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Sheep are used as models for the human spine, yet comparative in vivo data necessary for validation is limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to compare spinal motion and trunk muscle activity during active trunk movements in sheep and humans. Three-dimensional kinematic data as well as surface electromyography (sEMG) of spinal flexion and extension was compared in twenty-four humans in upright (UR) and 4-point kneeling (KN) postures and in 17 Austrian mountain sheep. Kinematic markers were attached over the sacrum, posterior iliac spines, and spinous and transverse processes of T5, T8, T11, L2 and L5 in humans and over the sacrum, tuber sacrale, T5, T8, T12, L3 and L7 in sheep. The activity of erector spinae (ES), rectus abdominis (RA), obliquus externus (OE), and obliquus internus (OI) were collected. Maximum sEMG (MOE) was identified for each muscle and trial, and reported as a percentage (MOE%) of the overall maximally observed sEMG from all trials. Spinal range of motion was significantly smaller in sheep compared to humans (UR / KN) during flexion (sheep: 6–11°; humans 12–34°) and extension (sheep: 4°; humans: 11–17°). During extension, MOE% of ES was greater in sheep (median: 77.37%) than UR humans (24.89%), and MOE% of OE and OI was greater in sheep (OE 76.20%; OI 67.31%) than KN humans (OE 21.45%; OI 19.34%), while MOE% of RA was lower in sheep (21.71%) than UR humans (82.69%). During flexion, MOE% of RA was greater in sheep (83.09%) than humans (KN 47.42%; UR 41.38%), and MOE% of ES in sheep (45.73%) was greater than KN humans (14.45%), but smaller than UR humans (72.36%). The differences in human and sheep spinal motion and muscle activity suggest that caution is warranted when ovine data are used to infer human spine biomechanics.  相似文献   
Extracellular recording techniques were used to study the effects of dopamine on postactivation excitability of rat area CA1 hippocampal neurons maintained in vitro. Population spikes were elicited by delivery of conditioning and test stimulus pulses to afferent fibers. The interval between the conditioning and test volley was set to separate delivery of stimuli by 10 to 80 msec. The effect of superfusion or microtopical application of dopamine (DA) on population responses to test stimulus pulses was studied. When paired stimulus volleys, separated by brief intervals (up to 40 msec), were delivered to afferent fibers, paired-pulse suppression (PPS) was indicated by the amplitude of the population spike elicited by the test volley being smaller than that elicited by the conditioning volley. When paired volleys were separated by longer intervals (40 to 80 msec), the response elicited by the test volley was larger in amplitude than that elicited by the conditioning volley, indicating paired-pulse facilitation (PPF). Following exposure to DA, the amplitude of the population response elicited by the conditioning volley was larger than the amplitude before exposure to DA. This effect was long-lasting, enduring for tens of minutes. However, when the amplitude of the conditioning population response was held constant, the PPS was decreased, indicating disinhibition. It is suggested that dopamine produces a long-lasting attenuation of an intervening inhibitory influence onto CA1 pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   
In-situ studies on sublittoral soft bottom macrofauna (depth: 14–16 m) employing the underwater laboratory (UWL) “Helgoland” were carried out. Sets of samples were compared for small-scale local and short-term changes in species richness, faunal abundance, numerical dominance, diversity, evenness, homogeneity, and similarity. It could be shown that minor differences in sediment quality can cause conspicuous heterogeneity within a small sampling area (diameter: ca. 100 m). Both spatfall and mortality of benthic invertebrates can change the faunal structure within a short period (two months). The degree of change varies between species and thus at stations harbouring different faunal assemblages as well.  相似文献   
Important prebiotic organic compounds might have been transported to Earth in dust or produced in vapor clouds resulting from atmospheric explosions or impacts of comets. These compounds coalesced in the upper atmosphere with particles ejected from craters formed by impacts of large objects. Coalescence during exposure to UV radiation concentrated organic monomers and enhanced formation of oligomers. Continuing coalescence added material to the growing particles and shielded prebiotic compounds from prolonged UV radiation. These particles settled into the lower atmosphere where they were scavenged by rain. Aqueous chemistry and evaporation of raindrops containing nomomers in high temperature regions near the Earth's surface also promoted continued formation of oligomers. Finally, these oligomers were deposited in the oceans where continued prebiotic evolution led to the most primitive cell. Results of our studies suggest that prebiotic chemical evolution may be an inevitable consequence of impacting comets during the late accretion of planets anywhere in the universe if oceans remained on those planetary surfaces.  相似文献   
The poliovirus proteinase 2A is autocatalytically released from the poliovirus polyprotein by cotranslational cleavage at its own amino terminus, resulting in separation of structural and nonstructural protein precursors. Cleavage is a prerequisite for further processing of the structural protein precursor and consequently for poliovirus encapsidation. A second function of 2Apro is in the rapid shutoff of host cell protein synthesis that occurs upon infection with poliovirus. This is associated with proteolytic cleavage of the p220 component of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-4F, which is induced but not directly catalyzed by 2Apro. We introduced single-amino-acid substitutions in the 2Apro-coding region of larger poliovirus precursors that were subsequently translated in vitro and thus demonstrated that His-20, Asp-38, and Cys-109 (which constitute the putative catalytic triad) are essential for, and that His-117 is an important determinant of, the autocatalytic activity of 2Apro. This is consistent with the proposal that 2Apro is structurally related to a subclass of trypsinlike serine proteinases. Moreover, 2Apro containing a Cys109Ser substitution retained a small but significant autocatalytic activity. Cleavage of p220 was not induced by those mutants that had reduced proteolytic activity, indicating that the cellular factor that cleaves p220 is probably activated by 2Apro-catalyzed proteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   
Many viruses encode proteinases that are essential for infectivity, and are consequently attractive chemotherapeutic targets. The biochemistry and structure of the human immunodeficiency virus proteinase have been characterized extensively, and potent peptide-mimetic inhibitors have been developed. Techniques and strategies used to improve the efficiency of these compounds are likely to be applicable to other viral proteinases.  相似文献   
A highly specific and sensitive assay for the determination of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in nanogram-sized tissue samples is described. This test system is based on the stoichiometric transformation of phosphoenolpyruvate into ATP. In a subsequent step ATP is quantified by bioluminescent techniques. The applicability of this assay system is shown by measurements in liver samples with normal and high PEPCK activity levels.  相似文献   
cDNA fragments representing the region in polypeptide 2C containing mutations in a guanidine-resistant or -dependent mutant were cloned into the wild-type background of an infectious clone. Transfection of COS-1 cells with these plasmids yielded viruses that were either completely resistant to 2.0 mM guanidine hydrochloride or dependent on this concentration of drug for growth.  相似文献   
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