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Abstract. The A6 antigen - a surface-exposed component shared by mouse oval and biliary epithelial cells - was examined during prenatal development of mouse in order to elucidate its relation to liver progenitor cells. Immunohistochemical demonstration of the antigen was performed at the light and electron microscopy level beginning from the 9.5 day of gestation (26–28 somite pairs).
Up to the 11.5 day of gestation A6 antigen is found only in the visceral endoderm of yolk sac and gut epithelium, while liver diverticulum and liver are A6-negative. In the liver epithelial lineages A6 antigen behaves as a strong and reliable marker of biliary epithelial cells where it is found beginning from their emergence on the 15th day of gestation. It was not revealed in immature hepato-cytes beginning from the 16th day of gestation. However weak expression of the antigen was observed in hepato-blasts on 12–15 days of gestation possibly reflecting their ability to differentiate along either hepatocyte or biliary epithelial cell lineages.
Surprisingly, A6 antigen turned out to be a peculiar marker of the crythroid lineage: in mouse fetuses it distinguished A6 positive liver and spleen erythroblasts from A6 negative early hemopoietic cells of yolk sac origin. Moreover in the liver, A6 antigen probably distinguishes two waves of erythropoiesis: it is found on the erythroblasts from the 11.5 day of gestation onward while first extravascular erythroblasts appear in the liver on the 10th day of gestation. Both fetal and adult erythrocytes are A6-negative.
In the process of organogenesis A6 antigen was revealed in various mouse fetal organs. Usually it was found on plasma membranes of mucosal or ductular epithelial cells. Investigation of A6 antigen's physiological function would probably explain such specific localization.  相似文献   
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) treatment of rats decreases gain of body weight without affecting food intake; simultaneously, the activities of liver malic enzyme and cytosolic glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase are increased. In the present study experiments were conducted to test the possibility that DHEA enhances thermogenesis and decreases metabolic efficiency via trans-hydrogenation of cytosolic NADPH into mitochondrial FADH2 with a consequent loss of energy as heat. The following results provide evidence which supports the proposed hypothesis: (a) the activities of cytosolic enzymes involved in NADPH production (malic enzyme, cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase, and aconitase) are increased after DHEA treatment; (b) cytosolic glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase may use both NAD+ and NADP+ as coenzymes; (c) activities of both cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase are increased by DHEA treatment; (d) cytosol obtained from DHEA-treated rats synthesizes more glycerol-3-P during incubation with fructose-1,6-P2 (used as source of dihydroxyacetone phosphate) and NADP+; the addition of citratein vitro further increases this difference; (e) mitochondria prepared from DHEA-treated rats more rapidly consume glycerol-3-P added exogenously or formed endogenously in the cytosol in the presence of fructose-1,6-P2 and NADP+.  相似文献   
This work was undertaken to verify whether surface NADH oxidases or peroxidases are involved in the apoplastic reduction of Fe(III). The reduction of Fe(III)-ADP, linked to NADH-dependent activity of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), protoplasts and cells of Acer pseudoplatanus, was measured as Fe(II)-bathophenanthrolinedisulfonate (BPDS) chelate formation. In the presence of BPDS in the incubation medium (method 1), NADH-dependent HRP activity was associated with a rapid Fe(III)-ADP reduction that was almost completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase (SOD), while catalase only slowed down the rate of reduction. A. pseudoplatanus protoplasts and cells reduced extracellular Fe(III)-ADP in the absence of exogenously supplied NADH. The addition of NADH stimulated the reduction. SOD and catalase only inhibited the NADH-dependent Fe(III)-ADP reduction. Mn(II), known for its ability to scavenge O?2, inhibited both the independent and NADH-dependent Fe(III)-ADP reduction. The reductase activity of protoplasts and cells was also monitored in the absence of BPDS (method 2). The latter was added only at the end of the reaction to evaluate Fe(II) formed. Also, in this case, both preparations reduced Fe(III)-ADP. However, the addition of NADH did not stimulate Fe(III)-ADP reduction but, instead, lowered it. This may be related to a re-oxidation of Fe(II) by H2O2 that could also be produced during NADH-dependent peroxidase activity. Catalase and SOD made the Fe(III)-ADP reduction more efficient because, by removing H2O2 (catalase) or preventing H2O2 formation (SOD), they hindered the re-oxidation of Fe(II) not chelated by BPDS. As with the result obtained by method 1, Mn(II) inhibited Fe(III)-ADP reduction carried out in the presence or absence of NADH. The different effects of SOD and Mn(II), both scavengers of O?2, may depend on the ability of Mn(II) to permeate the cells more easily than SOD. These results show that A. pseudoplatanus protoplasts and cells reduce extracellular Fe(III)-ADP. Exogenously supplied NADH induces an additional reduction of Fe(III) by the activity of NADH peroxidases of the plasmalemma or cell wall. However, the latter can also trigger the formation of H2O2 that, reacting with Fe(II) (not chelated by BPDS), generates hydroxyl radicals and converts Fe(II) to Fe(III) (Fenton's reaction).  相似文献   
The deterrent substances diverting D. oleae females from ovipositing on already attacked olives are contained, at least partly, in the juice which trickles from the oviposition wounds. Surprisingly, the water fraction of the olive juice had limited deterrent activity. The principal deterrent stimuli are present in the oil fraction. Acetophenone and benzaldehyde are likely to be involved.Some liposoluble volatile substances can be deterrent to the females as vapours. The deterrent power of olives containing D. oleae larvae is probably linked to these substances.Most deterrent hydro-soluble substances had two contiguous hydroxyls, characterized by a comparative acidity and located in the ortho position in diphenols and somewhat analogously in glycolic acid.Amongst orthodiphenols, Pyrocatechol-the simplest compound-was the most active substance.
Résumé Les jus d'olive qui sourt des blessures dues à la ponte, contient des substances inhibitrices qui empêchent les attaques ultérieures de la mouche de l'olivier.Une telle activité était attribuée à des substances hydrosolubles et, en particuliet, au dihydroxyphenil ethanol.On a testé l'activité inhibitrice des fractions huileuse et acqueuse obtenues par centrifugation de la pulpe des olives, rendue homogène.De facon inattendue, la fraction huileuse s'estavérée posséder une activité inhibitrice environ 20 fois supérieure à celle de la fraction acqueuse.Les différences d'activités inhibitrices d'huile d'olives mûres ou non, ou d'huiles commerciales, permet de penser que l'activité inhibitrice principale est liée à des substances liposolubles présentes dans l'huile.En outre, on a constaté que la pulpe d'olives, broyée, présente une action inhibitrice en l'absence de contact direct avec les femelles. Des substances inhibitrices volatiles sont aussi présentes dans l'huile.Des inhibiteurs volatiles qui se libèrent des tissus lacérés par les larves, peuvent expliquer l'activité inhibitrice des olives attaquées durant la période de développement des larves. Les substances inhibitrices dont la femelle couvre la surface cireuse des fruits, sont, en effet, facilement éliminées par la pluie.Parmi les substances liposolubles dont on connaît la présence dans l'huile, l'aceto-phénone et le benzaldehyde, possèdent un pouvoir inhibiteur prononcé.Les substances hydrolsolubles jouent un rôle mineur dans l'ensemble des stimuli inhibiteurs. Le pouvoir inhibiteur relatif est lié à deux hydroxyles contigus à une fonction acide présente en position ortho dans les diphénols, ceci par analogie avec l'acide glycolique qui possède un hydroxyle en caractérisé par une certaine acidité.Le plus actif orthodiphénol s'est avéré être la pyrocatéchine. Aussi une part des inhibiteurs liposolubles sont des substances liées au biochimisme des phénols.
? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed for the population genetic analyses of the neotropical tree Dipteryx alata (Fabaceae). ? Methods and Results: Microsatellites were developed from a genomic shotgun library. Polymorphism at each microsatellite loci was analyzed based on 94 individuals from three populations. Eight loci amplified successfully and presented one to 10 alleles, and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.097 to 0.862. Four loci also amplified in Pterodon emarginatus and presented similar polymorphism. ? Conclusion: The eight microsatellite primer pairs are potentially suitable for population genetic studies and successfully amplified in another Fabaceae species.  相似文献   
Recent discovery of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) in genomic DNA raises the question how this sixth base is recognized by cellular proteins. In contrast to the methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) of MeCP2, we found that the SRA domain of Uhrf1, an essential factor in DNA maintenance methylation, binds 5hmC and 5-methylcytosine containing substrates with similar affinity. Based on the co-crystal structure, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the SRA:DNA complex with the flipped cytosine base carrying either of these epigenetic modifications. Our data indicate that the SRA binding pocket can accommodate 5hmC and stabilizes the flipped base by hydrogen bond formation with the hydroxyl group.  相似文献   
The generation of H2O2 by isolated pea stem mitochondria, oxidizing either malate plus glutamate or succinate, was examined. The level of H2O2 was almost one order of magnitude higher when mitochondria were energized by succinate. The succinate-dependent H2O2 formation was abolished by malonate, but unaffected by rotenone. The lack of effect of the latter suggests that pea mitochondria were working with a proton motive force below the threshold value required for reverse electron transfer. The activation by pyruvate of the alternative oxidase was reflected in an inhibition of H2O2 formation. This effect was stronger when pea mitochondria oxidized malate plus glutamate. Succinate-dependent H2O2 formation was ca. four times lower in Arum sp. mitochondria (known to have a high alternative oxidase) than in pea mitochondria. An uncoupler (FCCP) completely prevented succinate-dependent H2O2 generation, while it only partially (40-50%) inhibited that linked to malate plus glutamate. ADP plus inorganic phosphate (transition from state 4 to state 3) also inhibited the succinate-dependent H2O2 formation. Conversely, that dependent on malate plus glutamate oxidation was unaffected by low and stimulated by high concentrations of ADP. These results show that the main bulk of H2O2 is formed during substrate oxidation at the level of complex II and that this generation may be prevented by either dissipation of the electrochemical proton gradient (uncoupling and transition state 4-state 3), or preventing its formation (alternative oxidase). Conversely, H2O2 production, dependent on oxidation of complex I substrate, is mainly lowered by the activation of the alternative oxidase.  相似文献   
In flowering plants, the evolution of females is widely hypothesized to be the first step in the evolutionary pathway to separate male and female sexes, or dioecy. Natural enemies have the potential to drive this evolution if they preferentially attack hermaphrodites over females. We studied sex‐based differences in exposure to anther‐smut (Microbotryum), a sterilizing pollinator‐transmitted disease, in Dianthus pavonius, a gynodioecious perennial herb. We found that within a heavily diseased population, females consistently had lower levels of Microbotryum spore deposition relative to hermaphrodites and that this difference was driven by rapid floral closing in females following successful pollination. We further show that this protective closing behavior is frequency dependent; females close faster when they are rare. These results indicate that anther‐smut disease is an important source of selection for females, especially since we found in a common garden experiment no evidence that females have any inherent fecundity advantages over hermaphrodites. Finally, we show that among populations, those where anther‐smut is present have a significantly higher frequency of females than those where the disease is absent. Taken together our results indicate that anther‐smut disease is likely an important biotic factor driving the evolution and maintenance of females in this gynodioecious species.  相似文献   
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