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The passage between the yeast and mycelial forms of Candida albicans B 311-10 was studied by using the minimal syntehtic medium of Shepherd et al. [19] modified without biotin and with low glucose concentrations. It was observed that biotin, aminoacids and particularly pH are not important factors in the dimorphism of C. albicans. The only factor of notable importance in the passage of yeast form to mycelial form in C. albicans was glucose concentration.  相似文献   
Summary Kidney cells from primary cultures of 15-day old mouse embryos were incubated for 2, 5 or 10 min with H3-uridine, then either fixed immediately or incubated again for various periods in a chase medium containing an excess of unlabeled uridine and cytidine. The number of grains over the non-nucleolar part of the nucleus (chromatin), the nucleolus and the cytoplasm were counted on the autoradiograms.The grain count showed that both chromatin and nucleolus incorporate very rapidly H3-uridine from the medium, whereas a time lag elapses before any H3-radioactivity above background is detected in the cytoplasm. Incorporation of H3-uridine into the RNA of the nucleus and the nucleolus is not immediately blocked after chase, suggesting that the labeled precursor pool is not completely washed out from the living cell, or diluted by the excess of unlabeled uridine present in the medium. The grain count over the nucleus and the nucleolus rises for a certain time after chase and then gradually declines; H3-radioactivity appears in the cytoplasm 10 min after chase and keeps rising through a 110-min interval. The experiment, then — even though it suggests that the bulk of cellular RNA is synthesized in the chromatin and the nucleolus and then continuously released into the cytoplasm — does not rule out the possibility that some RNA fraction, characterized by a low turnover rate, is synthesized independently in the cytoplasm.Synthesis of RNA is a continuous process throughout the cell cycle, except during metaphase and anaphase. It ceases at prometaphase after the disappearance of the nucleolus and disintegration of the nuclear membrane, and resumes in early telophase. Part of the chromosomal RNA does not remain associated with the chromosomes through division, but is suddenly released into the cytoplasm when the cell enters metaphase.  相似文献   
We have developed a two-site immunoassay for human prolactin using two monoclonal antibodies: one of them immobilized on the solid phase and the other labelled with biotin. The serum is incubated simultaneously with the antibody-coated bead, the biotinylated antibody and the tracer (streptavidin–isoluminol or avidin–peroxidase complex). Our experimental work has been directed towards a common set of reagents to capture the prolactin and then, with different tracers, towards obtaining on the calibration curve the same results for unknown samples. On the basis of the positive results we obtained, we have developed a kit that can be used by the customer or as an enzyme-immunoassay or as a chemiluminescent immunoassay, depending on instrumentation available, spectrophotometer or luminometer.  相似文献   
The morphological features of the chick embryo tongue from the 8th day of incubation till hatching and during the early post incubation period have been investigated by means of Scanning Electron Microscope. At the SEM, it is possible to observe that already at the 8th day of incubation, the body and the root are separated by a low smooth-surfaced ridge. In the following days this ridge develops, giving rise to the so-called lingual spines, whose significance is still uncertain. As concerns the evolutive pattern of the superficial layer of the epithelium, in the first days of the considered incubation period the cells appear dome-shaped and have microvilli on their apical surface; afterwards they tend to become more flattened, and the microvilli are replaced by a thick net of microplicae. In the last days of incubation and after hatching desquamative phenomena become evident. The above described evolutive process can be regarded as a common feature of the whole dorsal lingual surface; only few regional differences are to be noted, such as the earlier development of the microplicae on the apex and borders of the tongue. In particular, the microplicae observed at the apex of the tongue show a typical aspect and arrangement; they run regularly parallel to each other. On the lingual dorsal surface taste bud-like structures have never been observed.  相似文献   
In 30 human fetuses between 8 and 13 weeks of intrauterine life the lateral wall of the nasopharynx was examined by light microscopy and transmission and scanning electron microscopy. In the subjects between 8 and 9 weeks in utero the mucosa displays still an immature appearance, being mono- or bistratified and lacking the characteristic structures of the respiratory epithelium. Nevertheless, signs of differentiation are to be noticed, with the presence of two distinct cellular types that, in the later periods, will give rise to ciliated cells and microvillus-provided cells. An almost complete differentiation will be reached at 12-13 weeks in utero, even if goblet cells are still lacking in the examined zone during the considered period. Nonrespiratory types of epithelium, such as transitional or squamous, were never found in the studied subjects.  相似文献   
In this report we describe the isolation and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against human serum transferrin (Tf) and the cloning and sequencing of its cDNA. The antibody competes with the transferrin receptor (TR) for binding to human Tf and is therefore expected to bind at or very close to a region of interaction between Tf and its receptor. From the deduced amino acid sequence, we constructed a 3-dimensional model of the variable domains of the antibody based on the canonical structure model for the hypervariable loops. The proposed structure of the antibody is a first step toward a more detailed characterization of the antibody-Tf complex and possibly toward a better understanding of the Tf interaction with its receptor. The model might prove useful in guiding site-directed mutagenesis studies, simplifying the experimental elucidation of the antibody structure, and in the use of automatic procedures to dock the interacting molecules as soon as structural information about the structure of the human Tf molecule will be available.  相似文献   
Noradrenaline added to perfused rabbit heart previously perfused with labelled precursors causes, after 2.5 and 5.0 min, a general increase of specific radioactivity or RNA in subcellular fractions, but no augmentation of acetylation of F2a2 and F2a1 histone fractions and no stimulation of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activities. Synthesis of spermidine and spermine is enhanced at 10.0 min of treatment, when there is also a fall in specific radioactivity of RNA. The cytoplasmic Mn2+-stimulated polyadenylate polymerase activity is strongly enhanced 30s to 2.5 min after injection of noradrenaline or of dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Both the cyclic nucleotide and noradrenaline have no influence in vitro on the polyadenylate polymerase reaction.  相似文献   
Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging was used to examine the hematopoietic bone marrow in the vertebral bodies of eight healthy subjects, and of 35 cancer patients who had been previously treated with radiation therapy. MR was instrumental in distinguishing viable hematopoietic tissue (red marrow) from adipose tissue (yellow marrow), whose presence reflected the extent of radiation-induced bone marrow injury. Different water content in proliferating hematopoietic tissue and adipose tissue enabled clear distinction of the two components even inside the same vertebral body. Three patterns of bone marrow viability were observed in irradiated patients: 1. Patients undergoing therapy at the time of MR study, and patients who had received low-intermediate dose several years before MR examination showed no alteration as compared with healthy controls (i.e. homogeneous presence of red marrow). 2. Patients who had received low-intermediate dose few years before MR, showed either partial re-colonization of yellow marrow or almost complete ablation of active red marrow with rare areas of re-colonization. 3. Patients who had received high dose, showed complete depletion of red marrow (fatty substitution) independently of the length of time elapsed since radiation therapy. Therefore, bone marrow recovery after radiation therapy was associate with two variables: received dose and length of time allowed for re-colonization by surviving hematopoietic tissue. In conclusion, our results provide evidence that MR can be purposively used to study composition and distribution of normal bone marrow, and to asses the extent of radiation-induced bone marrow injury; to monitor bone marrow recovery (or the lack of it); and in the general follow-up of treated cancer patients.  相似文献   
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