenesis in GTG-injected mice may be due to an increase in insulin concentration after feeding and that insulin resistance (assessed by lipogenic response to insulin release) is apparent in BAT before WAT and liver.  相似文献   
Here we report the biosynthetic pathway for the neoantimycin and present three novel neoantimycin analogues, neoantimycin D (1), E (2) and F (3), from this assembly system from Streptoverticillium orinoci. Identification of these novel neoantimycin variants was achieved by selective MS/MS interrogation of natural product extracts using diagnostic fragments of the known neoantimycins. Their structures, including the absolute configurations, were elucidated using a combination of NMR experiments, detailed MS/MS experiments and the advanced Marfey’s method. The biosynthetic pathway of neoantimycin was dissected by genome sequencing data analysis for the first time, which includes a hybrid nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and polyketide synthetase (PKS) assembly lines.  相似文献   
Sensitization of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons is an important mechanism underlying the expression of chronic abdominal pain caused by intestinal inflammation. Most studies have focused on changes in the peripheral terminals of DRG neurons in the inflamed intestine but recent evidence suggests that the sprouting of central nerve terminals in the dorsal horn is also important. Therefore, we examine the time course and reversibility of changes in the distribution of immunoreactivity for substance P (SP), a marker of the central terminals of DRG neurons, in the spinal cord during and following dextran sulphate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in mice. Acute and chronic treatment with DSS significantly increased SP immunoreactivity in thoracic and lumbosacral spinal cord segments. This increase developed over several weeks and was evident in both the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn and in lamina X. These increases persisted for 5 weeks following cessation of both the acute and chronic models. The increase in SP immunoreactivity was not observed in segments of the cervical spinal cord, which were not innervated by the axons of colonic afferent neurons. DRG neurons dissociated following acute DSS-colitis exhibited increased neurite sprouting compared with neurons dissociated from control mice. These data suggest significant colitis-induced enhancements in neuropeptide expression in DRG neuron central terminals. Such neurotransmitter plasticity persists beyond the period of active inflammation and might contribute to a sustained increase in nociceptive signaling following the resolution of inflammation.  相似文献   
The efferent secretomotor activity of capsaicin-sensitive nerves was monitored during the evolution of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced ileitis in the guinea pig by recording changes in short-circuit current (DeltaI(sc)) in response to capsaicin, substance P (SP), and carbachol. Submucosal-mucosal preparations mounted in standard Ussing chambers were studied at time 0, at 8 h, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 30 days following the intraluminal instillation of TNBS or saline. Maximal DeltaI(sc) responses to capsaicin were dramatically attenuated (54%) by 24 h. By day 7, SP- and TTX-insensitive carbachol-stimulated DeltaI(sc) were also significantly reduced. Similar attenuation in capsaicin and carbachol responses was observed in jejunal tissue 20 cm proximal to the inflamed site at day 7. These studies demonstrate that efferent secretomotor function of capsaicin-sensitive nerves is maintained early in TNBS ileitis but significantly reduced by 24 h. By day 7, defects in enterocyte secretory function at inflamed and noninflamed sites also occurred, an effect that may be mediated by circulating cytokines.  相似文献   
Evolutionary theory and observation predict wider phenotypic variation in hybrids than parental species. Emergent phenotypic novelty in hybrids may in turn drive new adaptations or speciation by breaking parental phenotypic constraints. Primate hybridization is often documented through genetic evidence, but knowledge about the primate hybrid phenotype remains limited due to a small number of available studies on hybrid primate morphology. Here, we examine pelage and morphometric variation in two Brazilian marmoset species (Callithrix penicillata and C. geoffroyi) and their hybrids. Hybrids were sampled in an anthropogenic hybrid zone in the municipality of Viçosa, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. We analyzed hybrid facial and body pelage color variation, and compared 13 morphometric measures between hybrids and parental species. Five different hybrid facial morphotypes were observed, varying from intermediate to parental-like. Hybrid facial morphotypes were biased towards C. penicillata, suggesting that the pelage of this species may be dominant to that of C. geoffroyi in this context, and indicating that mate preference, and therefore gene flow/introgression, may be biased towards C. penicillata within the hybrid zone. Hybrid morphometric features were on average intermediate to parental species traits, but transgressive hybrids were also observed, suggesting that morphometric variation for the studied traits is consistent with Rieseberg’s complementary allele model. Finally, we observed a decoupling of facial patterning and size/shape in hybrids, relative to parent phenotypes, suggesting that an important factor driving phenotypic novelty within the Viçosa marmoset hybrid zone might be the loosening of evolutionary constraints on phenotypic trait integration.  相似文献   
We describe the behavioral repertoire of captive-born black tufted-eared marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) elicited by brief exposures to three potential mounted taxidermized predators (caracara hawk, Polyborus plancus; rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus; oncilla, Leopardus tigrina), and a stuffed toy. For each of the four stimuli, we submitted the subjects to a 9-min trial divided into three consecutive intervals: a 4-min pre-exposure baseline observation, a 1-min stimulus exposure, and a 4-min postexposure observation period. We positioned stimuli in front of each subject's home cage, and video-taped trials for behavioral analysis. During exposures to the potential taxidermized predators, we heard tsik-tsik vocalization and alarm behavior. After exposures, only the cat induced these reactions. All stimuli elicited observational reaction, albeit only during exposure intervals. Further comparisons between the three trial intervals indicated a decrease in the time spent in proximity to the cat during exposures, while an increase in proximity occurred when subjects were exposed to either the hawk or snake for the same period. Taken together, the behavioral responses during and after exposures to the taxidermized oncilla suggest that this stimulus is capable of inducing strong and persistent emotional reactions in Callithrix penicillata.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE. To make recommendations for the long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in primary care practice, particularly for patients at high risk for NSAID-induced complications. OPTIONS. The use of misoprostol to prevent gastrointestinal ulceration and other unwanted NSAIDs effects was considered. The role of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) versus COX-1 inhibiting agents was also examined. OUTCOMES. Reduction of complications associated with long-term use of NSAIDs. EVIDENCE. Evidence was gathered in late 1995 from published research studies and reviews. Position papers were prepared by faculty and advisory board members and discussed at the Canadian NSAID Consensus Symposium in Cambridge, Ont., Jan. 26 and 27, 1996. VALUES. Recommendations were based on randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (level I evidence) and case-control studies (level II evidence) involving NSAID use when such evidence was available. When the scientific literature was incomplete or inconsistent in a particular area, recommendations reflect the consensus of the participants at the symposium (level III evidence). Physicians were recruited from across Canada for their expertise in rheumatology, gastroenterology, epidemiology, gerontology, family practice, and clinical and basic scientific research. BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS. Although a reduction in complications due to inappropriate NSAID use should reduce costs of additional investigations, admissions to hospital and time lost from work, definitive cost analysis studies are not yet available. RECOMMENDATIONS. Currently, no NSAID is available that lacks potential for serious toxicity; therefore, long-term use of NSAIDs should be avoided whenever possible, particularly in high-risk patients (e.g., those who are elderly, suffer from hypertension, congestive heart failure, renal or hepatic impairment or volume depletion, take certain concomitant medications or have a history of peptic ulcer disease) (level I evidence). If NSAIDs are to be used in patients with gastric or nephrotoxic risk factors, the lowest effective dose of NSAID should be used (level III evidence); NSAIDs that are weak COX-1 inhibitors may be preferred (level II evidence). In addition, concomitant administration of misoprostol is recommended in patients at increased risk for upper gastrointestinal complications (level I evidence). However, the clinical judgement of the practising clinician must always be part of any therapeutic decision. VALIDATION. These recommendations are based on the consensus of Canadian experts in rheumatology, gastroenterology and epidemiology, and have been subjected to external peer review.  相似文献   
This study examines whether intestinal inflammation leads to changes in the properties of ion channels in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons. Ileitis was induced by injection of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), and DRG neurons innervating the ileum were labeled using fast blue. Intracellular recording techniques were used to measure electrophysiological properties of acutely dissociated neurons 12-24 h after dissection. Nociceptive neurons were identified by sensitivity to capsaicin, tetrodotoxin resistance, and size (<30 microm). The action potential threshold in neurons from TNBS-treated animals was reduced by >70% compared with controls (P < 0.001), but the resting membrane potential was unchanged. Cell diameter, input resistance (67%), and action potential upstroke velocity (22%) increased in the TNBS group (P < 0.05). The number of action potentials discharged increased in the TNBS group (P < 0.001), whereas application of 4-aminopyridine to control cells mimicked this effect. This study demonstrates that ileitis induces hyperexcitability in nociceptive DRG neurons and changes in the properties of Na(+) and K(+) channels at the soma, which persist after removal from the inflamed environment.  相似文献   
This study examined whether myenteric neurons activate submucosal vasodilator pathways in in vitro combined submucosal-myenteric plexus preparations from guinea pig ileum. Exposed myenteric ganglia were electrically stimulated, and changes in the outside diameter of submucosal arterioles were monitored in adjoining tissue by videomicroscopy. Stimulation up to 18 mm from the recording site evoked large TTX-sensitive vasodilations in both orad and aborad directions. In double-chamber baths, which isolated the stimulating myenteric chamber from the recording submucosal chamber, hexamethonium or the muscarinic antagonist 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-(2-chloroethyl)-piperdine hydrochloride (4-DAMP) almost completely blocked dilations when superfused in the submucosal chamber. When hexamethonium was placed in the myenteric chamber approximately 50% of responses were hexamethonium sensitive in both orad and aboard orientations. The addition of 4-DAMP or substitution of Ca(2+)-free, 12 mM Mg(2+) solution did not cause further inhibition. These results demonstrate that polysynaptic pathways in the myenteric plexus projecting orad and aborad can activate submucosal vasodilator neurons. These pathways could coordinate intestinal blood flow and motility.  相似文献   
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