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Mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells) and endothelial cells were shown to interact with elastin fibers. The strong adhesion of elastin fibers to these cells is mediated by a cell membrane complex with a major glycoprotein component of 120 kDa designated as elastonectin. This interaction was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunocytochemical techniques using antibodies raised against the elastin adhesive proteins. When fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells were cultured in presence of elastin fibers, TEM showed an adhesion mechanism that takes place over several sites along the plasma membrane of these cells. Endothelial cells showed a very close association with elastin, emitting “pseudopodia” that embody the fibers. TEM, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase, and confocal microscopy showed the presence and localization of cell membrane components synthesized in large quantities when cells were incubated in presence of elastin. Cells without elastin fibers barely revealed the adhesive membrane complex. These results confirm and extend previous findings concerning the presence of an inducible cell membrane complex that mediates the adhesion of elastin fibers to these cell types. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effects of the administration into the brain ventricle of histamine, selective H1- and H2-receptor agonists and antagonists and chemically similar substances with nonspecific activity on basal and morphine-stimulated growth hormone (GH) secretion in normal male rats were studied. None of the drugs had any significant effect on baseline rat GH levels, but histamine and H1 agonists were able to decrease the rat GH release evoked by morphine. Mepyramine (H1 antagonist) had no consistent effect by itself but was effective in preventing the inhibitory action of 2-methylhistamine (H1 agonist). H2 agonists and antagonists and their chemical analogues were all inhibitory, but by a mechanism which is nonspecific and must be interpreted cautiously. These results confirm the inhibitory effect of histamine on rat GH release and indicate that H1 receptors in the CNS are responsible for this effect.  相似文献   
Sagitta otoliths are usually formed of calcium carbonate polymorphs as aragonite. The objective of this study was to verify which carbonate polymorph is predominant in the sagitta otolith of Menticirrhus americanus and check whether this pattern remains in otoliths with morphological alterations. Otoliths of M. americanus were obtained from five sites on the southeast‐south coast of Brazil (São Sebastião (SS) 23°45′S–45°24′O, n = 29; Cananéia‐Iguape Estuarine Complex (CI) 25°02′S–47°54′O, n = 30; Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC) 25°28′S–48°20′O, n = 35; Itapoá (IT) 26°07′S–48°36′O, n = 31; Laguna (LA) 28°28′S–48°46′O, n = 13). The characterization of carbonate polymorphs of otoliths was performed through Raman spectroscopy, a photonic and non‐destructive technique that analyzes molecular vibrations induced by laser. We analyzed 138 pairs of M. americanus otoliths, of which eight otoliths from different pairs presented morphological alterations (SS n = 1, CEP n = 5, IT n = 1, LA n = 1). The Raman spectra show that normal otoliths, that is, without morphological alterations, presented only aragonite in their structure. Among the otoliths that presented morphological alterations, the Raman spectra allowed to identify in six otoliths the deposition of aragonite and in only two otoliths the deposition of vaterite (one specimen of the PEC and one of SS).  相似文献   
Regulation of eukaryotic cell cycle progression requires sequential activation and inactivation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Activation of the cyclin B-cdc2 kinase complex is a pivotal step in mitotic initiation and the tyrosine kinase Wee1 is a key regulator of cell cycle sequence during G2/M transition and inhibits mitotic entry by phosphorylating the inhibitory tyrosine 15 on the cdc2 M-phase-inducing kinase. Wee1 degradation is essential for the exit from the G2 phase. In trypanosomatids, little is known about the genes that regulate cyclin B-cdc2 complexes at the G2/M transition of their cell cycle. Although canonical tyrosine kinases are absent in the genome of trypanosomatids, phosphorylation on protein tyrosine residues has been reported in Trypanosoma brucei. Here, we characterized a Wee1-like protein kinase gene from T. brucei. Expression of TbWee1 in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain null for Wee1 inhibited cell division and caused cell elongation. This demonstrates the lengthening of G2, which provided cells with extra time to grow before dividing. The Wee1-like protein kinase was expressed in the procyclic and bloodstream proliferative slender forms of T. brucei and the role of Wee1 in cell cycle progression was analyzed by generating RNA interference cell lines. In the procyclic form of T. brucei, the knock-down of TbWee1 expression by RNAi led to inhibition of parasite growth. Abnormal phenotypes showing an increase in the percentage of cells with 1N0K, 0N1K and 2N1K were observed in these RNAi cell lines. Using parasites with a synchronized cell cycle, we demonstrated that TbWee1 is linked to the G2/M phase. We also showed that TbWee1 is an essential gene necessary for proper cell cycle progression and parasite growth in T. brucei. Our results provide evidence for the existence of a functional Wee1 in T. brucei with a potential role in cell division at G2/M.  相似文献   
The oxysterol binding protein family are amphitropic proteins that bind oxysterols, sterols, and possibly phosphoinositides, in a conserved binding pocket. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxysterol binding protein family member Kes1 (also known as Osh4) also binds phosphoinositides on a distinct surface of the protein from the conserved binding pocket. In this study, we determine that the oxysterol binding protein family member Kes1 is required to maintain the ratio of complex sphingolipids and levels of ceramide, sphingosine-phosphate and sphingosine. This inability to maintain normal sphingolipid homeostasis resulted in misdistribution of Pma1, a protein that requires normal sphingolipid synthesis to occur to partition into membrane rafts at the Golgi for its trafficking to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
In South America, the order Atheriniformes includes the monophyletic genus Odontesthes with 20 species that inhabit freshwater, estuarine and coastal environments. Pejerrey Odontesthes argentinensis is widely distributed in coastal and estuarine areas of the Atlantic Ocean and is known to foray into estuaries of river systems, particularly in conditions of elevated salinity. However, to our knowledge, a landlocked self-sustaining population has never been recorded. In this study, we examined the pejerrey population of Salada de Pedro Luro Lake (south-east of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) to clarify its taxonomic identity. An integrative taxonomic analysis based on traditional meristic, landmark-based morphometrics and genetic techniques suggests that the Salada de Pedro Luro pejerrey population represents a novel case of physiological and morphological adaptation of a marine pejerrey species to a landlocked environment and emphasises the environmental plasticity of this group of fishes.  相似文献   
In the peanut production, the applications of herbicides and fungicides are a common practice. In this work, studies done under field conditions demonstrated that pesticides affected negatively the number and nitrogenase activity of diazotrophic populations of soil. Agrochemical effects were not transient, since these parameters were not recovered to pre-treatment levels even 1 year after pesticides application. Results obtained from greenhouse experiments revealed that the addition of herbicide or fungicides diminished the free-living diazotrophs number reaching levels found in soil amended with the pesticides and that the number of symbiotic diazotrophs was not affected by the insecticide assayed. The soil nitrogenase activity was not affected by fungicides and glyphosate. The effect of pesticides on the nitrogen-fixing bacteria diversity was evaluated both in field and greenhouse experiments. Analysis of clone libraries generated from the amplification of soil nifH gene showed a diminution in the genetic diversity of this bacterial community.  相似文献   
The mammalian antibody repertoire is shaped by somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class switch recombination (CSR) of the immunoglobulin (Ig) loci of B lymphocytes. SHM and CSR are triggered by non-canonical, error-prone processing of G/U mismatches generated by activation-induced deaminase (AID). In birds, AID does not trigger SHM, but it triggers Ig gene conversion (GC), a ‘homeologous’ recombination process involving the Ig variable region and proximal pseudogenes. Because recombination fidelity is controlled by the mismatch repair (MMR) system, we investigated whether MMR affects GC in the chicken B cell line DT40. We show here that Msh6−/− and Pms2−/− DT40 cells display cell cycle defects, including genomic re-replication. However, although IgVλ GC tracts in MMR-deficient cells were slightly longer than in normal cells, Ig GC frequency, donor choice or the number of mutations per sequence remained unaltered. The finding that the avian MMR system, unlike that of mammals, does not seem to contribute towards the processing of G/U mismatches in vitro could explain why MMR is unable to initiate Ig GC in this species, despite initiating SHM and CSR in mammalian cells. Moreover, as MMR does not counteract or govern Ig GC, we report a rare example of ‘homeologous’ recombination insensitive to MMR.  相似文献   
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